! SVN $Id: shr_timer_mod.F90 6752 2007-10-04 21:02:15Z jwolfe $
! SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/csm_share/branch_tags/cesm1_0_rel_tags/cesm1_0_rel01_share3_100616/shr/shr_timer_mod.F90 $

module shr_timer_mod 2,3

   ! routines that support multiple CPU timers via F90 intrinsics
   ! Note: 
   ! o if   an operation is requested on an invalid timer number n
   !   then nothing is done in a routine
   ! o if   more than max_timers are requested, 
   !   then timer n=max_timers is "overloaded" and becomes invalid/undefined
   ! * cpp if-defs were introduced in 2005 to work-around a bug in the ORNL Cray
   !   X1 F90 intrinsic system_clock() function -- ideally this Cray bug would be
   !   fixed and cpp if-defs would be unnecessary and removed.
   !    2005-??-?? - added workaround for Cray F90 bug, mods by Cray/ORNL
   !    2000-??-?? - 1st version by B. Kauffman

   use shr_kind_mod
   use shr_log_mod, only: s_loglev  => shr_log_Level
   use shr_log_mod, only: s_logunit => shr_log_Unit

   implicit none

   private  ! restricted access

   public  :: shr_timer_init
   public  :: shr_timer_get      
   public  :: shr_timer_start
   public  :: shr_timer_stop     
   public  :: shr_timer_print
   public  :: shr_timer_print_all
   public  :: shr_timer_check
   public  :: shr_timer_check_all
   public  :: shr_timer_zero
   public  :: shr_timer_zero_all 
   public  :: shr_timer_free
   public  :: shr_timer_free_all 
   public  :: shr_timer_sleep

   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter :: stat_free    = 0  ! timer status constants
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter :: stat_inuse   = 1
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter :: stat_started = 2
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter :: stat_stopped = 3
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter :: max_timers   = 200 ! max number of timers

   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: status (max_timers) ! status of each timer
   ! the following ifdef circumvents a bug in the X1 system_clock function
#if (defined UNICOSMP)
   integer(kind=8)      :: cycles1(max_timers) ! cycle number at timer start 
   integer(kind=8)      :: cycles2(max_timers) ! cycle number at timer stop  
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: cycles1(max_timers) ! cycle number at timer start 
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: cycles2(max_timers) ! cycle number at timer stop  
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: cycles_max = -1     ! max cycles before wrapping
   character   (len=80) :: name   (max_timers) ! name assigned to each timer
   real   (SHR_KIND_R8) :: dt     (max_timers) ! accumulated time
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: calls  (max_timers) ! # of samples in accumulation
   real   (SHR_KIND_R8) :: clock_rate          ! clock_rate: seconds per cycle



subroutine shr_timer_init,1

   !----- local -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: cycles ! count rate return by system clock
#if (defined UNICOSMP)
   integer(kind=8) :: irtc_rate

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_init) ',a,i5)"

! This routine initializes:
! 1) values in all timer array locations
! 2) machine parameters necessary for computing cpu time from F90 intrinsics.
!    F90 intrinsic: system_clock(count_rate=cycles, count_max=cycles_max)

   call shr_timer_free_all

#if (defined UNICOSMP)
   cycles = irtc_rate()
   call system_clock(count_rate=cycles, count_max=cycles_max)

   if (cycles /= 0) then
     clock_rate = 1.0_SHR_KIND_R8/real(cycles,SHR_KIND_R8)
     clock_rate = 0._SHR_KIND_R8
     if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) 'ERROR: no system clock available' 

end subroutine shr_timer_init


subroutine shr_timer_get(n, str) 31

   !----- arguments -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: n    ! timer number 
   character (*)       ,intent( in) :: str  ! text string with timer name

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_get) ',a,i5)"

!  search for next free timer

   do n=1,max_timers
     if (status(n) == stat_free) then
       status(n) = stat_inuse
       name  (n) = str
       calls (n) = 0
   end do

   name  (n) = "<invalid - undefined - overloaded>"
   if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) 'ERROR: exceeded maximum number of timers'

end subroutine shr_timer_get


subroutine shr_timer_start(n) 34,1

   !----- arguments -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN), intent(in) :: n      ! timer number

   !----- local -----
#if (defined UNICOSMP)
   integer(kind=8) :: irtc

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_start) ',a,i5)"

!  This routine starts a given timer.

   if ( n>0 .and. n<=max_timers) then
     if (status(n) == stat_started) call shr_timer_stop(n)

     status(n) = stat_started
#if (defined UNICOSMP)
     cycles1(n) = irtc()
     call system_clock(count=cycles1(n))
     if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) 'ERROR: invalid timer number: ',n
   end if

end subroutine shr_timer_start

subroutine shr_timer_stop(n) 36

   !----- arguments -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN), intent(in) :: n  ! timer number

   !----- local -----
   real (SHR_KIND_R8) :: elapse      ! elapsed time returned by system counter
#if (defined UNICOSMP)
   integer(kind=8) :: irtc

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_stop) ',a,i5)"

!  This routine stops a given timer, checks for cycle wrapping, computes the 
!  elapsed time, and accumulates the elapsed time in the dt(n) array

   if ( n>0 .and. n<=max_timers) then
     if ( status(n) == stat_started) then
#if (defined UNICOSMP)
       cycles2(n) = irtc()
       call system_clock(count=cycles2(n))
       if (cycles2(n) >= cycles1(n)) then
         dt(n) = dt(n) + clock_rate*(cycles2(n) - cycles1(n))
         dt(n) = dt(n) + clock_rate*(cycles_max + cycles2(n) - cycles1(n))
       calls (n) = calls(n) + 1
       status(n) = stat_stopped
     end if
     if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) 'ERROR: invalid timer number: ',n
   end if

end subroutine shr_timer_stop

subroutine shr_timer_print(n) 1,2

   !----- arguments -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN), intent(in) :: n     ! timer number

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_print) ',a,i5)"
   character(len=*),parameter :: F01 = "('(shr_timer_print) timer',i3,&
   &                                     ':',i8,' calls,',f10.3,'s, id: ',a)"
!  prints the accumulated time for a given timer

   if ( n>0 .and. n<=max_timers) then
     if (status(n) == stat_started) then
       call shr_timer_stop(n)
       if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F01) n,calls(n),dt(n),trim(name(n))
       call shr_timer_start(n)
       if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F01) n,calls(n),dt(n),trim(name(n))
     if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) 'ERROR: invalid timer number: ',n
   end if

end subroutine shr_timer_print


subroutine shr_timer_print_all,1

   !----- local -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: n

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_print_all) ',a,i5)"

!  prints accumulated time for all timers in use

   if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) 'print all timing info:'

   do n=1,max_timers
     if (status(n) /= stat_free) call shr_timer_print(n)
   end do

end subroutine shr_timer_print_all


subroutine shr_timer_zero(n)

   !----- arguments -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN), intent(in) :: n       ! timer number
   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_zero) ',a,i5)"

!  This routine resets a given timer.

   if ( n>0 .and. n<=max_timers) then
     dt(n) = 0.0_SHR_KIND_R8
     calls(n) = 0
     if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) 'ERROR: invalid timer number: ',n
   end if

end subroutine shr_timer_zero


subroutine shr_timer_zero_all

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_zero_all) ',a,i5)"

!  This routine resets all timers.

   dt = 0.0_SHR_KIND_R8
   calls = 0

end subroutine shr_timer_zero_all


subroutine shr_timer_check(n),2

   !----- arguments -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN), intent(in) ::  n   ! timer number

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_check) ',a,i5)"

!  This routine checks a given timer.  This is primarily used to
!  periodically accumulate time in the timer to prevent timer cycles
!  from wrapping around max_cycles.

   if ( n>0 .and. n<=max_timers) then
     if (status(n) == stat_started) then
       call shr_timer_stop (n)
       call shr_timer_start(n)
     if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) 'ERROR: invalid timer number: ',n
   end if

end subroutine shr_timer_check


subroutine shr_timer_check_all,2

   !----- local -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: n

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_check_all) ',a,i5)"

!  Call shr_timer_check for all timers in use

   do n=1,max_timers
     if (status(n) == stat_started) then
       call shr_timer_stop (n)
       call shr_timer_start(n)
   end do

end subroutine shr_timer_check_all


subroutine shr_timer_free(n) 1

   !----- arguments -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in) :: n    ! timer number 

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_free) ',a,i5)"

!  initialize/free all timer array values

   if ( n>0 .and. n<=max_timers) then
     status (n) = stat_free
     name   (n) = "<invalid - undefined>"
     dt     (n) = 0.0_SHR_KIND_R8
     cycles1(n) = 0
     cycles2(n) = 0
     if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) 'ERROR: invalid timer number: ',n
   end if

end subroutine shr_timer_free


subroutine shr_timer_free_all 1,1

   !----- local -----
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: n

   !----- i/o formats -----
   character(len=*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_timer_free_all) ',a,i5)"

!  initialize/free all timer array values

   do n=1,max_timers
     call shr_timer_free(n)
   end do

end subroutine shr_timer_free_all


subroutine shr_timer_sleep(sec),2

   use shr_sys_mod     ! share system calls (namely, shr_sys_sleep)

   !----- local -----
   real   (SHR_KIND_R8),intent(in) :: sec  ! number of seconds to sleep

! Sleep for approximately sec seconds
! Note: sleep is typically a system call, hence it is implemented in 
!       shr_sys_mod, although it probably would only be used in a timing 
!       context, which is why there is a shr_timer_* wrapper provided here.

   call shr_sys_sleep(sec)

end subroutine shr_timer_sleep

end module shr_timer_mod