module datm_shr_mod 1,9

! !USES:

  use shr_file_mod,  only : shr_file_getlogunit
  use shr_dmodel_mod,only : shr_dmodel_mapset
  use shr_sys_mod,   only : shr_sys_flush, shr_sys_abort
  use shr_kind_mod,  only : IN=>SHR_KIND_IN, R8=>SHR_KIND_R8, &
                            CS=>SHR_KIND_CS, CL=>SHR_KIND_CL
  use seq_flds_mod,  only : seq_flds_dom_coord, seq_flds_dom_other
  use shr_cal_mod,   only: shr_cal_date2julian
  use shr_ncread_mod,only: shr_ncread_varExists, shr_ncread_varDimSizes, &
  use mct_mod

  implicit none
  private ! except

! Public interfaces

  public :: datm_shr_getNextRadCDay
  public :: datm_shr_CORE2getFactors
  public :: datm_shr_TN460getFactors
  public :: datm_shr_eSat

! Private data



!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: datm_shr_getNextRadCDay -- get the next radiation calendar day
!    Return the calendar day of the next radiation time-step.
!    General Usage: nextswday = datm_shr_getNextRadCDay(curr_date)
!    2009-Oct-20  - T. Craig - updated for new datm version
!    2008-Oct-02  - E. Kluzek - first version
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

real(R8) function datm_shr_getNextRadCDay( ymd, tod, stepno, dtime, iradsw) 3,1
   implicit none


   integer(IN), intent(IN)    :: ymd
   integer(IN), intent(IN)    :: tod
   integer(IN), intent(IN)    :: stepno
   integer(IN), intent(IN)    :: dtime
   integer(IN), intent(IN)    :: iradsw


   !----- local -----
   real(R8) :: nextsw_cday
   real(R8) :: julday
   integer  :: liradsw
   integer  :: yy,mm,dd
   character(*),parameter :: subName =  '(datm_shr_getNextRadCDay) '


   liradsw = iradsw  
   if (liradsw < 0) liradsw  = nint((-liradsw *3600._r8)/dtime)

   call shr_cal_date2julian(ymd,tod,julday)

   if (liradsw > 1) then
      if (mod(stepno+1,liradsw) == 0 .and. stepno > 0) then
         nextsw_cday = julday + 2*dtime/SHR_CONST_CDAY
         nextsw_cday = -1._r8
      end if
      nextsw_cday = julday + dtime/SHR_CONST_CDAY
   end if
   datm_shr_getNextRadCDay = nextsw_cday

end function datm_shr_getNextRadCDay


subroutine datm_shr_CORE2getFactors(fileName,windF,winddF,qsatF,mpicom,compid, & 1,8

   implicit none

   !--- arguments ---
   character(*)    ,intent(in)    :: fileName   ! file name string
   real(R8)        ,intent(inout) :: windF(:)   ! wind adjustment factor
   real(R8)        ,intent(inout) :: winddF(:)  ! wind adjustment factor
   real(R8)        ,intent(inout) :: qsatF(:)   ! rel humidty adjustment factors
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: mpicom     ! mpi comm
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: compid     ! mct compid
   type(mct_gsmap) ,intent(in)    :: gsmap      ! decomp of wind,windd,qsat
   type(mct_ggrid) ,intent(in)    :: ggrid      ! ggrid of grid info
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: nxg        ! size of input grid
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: nyg        ! size of input grid

   !--- local ---
   integer(IN) :: my_task,logunit,ier

   !--- formats ---
   character(*),parameter :: subName =  '(datm_shr_CORE2getFactors) '
   character(*),parameter :: F00    = "('(datm_shr_CORE2getFactors) ',4a) "


   call MPI_COMM_RANK(mpicom,my_task,ier)
   call shr_file_getLogUnit(logunit)

   if (my_task == 0) then

      !--- verify necessary data is in input file ---
      if ( .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'lat'       )  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'lon'       )  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'mask'      )  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'windFactor')  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'winddFactor') &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'qsatFactor')  ) then
         write(logunit,F00) "ERROR: invalid correction factor data file"
         call shr_sys_abort(subName//"invalid correction factor data file")
      end if

   call datm_shr_getFactors(fileName,windF,winddF,qsatF,mpicom,compid, &

end subroutine datm_shr_CORE2getFactors

subroutine datm_shr_TN460getFactors(fileName,windF,qsatF,mpicom,compid, & 1,7

   implicit none

   !--- arguments ---
   character(*)    ,intent(in)    :: fileName   ! file name string
   real(R8)        ,intent(inout) :: windF(:)   ! wind adjustment factor
   real(R8)        ,intent(inout) :: qsatF(:)   ! rel humidty adjustment factors
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: mpicom     ! mpi comm
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: compid     ! mct compid
   type(mct_gsmap) ,intent(in)    :: gsmap      ! decomp of wind,windd,qsat
   type(mct_ggrid) ,intent(in)    :: ggrid      ! ggrid of grid info
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: nxg        ! size of input grid
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: nyg        ! size of input grid

   !--- local ---
   integer(IN) :: my_task,logunit,ier
   real(R8),pointer :: winddF(:)  ! wind adjustment factor

   !--- formats ---
   character(*),parameter :: subName =  '(datm_shr_TN460getFactors) '
   character(*),parameter :: F00    = "('(datm_shr_TN460getFactors) ',4a) "


   call MPI_COMM_RANK(mpicom,my_task,ier)
   call shr_file_getLogUnit(logunit)

   if (my_task == 0) then

      !--- verify necessary data is in input file ---
      if ( .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'lat'       )  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'lon'       )  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'mask'      )  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'windFactor')  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'qsatFactor')  ) then
         write(logunit,F00) "ERROR: invalid correction factor data file"
         call shr_sys_abort(subName//"invalid correction factor data file")
      end if

   call datm_shr_getFactors(fileName,windF,winddF,qsatF,mpicom,compid, &

end subroutine datm_shr_TN460getFactors

subroutine datm_shr_getFactors(fileName,windF,winddF,qsatF,mpicom,compid, & 2,16

   use shr_map_mod

   implicit none

   !--- arguments ---
   character(*)    ,intent(in)    :: fileName   ! file name string
   real(R8)        ,intent(inout) :: windF(:)   ! wind adjustment factor
   real(R8)        ,intent(inout) :: winddF(:)  ! wind adjustment factor
   real(R8)        ,intent(inout) :: qsatF(:)   ! rel humidty adjustment factors
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: mpicom     ! mpi comm
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: compid     ! mct compid
   type(mct_gsmap) ,intent(in)    :: gsmapo     ! decomp of wind,windd,qsat
   type(mct_ggrid) ,intent(in)    :: ggrido     ! ggrid of grid info
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: nxgo       ! size of input grid
   integer(IN)     ,intent(in)    :: nygo       ! size of input grid

   !--- data that describes the local model domain ---
   integer(IN)      :: ni0,nj0       ! dimensions of global bundle0
   integer(IN)      :: ni1,nj1,nf1   ! dimensions of global bundle1
   integer(IN)      :: i,j,n         ! generic indicies
   integer(IN)      :: my_task       ! local pe number
   integer(IN)      :: ier           ! error code
   integer(IN)      :: logunit       ! logging unit
   type(mct_ggrid)  :: ggridi        ! input file grid
   type(mct_ggrid)  :: ggridoG       ! output grid gathered
   type(mct_gsmap)  :: gsmapi        ! input file gsmap
   type(mct_sMatp)  :: smatp         ! sparse matrix weights
   type(mct_avect)  :: avi           ! input attr vect
   type(mct_avect)  :: avo           ! output attr vect
   integer(IN)      :: lsizei        ! local size of input
   integer(IN)      :: lsizeo        ! local size of output
   integer(IN),pointer :: start(:)   ! start list
   integer(IN),pointer :: length(:)  ! length list
   integer(IN)      :: gsizei        ! input global size
   integer(IN)      :: numel         ! number of elements in start list
   real(R8)         :: dadd          ! lon correction
   logical          :: domap         ! map or not
   integer(IN)      :: klon,klat     ! lon lat fld index

   !--- temp arrays for data input ---
   real(R8)   ,allocatable :: tempR4D(:,:,:,:)   ! 4D data array
   real(R8)   ,pointer     :: tempR1D(:)         ! 1D data array
   integer(IN),allocatable :: tempI4D(:,:,:,:)   ! 4D data array

   !--- formats ---
   character(*),parameter :: subName =  '(datm_shr_getFactors) '
   character(*),parameter :: F00    = "('(datm_shr_getFactors) ',4a) "
   character(*),parameter :: F01    = "('(datm_shr_getFactors) ',a,2i5)"
   character(*),parameter :: F02    = "('(datm_shr_getFactors) ',a,6e12.3)"

!   Note: gsmapi is all gridcells on root pe

   call MPI_COMM_RANK(mpicom,my_task,ier)
   call shr_file_getLogUnit(logunit)

   ni0 = 0
   nj0 = 0
   start = 0
   length = 0
   numel = 0

   ! read in and map global correction factors
   if (my_task == 0) then

      !--- verify necessary data is in input file ---
      if ( .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'lat'       )  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'lon'       )  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'mask'      )  &
      .or. .not. shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'windFactor')  ) then
         write(logunit,F00) "ERROR: invalid correction factor data file"
         call shr_sys_abort(subName//"invalid correction factor data file")
      end if
      call shr_ncread_varDimSizes(fileName,"windFactor",ni0,nj0)
      start = 1
      length = ni0*nj0
      numel = 1
   call shr_mpi_bcast(ni0,mpicom,subname//' ni0')
   call shr_mpi_bcast(nj0,mpicom,subname//' nj0')
   gsizei = ni0*nj0

   !--- allocate datatypes for input data ---
   call mct_gsmap_init(gsmapi,start,length,0,mpicom,compid,gsize=gsizei,numel=numel)
   lsizei = mct_gsmap_lsize(gsmapi,mpicom)
   lsizeo = mct_gsmap_lsize(gsmapo,mpicom)
   call mct_gGrid_init(GGrid=gGridi, CoordChars=trim(seq_flds_dom_coord), &
      OtherChars=trim(seq_flds_dom_other), lsize=lsizei )
   call mct_aVect_init(avi,rList="wind:windd:qsat",lsize=lsizei)
   avi%rAttr = SHR_CONST_SPVAL

   !--- gather output grid for map logic ---
   call mct_ggrid_gather(ggrido, ggridoG, gsmapo, 0, mpicom)

   if (my_task == 0) then

      !--- read domain data: lon ---
      call shr_ncread_field4dG(fileName,'lon' ,rfld=tempR4D)
      !--- needs to be monotonically increasing, add 360 at wraparound+ ---
      dadd = 0.0_R8
      do i = 2,ni0
         if (tempR4D(i-1,1,1,1) > tempR4D(i,1,1,1)) dadd = 360.0_R8
         tempR4D(i,1,1,1) = tempR4D(i,1,1,1) + dadd
      n = 0
      do j=1,nj0
      do i=1,ni0
         n = n + 1
         tempR1D(n) = tempR4D(i,1,1,1)
      end do
      end do
      call mct_gGrid_importRattr(gGridi,'lon',tempR1D,lsizei)

      !--- read domain data: lat ---
      call shr_ncread_field4dG(fileName,'lat' ,rfld=tempR4D)
      n = 0
      do j=1,nj0
      do i=1,ni0
         n = n + 1
         tempR1D(n) = tempR4D(j,1,1,1)
      end do
      end do
      call mct_gGrid_importRattr(gGridi,'lat',tempR1D,lsizei)

      !--- read domain mask---
      call shr_ncread_field4dG(fileName,'mask',ifld=tempI4D)
      n = 0
      do j=1,nj0
      do i=1,ni0
         n = n + 1
         tempR1D(n) = real(tempI4D(i,j,1,1),R8)
      end do
      end do
      call mct_gGrid_importRattr(gGridi,'mask',tempR1D,lsizei)

      !--- read bundle data: wind factor ---
      if (shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'windFactor')  ) then
      call shr_ncread_field4dG(fileName,'windFactor',rfld=tempR4D)
      n = 0
      do j=1,nj0
      do i=1,ni0
         n = n + 1
         tempR1D(n) = tempR4D(i,j,1,1)
      end do
      end do
      call mct_aVect_importRattr(avi,'wind',tempR1D,lsizei)

      !--- read bundle data: windd factor ---
      if (shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'winddFactor')  ) then
      call shr_ncread_field4dG(fileName,'winddFactor',rfld=tempR4D)
      n = 0
      do j=1,nj0
      do i=1,ni0
         n = n + 1
         tempR1D(n) = tempR4D(i,j,1,1)
      end do
      end do
      call mct_aVect_importRattr(avi,'windd',tempR1D,lsizei)

      !--- read bundle data: qsat factor ---
      if (shr_ncread_varExists(fileName,'qsatFactor')  ) then
      call shr_ncread_field4dG(fileName,'qsatFactor',rfld=tempR4D)
      n = 0
      do j=1,nj0
      do i=1,ni0
         n = n + 1
         tempR1D(n) = tempR4D(i,j,1,1)
      end do
      end do
      call mct_aVect_importRattr(avi,'qsat',tempR1D,lsizei)


      domap = .false.
      if (ni0 /= nxgo .or. nj0 /= nygo) then
         domap = .true.
         klon = mct_aVect_indexRA(ggridi%data,'lon')
         klat = mct_aVect_indexRA(ggrido%data,'lat')
         do n = 1,lsizei
            if (abs(ggridi%data%rAttr(klon,n)-ggridoG%data%rAttr(klon,n)) > 0.01_R8) domap=.true.
            if (abs(ggridi%data%rAttr(klat,n)-ggridoG%data%rAttr(klat,n)) > 0.01_R8) domap=.true.

      call mct_gGrid_clean(ggridoG)


   call shr_mpi_bcast(domap,mpicom,subname//' domap')

   if (domap) then
      call shr_dmodel_mapSet(smatp,ggridi,gsmapi,ni0 ,nj0 , &
          ggrido,gsmapo,nxgo,nygo, &
          'datmfactor',shr_map_fs_remap,shr_map_fs_bilinear,shr_map_fs_srcmask, &
      call mct_aVect_init(avo,avi,lsizeo)
      call mct_sMat_avMult(avi,smatp,avo)
      call mct_sMatP_clean(smatp)
      call mct_aVect_scatter(avi,avo,gsmapo,0,mpicom)

   !--- fill the interface arrays, only if they are the right size ---
   if (size(windF ) >= lsizeo) then
      call mct_aVect_exportRattr(avo,'wind' ,tempR1D,lsizeo)
      windF = tempR1D 
   if (size(winddF) >= lsizeo) then
      call mct_aVect_exportRattr(avo,'windd',tempR1D,lsizeo)
      winddF = tempR1D 
   if (size(qsatF ) >= lsizeo) then
      call mct_aVect_exportRattr(avo,'qsat' ,tempR1D,lsizeo)
      qsatF = tempR1D 

   call mct_aVect_clean(avi)
   call mct_aVect_clean(avo)
   call mct_gGrid_clean(ggridi)
   call mct_gsmap_clean(gsmapi)

end subroutine datm_shr_getFactors


real(R8) function datm_shr_eSat(tK,tKbot) 3

   !--- arguments ---
   real(R8),intent(in) :: tK    ! temp used in polynomial calculation
   real(R8),intent(in) :: tKbot ! bottom atm temp

   !--- local ---
   real(R8)           :: t     ! tK converted to Celcius
   real(R8),parameter :: tkFrz = SHR_CONST_TKFRZ  ! freezing T of fresh water ~ K

   !--- coefficients for esat over water ---
   real(R8),parameter :: a0=6.107799961_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: a1=4.436518521e-01_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: a2=1.428945805e-02_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: a3=2.650648471e-04_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: a4=3.031240396e-06_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: a5=2.034080948e-08_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: a6=6.136820929e-11_R8

   !--- coefficients for esat over ice ---
   real(R8),parameter :: b0=6.109177956_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: b1=5.034698970e-01_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: b2=1.886013408e-02_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: b3=4.176223716e-04_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: b4=5.824720280e-06_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: b5=4.838803174e-08_R8
   real(R8),parameter :: b6=1.838826904e-10_R8

! use polynomials to calculate saturation vapor pressure and derivative with
! respect to temperature: over water when t > 0 c and over ice when t <= 0 c
! required to convert relative humidity to specific humidity

   t = min( 50.0_R8, max(-50.0_R8,(tK-tKfrz)) )
   if ( tKbot < tKfrz) then
      datm_shr_eSat = 100.0_R8*(b0+t*(b1+t*(b2+t*(b3+t*(b4+t*(b5+t*b6))))))
      datm_shr_eSat = 100.0_R8*(a0+t*(a1+t*(a2+t*(a3+t*(a4+t*(a5+t*a6))))))
   end if

end function datm_shr_eSat


end module datm_shr_mod