module map_iceocn_mct 3,4

! Purpose:
! Collect coupling routines for sequential coupling of ICE-OCN.
! Author: R. Jacob, M. Vertenstein

  use shr_sys_mod
  use mct_mod
  use seq_cdata_mod
  use seq_comm_mct

  implicit none
  private  ! except

! Public interfaces

  public :: map_ice2ocn_init_mct
  public :: map_ocn2ice_init_mct
  public :: map_ice2ocn_mct
  public :: map_ocn2ice_mct

! Public data

! Private data

  type(mct_rearr), private :: Re_ice2ocn
  type(mct_rearr), private :: Re_ocn2ice

    logical :: usevector = .true.
    logical :: usevector = .false.

    logical :: usealltoall = .true.
    logical :: usealltoall = .false.

  character(*),parameter :: subName = '(map_iceocn_mct)'


  subroutine map_ocn2ice_init_mct( cdata_o, cdata_i) 1,4

    ! Arguments
    type(seq_cdata),intent(in) :: cdata_o
    type(seq_cdata),intent(in) :: cdata_i
    ! Local Variables
    integer                  :: ka, km            ! indices
    integer                  :: ocnsize, icesize  ! global grid sizes      
    type(mct_gsMap), pointer :: gsMap_i           ! ice gsMap
    type(mct_gsMap), pointer :: gsMap_o           ! ocn gsMap
    type(mct_gGrid), pointer :: dom_i             ! ice domain
    type(mct_gGrid), pointer :: dom_o             ! ocn domain
    integer                  :: mpicom            ! communicator spanning ocn and ice
    integer                  :: lsize             ! size of attribute vector
    type(mct_aVect)          :: areasrc           ! ocn areas from mapping file
    type(mct_aVect)          :: areadst           ! ice areas from mapping file

    call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata_o, gsMap=gsMap_o, dom=dom_o)
    call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata_i, gsMap=gsMap_i, dom=dom_i)
    call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata_o, mpicom=mpicom)

    ! Sanity check

    ocnsize = mct_gsMap_gsize(gsMap_o)
    icesize = mct_gsMap_gsize(gsMap_i)
    if (ocnsize /= icesize) then
      write(logunit,*) "(map_ocn2ice_init_mct) ocean and ice are different."
      write(logunit,*) "(map_ocn2ice_init_mct) Must be t.Exiting."
      call shr_sys_abort(subName // "different ocn")

    ! Initialize rearranger

    call mct_rearr_init(gsMap_o, gsMap_i, mpicom, Re_ocn2ice)

    ! Set ice aream to ocn aream
    ! Note that "aream" attribute of dom_o%data is set in routine map_ocn2atm_init_mct

    lsize = mct_gsMap_lsize(gsMap_o, mpicom)
    call mct_aVect_init( areasrc, rList="aream", lsize=lsize )

    lsize = mct_gsMap_lsize(gsMap_i, mpicom)
    call mct_aVect_init( areadst, rList="aream", lsize=lsize )
    km = mct_aVect_indexRA(dom_o%data,"aream")
    ka = mct_aVect_indexRA(areasrc   ,"aream")
    areasrc%rAttr(ka,:) = dom_o%data%rAttr(km,:) 

    call mct_rearr_rearrange(areasrc, areadst, Re_ocn2ice, VECTOR=usevector, ALLTOALL=usealltoall)

    ka = mct_aVect_indexRA(areadst   ,"aream")
    km = mct_aVect_indexRA(dom_i%data,"aream")
    dom_i%data%rAttr(km,:) = areadst%rAttr(ka,:)

    call mct_aVect_clean(areasrc)      
    call mct_aVect_clean(areadst)      

  end subroutine map_ocn2ice_init_mct


  subroutine map_ice2ocn_init_mct( cdata_i, cdata_o) 1,4

    ! Arguments
    type(seq_cdata),intent(in) :: cdata_i
    type(seq_cdata),intent(in) :: cdata_o
    ! Local Variables
    integer                  :: ocnsize, icesize  ! global grid sizes
    type(mct_gsMap), pointer :: gsMap_i           ! ice gsMap
    type(mct_gsMap), pointer :: gsMap_o           ! ocn gsMap
    integer                  :: mpicom            ! communicator spanning ocn and ice

    call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata_i, gsMap=gsMap_i) 
    call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata_o, gsMap=gsMap_o)
    call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata_o, mpicom=mpicom)

    ! Sanity check

    ocnsize = mct_gsMap_gsize(gsMap_o)
    icesize = mct_gsMap_gsize(gsMap_i)
    if (ocnsize /= icesize) then
      write(logunit,*) "(map_ice2ocn_init_mct) ocean and ice grids are different."
      write(logunit,*) "(map_ice2ocn_init_mct) Must be the same....Exiting."
      call shr_sys_abort(subName // "different ocn,ice grids")

    ! Initialize rearranger

    call mct_rearr_init(gsMap_i, gsMap_o, mpicom, Re_ice2ocn)

  end subroutine map_ice2ocn_init_mct  


  subroutine map_ocn2ice_mct( cdata_o, av_o, cdata_i, av_i, fluxlist, statelist ) 3,2

    ! Arguments
    type(seq_cdata),intent(in) :: cdata_o
    type(mct_aVect),intent(in) :: av_o
    type(seq_cdata),intent(in) :: cdata_i
    type(mct_aVect),intent(out):: av_i
    character(len=*),intent(in), optional :: fluxlist
    character(len=*),intent(in), optional :: statelist

    if (present(fluxlist) .or. present(statelist)) then
       if (present(fluxlist)) then
          call mct_rearr_rearrange_fldlist(av_o, av_i, Re_ocn2ice, VECTOR=usevector, &
               ALLTOALL=usealltoall, fldlist=fluxlist)
       if (present(statelist)) then
          call mct_rearr_rearrange_fldlist(av_o, av_i, Re_ocn2ice, VECTOR=usevector, &
               ALLTOALL=usealltoall, fldlist=statelist)
       call mct_rearr_rearrange(av_o, av_i, Re_ocn2ice, VECTOR=usevector, ALLTOALL=usealltoall)
    end if

  end subroutine map_ocn2ice_mct


  subroutine map_ice2ocn_mct( cdata_i, av_i, cdata_o, av_o, fluxlist, statelist) 4,2

    ! Arguments
    type(seq_cdata),intent(in) :: cdata_i
    type(mct_aVect),intent(in) :: av_i
    type(seq_cdata),intent(in) :: cdata_o
    type(mct_aVect),intent(out):: av_o
    character(len=*),intent(in), optional :: fluxlist
    character(len=*),intent(in), optional :: statelist

    if (present(fluxlist) .or. present(statelist)) then
       if (present(fluxlist)) then
          call mct_rearr_rearrange_fldlist(av_i, av_o, Re_ice2ocn, VECTOR=usevector, &
               ALLTOALL=usealltoall, fldlist=fluxlist)
       if (present(statelist)) then
          call mct_rearr_rearrange_fldlist(av_i, av_o, Re_ice2ocn, VECTOR=usevector, &
               ALLTOALL=usealltoall, fldlist=statelist)
       call mct_rearr_rearrange(av_i, av_o, Re_ice2ocn, VECTOR=usevector, ALLTOALL=usealltoall)
    end if

  end subroutine map_ice2ocn_mct

end module map_iceocn_mct