!=============================================================================== ! SVN $Id: seq_avdata_mod.F90 18516 2009-09-25 22:54:10Z kauff $ ! SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/drv/seq_mct/branch_tags/cesm1_0_rel_tags/cesm1_0_rel01_drvseq3_1_32/driver/seq_avdata_mod.F90 $ !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !MODULE: seq_avdata_mod -- provides use access to public cpl7 aVect, domain, ! and fraction data. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! provides use access to public cpl7 aVect, domain, and fraction data. ! ! !REMARKS: ! ! use access to public cpl7 aVect, domain, and fraction info is to avoid ! excessively long routine arg lists, eg. for history & restart modules. ! Note: while cpl7's non-main program ("driver") routines CAN access this ! data by use'ing this module, they SHOULD access it via agrument lists ! if it is reasonable to do so. Do the right thing. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2009-Sep-25 - B. Kauffman - initial version ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------module seq_avdata_mod 3,4 ! !USES: use shr_kind_mod
,only: IN => SHR_KIND_IN use mct_mod
! mct_ wrappers for mct lib use seq_cdata_mod
! "cdata" type & methods (domain + decomp + infodata in one datatype) use seq_infodata_mod
! "infodata" gathers various control flags into one datatype implicit none public ! default is public ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Infodata: inter-model control flags, domain info !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- type (seq_infodata_type) :: infodata ! single instance for cpl and all comps !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cdata types: contains pointers to domain info + component ID + infobuffer !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_aa ! on component pes type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_ll type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_oo type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_ii type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_rr type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_gg type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_ss type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_ax ! on cpl pes type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_lx type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_ox type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_ix type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_rx type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_gx type (seq_cdata) :: cdata_sx !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! domain info: coords, fractions, decomps, area correction factors !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- domain coords, area, mask (MCT General Grids) -- type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_aa ! atm domain on atm pes type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_ll ! lnd domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_ii ! ice domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_oo ! ocn domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_rr ! runoff domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_gg ! glc domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_ss ! sno domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_ax ! atm domain on cpl pes type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_lx ! lnd domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_ix ! ice domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_ox ! ocn domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_rx ! runoff domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_gx ! glc domain type(mct_gGrid) :: dom_sx ! sno domain !--- domain fractions (only defined on cpl pes) --- type(mct_aVect) :: fractions_ax ! Fractions on atm grid type(mct_aVect) :: fractions_lx ! Fractions on lnd grid type(mct_aVect) :: fractions_ix ! Fractions on ice grid type(mct_aVect) :: fractions_ox ! Fractions on ocn grid type(mct_aVect) :: fractions_gx ! Fractions on glc grid !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! State/flux field bundles (MCT attribute vectors) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(mct_aVect) :: x2a_aa ! Atm import, atm grid, atm pes - defined in atm gc type(mct_aVect) :: a2x_aa ! Atm export, atm grid, atm pes - defined in atm gc type(mct_aVect) :: x2a_ax ! Atm import, atm grid, cpl pes - defined in map_atmatm type(mct_aVect) :: a2x_ax ! Atm export, atm grid, cpl pes - defined in map_atmatm type(mct_aVect) :: a2x_lx ! Atm export, lnd grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2l type(mct_aVect) :: a2x_ix ! Atm export, ice grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2i type(mct_aVect) :: a2x_ox ! Atm export, ocn grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2o type(mct_aVect) :: x2l_ll ! Lnd import, lnd grid, lnd pes - defined in lnd gc type(mct_aVect) :: l2x_ll ! Lnd export, lnd grid, lnd pes - defined in lnd gc type(mct_aVect) :: x2l_lx ! Lnd import, lnd grid, cpl pes - defined in map_lndlnd type(mct_aVect) :: l2x_lx ! Lnd export, lnd grid, cpl pes - defined in map_lndlnd type(mct_aVect) :: l2x_ax ! Lnd export, atm grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2a type(mct_aVect) :: r2x_rr ! Rof export, rof grid, lnd pes - defined in lnd gc type(mct_aVect) :: r2x_rx ! Rof export, rof grid, cpl pes - defined in map_rofrof type(mct_accum) :: r2xacc_rx ! Rof export, rof grid, cpl pes - defined in driver type(mct_aVect) :: r2x_ox ! Rof export, ocn grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2o type(mct_aVect) :: x2s_ss ! Sno import, sno grid, sno pes - defined in lnd gc type(mct_aVect) :: s2x_ss ! Sno export, sno grid, sno pes - defined in lnd gc type(mct_aVect) :: x2s_sx ! Sno import, sno grid, cpl pes - defined in map_snosno type(mct_aVect) :: s2x_sx ! Sno export, sno grid, cpl pes - defined in map_snosno type(mct_aVect) :: s2x_gx ! Sno export, glc grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2g type(mct_aVect) :: x2i_ii ! Ice import, ice grid, ice pes - defined in ice gc type(mct_aVect) :: i2x_ii ! Ice export, ice grid, ice pes - defined in ice gc type(mct_aVect) :: x2i_ix ! Ice import, ice grid, cpl pes - defined in map_iceice type(mct_aVect) :: i2x_ix ! Ice export, ice grid, cpl pes - defined in map_iceice type(mct_aVect) :: i2x_ax ! Ice export, atm grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2a type(mct_aVect) :: i2x_ox ! Ice export, ocn grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2o type(mct_aVect) :: x2o_oo ! Ocn import, ocn grid, ocn pes - defined in ocn gc type(mct_aVect) :: o2x_oo ! Ocn export, ocn grid, ocn pes - defined in ocn gc type(mct_aVect) :: x2o_ox ! Ocn import, ocn grid, cpl pes - defined in map_ocnocn type(mct_accum) :: x2oacc_ox ! Ocn import, ocn grid, cpl pes - defined in driver type(mct_aVect) :: o2x_ox ! Ocn export, ocn grid, cpl pes - defined in map_ocnocn type(mct_aVect) :: o2x_ax ! Ocn export, atm grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2a type(mct_aVect) :: o2x_ix ! Ocn export, ice grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2i type(mct_aVect) :: xao_ox ! Atm-ocn fluxes, ocn grid, cpl pes - defined in flux_ao gc type(mct_aVect) :: xao_ax ! Atm-ocn fluxes, atm grid, cpl pes - defined in flux_ao gc type(mct_aVect) :: x2g_gg ! Glc import, glc grid, ice pes - defined in glc gc type(mct_aVect) :: g2x_gg ! Glc export, glc grid, ice pes - defined in glc gc type(mct_aVect) :: x2g_gx ! Glc import, glc grid, cpl pes - defined in map_glcglc type(mct_aVect) :: g2x_gx ! Glc export, glc grid, cpl pes - defined in map_glcglc type(mct_aVect) :: g2x_sx ! Glc export, sno grid, cpl pes - defined in mrg_x2s integer(IN) :: r2xacc_rx_cnt ! r2xacc_rx: number of time samples accumulated integer(IN) :: x2oacc_ox_cnt ! x2oacc_ox: number of time samples accumulated ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS ! no public routines ! !PUBLIC TYPES: ! no public types end module seq_avdata_mod !===============================================================================