Creating mapping files that mksurfdata_map will use

mkmapdata to create SCRIP mapping data file from SCRIP grid files (uses ESMF). The bash shell script models/lnd/clm/tools/mkmapgrids/ uses ESMF_RegridWeightGen to create a list of maps from the raw datasets that are input to mksurfdata_map. Each dataset that has a different grid, or land-mask needs a different mapping file for it, but many different raw datasets share the same grid/land-mask as other files. Hence, there doesn't need to be a different mapping file for EACH raw dataset -- just for each DIFFERENT raw dataset. The bash script figures out which mapping files it needs to create and then runs ESMF_RegridWeightGen for each one. You can then either enter the datasets into the XML database (see Chapter 3 or leave the files in place, and use the "-res usrspec -usr_gname -usr_gdate" options to mksurfdata_map (see the Section called Running below). has a help option with the following:


usage on bluefire:

valid arguments: 
[-f|--gridfile <gridname>] 
     Full pathname of model SCRIP grid file to use 
     This variable should be set if this is not a supported grid
     This variable will override the automatic generation of the
     filename generated from the -res argument 
     the filename is generated ASSUMING that this is a supported 
     grid that has entries in the file namelist_defaults_clm.xml
     the -r|--res argument MUST be specied if this argument is specified
[-r|--res <res>]
     Model output resolution (default is 10x15)
[-t|--gridtype <type>]
     Model output grid type
     supported values are [regional,global], (default is global)
     Toggles batch mode usage. If you want to run in batch mode
     you need to have a separate batch script for a supported machine
     that calls this script interactively - you cannot submit this
     script directory to the batch system
     List mapping files required (use check_input_data to get them)
     also writes data to clm.input_data_list
     Toggles debug-only (don't actually run mkmapdata just echo what would happen)
[-o|--ocn] <ogrid>
     Also map to the input ocean-grid resolution
     Displays this help message
     Toggle verbose usage -- log more information on what is happening 

 You can also set the following env variables:
  ESMFBIN_PATH - Path to ESMF binaries 
                 (default is /contrib/esmf-5.3.0-64-O/bin)
  CSMDATA ------ Path to CESM input data
                 (default is /glade/proj3/cseg/inputdata)
  MPIEXEC ------ Name of mpirun executable
                 (default is mpirun.lsf)
  REGRID_PROC -- Number of MPI processors to use
                 (default is 8)

**pass environment variables by preceding above commands 
  with 'env var1=setting var2=setting '