CAM Component  1.2.2
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camsrfexch.F90 File Reference

Data types for exchange between CAM and coupler components. More...

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Data Types

module  camsrfexch
type  camsrfexch::cam_out_t
 CAM export state. More...
type  camsrfexch::cam_in_t
 CAM import state. More...

Detailed Description

Data types for exchange between CAM and coupler components.

Module to handle data that is exchanged between the CAM atmosphere model and the surface models (land, sea-ice, and ocean).

Definition in file camsrfexch.F90.

Data Type Documentation

type camsrfexch::cam_out_t

CAM export state.

Container for the data sent from the atmosphere to the coupler component

Definition at line 34 of file camsrfexch.F90.

Collaboration diagram for camsrfexch::cam_out_t:
Collaboration graph
Class Members
real(r8), dimension(pcols) bcphidry dry deposition of hydrophilic black carbon
real(r8), dimension(pcols) bcphiwet wet deposition of hydrophilic black carbon
real(r8), dimension(pcols) bcphodry dry deposition of hydrophobic black carbon
real(r8), dimension(pcols) co2diag diagnostic co2
real(r8), dimension(pcols) co2prog prognostic co2
real(r8), dimension(pcols) dstdry1 dry deposition of dust (bin1)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) dstdry2 dry deposition of dust (bin2)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) dstdry3 dry deposition of dust (bin3)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) dstdry4 dry deposition of dust (bin4)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) dstwet1 wet deposition of dust (bin1)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) dstwet2 wet deposition of dust (bin2)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) dstwet3 wet deposition of dust (bin3)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) dstwet4 wet deposition of dust (bin4)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) flwds
integer lchnk chunk index
integer ncol number of columns in chunk
real(r8), dimension(pcols) netsw
real(r8), dimension(pcols) ocphidry dry deposition of hydrophilic organic carbon
real(r8), dimension(pcols) ocphiwet wet deposition of hydrophilic organic carbon
real(r8), dimension(pcols) ocphodry dry deposition of hydrophobic organic carbon
real(r8), dimension(pcols) pbot bot level pressure
real(r8), dimension(pcols) precc
real(r8), dimension(pcols) precl
real(r8), dimension(pcols) precsc
real(r8), dimension(pcols) precsl
real(r8), dimension(pcols) psl
real(r8), dimension(pcols, pcnst) qbot bot level specific humidity
real(r8), dimension(pcols) rho bot level density
real(r8), dimension(pcols) soll
real(r8), dimension(pcols) solld
real(r8), dimension(pcols) sols
real(r8), dimension(pcols) solsd
real(r8), dimension(pcols) tbot bot level temperature
real(r8), dimension(pcols) thbot
real(r8), dimension(pcols) ubot bot level u wind
real(r8), dimension(pcols) vbot bot level v wind
real(r8), dimension(pcols) zbot bot level height above surface
type camsrfexch::cam_in_t

CAM import state.

Container for the data sent to the atmosphere from the coupler component. This is the merged state of sea-ice, land and ocean.

Definition at line 80 of file camsrfexch.F90.

Collaboration diagram for camsrfexch::cam_in_t:
Collaboration graph
Class Members
real(r8), dimension(pcols) aldif albedo: longwave, diffuse
real(r8), dimension(pcols) aldir albedo: longwave, direct
real(r8), dimension(pcols) asdif albedo: shortwave, diffuse
real(r8), dimension(pcols) asdir albedo: shortwave, direct
real(r8), dimension(pcols, pcnst) cflx constituent flux (evap)
real(r8), dimension(:,:), pointer depvel deposition velocities
real(r8), dimension(pcols) fco2_lnd co2 flux from lnd
real(r8), dimension(pcols) fco2_ocn co2 flux from ocn
real(r8), dimension(pcols) fdms dms flux
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer fv friction velocity (m/s) (pcols)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) icefrac sea-ice areal fraction
real(r8), dimension(pcols) landfrac land area fraction
integer lchnk chunk index
real(r8), dimension(pcols) lhf latent heat flux
real(r8), dimension(pcols) lwup longwave up radiative flux
integer ncol number of active columns
real(r8), dimension(pcols) ocnfrac ocean areal fraction
real(r8), dimension(pcols) qref ref height specific humidity
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer ram1 aerodynamical resistance (s/m) (pcols)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) re atm/ocn saved version of re
real(r8), dimension(pcols) shf sensible heat flux
real(r8), dimension(pcols) snowhice snow depth over ice
real(r8), dimension(pcols) snowhland snow depth (liquid water equivalent) over land
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer soilw volumetric soil water (m3/m3)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) ssq atm/ocn saved version of ssq
real(r8), dimension(pcols) sst sea surface temp
real(r8), dimension(pcols) tref ref height surface air temp
real(r8), dimension(pcols) ts merged surface temp
real(r8), dimension(pcols) u10 10m wind speed
real(r8), dimension(pcols) ustar atm/ocn saved version of ustar
real(r8), dimension(pcols) wsx surface u-stress (N)
real(r8), dimension(pcols) wsy surface v-stress (N)