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Prescribed Ice Namelist

The namelist parameters listed in Table 5 are for the prescribed ice option as used in AMIP and F compset (standalone CAM) runs 6.

Table 5: Namelist Variables for Prescribed Ice Option (ice_prescribed_nml)
Varible Type Default Value Description
prescribed_ice Logical .false. Flag to turn on prescribed ice
prescribed_ice_fill Logical .false. Flag to turn fill option
stream_year_first Integer 1 First year of prescribed ice data
stream_year_last Integer 1 Last year of prescribed ice data
model_year_align Integer 1 Year in model run that aligns with stream_year_first
stream_domfilename Character   Prescribed ice stream data file
stream_fldfilename Character   Prescribed ice stream data file
stream_fldvarname Character ice_cov Ice fraction field name

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David Bailey