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Grid Namelist

The namelist parameters listed in Table 6 are for grid and mask information. During execution, the ice model reads grid and land mask information from the files grid_file and kmt_file that should be located in the executable directory. There are commands in the scripts that copy these files from the input data directory, rename them from global_$ICE_GRID.grid and global_$ICE_GRID.kmt to the default filenames shown in Table 6.

Table 6: Namelist Variables for Grid and Mask Information (grid_nml)
Varible Type Default Value Description
grid_type Character 'displaced_pole' Determines grid type.
grid_format Character binary Grid file format (binary or netCDF)
grid_file Character 'data.domain.grid' Input filename containing grid information.
kmt_file Character 'data.domain.kmt' Input filename containing land mask information.
kcatbound Integer 0 How category boundaries are set (0 or 1)

For coupled runs, supported grids include the 'displaced_pole' grids (gx3v7 and gx1v6) and the 'tripole' grids.

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David Bailey