Known Problems in CESM1.2.0
The CESM1.2 release has numerous new key features among which are the addition of CLM4.5, new science changes to CAM5 running with the CAM-SE dynamical core, and new scripting infrastructure for the generation of component sets, grids and model testing.
Component Sets (COMPSETS)
The B_1850_BGC_BDRD, B_1850_BGC_BPRP, B_1850-2000_BGC-BDRD and B_1850-2000_BGC-BPRP compsets must be run from cold start conditions in CESM 1.2.0. If you need to start from a spun-up initial condition, please use CESM 1.0.5.
(Bugzilla 1727) CLUBB cannot be run with OMP_NUM_THREADS greater than 1.
(Bugzilla 1733) Driver needs a different list hardcoded in for hist_a2x3hr_flds (important
when trying to save data to run CLM later, i.e. CLM spinup).
(Bugzilla 1339) Problem running with "too many files" for datm for over 83 years.
(Bugzilla 1759) For CLM4.0, the RCP 8.5 file pftdyn for f09 was NOT correctly updated.
(Bugzilla 1734) Problem with branch startup for CLM single-point simulations.
(Bugzilla 1732) Value of the VOLR diagnostic variable not correct when passed from RTM to CLM. Also effects TWS.
(Bugzilla 1719) Minor -- false overestimation of fire C emissions for natural vegetation PFTs without transient
land-use change.
(Bugzilla 1717) Minor -- lake hydrology bug when sudden intense snowstorm occurs preceeded by warm weather.
Please refer to the Known Bugs for CLM document for a detailed list of known issues specifically addressing custom configurations for CLM.
The CICE history files have some incorrect history fields (albpnd, albice, albsno). These should not be used.
(Bugzilla 1611) Restarts can only happen on year boundaries.
Machines / Scripts
(Bugzilla 1737) Decomposition problem on Mira using compset BG1850CN at resolution f09_g16.