Known Problems in CESM1.2.1
Dear CESM User,
Beginning in March 2014, all the CESM supported releases known problems (except CESM1.0.5 and prior releases)
will be reported and updated using the DiscussCESM Forums
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These particular sub-forums are only accessible for posting by forum moderators and are intended to be used as an avenue for CESM developers to communicate known problems and fixes to the general CESM user community.
CESM users should continue to post their issues either as a topic in the main Bug Reporting forum and/or as a topic in the individual component models' Software and Run-time issues forums.
In addition to the organization of the sub-forums, some hints for searching the new sub-forum known issues topics include searching on phrases such as:
- "Affected Releases CESM1.0.z" - to find all bug topics associated with the CESM1.0.z (z > 5) release series
- "Affected Releases CESM1.1.z" - to find all bug topics associated with the CESM1.1.z release series
- "Affected Releases CESM1.2.z" - to find all bug topics associated with the CESM1.2.z release series
Thank you.
CESM Software Engineering Group
The CESM1.2.1 is the first incremental bug fix and machines update release in the CESM1.2 series.
** IMPORTANT NOTE ** Starting with CESM1.2.1, the Subversion repository path has changed. All documentation for downloading the most current version of the model has been updated in the CESM User's Guide to reflect this change and older version differences are noted.
To download the CESM1.2.1 release code, use this command:
> svn co --username guestuser --password [password] cesm1_2_1
You may be prompted up to 3 times for the username and password when checking out the code for the first time from this
new Subversion path. This is because the code is distributed across a number of different Subversion repositories and
each repository requires authentication.
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Component Sets (COMPSETS)
(Bugzilla 1880) The B_1850_BGC_BDRD, B_1850_BGC_BPRP, B_1850-2000_BGC-BDRD and B_1850-2000_BGC-BPRP compsets must be run from cold start conditions in CESM 1.2.0. If you need to start from a spun-up initial condition, please use CESM 1.0.5.
(Bugzilla 1727) CLUBB can now be run with OMP_NUM_THREADS > 1, but clubb_history is not working with thread > 1.
(Bugzilla 1766) The SE version of gravity_waves_sources in CESM 1.2 has a bug and workaround.
The SE version of gravity_waves_sources in CESM 1.2 has a frontogenesis
function ~14x larger than it should be due to a unit conversion error. The main
effect is to trigger frontal waves more often and in the tropics. This only
affects WACCM-SE.
This will be fixed for CESM 1.3 in the next CAM tag but a workaround patch for
gravity_waves_sources is listed below.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
call initEdgeBuffer(edge3,3*nlev)
- psurf_ref = hypi(plev+1)
+ psurf_ref = hypi(plev+1)/100._r8
end subroutine gws_init
(Bugzilla 1612) There is a known problem with the following WACCM compsets when the ESMF time manager is used.
The problem occurs when the solar_parms_file input file contains data for leap days
(Feb 29) while the calendar is 'NOLEAP'. A work around to this problem is to
use the following alternative datasets for solar_parms_file which do not contain leap
solar_parms_file = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/waccm/solar/'
solar_parms_file = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/waccm/solar/'
(Bugzilla 1733) Driver needs a different list hardcoded in for hist_a2x3hr_flds (important when trying to save data to run CLM later, i.e. CLM spinup).
(Bugzilla 1339) Problem running with "too many files" for datm for over 83 years.
(Bugzilla 1867) irrigated soybean not treated same as rainfed soybean
In modifying the clm to introduce tropical crop pfts, I have come across the
following problem:
The if-statements in biogeochem/CNAllocationMod.F90 and
biogeochem/CNNDynamicsMod.F90 that check for soybean do not include the option
for irrigated soybean. I'm correcting this in my version of clm4.5 that will
run with 78 pfts.
(Bugzilla 1776) Issue with CLM45CNDV trees over Amazon.
When running CLM45CNDV model (compset: ICLM45CNDV) and after running 400 years, there are no trees in the Amazon. ICNDV works all fine.
The behavior has been attributed to Gordon's physiology changes to
the model that improve the GPP simulation. This means that the dgvm needs
retuning, and we decided not to proceed with such retuning at this time because
we expect this dgvm to be replaced with Rosie Fisher's work in the not too
distant future.
(Bugzilla 1759) For CLM4.0, the RCP 8.5 file pftdyn for f09 was NOT correctly updated.
(Bugzilla 1634) clm4_0_60 interpinic fails to properly map from 1.9x2.5 to the 360x720 grid for CRUNCEP.
It will map to other high resolutions like:
ne120np4, 0.23x0.31, 0.47x0.61 however. The problem is that it does the
mapping, but puts garbage data values (like e317) in some fields that the
program does NOT touch. They happen to be very important indexing fields that
can NOT be messed with.
This is fixed when you use the new netCDF library: netCDF-4.3.0-rc3. Note, this library is not yet available on pleiades hosts.
(Bugzilla 1753) Problem with an initial file used in CROP simulations.
The file
was interpolated using interpinic for CROP simulations. But, because of
Bug 1725,
interpinic gave a file that has CROP NOT spunup, but starting up from
bare soil. So we plan to delete this file, and get a version that will work.
Users should either wait for that file, or spin up CROP on their own using the
standard procedure.
(Bugzilla 1719) Minor -- false overestimation of fire C emissions for natural vegetation PFTs without transient
land-use change.
(Bugzilla 1717) Minor -- lake hydrology bug when sudden intense snowstorm occurs preceeded by warm weather.
Please refer to the
Known Bugs for CLM document for a detailed list of known issues specifically addressing custom configurations for CLM.
The CICE history files have some incorrect history fields (albpnd, albice, albsno). These should not be used.
(Bugzilla 1611) Restarts can only happen on year boundaries.
Some data related to the running averages of climate variables (and maybe other
data) are not written to the restart file. Thus restarts that happen mid-year
do not restart properly.
The workaround is to ensure that any _GLC compset runs for an integer number of
years before restarting.
Machines / Scripts
(Bugzilla 1910) Intermittent Problem on Yellowstone with MPI_Wtime call.
There have been intermittent failures of CESM that can be traced back to a
problem calling MPI_Wtime. We do not use the MPI_Wtime function in the gptl
timing library on yellowstone, however some of the CESM component models
(notably pop) call MPI_Wtime directly. Adding the module load command below
replaces the MPI_Wtime function with a call to system clock. If you have seen
this problem on yellowstone, add the lines:
module use -a /glade/app/contrib/wtime
module load wt
to your env_mach_specific file.
This is a problem with the IBM MPI library and so affects all currently
supported releases of CESM on Yellowstone.
(Bugzilla 1882) Bug in config_grid for a couple of tri-grid setups
If you try to set up an ne120_f09_g16 or ne120_f02_t12 case, the grids are not
set correctly because of a missing underscore in config_grid.xml. There is no
separator between the ocean grid [gx1v6 or tx0.1v2] and the r% header
indicating the name of the runoff.
More details and a patch are available from the Bugzilla report.
(Bugzilla 1743) Coordination of variables EXEROOT and RUNDIR in env_build.xml and env_run.xml
Currently in env_build.xml we have
<entry id="EXEROOT" value="/blah/$CCSMUSER/$CASE/bld" />
and in env_run.xml
<entry id="RUNDIR" value="/blah/$CCSMUSER/$CASE/run" />
In many cases you may want to change both of these variables, but you cannot
currently reference one variable in the other file - that is you cannot set:
<entry id="RUNDIR" value="$EXEROOT/../run" />
The workaround is not to use $EXEROOT in env_run.xml but rather to set it
(Bugzilla 1737) Decomposition problem on Mira using compset BG1850CN at resolution f09_g16.