Known Problems in CESM1.2.2
Beginning in March 2014, all the CESM supported releases known problems (except CESM1.0.5 and prior releases) will be reported and updated using the DiscussCESM Forums
CESM General -> Known Issues -> [sub forum topic]
Please be sure you are subscribed to the CESM General -> Known Issues sub-forum topic(s) of interest by logging into the forums and select options
My Account -> Subscriptions -> Categories
Check all sub-forum topics that you would like to keep informed about and the frequency of notifications.
These particular sub-forums are only accessible for posting by forum moderators and are intended to be used as an avenue for CESM developers to communicate known problems and fixes to the general CESM user community.
CESM users should continue to post their issues either as a topic in the main Bug Reporting forum and/or as a topic in the individual component models' Software and Run-time issues forums.
In addition to the organization of the sub-forums, some hints for searching the new sub-forum known issues topics include searching on phrases such as:
- "Affected Releases CESM1.0.z" - to find all bug topics associated with the CESM1.0.z (z > 5) release series
- "Affected Releases CESM1.1.z" - to find all bug topics associated with the CESM1.1.z release series
- "Affected Releases CESM1.2.z" - to find all bug topics associated with the CESM1.2.z release series
Thank you.
CESM Software Engineering Group
The CESM1.2.2 is an incremental bug fix and machines update release in the CESM1.2 series.
** IMPORTANT NOTE ** Starting with CESM1.2.1, the Subversion repository path has changed. All documentation for downloading the most current version of the model has been updated in the CESM User's Guide to reflect this change and older version differences are noted.
To download the CESM1.2.2 release code, use this command:
> svn co --username guestuser --password [password] cesm1_2_2
You may be prompted up to 3 times for the username and password when checking out the code for the first time from this new Subversion path. This is because the code is distributed across a number of different Subversion repositories and each repository requires authentication.