The central source for information on CAM is the CAM web page.
The CESM Bulletin Board is a moderated forum for rapid exchange of information, ideas, and topics of interest relating to the various versions of CAM. This includes sharing software tools, datasets, programming tips and examples, as well as discussions of questions, problems and workarounds. The primary motivation for the establishment of this forum is to facilitate and encourage communication between the users of the CAM around the world. This bulletin board will also be used to distribute announcements related to CAM.
The CESM Bulletin Board is here:
If a user should encounter bugs in the code (i.e., it doesn't behave in a way in which the documentation says it should), the problem should be reported electronically to the CESM Bulletin Board. When writing a bug report the guiding principle should be to provide enough information so that the bug can be reproduced. The following list suggests the minimal information that should be contained in the report:
The version number of the CCSM or CESM release that CAM is part of.
The architecture on which the code was built. Include relevent information such as the Fortran compiler, MPI library, etc.
The configure commandline. If it is this command that is failing, then report the output from this command. It can also be very useful to run this command with the -v option to turn on verbose output.
The build-namelist commandline. If it is this command that is failing, then report the output from this command. It can also be very useful to run this command with the -v option to turn on verbose output.
Model printout. Ideally this would contain a stack trace. But it should at least contain any error messages printed to the output log.