CESM Models: CCSM1.4 Pacific Basin Model
The NCAR CSM Pacific Basin Model is based on the upper equatorial ocean model of Gent and Cane (1989). It has been updated and improved in a variety of ways, perhaps most notably by the addition of the K-profile parameterization (KPP) boundary layer scheme of Large et at (1994). This model can be run as a coupled (i.e. as the global ocean component in a CSM configuration) or uncoupled (i.e. stand-alone) model.
The model physics are described in detail in the following publications:
- Gent, P. R., and M. A. Cane, 1989: A reduced gravity, primitive equation model of the upper equatorial ocean. . Comp. Phys., 81, 444-480.
- Gent, P. R., 1991: The heat budget of the TOGA--COARE domain in an ocean model. J. Geophys. Res., 96, 3323-3330.
- Large, W. G., J. C. McWilliams and S. C. Doney, 1994: Oceanic vertical mixing: A review and a model with a nonlocal boundary layer parameterization. Rev. of Geophys., 32, 363-403.
Publicly Released Version
Version 3.e (12 August 1999). This source code is for both coupled and uncoupled (stand-alone) versions of the model. The coupled version of this model is compatible with coupler version cpl4.0 and the CSM1.2 release in general.
In uncoupled mode, external forcing is provided by means of input surface wind fields and input cloud cover data. An input SST data field is also used to set vertical boundary conditions (but not surface forcing). In coupled mode, external forcing is provided by the Flux Coupler. In coupled mode, this regional model is embedded into a global SST data set, and can thus function as a "global" ocean model in the CSM context.
- User's Guide [documentation]
- Source Code [source code] download tar file
Version 3.d (28 August 1999). This source code is for both coupled and uncoupled (stand-alone) versions of the model. The coupled version of this model is compatible with coupler version cpl4.0 and the CSM1.2 release in general.
A coding error was found in the kpp mixing scheme of this version -- please use version 3.e instead. The codes are otherwise the same. Tests revealed that this error caused a noticable change in model solutions, but, to date, tests did not suggest a qualitative change in the solution.
If you acquire any CSM source code, please email kauff@ucar.edu and let us know.
Copyright Notice: the NCAR Climatological Data Ice Model is subject to Copyright (C) 1998, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, All Rights Reserved.
Experiment Database
Database of in-house experiments -- available to NCAR/CGD users only.