CAM6 Development: AMWG simulations with CESM1.5


CESM1.5 simulations: "28"

Below we are showing results of the so-called "28" simulations.
All the other cesm1.5 simulations can be found atL CESM1.5 simulations ("mini Breck" simulations)

History files are available in /glade/p/cesm0005/archive/$case

CESM1.5 simulations: "36"

Below we are showing results of the so-called "36" simulations.
All the other cesm1.5 simulations can be found at CESM1.5 simulations ("mini Breck" simulations)

History files are available in /glade/p/cesm0005/archive/$case

Instructions to reproduce 28 and 36


The instructions can be found here.