- Response to panel recommendations (05/13/2015)
Implement a multi-variate PDF based moist turbulence and cloud macrophysics scheme based on the Cloud Layers Unified By Binormals (CLUBB) into CAM.
- CAM Clubb Introduction and Bibliography [Paper] - Updated Dec 9, 2014
- Scale Sensitivity of Parameterizations: Idealized Variable Mesh Spectral Element Simulations [Paper]
- CLUBB webpage
- Bogenschutz et al (2013). Higher-order turbulence closure and it's impact on climate simulations in the Community Atmosphere Model. J. Climate, 26, 9655-9676, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00075.1. [Paper]
- Bogenschutz et al (2012). Unified parameterization of the planetary boundary layer and shallow convection with a higher-order turbulence closure in the Community Atmosphere Model. Geo. Sci. Model Dev., 5, 1407-1423, doi: 10.5194/gmd-5-1407-2012 [Paper].
- Bogenschutz et al.. (2014) Recent progress and developments with CAM-CLUBB. AMWG Meeting, Boulder, 10-12 February 2014 [Talk]
- Bogenschutz et al. (2013) A unified cloud/convection scheme for CAM: Concept and preliminary results. CESM Workshop, Breckenridge, 17 - 20 June 2013. [Talk]
Updated 1/10/2013:
CLUBB provided a new coupled simulation starting from the large-ensemble. Older simulations (previous tp Dec 30,2014) can be found here.
ID | Case Description | Diagnostics | Details/Comments | ||||||||
f2000_clubb | CAM standalone with climatological SSTs |
w/ obs w/ cam5.3 (5-year run) |
f2000_pia_clubb | CAM standalone with climatological SSTs + preindustrial aerosol |
w/ f2000_clubb | |||||||||
famip_clubb | AMIP run |
w/ obs (yrs 1980-2004) *
w/ obs (yrs 1995-2004) * |
(*) The COSP simulator for 1980-2004 have a bug (independant of CLUBB). (**) The cam5.3 |
b1850_clubb | Coupled run Hybrid run started from large-ensemble at year 402 |
e1850_clubb_1xco2 | Slab Ocean Model + 1xCO2 | timeseries w/ b1850_clubb |
e1850_clubb_2xco2 | Slab Ocean Model + 2xCO2 | timeseries w/ e1850_clubb_1xco2 |
Additional simulations
ID | Case Description | Diagnostics | Details/Comments | ||||||||
b20th_clubb | Coupled run: Historical 20th century Hybrid run started from ? |
(**) in progress
Description of the code base and difference with CAM trunk
The clubb simulations used code branched from cam5_3_08.
The description of the code is available on the CLUBB tag description.
This document includes:
- list of the tuning parameters (different from CAM5 tuning) used in CLUBB simulations
- list of changes unrelated to CLUBB used in CLUBB simulations
CLUBB timings are available on the Timing table
Response to the panel recommendations
The response from CLUBB developers to the panel recommendation is available here.