Instructions to run CESM1.5: "28"


CESM1.5 (mini-breck version)

This is the cesm1.5 discussed at the mini breck. The so called "28".

The control runs for the "28" simulations (pre-industrial control, 20th century, standalone simualtions) can be found at here,
All the other cesm1.5 development simulations can be found at: CESM1.5 simulations ("mini Breck" simulations)

Instructions to reproduce the preindustrial control for 28 are below.

Experimental tag

On the svn repository

There is a local copy of the tag at:


Compset and create_newcase command

In this tag, the B1850 compset uses:
- ATM: cam5.5 physics
- SEA ICE: prognostic cice5
- LAND ICE: cism1 land ice
- LAND: clm5.0 physics + clm5.0 bgc (cn and methane)
- OCN: POP2 default+ BGC (CO2=diag)

An example of the create_newcase command is:
./create_newcase -case $yourcasename -compset B1850 -res f09_g16 -mach yellowstone -user_pes_setby allactive -project $project_number


The throughput/cost for the following pe_layout

Model Cost: 4526.52 pe-hrs/simulated_year
Model Throughput: 20.02 simulated_years/day

code modification

Copy in SourceMods/src/cam

xml changes

# run-off mapping file
./xmlchange ROF2OCN_RMAPNAME=cpl/gridmaps/r05/

# Determines provenance of surface Chl for radiative penetration,computations.
./xmlchange OCN_CHL_TYPE=diagnostic

Change to user_nl_** files

# user_nl_cam

bnd_topo = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/topo/'
dust_emis_fact = 0.60D0
micro_mg_dcs = 140.D-6

# user_nl_clm

suplnitro = 'NONE'
fsurdat = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/'
paramfile = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/paramdata/'
leaf_mr_vcm = 0.015d00
use_dynroot = .false.
lower_boundary_condition = 2
use_bedrock = .true.
soil_layerstruct = '20SL_8.5m'
limit_irrigation = .false.
use_init_interp = .true.
init_interp_fill_missing_with_natveg = .true.

# user_nl_cpl

flux_diurnal = .true.

# user_nl_cice
# (by default the initial condition for sea-ice is coming from a previous SOM run. You want to use the initial condition from the hybrid run instead)

ice_ic = ''

# user_nl_pop

alk_riv_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
dfe_riv_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
dic_riv_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
din_riv_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
dip_riv_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
doc_riv_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
don_riv_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
dop_riv_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
dsi_riv_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
dust_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
fesedflux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
iron_flux_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
nhy_flux_monthly_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'
nox_flux_monthly_input%filename = '/glade/p/cesm/bgcwg/forcing/BEC_gx1v6_forcing_no_ms/'


Remove the following line from the file env_mach_specific.xml
<env name="MP_EAGER_LIMIT">0</env>

It will increase significantly your throughput.