CESM1.5 (modern version: March 2016)
Control simulation "36".
"36" is basically the modern version of "28". It uses updated code and it produces a climate similar to "28".
The experimental only works for B1850. Other compsets WILL NOT produce a cesm1.5 simulation.
Below, we provide instructions to make a F2000 and FAMIP.
Instructions to run "36"
1. Pre-industrial control (B1850)
Experimental tag
On the svn repository
In this tag, the B1850 compset uses:
- ATM: cam5.5 physics
- SEA ICE: prognostic cice5
- LAND ICE: cism1 land ice
- LAND: clm5.0 physics + clm5.0 bgc (cn and methane)
- OCN: POP2 default+ BGC (CO2=diag)
create_newcase command
The create_newcase command is:
./create_newcase -case $yourcasename -compset B1850 -res f09_g16 -mach yellowstone -user_mods_dir b1850 -pecount X -project $project_number
For best performance, it is recommended to turn off hyperthreading.
./xmlchange MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE=16
Overall Metrics for this layout:
Model Cost: 4487.02 pe-hrs/simulated_year
Model Throughput: 20.20 simulated_years/day
problem with short-term archive
The short term archiver doesn't work properly in the experimental tag when doing an hybrid run.
A fix is provided in the section known problems.
2. CAM standalone with 2000 SSTs (F2000)
Experimental tag
On the svn repository
By default, this tag will use cice4 and not cice5 for the prescribed sea-ice (this is hard-wired in the cice configure)
# make modifications ro run cice5 in standalone
As we want to use cice5 the case in standalone runs, we need to comment the lines in: components/cice/bld/configure
if ($cice_mode eq 'prescribed') {
$phys = 'cice4';
$cfg_ref->set('phys', $phys);
# define a new comspet F2000
# in /glade/p/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cesm1_5_alpha06_cntlexp06_cice5/components/cam/cime_config/config_compsets.xml
# local copy
There is a local copy of the tag that includes the modifications to the sea-ice code and to config_compsets.
Compset and create_newcase command
In this tag, the FC55 compset uses:
- ATM: cam5.5 physics
- SEA ICE: prescribed cice5
- LAND ICE: cism1 land ice
- LAND: clm5.0 physics + clm5.0 bgc (cn and methane)
An example of the create_newcase command is:
./create_newcase -case $casename -compset F2000 -res f09_f09 -mach yellowstone -user_pes_setby cam -project CESM0005
Here I am suggesting 2 pe_layouts (the first one is cheaper and shoudl be used if you don't need an ultra fast turnaround)
(1) cheaper pe_layout
Overall Metrics for this layout
Model Cost: 2924.23 pe-hrs/simulated_year
Model Throughput: 14.18 simulated_years/day
(2) faster pe_layout
Overall Metrics for this layout
Model Cost: 3970.64 pe-hrs/simulated_year
Model Throughput: 20.89 simulated_years/day
xml changes
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=0001-01-01
./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=hybrid,RUN_REFCASE=b.e15.BHIST.f09_g16.20thC.28,RUN_REFDATE=2000-01-01,GET_REFCASE=TRUE
Change to user_nl_** files
# user_nl_clm
# Ideally we need to use a 2000 surface dataset but it is not available, so we are using the 1850 for now. We will update this when the dataset becomes available.
fsurdat = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/surfdata_0.9x1.25_16pftsmodwshrubwglcr_simyr1850_c151210.nc'
use_init_interp = .true.
init_interp_fill_missing_with_natveg = .true.
# user_nl_cpl
flux_diurnal = .true.
# user_nl_cam
solar_data_file = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SOLAR_SPECTRAL_Lean_1610-2008_annual_c090324.nc'
solar_data_type = 'FIXED'
solar_data_ymd = 20000101
3. CAM standalone AMIP type run (FAMIP)
Experimental tag
On the svn repository
By default, this tag will use cice4 and not cice5 for the prescribed sea-ice (this is hard-wired in the cice configure)
# make modifications ro run cice5 in standalone
As we want to use cice5 the case in standalone runs, we need to comment the lines in: components/cice/bld/configure
if ($cice_mode eq 'prescribed') {
$phys = 'cice4';
$cfg_ref->set('phys', $phys);
# define a new comspet FAMIP
# in /glade/p/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cesm1_5_alpha06_cntlexp06_cice5/components/cam/cime_config/config_compsets.xml
# local copy
There is a local copy of the tag that includes the modifications to the sea-ice code and to config_compsets.
Compset and create_newcase command
In this tag, the FC55 compset uses:
- ATM: cam5.5 physics
- SEA ICE: prescribed cice5
- LAND ICE: cism1 land ice
- LAND: clm5.0 physics + clm5.0 bgc (cn and methane)
An example of the create_newcase command is:
./create_newcase -case $casename -compset FAMIP -res f09_f09 -mach yellowstone -user_pes_setby cam -project CESM0005
Here I am suggesting 2 pe_layouts (the first one is cheaper and shoudl be used if you don't need an ultra fast turnaround)
(1) cheaper pe_layout
Overall Metrics for this layout
Model Cost: 2924.23 pe-hrs/simulated_year
Model Throughput: 14.18 simulated_years/day
(2) faster pe_layout
Overall Metrics for this layout
Model Cost: 3970.64 pe-hrs/simulated_year
Model Throughput: 20.89 simulated_years/day
xml changes
./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=hybrid,RUN_REFCASE=b.e15.BHIST.f09_g16.20thC.28,RUN_REFDATE=1979-01-01,GET_REFCASE=TRUE
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=1979-01-01
Change to user_nl_** files
# user_nl_clm
# Ideally we need to use a 2000 surface dataset but it is not available, so we are using the 1850 for now. We will update this when the dataset becomes available.
use_init_interp = .true.
init_interp_fill_missing_with_natveg = .true.
flanduse_timeseries = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/landuse.timeseries_0.9x1.25_rcp8.516pftsmodwshrub_simyr1850-2100_c160112.nc'
fsurdat = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/surfdata_0.9x1.25_16pftsmodwshrubwglcr_simyr1850_c151210.nc'
# user_nl_cpl
flux_diurnal = .true.
4. Known problems
Problem with short-term archiving for hybrid runs (2016-04-01)
The short term archiver doesn't work properly in the experimental tag when doing an hybrid run.
A fix is provided below.
In your sandbox, you need to replace the file:
by the provided file st_archive.
You can also find a fix locally on yellowstone: