CVWG Home -> Experiments -> 21st Century CCSM3 Large Ensemble Project

CCSM CVWG Experiments: 21st Century CCSM3 Large Ensemble Project

Model Versionccsm3_0_1_beta24
Short Description40 member ensemble from 2000-2061 forced using IPCC sres-a1b scenario conditions and stratospheric ozone recovery. | Graphical Summary of Runs
Description A 40 member ensemble of CCSM3.0 integrations for the period 2000-2061 under the SRES A1B scenario has been completed by the CCSM Climate Variability and Climate Change Working Groups. Initial conditions for all model components except the atmosphere are identical for each ensemble member, and are taken as the January 1, 2000 state as simulated in a Climate of the 20th Century (20C3M) integration produced by the same coupled model. The initial atmospheric state is different for each ensemble member and corresponds to one of the states between December 1, 1999 and January 15, 2000 generated in the 20C3M experiment. These simulations are available to all users once they have registered with the Earth System Grid.

The ensemble is designed to provide a dataset for studies of how various statistical properties of the climate system may change in reaction to changing climate forcing. The ensemble's large size makes it possible to investigate properties that can only be accurately estimated with a large number of samples and should allow study of the evolution of these properties with unusually fine temporal resolution. The experimental design also enables investigation of predictability properties of the climate system on decadal time scales as well as studies of signal-to-noise emergence.

If you are interested in analyzing these runs, we kindly ask that you provide a short description of your proposed research focus and your contact information and send it to Adam Phillips (asphilli at so that other users can see what projects are underway.

Listing of Relevant: Publications | Ongoing Research Projects

When presenting results either in oral or written form, please acknowledge the CCSM Climate Variability and Climate Change Working Groups "21st century CCSM3 Large Ensemble Project".

Grant Branstator
Clara Deser
Jerry Meehl
Haiyan Teng

NCAR November 2007
Diagnostic PagesAtmosphere | Ocean
Mass Store PathsOriginal history tape data as well as post-processed original fields and IPCC fields are available on the mass store.

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Example: Mass store path of monthly-mean atmospheric IPCC field post-processed files for run #3:
Postprocessed Variables Atmosphere : Monthly-Mean Original Fields | Monthly-Mean ("A1") IPCC Fields | Daily Original Fields | Daily ("A2") IPCC Fields
Land : Monthly-Mean Original Fields | Monthly-Mean ("A1") IPCC Fields
Ocean : Monthly-Mean/Annual Fields
Sea Ice :Monthly-Mean Original Fields | Monthly-Mean ("O1") IPCC Fields
Postprocessed Data Location Remote access: Original history tape data and post-processed original fields are available on the Earth System Grid. The data can be accessed here.

Local access (NCAR/CGD): Post-processed original fields and IPCC fields are available on /project/ccp01/b30.075-?? (?? = 01 through 40)
Notes Questions about these runs may be sent to Haiyan Teng (hteng at