2021 CESM Tutorial Announcement
The 2021 CESM Tutorial will take place 09 - 13 August 2021. This year the tutorial will remain entirely virtual via Zoom due to continued uncertainty about travel related to the global pandemic. During the tutorial week, activities will occur during a 9 am to 3 pm MDT window, which includes breaks in between live sessions. A total of 50 students will be selected and all applicants will be notified by mid May, 2021. The deadline for applying is Monday, 1 March, 2021 at 11:59 PM Mountain Time.
The CESM Tutorial will consist of:
- A mix of live and pre-recorded lectures on simulating the climate system. Students are expected to watch the pre-recorded lectures before the corresponding live Q&A session;
- Pre-recorded practical sessions on how to run CESM, modify components, and analyze the output. During the tutorial week there will be daily live office hours dedicated to help students with any potential problems encountered during the practical sessions. Again, students are expected to complete the practical sessions before the corresponding office hours;
The CESM Tutorial is targeted at the graduate student level (2nd year and beyond), but postdocs, research scientists, and faculty members are also welcome to apply. We are committed to providing equal opportunity for all applicants regardless of race, age, creed, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or pregnancy.
Tutorial Details
- Dates: 09 - 13 August 2021
- Location: Zoom https://zoom.us/download
- Registration: Closed
Acceptance criteria
- Balance attendees across institutions
- Project descriptions that fit with broader CESM goals and activities
- Preference given to early career graduate students, though we will aim for a mix of graduate students, postdocs, early career research scientists, and faculty.
We very much encourage applications from students from diverse backgrounds of all kinds; whatever your gender, race/ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, body size and shape, veteran status, and/or disability, you are very welcome here at NCAR. For additional information and resources, please visit the NCAR Diversity, Education & Outreach website.
[ https://ncar.ucar.edu/who-we-are/diversity-inclusion ]
Tutorial Links
- Home: Main page for the 2021 CESM tutorial
- Agenda: View the agenda in pdf format
- Announcement: Information about the event and how to apply to the tutorial
- Participants: Participants of the 2021 CESM Tutorial * Coming soon
- Prerequisites: Please complete the following activities to ensure you are prepared for the tutorial
- Coursework: View the sciences presentations and the labs exercises.
- Video recordings: View all the recorded sessions in one YouTube Playlist
* Note the complete list of tutorial videos can be found on the coursework page