CESM Experiments
CCSM/CESM Models: Experiments and Resulting Output Data
- CESM1.1.1 Experiments, Data and Diagnostic Output
- Low-Warming: 1.5°C - 2.0°C Targets
- CESM1-LENS - Large Ensemble Community Project
- ME - Medium Ensemble (part of the BRACE project)
- LME - Last Millennium Ensemble Project
- Prescribed SST AMIP Ensembles
- Single Forcings Project
- Tropical Pacific Pacemaker Project
CESM1.0 / CCSM4.0 control and CMIP5 runs
- CESM1.0 / CCSM4.0 Experiments, Data and Diagnostic Output
- CESM1.0 / CCSM4.0 data is available on the Earth System Grid (registration required)
- Community Earth System Model (CESM) Data Management and Data Distribution Plan
CCSM3 IPCC experiments
CCSM3.0 control runs (2004)
- CCSM3.0 Experiments and Output Data Web Page
- CCSM3.0 is data available on the Earth System Grid (registration required)
CCSM 2.0 control runs (2002)
- CCSM2.0 Experiments and Output Data Web Page
- CCSM2.0 data is located on NCAR mass store (NCAR login/account required)
CSM 1.x control runs (1996-1999)
- CSM 1.x Experiments and Output Data Web Page
- CCSM1.x data is located on NCAR mass store (NCAR login/account required)