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User's Guide to NCAR CAM2.0

1. Introduction

1.2 Quick Start

The following is a summary of the steps needed to quickly make a test run of CAM2.0 for machines at NCAR. For machines not at NCAR you can can still follow the following outline, but you will have to edit the run script for your particular situation and platform.
  1. Download CAM source code and datasets from. http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/atm-cam/
  2. Untar the standard datasets (to run at other resolutions or with other dynamics you will need to also untar the "non-standard" dataset.

    gunzip -c cam2.0.standard_datasets.tar.gz | tar xvf -

  3. Set the environment variable "CSMDATA" to the location of the input datasets.

    setenv CSMDATA `pwd`/inputdata

  4. Go to the location you want to store the source code and untar the source-code.

    gunzip -c cam2.0.source.tar.gz | tar xvf -

  5. Do a simple run on the NCAR IBM with the "run-ibm.pl" script (if not running on the NCAR IBM you will need to edit this script). If you want to run on a different machine there are scripts for the IBM, SGI or Linux-PC platforms that can be modified for your specific machine in question. The run-ibm.csh and run-sgi.csh scripts both have batch information in them that allow them to be run either interactively or in the NCAR batch-queue.

    cd cam2/models/atm/cam/bld

At this point the model should begin compiling and executing.  Appropriate log files will be generated in the /ptmp/$LOGNAME/$CASE directory.  After a successful run of the model, the user may edit the namelist variables in run-ibm.csh to better suit their particular needs. After successfully compiling the model, subsequent invocations of the run script will only recompile when the user makes changes to model code. The model should begin execution very quickly after gmake verifies than no code has been changed.  For more detailed help see section 2.1 How To Build and Run CAM2.0.

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$Name: $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/06/08 02:57:20 $ $Author: jmccaa $