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User's Guide to NCAR CAM2.0

2. Using CAM2.0

    2.4 Example Namelists

2.4.5 Example 5 -- Branch Run

In the following example, a new case is "branched" from the run given in Example 1. Branching allows the user to change any history file related namelist variables while continuing from a chosen point in a previous run.  Other namelist variables should not be modified. To obtain this namelist, the user may invoke build-namelist with command line arguments. However, since the number of command line arguments for this case are numerous, an easier solution is for the user to first create a namelist file, namelist_input, with the following contents:

 caseid = 'run05'
 nrevsn = '/USERNAME/csm/camrun/atm/rest/camrun.cam2.r.0000-09-02-00000'
 nsrest = 3
 nelapse = -30
 nhtfrq = 72,18,18
 ndens = 2,2,2
 mfilt = 10,30,30
 fincl2 = 'PRECL:I','PRECC:I','CLOUD:I'
 fincl3 = 'PRECL:M','PRECC:M','CLOUD:M'
 fexcl1 = 'PRECL','PRECC','CLOUD'
 mss_wpass = 'mypass'
 nrevsn = '/USERNAME/csm/camrun/lnd/rest/camrun.clm2.r.0000-09-02-00000'

The user may then invoke build-namelist as follows:

 % setenv CSMDATA /data
 % build-namelist -runtype branch -infile namelist_input

The user should invoke this command from the same directory from which configure was invoked.

A branch run must always start a new case, so the namelist variable CASEID must be modified.  In this example, some fields are excluded from the primary history file and placed on auxiliary history files 2 and 3 with a write frequency of 18 timesteps. Note the use of NSREST=3 for a branch run, and the additional values assigned to NDENS, MFILT, and NHTFRQ for the auxiliary files. 

 caseid = 'run05'
 absems_data = '/data/atm/cam2/rad/abs_ems_factors_fastvx.052001.nc'
 ncdata = '/data/atm/cam2/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_64x128_T42_L26_c020514.nc'
 bndtvs = '/data/atm/cam2/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_64x128_clim_c020411.nc'
 bndtvo = '/data/atm/cam2/ozone/noaao3.1990.21999.nc'
 nrevsn = '/USERNAME/csm/camrun/atm/rest/camrun.cam2.r.0000-09-02-00000'
 nsrest = 3
 nelapse = -30
 nhtfrq = 72,18,18
 ndens = 2,2,2
 mfilt = 10,30,30
 fincl2 = 'PRECL:I','PRECC:I','CLOUD:I'
 fincl3 = 'PRECL:M','PRECC:M','CLOUD:M'
 fexcl1 = 'PRECL','PRECC','CLOUD'
 mss_wpass = 'mypass'
 iyear_ad = 1950

 nrevsn = '/USERNAME/csm/camrun/lnd/rest/camrun.clm2.r.0000-09-02-00000'
 fpftcon = '/data/lnd/clm2/pftdata/pft-physiology'
 fsurdat = '/data/lnd/clm2/srfdata/cam/clms_64x128_c020514.nc'
 finidat = '/data/lnd/clm2/inidata/cam/clmi_0000-09-01_64x128_T42_c020514.nc'


A branch run must always start a new case.


NSREST=3 indicates a "branch" run, which starts from a specific set of restart datasets and creates a new case.


This run uses the master restart file camrun.cam2.r.0000-09-02-00000 from Example 1 to provide the restart dataset required for starting a branch run.  USERNAME in this example refers to the users login.  A branch run also requires that NREVSN be separately specified in the CLM2.0 namelist input. This example uses the CLM2.0 restart file written in Example 1.


The history file write frequency will be every 72 timesteps (1 day) for the primary file and every 18 timesteps (6 hours) for the two auxiliary files.


 All primary and auxiliary history file fields will be in single precision.


Ten time samples will be written to the first history file. Thirty time samples will be written to the second and third history files.


This list specifies the addition of three fields to the default second history tape.  The :I after each field indicates that its values should be recorded instantaneously and not as time-averaged field.


Like FINCL2, except fields are defined for the third history file, and each is to be recorded as point-by-point minima rather than instantaneous.


To save file storage space, some fields are eliminated from the primary history file.


The NCAR Mass Store write password for all output datasets is set to 'mypass'.

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$Name: $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/06/08 02:57:22 $ $Author: jmccaa $