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User's Guide to NCAR CAM2.0

2. Using CAM2.0

    2.4 Example Namelists

2.4.6 Example 6 -- History File Specifications

The following namelist produces an initial run that modifies various settings related to history file specifications. Changes include the addition of fields from the Master Field List (see Table 2.7 ) to the primary history file, the removal and addition of default fields to the secondary (daily output) history file and modification of the history filenames and time averaging. To obtain this namelist, the user may invoke build-namelist with command line arguments. However, since the number of command line arguments for this case are numerous, an easier solution is for the user to first create a namelist file, namelist_input, with the following contents:

 caseid = 'run06'
 mss_irt = 1825
 mfilt = 10
 nelapse = -60
 nhtfrq = 0,36
 mfilt = 1,2
 fincl1 = 'PRECSL','PRECSC'
 fincl2 = 'T','U'
 fexcl2 = 'T850'
 hfilename_spec(2) = 'h%t.%y-%m-%d.nc'
 avgflag_pertape(2) = 'X'

The user may then invoke build-namelist as follows:

 % setenv CSMDATA /data
 % build-namelist -infile namelist_input

The user should invoke this command from the same directory from which configure was invoked.

 caseid = 'run06'
 absems_data = '/data/atm/cam2/rad/abs_ems_factors_fastvx.052001.nc'
 ncdata = '/data/atm/cam2/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_64x128_T42_L26_c020514.nc'
 bndtvs = '/data/atm/cam2/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_64x128_clim_c020411.nc'
 bndtvo = '/data/atm/cam2/ozone/noaao3.1990.21999.nc'
 nsrest = 0
 mss_irt = 1825
 nelapse = -60
 nhtfrq = 0,36
 mfilt = 1,2
 fincl1 = 'PRECSL','PRECSC'
 fincl2 = 'T','U'
 fexcl2 = 'T850'
 hfilename_spec(2) = 'h%t.%y-%m-%d.nc'
 avgflag_pertape(2) = 'X'
 iyear_ad = 1950

 fpftcon = '/data/lnd/clm2/pftdata/pft-physiology'
 fsurdat = '/data/lnd/clm2/srfdata/cam/clms_64x128_c020514.nc'
 finidat = '/data/lnd/clm2/inidata/cam/clmi_0000-09-01_64x128_T42_c020514.nc'


This list defines additional fields that should appear on the primary history file.  These fields must be in the Master Field List and the appropriate calls to subroutine outfld must be uncommented in the source code. See "Adding New Variables" for more information.


Specifies that temperature and zonal wind should be added to the default fields on the second history files.


Specifies that the field, "T850", should be removed from the second history files.


A monthly averaged primary history file is requested by setting the first value of NHTFRQ to 0 (this is also the default). The second auxiliary files will have output every half a day (the default is one day).


Specifies the number of time samples to be written to each history file.  The model will open a history tape and write mfilt time samples before closing the file.  Setting MFILT to 2 means that each complete output history file will contain two time samples.


Sets the filename specifier for the second history files to produce filenames of the form h2.yyyy-mm-dd.nc. The default filenames for the second history files would be run09.cam2.h1.yyyy-mm-dd-sssss.nc.


Specifies that all fields on the second auxiliary history file should contain maximum values over the history output interval.


Sets the retention period of history and restart files written to the NCAR Mass Storage System. History files and restart datasets will be archived with a retention period of 5 years.


Sets the Mass Store write password for the model output datasets. This password must remain the same throughout a case.

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$Name: $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/06/08 02:57:22 $ $Author: jmccaa $