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1.4 Obtaining and unpacking the source code and datasets

The primary distribution mechanism for CAM is the via the
CAM web page (

Once there, you must follow the download link and accept the CAM distribution license.

At the least you must download the ``CAM 3.0 Source distribution'', the ``Resolution-independent datasets'', and the dataset tarball for at least one resolution.

To untar the source code tar file you execute the following command:
gunzip -c cam3.0_source_code.tar.gz | tar xvf -

To untar one or more dataset tarfiles you must first go a directory that will be the dataset root directory. For all of the examples in this document it will be assumed that the environment variable CSMDATA will be set to the full pathname of this directory. You can achieve this in an interactive shell by typing the following command while in the dataset root directory:
setenv CSMDATA `pwd`
Now unpack each of the dataset tar files using:
gunzip -c <tarfilename> | tar xvf -

Note: All dataset tarfiles should be unpacked in the same directory.

1.4.1 CAM input dataset directory hierarchy

The directory structure of the input datasets is as follows:
Table 1.1: CAM Input Dataset Directory Hierarchy
Directory name Synopsis
inputdata Top level directory where CSMDATA points to
inputdata/atm Datasets for atmosphereic models
inputdata/atm/cam2 Datasets specifically for CAM
inputdata/atm/cam2/ggas Greenhouse gas forcing datasets
inputdata/atm/cam2/inic Atmosphereic initial condition datasets
inputdata/atm/cam2/ozone Ozone datasets
inputdata/atm/cam2/rad Radiation datasets
inputdata/atm/cam2/scam Single column model datasets
inputdata/atm/cam2/scyc Sulfate forcing datasets
inputdata/atm/cam2/sst Sea Surface temperature datasets
inputdata/lnd Datasets for land models
inputdata/lnd/clm2 Datasets for CLM
inputdata/lnd/clm2/pftdata Plant physiology datasets
inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata High resolution surface datasets
inputdata/lnd/clm2/srfdata/cam Time-invariant surface datasets
inputdata/lnd/clm2/inidata_2.1/cam Land-model initial condition datasets

1.4.2 CAM source code directory hierarchy

The directory hierarchy for CAM 3.0 is as follows. The directory hierarchy closely parallels the directory hierarchy for CCSM3 and as such seperates code out by model component.

Table 1.2: CAM Source Code Directory Hierarchy
Directory name Synopsis
models/atm/cam/bld/ Scripts to build and execute the model
models/atm/cam/src/ Atmosphere model main source code directory
models/atm/cam/src/advection/slt Semi-Lagrangian Transport advection routines
models/atm/cam/src/control Control code
models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/eul Eulerian dynamics
models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/fv Finite-Volume dynamics
models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/sld Semi-Lagrangian dynamics
models/atm/cam/src/ocnsice/dom Data Ocean Model
models/atm/cam/src/ocnsice/som Slab Ocean Model
models/atm/cam/src/physics/cam1 Physics routines (e.g., radiation, convection)
models/atm/cam/src/utils CAM specific utilities
models/atm/cam/tools/ Directory of tools (such as history compare routines)
models/atm/cam/tools/cprnc History file comparison program. Normally used to compare code modifications to a "base-line" code. Prints out summary of differences.
models/atm/cam/tools/scam Single column model
models/csm_share/shr Code shared by all the geophysical model components of the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) (e.g. code for CCSM message passing and orbital calculations)
models/lnd/clm2 Community Land Model (CLM2.1) code
models/ice/csim4 Community Sea-Ice Model (CSIM4) code
models/utils Independent utility codes
models/utils/esmf General purpose Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) utilities.
models/utils/pilgrim Parallel Library for Grid Manipulations.
models/utils/timing General purpose timing library

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Jim McCaa 2004-10-22