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2.2 Information Exchanged with the Coupler

When CSIM5 is run coupled, it sends and receives forcing information from the other components via a flux coupler. Message passing between the ice model and the coupler is accomplished using MPI. Fluxes computed within the ice model and used by other components are sent to the flux coupler for distribution. Although CSIM5 contains an ice thickness distribution in each grid cell, and the ice state variables and fluxes depend on the ice thickness, only aggregate quantities of each grid cell are passed to the coupler.

The coupler requires that the fluxes it receives from the ice model be divided by the total ice area in each grid cell, since the coupler multiplies these fluxes by the ice area. This is done in subroutine scale_fluxes just before the call to to_coupler. These fluxes have units of "per unit ice area".

The forcing information received by the ice model from the coupler at the top of the timestep is listed in Table 1. By convention, directional fluxes are positive downward. The symbols in the first column correspond to those in the equations found in the Scientific Description document. These are the forcing variables required by the ice model for running coupled or uncoupled. The information calculated by the ice model and sent to the coupler at mid-timestep is listed in Table 2.

Table 1: Fluxes and state variables received by the sea ice model from the coupler
Symbol Variable Name Description Units
    Atmospheric Variables  
$z_a$ zlvl Reference height m
$u_a$ uatm Zonal wind speed at $z_a$ m s$^{-1}$
$v_a$ vatm Meridional wind speed at $z_a$ m s$^{-1}$
$\theta_a$ potT Potential temperature at $z_a$ K
$T_a$ Tair Air temperature at $z_a$ K
$q_a$ Qa Specific humidity at $z_a$ kg kg$^{-1}$
$\rho_a$ rhoa Air density at $z_a$ kg m$^{-3}$
  Atmosphere $\Rightarrow$ ice fluxes    
$F_{SWvdr}$ swvdr Direct, visible downwelling shortwave W m$^{-2}$
$F_{SWvdf}$ swvdf Diffuse, visible downwelling shortwave W m$^{-2}$
$F_{SWndr}$ swidr Direct, near infrared downwelling shortwave W m$^{-2}$
$F_{SWndf}$ swidf Diffuse, near infrared downwelling shortwave W m$^{-2}$
$F_{LWDN}$ flw Downwelling longwave W m$^{-2}$
$F_{RN}$ frain Freshwater flux due to rain kg m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$
$F_{SNW}$ fsnow Freshwater flux due to snow (liquid) kg m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$
  Ocean Variables    
$T_o$ sst Sea surface temperature K
$S_o$ sss Sea surface salinity ppt
$u_o$ uocn Surface ocean current m s$^{-1}$
$v_o$ vocn Surface ocean current m s$^{-1}$
$H_{ox}$ ss_tltx Sea surface slope m m$^{-1}$
$H_{oy}$ ss_tlty Sea surface slope m m$^{-1}$
  Ocean $\Rightarrow$ ice fluxes    
$F_{Qoi}$ frzmlt Freezing/melting potential W m$^{-2}$

Table 2: Fluxes and state variables sent from sea ice model to coupler
Symbol Variable Name Description Units
$T_{ref}$ Tref Atmospheric reference temperature (2 m) K
$Q_{ref}$ Qref Atmospheric specific humidity (2 m) kg kg$^{-1}$
    Ice Variables  
$A$ ailohi Ice concentration  
$T_s$ Tsfc Surface temperature K
$\alpha_{vdr}$ alvdr Albedo (visible, direct)  
$\alpha_{ndr}$ alidr Albedo (near infrared, direct)  
$\alpha_{vdf}$ alvdf Albedo (visible, diffuse)  
$\alpha_{ndf}$ alidf Albedo (near infrared, diffuse)  
  Ice $\Rightarrow$ atmosphere fluxes    
$F_{LH}$ flat Latent heat flux W m$^{-2}$
$F_{SH}$ fsens Sensible heat flux W m$^{-2}$
$F_{LWUP}$ flwout Upwelling longwave W m$^{-2}$
$F_{EVAP}$ evap Evaporated water kg m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$
$\tau_{ax}$ tauxa Atmosphere-ice stress, zonal N m$^{-2}$
$\tau_{ay}$ tauya Atmosphere-ice stress, meridional N m$^{-2}$
  Ice $\Rightarrow$ ocean fluxes    
$F_{SWo}$ fswthru Shortwave transmitted to ocean W m$^{-2}$
$F_{Qio}$ fhnet Net heat flux to ocean W m$^{-2}$
$F_{Wo}$ fresh Fresh water flux kg m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$
$F_{Sa}$ fsalt Salt flux kg m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$
$\tau_{ox}$ tauxo Ice-ocean stress, zonal N m$^{-2}$
$\tau_{oy}$ tauyo Ice-ocean stress, meridional N m$^{-2}$

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