CSIM uses a generalized orthogonal B-grid, where tracer quantities are located at the center of the grid cells, and velocities are located at the corners. The internal ice stress tensor takes four different values within a grid cell. Tracer quantities in the ice model include ice and snow area, volume, energy and temperature. The grid comprised of the center points of the grid cells is referred to as the "T grid". The "U grid" is comprised of the ponts at the northeast corner of the corresponding cell on the T grid. Quantities that are defined on the U grid include ice and ocean dynamics variables.
To achieve better performance on cache and vector machines, the global domain is separated into subdomains. Two criteria should be kept in mind when choosing the size of the subdomains:
There are NX and NY subdomains in the x and y directions, respectively. NX and NY are set in csim_run for the uncoupled ice model and are set automatically in the CCSM scripts. These values are used in the Macros.* files as C pre-processor flags.
The dimensions of the global domain are imt_global x jmt_global, and those of the subdomains are imt_local x jmt_local. The physical portion of a subdomain is dimensioned as [ilo:ihi,jlo:jhi], with num_ghost_cells around the outside of the physical domain for boundary conditions.
Figure 1 shows a schematic of the grid decomposition for the gx3 grid divided into 4 processors in the x direction and 2 in the y direction. Note that the first processor is in the lower left corner and is numbered zero. An exploded view of a subdomain is shown. The values of imt_local and jmt_local include the ghost cells.
Typically, when the ice model stops due to a conservation error or a CFL violation, the coordinates of the local subdomain and the processor number are printed out, not the global coordinates. The conversion from local coordinates on a given processor to global coordinates is printed out in the log file. It gives the local array size, and the global coordinate start for each processor. Shown below is the output for the example shown in Figure 1.
Document Grid and Subdomain Sizes: ==================================== Global problem size: 100 x 116 Using 8 processors in a 4 x 2 Cartesian decomposition Local array size is: 27 x 60 Physical domain is (approximately): 25 x 58 Local i,j start for each processor: 2 2 Local i,j end for each processor: 26 59 Global i start for each processor: 1 26 51 76 1 26 51 76 Global j start for each processor: 1 1 1 1 59 59 59 59
This example is from the gx3v5 grid with imt_global x jmt_global = 100 x 116. The local array size is imt_local x jmt_local = 27 x 60, including ghost cells. The physical domain is [ihi-ilo+1,jhi-jlo+1] = [25, 58]; this does not include the ghost cells. Each physical subdomain starts at [ilo = 2,jlo = 2] and ends at [ihi = 26,jhi = 59]. These are the loop indices for most do loops in the model. The last two rows are the global indices for the southwest point of each subdomain. These are useful for converting local indices to correspond to the global indices in the history file, for example.
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