Customizing the configuration

Before calling configure, first customize the default configuration. To customize the default configuration, modify env_conf.xml and env_mach_pes.xml before invoking configure. The env_build.xml and env_run.xml files can also be changed at this step.

env_mach_pes.xml contains variables that determine the layout of the components across the hardware processors. Those variables specify the number of processors for each component and determine the layout of components across the processors used. See env_mach_pes.xml variables for a summary of all env_mach_pes.xml variables.

env_conf.xml contains several different kinds of variables including variables for case initialization, variables that specify the regridding files, and variables that set component-specific namelists and component-specific CPP variables. See env_conf.xml variables for a summary of all env_conf.xml variables.

Setting the case PE layout

Optimizing the throughput or efficiency of a CCSM experiment often involves customizing the processor (PE) layout for load balancing. The component PE layout is set in env_mach_pes.xml.

CCSM4 has significant flexibility with respect to the layout of components across different hardware processors. In general, its CCSM components -- atm, lnd, ocn, ice, glc, and cpl -- can run on overlapping or mutually unique processors. Each component is associated with a unique MPI communicator. In addition, the driver runs on the union of all processors and controls the sequencing and hardware partitioning. The processor layout for each component is specified in the env_mach_pes.xml file via three settings: the number of MPI tasks, the number of OpenMP threads per task, and the root MPI processor number from the global set.

For example, these settings in env_mach_pes.xml:

<entry id="NTASKS_OCN" value="128" />
<entry id="NTHRDS_OCN" value="1" />
<entry id="ROOTPE_OCN" value="0" />

cause the ocean component to run on 128 hardware processors with 128 MPI tasks using one thread per task starting from global MPI task 0 (zero).

In this next example:

<entry id="NTASKS_ATM" value="16" />
<entry id="NTHRDS_ATM" value="4"  />
<entry id="ROOTPE_ATM" value="32" />

the atmosphere component will run on 64 hardware processors using 16 MPI tasks and 4 threads per task starting at global MPI task 32. There are NTASKS, NTHRDS, and ROOTPE input variables for every component in env_mach_pes.xml. There are some important things to note.

The root processor is set relative to the MPI global communicator, not the hardware processor counts. For instance, in the following example:

<entry id="NTASKS_ATM" value="16" />
<entry id="NTHRDS_ATM" value="4"  />
<entry id="ROOTPE_ATM" value="0"  />
<entry id="NTASKS_OCN" value="64" />
<entry id="NTHRDS_OCN" value="1"  />
<entry id="ROOTPE_OCN" value="16" />

the atmosphere and ocean are running concurrently, each on 64 processors with the atmosphere running on MPI tasks 0-15 and the ocean running on MPI tasks 16-79. The first 16 tasks are each threaded 4 ways for the atmosphere. The batch submission script ($CASE.$ should automatically request 128 hardware processors, and the first 16 MPI tasks will be laid out on the first 64 hardware processors with a stride of 4. The next 64 MPI tasks will be laid out on the second set of 64 hardware processors.

If you set ROOTPE_OCN=64 in the preceding example, then a total of 176 processors would have been requested and the atmosphere would have been laid out on the first 64 hardware processors in 16x4 fashion, and the ocean model would have been laid out on hardware processors 113-176. Hardware processors 65-112 would have been allocated but completely idle.

Note: env_mach_pes.xml cannot be modified after "configure -case" has been invoked without first invoking "configure -cleanmach". For an example of changing pes, see the Section called Changing PE layout in Chapter 9

Setting the case initialization type

The case initialization type is set in env_conf.xml. A CCSM run can be initialized in one of three ways; startup, branch, or hybrid. The variable $RUN_TYPE determines the initialization type and is set to "startup" by default when create_newcase is invoked. This setting is only important for the initial run of a production run when the $CONTINUE_RUN variable is set to FALSE. After the initial run, the $CONTINUE_RUN variable is set to TRUE, and the model restarts exactly using input files in a case, date, and bit-for-bit continuous fashion.


Run initialization type. Valid values: startup, hybrid, branch. Default: startup.


Start date for the run in yyyy-mm-dd format. This is only used for startup or hybrid runs.


Reference case for hybrid or branch runs.


Reference date in yyyy-mm-dd format for hybrid or branch runs.

This is a detailed description of the different ways that CCSM initialization runs.


In a startup run (the default), all components are initialized using baseline states. These baseline states are set independently by each component and can include the use of restart files, initial files, external observed data files, or internal initialization (i.e., a "cold start"). In a startup run, the coupler sends the start date to the components at initialization. In addition, the coupler does not need an input data file. In a startup initialization, the ocean model does not start until the second ocean coupling (normally the second day).


In a branch run, all components are initialized using a consistent set of restart files from a previous run (determined by the $RUN_REFCASE and $RUN_REFDATE variables in env_conf.xml). The case name is generally changed for a branch run, although it does not have to be. In a branch run, setting $RUN_STARTDATE in env_conf.xml is ignored because the model components obtain the start date from their restart datasets. Therefore, the start date cannot be changed for a branch run. This is the same mechanism that is used for performing a restart run (where $CONTINUE_RUN is set to TRUE in the env_run.xml file).

Branch runs are typically used when sensitivity or parameter studies are required, or when settings for history file output streams need to be modified while still maintaining bit-for-bit reproducibility. Under this scenario, the new case is able to produce an exact bit-for-bit restart in the same manner as a continuation run if no source code or component namelist inputs are modified. All models use restart files to perform this type of run. $RUN_REFCASE and $RUN_REFDATE are required for branch runs.

To set up a branch run, locate the restart tar file or restart directory for $RUN_REFCASE and $RUN_REFDATE from a previous run, then place those files in the $RUNDIR directory. See setting up a branch run for an example.


A hybrid run indicates that CCSM will be initialized more like a startup, but will use initialization datasets from a previous case. This is somewhat analogous to a branch run with relaxed restart constraints. A hybrid run allows users to bring together combinations of initial/restart files from a previous CCSM case (specified by $RUN_REFCASE) at a given model output date (specified by $RUN_REFDATE). Unlike a branch run, the starting date of a hybrid run (specified by $RUN_STARTDATE) can be modified relative to the reference case. In a hybrid run, the model does not continue in a bit-for-bit fashion with respect to the reference case. The resulting climate, however, should be continuous provided that no model source code or namelists are changed in the hybrid run. In a hybrid initialization, the ocean model does not start until the second ocean coupling (normally the second day), and the coupler does a "cold start" without a restart file.