! CVS: $Id$
! CVS: $Source$
! CVS: $Name$

!              ESMA - Earth System Modeling Applications
! !MODULE: FVperf_module --- Simple interfaces for performance profiling

MODULE FVperf_module 5

! !USES:
   use dynamics_vars, only : T_FVDYCORE_GRID
#if defined(GEOS_MODE)
   use GEOS_Mod            ! GEOS base class
#elif defined(CAM_MODE)
   use perf_mod
   use perf_mod
#if defined( SPMD )
   use mod_comm, only: mp_barrier


! !DESCRIPTION: A hack to toggle between GEOS5 and CAM profiling
!  The basic problem solved here is to access GENSTATE in GEOS\_MODE
!  without being overly intrusive (e.g. putting GEOS\_MODE in every
!  file in which GEOS_GenericStateClockOn is used.  If GEOS\_MODE
!  is defined, the GENSTATE must be initialized outside this file,
!  the various timing markers registered with GenericStateClockAdd,
!  and the genstate in this module manual set.  If CAM\_MODE is 
!  defined, the user may use FVstartclock/FVstopclock exactly like
!  the CAM utilities t\_startf and t\_stopf.
!  This module will be removed as soon as there is consensus on a
!  unified profiling utility.
! !IROUTINE: FVstartclock --- start the clock

      subroutine FVstartclock(grid,marker) 39
! !USES:
      implicit none
#if defined(GEOS_MODE)
      type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(inout) :: grid
      type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(in) :: grid
      character(LEN=*)      , intent(in) :: marker
#if defined(GEOS_MODE)
      call GEOS_GenericStateClockOn(grid%FVgenstate,marker)
#elif defined(CAM_MODE)
      call t_startf(marker)    
      call t_startf(marker)
      end subroutine FVstartclock

! !IROUTINE: FVstopclock --- stop the clock

      subroutine FVstopclock(grid,marker) 39
! !USES:
      implicit none
#if defined(GEOS_MODE)
      type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(inout) :: grid
      type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(in) :: grid
      character(LEN=*)      , intent(in) :: marker
#if defined(GEOS_MODE)
      call GEOS_GenericStateClockOff(grid%FVgenstate,marker)
#elif defined(CAM_MODE)
      call t_stopf(marker)    
      call t_stopf(marker)
      end subroutine FVstopclock

! !IROUTINE: FVbarrierclock --- instrumented timing barrier

      subroutine FVbarrierclock(grid,marker,comm) 7,3
! !USES:
      implicit none
#if defined(GEOS_MODE)
      type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(inout) :: grid
      type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(in) :: grid
      character(LEN=*)      , intent(in) :: marker
      integer               , intent(in) :: comm
#if defined(GEOS_MODE)
#if ( defined SPMD ) && ( defined TIMING_BARRIERS )
      call GEOS_GenericStateClockOn(grid%FVgenstate,marker)
      call mp_barrier(comm)
      call GEOS_GenericStateClockOff(grid%FVgenstate,marker)
#elif defined(CAM_MODE)
#if ( defined SPMD )
      if (t_profile_onf()) then
         if (t_barrier_onf()) then
            call t_startf(marker)    
            call mp_barrier(comm)
            call t_stopf(marker)    
#if ( defined SPMD )
      if (t_profile_onf()) then
         if (t_barrier_onf()) then
            call t_startf(marker)    
            call mp_barrier(comm)
            call t_stopf(marker)    
      end subroutine FVbarrierclock

END MODULE FVperf_module