module cloudsimulator_38 1,4
!Purpose: CAM interface to
!         Name:		ISCCP Simulator ICARUS/SCOPS
!         What:		Simulate ISCCP cloud products from GCM inputs
!         Version:	3.8
!         Authors:	Steve Klein (
!         		Mark Webb (
!Author:  W. Lin,       Original version
!         J. Rosinski,  Modifications, March 2003
!         B. Eaton,     Update to simulator version 3.4, March 2004
!         S. Klein,     Update to simulator version 3.8, September 2008

   use shr_kind_mod,    only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
   use ppgrid,          only: pcols, pver
   use cam_history,     only: addfld, add_default, phys_decomp, outfld, fillvalue
   use icarus_scops_38, only: ntau, npres
   use perf_mod

   implicit none

!Public functions/subroutines

   public :: &
      cloudsimulator_init,    &

   logical, public :: doisccp_38 = .false.    ! whether to do ISCCP calcs and I/O 


subroutine cloudsimulator_init 1,32


   call addfld ('FISCCP1 ','mixed   ',npres*ntau,'A', &
                'grid box fraction covered by each ISCCP D level cloud types',phys_decomp,&
                flag_xyfill=.true., flag_isccplev=.true.)
   call addfld ('TCLDAREA','fraction',1,'A','Total cloud area',phys_decomp,flag_xyfill=.true.)
   call addfld ('MEANPTOP','mb      ',1,'A','Mean cloud top pressure',phys_decomp,flag_xyfill=.true.)
   call addfld ('MEANTAU ','unitless',1,'A','Mean optical thickness',phys_decomp,flag_xyfill=.true.)
   call addfld ('MEANCLDALB','unitless',1,'A','Mean cloud albedo',phys_decomp,flag_xyfill=.true.)
   call addfld ('MEANTTOP','K       ',1,'A','Mean cloud top temperature',phys_decomp,flag_xyfill=.true.)
   call addfld ('MEANTB',  'K       ',1,'A','Mean Infrared Tb',phys_decomp,flag_xyfill=.true.)
   call addfld ('MEANTBCLR','K       ',1,'A','Mean Clear-sky Infrared Tb',phys_decomp,flag_xyfill=.true.)
   call addfld ('CLOUDY  ','fraction',1,'A','Binary flag for TCLDAREA > cldmin',phys_decomp,flag_xyfill=.true.)

   call add_default ('FISCCP1 ', 1, ' ')
   call add_default ('TCLDAREA', 1, ' ')
   call add_default ('MEANPTOP', 1, ' ')
   call add_default ('MEANTAU ', 1, ' ')
   call add_default ('MEANCLDALB', 1, ' ')
   call add_default ('MEANTTOP', 1, ' ')
   call add_default ('MEANTB', 1, ' ')
   call add_default ('MEANTBCLR', 1, ' ')
   call add_default ('CLOUDY  ', 1, ' ')

end subroutine cloudsimulator_init

subroutine cloudsimulator_run(state, ts, concld, cld, & 1,21
                              cld_sw_od, emis, coszrs  ) 

   use physics_types,   only: physics_state
   use icarus_scops_38, only: isccp_cloud_types

   type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state

   real(r8), intent(in) :: ts(pcols)           ! skin temperature
   real(r8), intent(in) :: concld(pcols,pver)  ! convective cloud cover
   real(r8), intent(in) :: cld(pcols,pver)     ! cloud cover
   real(r8), intent(in) :: cld_sw_od(pcols,pver) ! cloud sw (extinction)
                                                 ! optical depth
   real(r8), intent(in) :: emis(pcols,pver)    ! Cloud longwave emissivity
   real(r8), intent(in) :: coszrs(pcols)       ! cosine solar zenith angle (to tell if day or night)

! Local variables:

   integer, parameter :: debug = 0     ! set to non-zero value to print out inputs
                                       ! with step debug
   integer, parameter :: debugcol = 0  ! set to non-zero value to print out column
                                       ! decomposition with step debugcol

   integer, parameter :: top_height = 1 ! 1 = adjust top height using both a computed
                                        ! infrared brightness temperature and the visible
					! optical depth to adjust cloud top pressure. Note
					! that this calculation is most appropriate to compare
					! to ISCCP data during sunlit hours.
   integer, parameter :: top_height_direction = 1  ! direction for finding atmosphere pressure level
                                        ! with interpolated temperature equal to the radiance
				        ! determined cloud-top temperature
				        ! 1 = find the *lowest* altitude (highest pressure) level
				        ! with interpolated temperature equal to the radiance
				        ! determined cloud-top temperature
				        ! 2 = find the *highest* altitude (lowest pressure) level
				        ! with interpolated temperature equal to the radiance 
				        ! determined cloud-top temperature
				        ! ONLY APPLICABLE IF top_height EQUALS 1 or 3
				        ! 1 = default setting, and matches all versions of 
				        ! ISCCP simulator with versions numbers 3.5.1 and lower
				        ! 2 = experimental setting

   integer, parameter :: overlap = 3    ! 3=max/rand

   integer,  parameter :: nsubcol = 50      ! # of columns each grid box is subdivided into
   real(r8), parameter :: emsfc_lw = 0.99_r8   ! longwave emissivity of surface at 10.5 microns

! constants for optical depth calculation from radcswmx.F90
   real(r8), parameter :: abarl = 2.817e-02_r8    ! A coefficient for extinction optical depth
   real(r8), parameter :: bbarl = 1.305_r8        ! b coefficient for extinction optical depth
   real(r8), parameter :: abari = 3.448e-03_r8    ! A coefficient for extinction optical depth
   real(r8), parameter :: bbari = 2.431_r8        ! b coefficient for extinction optical depth
   real(r8), parameter :: cldmin = 1.0e-80_r8  ! note: cldmin much less than cldmin from cldnrh
   real(r8), parameter :: cldeps = 0.0_r8      ! 

   integer :: lchnk                         ! chunk identifier
   integer :: ncol                          ! number of atmospheric columns

   integer  :: sunlit(pcols)                ! 1 for day points, 0 for night time
   integer  :: seed1(pcols)                  ! seed values for random number generator
   integer  :: seed2(pcols)                  ! seed values for random number generator
   integer  :: seed3(pcols)                  ! seed values for random number generator
   integer  :: seed4(pcols)                  ! seed values for random number generator

   real(r8) :: tau(pcols,pver)              ! optical depth

   real(r8) :: fq_isccp(pcols,ntau,npres)   ! the fraction of the model grid box covered by
                                            ! each of the 49 ISCCP D level cloud types
   real(r8) :: totalcldarea(pcols)          ! the fraction of model grid box columns
                                            ! with cloud somewhere in them.  This should
					    ! equal the sum over all entries of fq_isccp
					    ! for which tau > isccp_taumin; that is entries
					    ! with 2nd dimension indices between 2 and ntau

   real(r8) :: meanptop(pcols)              ! mean cloud top pressure (mb) - linear averaging
                                            ! in cloud top pressure. - weighted by totalcldarea
					    ! averaged only for clouds with tau > isccp_taumin

   real(r8) :: meanttop(pcols)              ! mean cloud top temp (k) - linear averaging in temp-
                                            ! erature for clouds with tau > isccp_taumin
					    ! weighted by totalcldarea

   real(r8) :: meantaucld(pcols)            ! mean optical thickness 
                                            ! linear averaging in albedo performed for clouds
					    ! with tau > isccp_taumin
					    ! Although albedo weighting is applied inside the
					    ! simulator, it is not outside the simulator, so I
					    ! don't recommend looking at this variable.

   real(r8) :: meanalbedocld(pcols)         ! mean cloud albedo
                                            ! linear averaging in albedo performed for clouds
					    ! with tau > isccp_taumin - weighted by totalcldarea
   real(r8) :: meantb(pcols)                ! mean infrared brightness temperature (k) 
                                            ! averaged over all sub-columns
   real(r8) :: meantbclr(pcols)             ! mean clear-sky infrared brightness temperature (k) 
                                            ! averaged over all sub-columns

   !  them using TCLDAREA and CLOUDY diagnostic output as:
   !  mean cloud albedo =  MEANCLDALB * CLOUDY / TCLDAREA
   !  mean cloud top temperature = MEANTTOP * CLOUDY / TCLDAREA
   !  mean cloud top pressure = MEANPTOP * CLOUDY / TCLDAREA
   !  This is necessary to remove the weighting by totalcldarea (when totalcldarea > cldmin).
   !  If you must have a proper (albedo and totalcldarea weigted) cloud optical thickness,
   !  then use the output of the above equation for mean cloud albedo and convert that to
   !  an optical thickness by inverting the formula:
   !  albedo = (tau**0.895) /  ( tau**0.895  + 6.82 )
   real(r8) :: boxtau(pcols,nsubcol)        ! optical thickness in each column
   real(r8) :: boxptop(pcols,nsubcol)       ! cloud top pressure (mb) in each column

   real(r8) :: fq_isccp_s1(pcols,ntau*npres)! accumulated fq_isccp

   integer :: i, k, it, ip, itaunpres       ! indices

   real(r8) :: cloudy(pcols)   ! cloudy flag, which may be used to derived mean values under cloudy
        		       ! conditions. The cloud flag itself is freuency of cloudy condition
	 		       ! when average over an accumulation period.

   call t_startf ('cloudsimulator_run')

   lchnk = state%lchnk
   ncol  = state%ncol

   sunlit = 0
   do i=1,ncol
      if (coszrs(i) > 0._r8) sunlit(i) = 1
      seed1(i) = (state%pmid(i,pver) - int(state%pmid(i,pver)))      * 1000000000
      seed2(i) = (state%pmid(i,pver-1) - int(state%pmid(i,pver-1)))  * 1000000000
      seed3(i) = (state%pmid(i,pver-2) - int(state%pmid(i,pver-2)))  * 1000000000
      seed4(i) = (state%pmid(i,pver-3) - int(state%pmid(i,pver-3)))  * 1000000000
   end do

      debug,               &
      debugcol,            &
      ncol,                &
      sunlit(:ncol),       &
      pver,                &
      nsubcol,             &
      seed1(:ncol),        &
      seed2(:ncol),        &
      seed3(:ncol),        &
      seed4(:ncol),        &
      state%pmid(:ncol,:), &
      state%pint(:ncol,:), &
      state%q(:ncol,:,1),  &
      cld(:ncol,:),        &
      concld(:ncol,:),     &
      cld_sw_od(:ncol,:),        &
      cld_sw_od(:ncol,:),        &
      top_height,          &
      overlap,             &
      ts(:ncol),           &
      emsfc_lw,            &
      state%t(:ncol,:),    &
      emis(:ncol,:),       &
      emis(:ncol,:),       &
      fq_isccp(:ncol,:,:), &
      totalcldarea(:ncol), &
      meanptop(:ncol),     &
      meanttop(:ncol),     &
      meantaucld(:ncol),   &
      meantb(:ncol),       &
      meantbclr(:ncol),    &
      boxtau(:ncol,:),     &
      boxptop(:ncol,:)     )
   do i=1,ncol
      if (coszrs(i) > 0._r8) then
	 ! save standard ISCCP type of 7x7 clouds
         do ip=1,npres
          do it=1,ntau
            itaunpres = (ip-1)*ntau+it
            fq_isccp_s1(i,itaunpres) = fq_isccp(i,it,ip)
          end do
         end do
         if (totalcldarea(i) >= cldmin) then  ! cloudy daytime box
            cloudy(i) = 1.0_r8
	    meanptop(i)      = meanptop(i)      * totalcldarea(i)  ! weight by TCLDAREA
	    meantaucld(i)    = meantaucld(i)    * totalcldarea(i)  
	    meanalbedocld(i) = meanalbedocld(i) * totalcldarea(i)  
	    meanttop(i)      = meanttop(i)      * totalcldarea(i) 
         else                             !cloud free in the (daytime) grid box
            totalcldarea(i)  = 0._r8
            meanptop(i)      = fillvalue
            meantaucld(i)    = fillvalue
	    meanalbedocld(i) = fillvalue
            meanttop(i)      = fillvalue
            cloudy(i)        = 0._r8
      else                                ! nighttime
         fq_isccp_s1(i,:) = fillvalue
         totalcldarea(i)  = fillvalue
         meanptop(i)      = fillvalue
         meantaucld(i)    = fillvalue
	 meanalbedocld(i) = fillvalue
         meanttop(i)      = fillvalue
         cloudy(i)        = fillvalue
      end if
      if (top_height .eq. 2 .or. coszrs(i) <= 0._r8) then
         meantb(i)    = fillvalue
	 meantbclr(i) = fillvalue
      end if
   end do
! dont need to call outfld if all points are nighttime
   if (any(coszrs(:ncol) > 0._r8)) then
      call outfld('FISCCP1 ',fq_isccp_s1, pcols,lchnk)
      call outfld('TCLDAREA',totalcldarea,pcols,lchnk)
      call outfld('MEANPTOP',meanptop    ,pcols,lchnk)
      call outfld('MEANTAU ',meantaucld  ,pcols,lchnk)
      call outfld('MEANCLDALB',meanalbedocld,pcols,lchnk)
      call outfld('MEANTTOP',meanttop    ,pcols,lchnk)
      call outfld('CLOUDY  ',cloudy      ,pcols,lchnk)
      call outfld('MEANTB',     meantb   ,pcols,lchnk)
      call outfld('MEANTBCLR',  meantbclr,pcols,lchnk)
   end if

   call t_stopf ('cloudsimulator_run')

end subroutine cloudsimulator_run


end module cloudsimulator_38