module cam_history 117,22 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: History module. Contains data and functions for writing history files. ! ! Public functions/subroutines: ! addfld, add_default ! intht ! write_restart_history ! read_restart_history ! outfld ! wshist ! initialize_iop_history ! ! Author: CCM Core Group ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, r4 => shr_kind_r4 use spmd_utils, only: masterproc, npes use ppgrid, only: pcols use filenames, only: interpret_filename_spec use filenames, only: ncdata, bnd_topo use abortutils, only: endrun use pmgrid, only : dyndecomp_set use icarus_scops, only: ntau, npres, prlim, taulim use units, only: getunit use hycoef, only: hyai, hybi, hyam, hybm, ps0 use dyn_grid, only: get_horiz_grid_dim_d, get_horiz_grid_d, get_dyn_grid_parm use pio, only: file_desc_t, var_desc_t, io_desc_t, & iotype_pnetcdf, iotype_netcdf, & pio_noerr, pio_bcast_error, pio_internal_error, & pio_seterrorhandling, pio_setdebuglevel, pio_setframe, & pio_rearr_box, pio_rearr_none, & pio_nofill, pio_clobber,pio_offset, & pio_int, pio_real, pio_double, pio_char, pio_offset, pio_unlimited, pio_global, & pio_inq_dimid, pio_inq_dimlen, pio_inq_varid, pio_inq_varname, pio_inq_varndims, & pio_def_dim, pio_def_var, pio_enddef, & pio_put_att, pio_put_var, pio_get_att, pio_get_var, & pio_write, pio_write_darray, & pio_read_darray, pio_closefile, pio_freedecomp use scamMod, only: scmlon,single_column use perf_mod use cam_logfile, only: iulog use cam_pio_utils, only: column_info, field_info, max_chars, & max_fieldname_len, phys_decomp, dyn_decomp, dyn_stagger_decomp, & fieldname_suffix_len, fieldname_lenp2, fieldname_len, max_string_len implicit none PRIVATE public :: phys_decomp, dyn_decomp, dyn_stagger_decomp, fieldname_len ! forward from cam_pio_utils integer, parameter :: pflds = 750 ! max number of fields for namelist entries fincl and fexcl ! also used in write restart integer, parameter :: ptapes = 7 ! max number of tapes ! This value is used as both the _FillValue and the missing_value in NetCDF ! output. real(r8), parameter :: fillvalue = 1.e36_r8 real(r4), parameter :: fillvalue_r4 = 1.e36_r8 ! field_info structure moved to cam_pio_utils ! ! master_entry: elements of an entry in the master field list ! type master_entry type (field_info) :: field ! field information character(len=1) :: avgflag(ptapes) ! averaging flag character(len=max_chars) :: time_op(ptapes) ! time operator (e.g. max, min, avg) logical :: act_sometape ! Field is active on some tape logical :: actflag(ptapes) ! Per tape active/inactive flag integer :: htapeindx(ptapes)! This field's index on particular history tape type(master_entry), pointer :: next_entry ! The next master entry end type master_entry type (master_entry), pointer :: masterlinkedlist ! master field linkedlist top type master_list type(master_entry), pointer :: thisentry end type master_list type (master_list), pointer :: masterlist(:) ! master field array for hash lookup of field ! ! hbuffer_2d, hbuffer_3d: 2-D and 3-D history buffer pointers. ! Select either r4 or r8 kind buffer depending on hbuf_prec. ! type hbuffer_2d real(r8), pointer :: buf8(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer for r8 real(r4), pointer :: buf4(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer for r4 end type hbuffer_2d type hbuffer_3d real(r8), pointer :: buf8(:,:,:) ! 3-D history buffer for r8 real(r4), pointer :: buf4(:,:,:) ! 3-D history buffer for r4 end type hbuffer_3d ! ! arrays served as targets for history pointers ! integer, target :: nothing_int(1,1) ! 2-D integer target real(r8), target :: nothing_r8(1,1,1) ! 3-D r8 target real(r4), target :: nothing_r4(1,1,1) ! 3-D r4 target ! column_info structure has moved to cam_pio_utils ! ! hentry: elements of an entry in the list of active fields on a single history file ! type hentry type (field_info) :: field ! field information character(len=1) :: avgflag ! averaging flag character(len=max_chars) :: time_op ! time operator (e.g. max, min, avg) character(len=max_chars),pointer :: field_column_name(:) ! names of column groups written to tape integer :: hbuf_prec ! history buffer precision integer :: hwrt_prec ! history output precision type (hbuffer_3d) :: hbuf ! history buffer type(var_desc_t), pointer :: varid(:) ! variable ids integer, pointer :: nacs(:,:) ! accumulation counter type(var_desc_t) :: nacs_varid end type hentry ! ! active_entry: vehicle for producing a ragged array ! type active_entry type(hentry), pointer :: hlist(:) type (column_info),pointer :: column (:) ! array of history tape column entries type (column_info),pointer :: column_st(:) ! array of history tape column entries for staggered grid (FV) ! ! PIO ids ! type(file_desc_t) :: File ! PIO file id type(var_desc_t) :: mdtid ! var id for timestep type(var_desc_t) :: ndbaseid ! var id for base day type(var_desc_t) :: nsbaseid ! var id for base seconds of base day type(var_desc_t) :: nbdateid ! var id for base date type(var_desc_t) :: nbsecid ! var id for base seconds of base date type(var_desc_t) :: ndcurid ! var id for current day type(var_desc_t) :: nscurid ! var id for current seconds of current day type(var_desc_t) :: dateid ! var id for current date type(var_desc_t) :: co2vmrid ! var id for co2 volume mixing ratio type(var_desc_t) :: ch4vmrid ! var id for ch4 volume mixing ratio type(var_desc_t) :: n2ovmrid ! var id for n2o volume mixing ratio type(var_desc_t) :: f11vmrid ! var id for f11 volume mixing ratio type(var_desc_t) :: f12vmrid ! var id for f12 volume mixing ratio type(var_desc_t) :: sol_tsiid ! var id for total solar irradiance (W/m2) type(var_desc_t) :: datesecid ! var id for curent seconds of current date #if ( defined BFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP ) type(var_desc_t) :: bdateid ! var id for base date type(var_desc_t) :: tsecid ! var id for curent seconds of current date #endif type(var_desc_t) :: nstephid ! var id for current timestep type(var_desc_t) :: timeid ! var id for time type(var_desc_t) :: tbndid ! var id for time_bnds type(var_desc_t) :: date_writtenid ! var id for date time sample written type(var_desc_t) :: time_writtenid ! var id for time time sample written type(var_desc_t) :: nlonid ! var id for number of longitudes type(var_desc_t) :: wnummaxid ! var id for cutoff fourier wavenumber (reduced grid) end type active_entry type (active_entry), pointer :: tape(:) ! history tapes type (active_entry), target,allocatable :: history_tape(:) ! history tapes type (active_entry), target, allocatable :: restarthistory_tape(:) ! restart history tapes type rvar_id type(var_desc_t), pointer :: vdesc integer :: type integer :: ndims integer :: dims(4) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) :: name end type rvar_id type rdim_id integer :: len integer :: dimid character(len=fieldname_lenp2) :: name end type rdim_id integer, parameter :: restartvarcnt=27 integer, parameter :: restartdimcnt=7 type(rvar_id) :: restartvars(restartvarcnt) type(rdim_id) :: restartdims(restartdimcnt) ! ! dim_index_2d, dim_index_3d: 2-D & 3-D dimension index lower & upper bounds ! type dim_index_2d ! 2-D dimension index integer :: beg1, end1 ! lower & upper bounds of 1st dimension integer :: beg2, end2 ! lower & upper bounds of 2nd dimension end type dim_index_2d type dim_index_3d ! 3-D dimension index integer :: beg1, end1 ! lower & upper bounds of 1st dimension integer :: beg2, end2 ! lower & upper bounds of 2nd dimension integer :: beg3, end3 ! lower & upper bounds of 3rd dimension end type dim_index_3d integer :: nfmaster = 0 ! number of fields in master field list integer :: nflds(ptapes) ! number of fields per tape ! per tape sampling frequency (0=monthly avg) integer :: i ! index for nhtfrq initialization integer :: nhtfrq(ptapes) = (/0, (-24, i=2,ptapes)/) ! history write frequency (0 = monthly) integer :: mfilt(ptapes) = 30 ! number of time samples per tape integer :: nfils(ptapes) ! Array of no. of files on current h-file integer :: ngroup(ptapes) ! Array of no. of contiguous columns on current h-file integer :: mtapes = 0 ! index of max history file requested integer :: nexcl(ptapes) ! Actual number of excluded fields integer :: nincl(ptapes) ! Actual number of included primary file fields integer :: nhstpr(ptapes) = 8 ! history buffer precision (8 or 4 bytes) integer :: ndens(ptapes) = 2 ! packing density (double (1) or real (2)) integer :: ncprec(ptapes) = -999 ! netcdf packing parameter based on ndens real(r8) :: beg_time(ptapes) ! time at beginning of an averaging interval ! ! Netcdf ids ! type(var_desc_t) :: gwid ! var id for gaussian weights integer :: nscurf(ptapes) ! First "current" second of day for each h-file integer :: ncsecf(ptapes) ! First "current" second of date for each h-file logical :: rgnht(ptapes) = .false. ! flag array indicating regeneration volumes logical :: hstwr(ptapes) = .false. ! Flag for history writes logical :: empty_htapes = .false. ! Namelist flag indicates no default history fields logical :: htapes_defined = .false. ! flag indicates history contents have been defined integer :: luhrest = -1 ! history restart file unit number character(len=max_string_len) :: hrestpath(ptapes) = (/(' ',i=1,ptapes)/) ! Full history restart pathnames character(len=max_string_len) :: nfpath(ptapes) = (/(' ',i=1,ptapes)/) ! Array of first pathnames, for header character(len=max_string_len) :: cpath(ptapes) ! Array of current pathnames character(len=max_string_len) :: nhfil(ptapes) ! Array of current file names character(len=1) :: avgflag_pertape(ptapes) = (/(' ',i=1,ptapes)/) ! per tape averaging flag character(len=8) :: logname ! user name character(len=16) :: host ! host name character(len=max_string_len) :: ctitle = ' ' ! Case title character(len=8) :: inithist = 'YEARLY' ! If set to '6-HOURLY, 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY' or ! 'YEARLY' then write IC file character(len=fieldname_lenp2) :: fincl(pflds,ptapes) ! List of fields to add to primary h-file character(len=max_chars) :: fincllonlat(pflds,ptapes) ! List of fields to add to primary h-file character(len=fieldname_lenp2) :: fexcl(pflds,ptapes) ! List of fields to rm from primary h-file character(len=fieldname_lenp2) :: fhstpr(pflds,ptapes) ! List of fields to change default hbuf size character(len=fieldname_lenp2) :: fwrtpr(pflds,ptapes) ! List of fields to change default history output prec character(len=fieldname_suffix_len ) :: fieldname_suffix = '&IC' ! Suffix appended to field names for IC file integer :: plon, plat, plev, plevp ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! Hashing. ! ! Accelerate outfld processing by using a hash function of the field name ! to index masterlist and determine whehter the particular field is to ! be written to any history tape. ! ! ! Note: the outfld hashing logic will fail if any of the following are true: ! ! 1) The lower bound on the dimension of 'masterlist' is less than 1. ! ! 2) 'outfld' is called with field names that are not defined on ! masterlist. This applies to both initial/branch and restart ! runs. ! ! 3) An inconsistency between a field's tape active flag ! 'masterlist(ff)%actflag(t)' and active fields read from ! restart files. ! ! 4) Invoking function 'gen_hash_key' before the primary and secondary ! hash tables have been created (routine bld_outfld_hash_tbls). ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! User definable constants for hash and overflow tables. ! Define size of primary hash table (specified as 2**size). ! integer, parameter :: tbl_hash_pri_sz_lg2 = 16 ! ! Define size of overflow hash table % of primary hash table. ! integer, parameter :: tbl_hash_oflow_percent = 20 ! ! Do *not* modify the parameters below. ! integer, parameter :: tbl_hash_pri_sz = 2**tbl_hash_pri_sz_lg2 integer, parameter :: tbl_hash_oflow_sz = tbl_hash_pri_sz * (tbl_hash_oflow_percent/100.0_r8) ! ! The primary and overflow tables are organized to mimimize space (read: ! try to maximimze cache line usage). ! ! gen_hash_key(fieldname) will return an index on the interval ! [0 ... tbl_hash_pri_sz-1]. ! ! ! Primary: ! gen_hash_key(fieldname)-------+ +----------+ ! | | -ii | 1 ------>tbl_hash_oflow(ii) ! | +----------+ ! +--> | ff | 2 ------>masterlist(ff) ! +----------+ ! | | ... ! +----------+ ! | | tbl_hash_pri_sz ! +----------+ ! ! Overflow (if tbl_hash_pri() < 0): ! tbl_hash_pri(gen_hash_key(fieldname)) ! | ! | +----------+ ! | | 1 | 1 (one entry on O.F. chain) ! | +----------+ ! | | ff_m | 2 ! | +----------+ ! +---------> | 3 | 3 (three entries on chain) ! +----------+ ! | ff_x | 4 ! +----------+ ! | ff_y | 5 ! +----------+ ! | ff_z | 6 ! +----------+ ! | | ... ! +----------+ ! | | tbl_hash_oflow_sz ! +----------+ ! ! integer, dimension(0:tbl_hash_pri_sz-1) :: tbl_hash_pri ! Primary hash table integer, dimension(tbl_hash_oflow_sz) :: tbl_hash_oflow ! Overflow hash table ! ! Constants used in hashing function gen_hash_key. ! Note: if the constants in table 'tbl_gen_hash_key' below are modified, ! changes are required to routine 'gen_hash_key' because of specific ! logic in the routine that optimizes character strings of length 8. ! integer, parameter :: gen_hash_key_offset = z'000053db' integer, parameter :: tbl_max_idx = 15 ! 2**N - 1 integer, dimension(0:tbl_max_idx) :: tbl_gen_hash_key = & (/61,59,53,47,43,41,37,31,29,23,17,13,11,7,3,1/) ! ! Overloading assignment operator ! interface assignment (=) module procedure hbuf_assigned_to_hbuf module procedure hbuf_assigned_to_real8 end interface ! ! Generic procedures ! interface allocate_hbuf 2 module procedure allocate_hbuf2d module procedure allocate_hbuf3d end interface interface deallocate_hbuf module procedure deallocate_hbuf2d module procedure deallocate_hbuf3d end interface interface nullify_hbuf module procedure nullify_hbuf2d module procedure nullify_hbuf3d end interface ! ! Public entities ! ! ! Filename specifiers for history, initial files and restart history files ! (%c = caseid, $y = year, $m = month, $d = day, $s = seconds in day, %t = tape number) ! character(len=max_string_len) :: rhfilename_spec = '' ! history restart character(len=max_string_len), public :: hfilename_spec(ptapes) = (/ (' ', i=1, ptapes) /) ! filename specifyer ! To allow parameterizations to initialize arrays to the fillvalue ! THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED. No parameterization should be allowed access to fillvalue public :: fillvalue ! needed by history_default public :: init_masterlinkedlist ! Needed by initext public :: nhtfrq, mfilt, inithist, ctitle ! Needed by read_namelist public :: fincl, fincllonlat, fexcl, fhstpr, fwrtpr public :: pflds, ptapes, empty_htapes, nhstpr, ndens public :: avgflag_pertape ! Needed by stepon public :: hstwr public :: nfils ! Functions public :: init_restart_history ! Write restart history data public :: write_restart_history ! Write restart history data public :: read_restart_history ! Read restart history data public :: wshist ! Write files out public :: outfld ! Output a field public :: intht ! Initialization public :: wrapup ! process history files at end of run public :: write_inithist ! logical flag to allow dump of IC history buffer to IC file public :: addfld ! Add a field to history file public :: add_default ! Add the default fields public :: get_hfilepath ! Return history filename public :: get_mtapes ! Return the number of tapes being used public :: get_hist_restart_filepath ! Return the full filepath to the history restart file public :: hist_fld_active ! Determine if a field is active on any history file CONTAINS subroutine init_masterlinkedlist() 1 ! integer :: t nullify(masterlinkedlist) nullify(tape) end subroutine init_masterlinkedlist subroutine intht () 1,21 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Initialize history file handler for initial or continuation run. ! For example, on an initial run, this routine initializes "mtapes" ! history files. On a restart or regeneration run, this routine ! only initializes history files declared beyond what existed on the ! previous run. Files which already existed on the previous run have ! already been initialized (i.e. named and opened) in routine RESTRT. ! ! Method: Loop over tapes and fields per tape setting appropriate variables and ! calling appropriate routines ! ! Author: CCM Core Group ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use ioFileMod use shr_sys_mod, only: shr_sys_getenv use time_manager, only: get_prev_time, get_curr_time use cam_control_mod, only : nsrest #if (defined SPMD) use spmd_utils, only : mpichar, mpicom #endif ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Local workspace ! integer :: t, f ! tape, field indices integer :: begdim1 ! on-node dim1 start index integer :: enddim1 ! on-node dim1 end index integer :: begdim2 ! on-node dim2 start index integer :: enddim2 ! on-node dim2 end index integer :: begdim3 ! on-node chunk or lat start index integer :: enddim3 ! on-node chunk or lat end index type (dim_index_3d) :: dimind ! 3-D dimension index integer :: day, sec ! day and seconds from base date integer :: i ! index integer :: rcode ! shr_sys_getenv return code type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry ! ! Print master field list ! plon = get_dyn_grid_parm('plon') plat = get_dyn_grid_parm('plat') plev = get_dyn_grid_parm('plev') plevp = get_dyn_grid_parm('plevp') if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*)' ******* MASTER FIELD LIST *******' end if listentry=>masterlinkedlist f=0 do while(associated(listentry)) f=f+1 if(masterproc) then write(iulog,9000)f,listentry%field%name,listentry%field%units 9000 format (i5,1x,a19,1x,a8) end if listentry=>listentry%next_entry end do nfmaster = f if(masterproc) write(iulog,*)'BLDFLD:nfmaster=',nfmaster ! ! Now that masterlinkedlist is defined and we are performing a restart run ! (htapes_defined == .true.), construct primary and secondary hashing tables. ! if ( htapes_defined ) then call bld_outfld_hash_tbls() call bld_htapefld_indices() return end if ! ! Get users logname and machine hostname ! if ( masterproc )then logname = ' ' call shr_sys_getenv ('LOGNAME',logname,rcode) host = ' ' call shr_sys_getenv ('HOST',host,rcode) end if #ifdef SPMD ! PIO requires netcdf attributes have consistant values on all tasks call mpibcast(logname, len(logname), mpichar, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast(host, len(host), mpichar, 0, mpicom) #endif ! ! Override averaging flag for all fields on a particular tape if namelist input so specifies ! do t=1,ptapes if (avgflag_pertape(t) /= ' ') then call h_override (t) end if end do ! ! Define field list information for all history files. ! Update mtapes to reflect *current* number of history files (note, ! restart and regen runs can have additional auxiliary history files ! declared). ! call fldlst () ! ! Loop over max. no. of history files permitted ! if ( nsrest .eq. 3 ) then call get_prev_time(day, sec) ! elapased time since reference date else call get_curr_time(day, sec) ! elapased time since reference date end if do t=1,mtapes nfils(t) = 0 ! no. of time samples in hist. file no. t ! Time at beginning of current averaging interval. beg_time(t) = day + sec/86400._r8 end do ! ! Check that the number of history files declared does not exceed ! the maximum allowed. ! if (mtapes > ptapes) then write(iulog,*) 'INTHT: Too many history files declared, max=',ptapes write(iulog,*)'To increase, change parameter ptapes.' call endrun end if ! ! Initialize history variables ! do t=1,mtapes do f=1,nflds(t) begdim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 enddim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 begdim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim2 enddim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim2 begdim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim3 enddim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim3 dimind = dim_index_3d (begdim1,enddim1,begdim2,enddim2,begdim3,enddim3) call allocate_hbuf (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf,dimind,tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf_prec) tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf = 0._r8 if(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill) then allocate (tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(enddim1-begdim1+1,begdim3:enddim3)) else allocate (tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(1,begdim3:enddim3)) end if tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(:,:)=0 end do end do return end subroutine intht subroutine restart_vars_setnames() 1 restartvars(1)%name = 'rgnht' restartvars(1)%type = pio_int restartvars(1)%ndims = 1 restartvars(1)%dims(1) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(2)%name = 'nhtfrq' restartvars(2)%type = pio_int restartvars(2)%ndims = 1 restartvars(2)%dims(1) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(3)%name = 'nflds' restartvars(3)%type = pio_int restartvars(3)%ndims = 1 restartvars(3)%dims(1) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(4)%name = 'nfils' restartvars(4)%type = pio_int restartvars(4)%ndims = 1 restartvars(4)%dims(1) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(5)%name = 'mfilt' restartvars(5)%type = pio_int restartvars(5)%ndims = 1 restartvars(5)%dims(1) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(6)%name = 'nfpath' restartvars(6)%type = pio_char restartvars(6)%ndims = 2 restartvars(6)%dims(1) = 2 ! max_string_len restartvars(6)%dims(2) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(7)%name = 'cpath' restartvars(7)%type = pio_char restartvars(7)%ndims = 2 restartvars(7)%dims(1) = 2 ! max_string_len restartvars(7)%dims(2) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(8)%name = 'nhfil' restartvars(8)%type = pio_char restartvars(8)%ndims = 2 restartvars(8)%dims(1) = 2 ! max_string_len restartvars(8)%dims(2) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(9)%name = 'nhstpr' restartvars(9)%type = pio_int restartvars(9)%ndims = 1 restartvars(9)%dims(1) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(10)%name = 'ndens' restartvars(10)%type = pio_int restartvars(10)%ndims = 1 restartvars(10)%dims(1) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(11)%name = 'ncprec' restartvars(11)%type = pio_int restartvars(11)%ndims = 1 restartvars(11)%dims(1) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(12)%name = 'ngroup' restartvars(12)%type = pio_int restartvars(12)%ndims = 1 restartvars(12)%dims(1) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(13)%name = 'beg_time' restartvars(13)%type = pio_double restartvars(13)%ndims = 1 restartvars(13)%dims(1) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(14)%name = 'fincl' restartvars(14)%type = pio_char restartvars(14)%ndims = 3 restartvars(14)%dims(1) = 3 ! fieldname_lenp2 restartvars(14)%dims(2) = 4 ! pflds restartvars(14)%dims(3) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(15)%name = 'fexcl' restartvars(15)%type = pio_char restartvars(15)%ndims = 3 restartvars(15)%dims(1) = 3 ! fieldname_lenp2 restartvars(15)%dims(2) = 4 ! pflds restartvars(15)%dims(3) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(16)%name = 'field_name' restartvars(16)%type = pio_char restartvars(16)%ndims = 3 restartvars(16)%dims(1) = 6 ! max_fieldname_len restartvars(16)%dims(2) = 7 ! maxnflds restartvars(16)%dims(3) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(17)%name = 'decomp_type' restartvars(17)%type = pio_int restartvars(17)%ndims = 2 restartvars(17)%dims(1) = 7 ! maxnflds restartvars(17)%dims(2) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(18)%name = 'numlev' restartvars(18)%type = pio_int restartvars(18)%ndims = 2 restartvars(18)%dims(1) = 7 ! maxnflds restartvars(18)%dims(2) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(19)%name = 'hrestpath' restartvars(19)%type = pio_char restartvars(19)%ndims = 2 restartvars(19)%dims(1) = 2 ! max_string_len restartvars(19)%dims(2) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(20)%name = 'hbuf_prec' restartvars(20)%type = pio_int restartvars(20)%ndims = 2 restartvars(20)%dims(1) = 7 ! maxnflds restartvars(20)%dims(2) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(21)%name = 'hwrt_prec' restartvars(21)%type = pio_int restartvars(21)%ndims = 2 restartvars(21)%dims(1) = 7 ! maxnflds restartvars(21)%dims(2) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(22)%name = 'avgflag' restartvars(22)%type = pio_char restartvars(22)%ndims = 2 restartvars(22)%dims(1) = 7 ! maxnflds restartvars(22)%dims(2) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(23)%name = 'sampling_seq' restartvars(23)%type = pio_char restartvars(23)%ndims = 3 restartvars(23)%dims(1) = 5 ! max_chars restartvars(23)%dims(2) = 7 ! maxnflds restartvars(23)%dims(3) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(24)%name = 'long_name' restartvars(24)%type = pio_char restartvars(24)%ndims = 3 restartvars(24)%dims(1) = 5 ! max_chars restartvars(24)%dims(2) = 7 ! maxnflds restartvars(24)%dims(3) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(25)%name = 'units' restartvars(25)%type = pio_char restartvars(25)%ndims = 3 restartvars(25)%dims(1) = 5 ! max_chars restartvars(25)%dims(2) = 7 ! maxnflds restartvars(25)%dims(3) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(26)%name = 'flags' restartvars(26)%type = pio_int restartvars(26)%ndims = 2 restartvars(26)%dims(1) = 7 ! maxnflds restartvars(26)%dims(2) = 1 ! mtapes restartvars(27)%name = 'fincllonlat' restartvars(27)%type = pio_char restartvars(27)%ndims = 3 restartvars(27)%dims(1) = 5 ! max_chars restartvars(27)%dims(2) = 4 ! pflds restartvars(27)%dims(3) = 1 ! mtapes end subroutine restart_vars_setnames subroutine restart_dims_setnames() 1 restartdims(1)%name = 'mtapes' restartdims(1)%len = mtapes restartdims(2)%name = 'max_string_len' restartdims(2)%len = max_string_len restartdims(3)%name = 'fieldname_lenp2' restartdims(3)%len = fieldname_lenp2 restartdims(4)%name = 'pflds' restartdims(4)%len = pflds restartdims(5)%name = 'max_chars' restartdims(5)%len = max_chars restartdims(6)%name = 'max_fieldname_len' restartdims(6)%len = max_fieldname_len restartdims(7)%name = 'maxnflds' restartdims(7)%len = maxval(nflds) end subroutine restart_dims_setnames subroutine init_restart_history (File) 1,2 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! type(file_desc_t), intent(inout) :: File ! Pio file Handle ! ! Local ! integer :: dimids(4), ndims integer :: ierr, i, k ! Don't need to write restart data if we have written the file this step where (hstwr(:)) rgnht(:) = .false. elsewhere rgnht(:) = .true. end where if(mtapes>0) then call restart_vars_setnames() call restart_dims_setnames() call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_BCAST_ERROR) do i=1,restartdimcnt ! it's possible that one or more of these have been defined elsewhere ierr = pio_inq_dimid(File,restartdims(i)%name, restartdims(i)%dimid) if(ierr/=PIO_NOERR) then ierr = pio_def_dim(File,restartdims(i)%name, restartdims(i)%len, & restartdims(i)%dimid) end if end do call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_INTERNAL_ERROR) do i=1,restartvarcnt ndims= restartvars(i)%ndims do k=1,ndims dimids(k)=restartdims(restartvars(i)%dims(k))%dimid end do allocate(restartvars(i)%vdesc) ierr = pio_def_var(File, restartvars(i)%name, restartvars(i)%type, dimids(1:ndims), restartvars(i)%vdesc) end do end if end subroutine init_restart_history function restartvar_getdesc(name) result(vdesc) 27,1 character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(var_desc_t), pointer :: vdesc character(len=max_chars) :: errmsg integer :: i nullify(vdesc) do i=1,restartvarcnt if(name .eq. restartvars(i)%name) then vdesc=>restartvars(i)%vdesc exit end if end do if(.not.associated(vdesc)) then errmsg = 'Could not find restart variable '//name call endrun(errmsg) end if end function restartvar_getdesc !####################################################################### subroutine write_restart_history ( File, & 2,29 yr_spec, mon_spec, day_spec, sec_spec ) implicit none !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! type(file_desc_t), intent(inout) :: file ! PIO restart file pointer integer, intent(in), optional :: yr_spec ! Simulation year integer, intent(in), optional :: mon_spec ! Simulation month integer, intent(in), optional :: day_spec ! Simulation day integer, intent(in), optional :: sec_spec ! Seconds into current simulation day ! ! Local workspace ! integer :: ierr, t, f integer :: rgnht_int(ptapes), start(2), count(2), startc(3) type(var_desc_t), pointer :: vdesc type(var_desc_t), pointer :: field_name_desc, decomp_type_desc, numlev_desc, & hrestpath_desc, hbuf_prec_desc, avgflag_desc, sseq_desc, longname_desc, units_desc, hwrt_prec_desc, flag_desc integer, allocatable :: flags(:,:) integer :: maxnflds maxnflds = maxval(nflds) allocate(flags(maxnflds, mtapes)) flags = 0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Write the history restart data if necessary !----------------------------------------------------------------------- rgnht_int(:) = 0 if(.not.allocated(restarthistory_tape)) allocate(restarthistory_tape(mtapes)) do t=1,mtapes ! No need to write history IC restart because it is always instantaneous if (is_initfile(file_index=t)) rgnht(t) = .false. ! No need to write restart data for empty files if (nflds(t) == 0) rgnht(t) = .false. if(rgnht(t)) then rgnht_int(t) = 1 restarthistory_tape(t)%hlist => history_tape(t)%hlist if(associated(history_tape(t)%column)) then restarthistory_tape(t)%column => history_tape(t)%column end if if(associated(history_tape(t)%column_st)) then restarthistory_tape(t)%column_st => history_tape(t)%column_st end if end if end do if(mtapes<=0) return call wshist(rgnht) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('fincl') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, fincl(:,1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('fincllonlat') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, fincllonlat(:,1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('fexcl') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, fexcl(:,1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('rgnht') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, rgnht_int(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('nhtfrq') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, nhtfrq(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('nflds') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, nflds(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('nfils') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, nfils(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('mfilt') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, mfilt(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('nfpath') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, nfpath(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('cpath') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, cpath(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('nhfil') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, nhfil(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('nhstpr') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, nhstpr(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('ndens') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, ndens(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('ncprec') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, ncprec(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('ngroup') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, ngroup(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('beg_time') ierr= pio_put_var(File, vdesc, beg_time(1:mtapes)) vdesc => restartvar_getdesc('hrestpath') ierr = pio_put_var(File, vdesc, hrestpath(1:mtapes)) field_name_desc => restartvar_getdesc('field_name') decomp_type_desc => restartvar_getdesc('decomp_type') numlev_desc => restartvar_getdesc('numlev') hbuf_prec_desc => restartvar_getdesc('hbuf_prec') hwrt_prec_desc => restartvar_getdesc('hwrt_prec') sseq_desc => restartvar_getdesc('sampling_seq') longname_desc => restartvar_getdesc('long_name') units_desc => restartvar_getdesc('units') avgflag_desc => restartvar_getdesc('avgflag') flag_desc => restartvar_getdesc('flags') tape=>history_tape startc(1)=1 do t = 1,mtapes start(2)=t startc(3)=t do f=1,nflds(t) start(1)=f startc(2)=f ierr = pio_put_var(File, field_name_desc,startc,tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name) ierr = pio_put_var(File, decomp_type_desc,start,tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%decomp_type) ierr = pio_put_var(File, numlev_desc,start,tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%numlev) ierr = pio_put_var(File, hbuf_prec_desc,start,tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf_prec) ierr = pio_put_var(File, hwrt_prec_desc,start,tape(t)%hlist(f)%hwrt_prec) ierr = pio_put_var(File, sseq_desc,startc,tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%sampling_seq) ierr = pio_put_var(File, longname_desc,startc,tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%long_name) ierr = pio_put_var(File, units_desc,startc,tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%units) ierr = pio_put_var(File, avgflag_desc,start, tape(t)%hlist(f)%avgflag) if(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill) flags(f,t)=10 if(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_isccplev) flags(f,t)=flags(f,t)+1 end do end do ierr = pio_put_var(File, flag_desc, flags) deallocate(flags) return end subroutine write_restart_history !####################################################################### subroutine read_restart_history (File) 1,43 use ppgrid, only: begchunk, endchunk use phys_grid, only: get_ncols_p, scatter_field_to_chunk_int use rgrid, only: nlon use dycore, only: dycore_is use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_openfile, phys_decomp, dyn_decomp, dyn_stagger_decomp, get_decomp use ioFileMod, only: getfil use shr_sys_mod, only: shr_sys_getenv #if (defined SPMD) use spmd_utils, only : iam, mpicom, mpichar #endif ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! type(file_desc_t), intent(inout) :: File ! unit number ! ! Local workspace ! integer t, f ! tape, field indices integer c ! chunk or lat index integer lenc ! length of useful character data integer numlev ! number of vertical levels (dimension and loop) integer begdim2 ! on-node vert start index integer enddim2 ! on-node vert end index integer ioerr ! error code from read() integer begdim1 ! on-node dim1 start index integer enddim1 ! on-node dim1 end index integer begdim3 ! on-node chunk or lat start index integer enddim3 ! on-node chunk or lat end index integer ncol ! number of active columns per chunk integer lenarr ! global size of array to be read integer flag_xyfill_int integer flag_isccplev_int integer rgnht_int(ptapes) integer :: ierr character(len=max_string_len) :: locfn ! Local filename character(len=max_fieldname_len), allocatable :: tmpname(:,:) integer, allocatable :: decomp(:,:), tmpnumlev(:,:) integer, pointer :: nacs(:,:) ! accumulation counter character(len=max_fieldname_len) :: fname_tmp ! local copy of field name character(len=max_chars), pointer :: tmpstr type (hbuffer_3d) :: hbuf ! history buffer type (hbuffer_3d) :: localxyz ! xyz buffer (local) real(r8) :: sum_r8 real(r4) :: sum_r4 type (dim_index_3d) :: dimind, dimind_xyz, dimind_xzy ! 3-D dimension index integer :: ii, i, j, k, mtapes_dimid, vsize integer :: beglatxy, endlatxy, beglat, endlat, beglonxy, endlonxy, beglon, endlon type(var_desc_t) :: vdesc, longname_desc, units_desc, avgflag_desc, sseq_desc type(io_desc_t), pointer :: iodesc real(r8), allocatable :: tmpfldr8(:) real(r4), allocatable :: tmpfldr4(:) integer, allocatable :: tmpfldi(:), tmpprec(:,:,:) character(len=1), allocatable:: tmpavgflag(:, :) integer, allocatable :: flags(:,:) integer :: nacsdimcnt, nacsval integer :: maxnflds, maxnflds_dimid ! ! Get users logname and machine hostname ! if ( masterproc )then logname = ' ' call shr_sys_getenv ('LOGNAME',logname,ierr) host = ' ' call shr_sys_getenv ('HOST',host,ierr) end if #ifdef SPMD ! PIO requires netcdf attributes have consistant values on all tasks call mpibcast(logname, len(logname), mpichar, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast(host, len(host), mpichar, 0, mpicom) #endif beglonxy = get_dyn_grid_parm('beglonxy') endlonxy = get_dyn_grid_parm('endlonxy') beglatxy = get_dyn_grid_parm('beglatxy') endlatxy = get_dyn_grid_parm('endlatxy') beglat = get_dyn_grid_parm('beglat') endlat = get_dyn_grid_parm('endlat') beglon = get_dyn_grid_parm('beglon') endlon = get_dyn_grid_parm('endlon') plev = get_dyn_grid_parm('plev') plevp = get_dyn_grid_parm('plevp') call get_horiz_grid_dim_d(plon, plat) call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_BCAST_ERROR) ierr = pio_inq_dimid(File, 'mtapes', mtapes_dimid) if(ierr/= PIO_NOERR) then if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'Not reading history info from restart file', ierr, file%fh return ! no history info in restart file end if call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_INTERNAL_ERROR) ierr = pio_inq_dimlen(File, mtapes_dimid, mtapes) ierr = pio_inq_dimid(File, 'maxnflds', maxnflds_dimid) ierr = pio_inq_dimlen(File, maxnflds_dimid, maxnflds) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'rgnht', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, rgnht_int(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'nhtfrq', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, nhtfrq(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'nflds', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, nflds(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'nfils', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, nfils(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'mfilt', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, mfilt(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'nfpath', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, nfpath(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'cpath', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, cpath(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'nhfil', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, nhfil(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'hrestpath', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, hrestpath(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'nhstpr', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, nhstpr(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'ndens', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, ndens(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'ncprec', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, ncprec(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'ngroup', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, ngroup(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'beg_time', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, beg_time(1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'fincl', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, fincl(:,1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'fincllonlat', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, fincllonlat(:,1:mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'fexcl', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, fexcl(:,1:mtapes)) allocate(tmpname(maxnflds, mtapes), decomp(maxnflds, mtapes), tmpnumlev(maxnflds,mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'field_name', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, tmpname) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'decomp_type', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, decomp) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'numlev', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, tmpnumlev) allocate(tmpprec(maxnflds,mtapes,2)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'hbuf_prec',vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, tmpprec(:,:,1)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'hwrt_prec',vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, tmpprec(:,:,2)) allocate(flags(maxnflds,mtapes)) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'flags', vdesc) ierr = pio_get_var(File, vdesc, flags) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'avgflag', avgflag_desc) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'long_name', longname_desc) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'units', units_desc) ierr = pio_inq_varid(File, 'sampling_seq', sseq_desc) rgnht(:)=.false. allocate(history_tape(mtapes)) tape => history_tape do t=1,mtapes nullify(tape(t)%column) nullify(tape(t)%column_st) if(rgnht_int(t)==1) rgnht(t)=.true. call strip_null(nfpath(t)) call strip_null(cpath(t)) call strip_null(hrestpath(t)) allocate(tape(t)%hlist(nflds(t))) do f=1,nflds(t) ierr = pio_get_var(File,avgflag_desc, (/f,t/), tape(t)%hlist(f)%avgflag) ierr = pio_get_var(File,longname_desc, (/1,f,t/), tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%long_name) ierr = pio_get_var(File,units_desc, (/1,f,t/), tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%units) tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%sampling_seq(1:max_chars) = ' ' ierr = pio_get_var(File,sseq_desc, (/1,f,t/), tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%sampling_seq) call strip_null(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%sampling_seq) if(flags(f,t)>=10) then tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill=.true. flags(f,t)=flags(f,t)-10 else tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill=.false. end if if(flags(f,t)>=1) then tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_isccplev=.true. else tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_isccplev=.false. end if call strip_null(tmpname(f,t)) tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name = tmpname(f,t) tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%decomp_type = decomp(f,t) tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%numlev = tmpnumlev(f,t) tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf_prec = tmpprec(f,t,1) tape(t)%hlist(f)%hwrt_prec = tmpprec(f,t,2) end do end do deallocate(tmpname, tmpnumlev, tmpprec, decomp, flags) do t=1,mtapes do f=1,nflds(t) numlev = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%numlev select case (tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%decomp_type) case (phys_decomp) tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim2= 1 tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim2= numlev tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim3 = begchunk tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim3 = endchunk allocate (tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3(begchunk:endchunk)) do c=begchunk,endchunk ncol = get_ncols_p(c) tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3(c) = ncol end do tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 = 1 tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 = pcols case (dyn_decomp) nullify(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3) tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 = beglonxy tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 = endlonxy tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim3 = beglatxy tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim3 = endlatxy tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim2 = 1 tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim2 = numlev if (.not. dycore_is('LR') )then allocate (tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3(beglat:endlat)) do c=beglat,endlat tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3(c) = nlon(c) end do end if case (dyn_stagger_decomp) tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 = beglonxy tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 = endlonxy tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim2 = 1 tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim2 = numlev tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim3 = beglatxy tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim3 = endlatxy nullify(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3) case default write(iulog,*)'READ_RESTART_HISTORY: bad decomp_type=',tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%decomp_type call endrun () end select begdim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 enddim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 begdim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim2 enddim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim2 begdim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim3 enddim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim3 dimind = dim_index_3d (begdim1,enddim1,begdim2,enddim2,begdim3,enddim3) call allocate_hbuf (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf,dimind,tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf_prec) nullify(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid) nullify(tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs) if(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill) then allocate(tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(enddim1-begdim1+1,begdim3:enddim3)) else allocate(tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(1,begdim3:enddim3)) end if ! initialize all buffers to zero - this will be overwritten later by the ! data in the history restart file if it exists. call h_zero(f,t) end do end do ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read history restart files !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Loop over the total number of history files declared and ! read the pathname for any history restart files ! that are present (if any). Test to see if the run is a restart run ! AND if any history buffer regen files exist (rgnht=.T.). Note, rgnht ! is preset to false, reset to true in routine WSDS if hbuf restart files ! are written and saved in the master restart file. Each history buffer ! restart file is then obtained. ! Note: some f90 compilers (e.g. SGI) complain about I/O of ! derived types which have pointer components, so explicitly read each one. ! do t=1,mtapes if (rgnht(t)) then ! ! Open history restart file ! call getfil (hrestpath(t), locfn) call cam_pio_openfile(tape(t)%File, locfn, 0) ! ! Read history restart file ! do f=1,nflds(t) begdim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 enddim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 begdim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim2 enddim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim2 begdim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim3 enddim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim3 numlev = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%numlev if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf_prec == 8) then call get_decomp(iodesc, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field, pio_double) else call get_decomp(iodesc, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field, pio_real) end if fname_tmp = strip_suffix(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name) if(masterproc) write(iulog, *) 'Reading history variable ',fname_tmp ierr = pio_inq_varid(tape(t)%File, fname_tmp, vdesc) call pio_setframe(vdesc, int(1,kind=PIO_OFFSET)) if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf_prec == 8) then call pio_read_darray(tape(t)%File, vdesc, iodesc, tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8, ierr) else call pio_read_darray(tape(t)%File, vdesc, iodesc, tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4, ierr) end if ierr = pio_inq_varid(tape(t)%File, trim(fname_tmp)//'_nacs', vdesc) ierr = pio_inq_varndims(tape(t)%File, vdesc, nacsdimcnt) if(nacsdimcnt>0) then call get_decomp(iodesc, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field, pio_int, 1) allocate(tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(begdim1:enddim1,begdim3:enddim3)) nacs => tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(:,:) call pio_read_darray(tape(t)%File, vdesc, iodesc, nacs, ierr) else allocate(tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(1,begdim3:enddim3)) ierr = pio_get_var(tape(t)%File, vdesc, nacsval) tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(1,:)= nacsval end if end do ! ! Done reading this history restart file ! call pio_closefile (tape(t)%File) end if ! rgnht(t) if(ngroup(t)>0) call column_init(t, nflds(t)) end do ! end of do mtapes loop ! ! If the history files are partially complete (contain less than ! mfilt(t) time samples, then get the files and open them.) ! ! NOTE: No need to perform this operation for IC history files or empty files ! do t=1,mtapes if (is_initfile(file_index=t)) then ! ! Initialize filename specifier for IC file ! hfilename_spec(t) = '' nfils(t) = 0 else if (nflds(t) == 0) then nfils(t) = 0 else if (nfils(t) > 0) then call getfil (cpath(t), locfn) call cam_pio_openfile(tape(t)%File, locfn, PIO_WRITE) call h_inquire (t) end if ! ! If the history file is full, close the current unit ! if (nfils(t) >= mfilt(t)) then if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*)'READ_RESTART_HISTORY: nf_close(',t,')=',nhfil(t) end if do f=1,nflds(t) deallocate(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid) nullify(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid) end do call pio_closefile(tape(t)%File) nfils(t) = 0 end if end if end do ! ! set flag indicating h-tape contents are now defined (needed by addfld) ! htapes_defined = .true. return end subroutine read_restart_history !####################################################################### character(len=max_string_len) function get_hfilepath( tape ) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Return full filepath of history file for given tape number ! This allows public read access to the filenames without making ! the filenames public data. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: tape ! Tape number get_hfilepath = cpath( tape ) end function get_hfilepath !####################################################################### character(len=max_string_len) function get_hist_restart_filepath( tape ) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Return full filepath of restart file for given tape number ! This allows public read access to the filenames without making ! the filenames public data. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: tape ! Tape number get_hist_restart_filepath = hrestpath( tape ) end function get_hist_restart_filepath !####################################################################### integer function get_mtapes( ) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Return the number of tapes being used. ! This allows public read access to the number of tapes without making ! mtapes public data. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get_mtapes = mtapes end function get_mtapes recursive function get_entry_by_name(listentry, name) result(entry) 8 type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry character(len=*), intent(in) :: name ! variable name type(master_entry), pointer :: entry if(associated(listentry)) then if(listentry%field%name .eq. name) then entry => listentry else entry=>get_entry_by_name(listentry%next_entry, name) end if else nullify(entry) end if end function get_entry_by_name !####################################################################### subroutine fldlst () 1,36 use dycore, only : dycore_is ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Define the contents of each history file based on namelist input for initial or branch ! run, and restart data if a restart run. ! ! Method: Use arrays fincl and fexcl to modify default history tape contents. ! Then sort the result alphanumerically for later use by OUTFLD to ! allow an n log n search time. ! !---------------------------Local variables----------------------------- ! integer t, f ! tape, field indices integer ff ! index into include, exclude and fprec list character(len=fieldname_len) :: name ! field name portion of fincl (i.e. no avgflag separator) character(len=max_fieldname_len) :: mastername ! name from masterlist field character(len=max_chars) :: tmpcolumn_name,latlonname,latlonnamep1 ! tmp char fields character(len=1) :: avgflag ! averaging flag character(len=1) :: prec_acc ! history buffer precision flag character(len=1) :: prec_wrt ! history buffer write precision flag type (hentry) :: tmp ! temporary used for swapping type (column_info) :: tmpcolumn ! temporary used for swapping type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry tape => history_tape ! ! First ensure contents of fincl, fexcl, fhstpr and fwrtpr are all valid names ! do t=1,ptapes f = 1 do while (f < pflds .and. fincl(f,t) /= ' ') name = getname (fincl(f,t)) mastername='' listentry => get_entry_by_name(masterlinkedlist, name) if(associated(listentry)) mastername = listentry%field%name if (name /= mastername) then write(iulog,*)'FLDLST: ', trim(name), ' in fincl(', f, ') not found' call endrun end if f = f + 1 end do f = 1 do while (f < pflds .and. fexcl(f,t) /= ' ') mastername='' listentry => get_entry_by_name(masterlinkedlist, fexcl(f,t)) if(associated(listentry)) mastername = listentry%field%name if (fexcl(f,t) /= mastername) then write(iulog,*)'FLDLST: ', fexcl(f,t), ' in fexcl(', f, ') not found' call endrun end if f = f + 1 end do f = 1 do while (f < pflds .and. fhstpr(f,t) /= ' ') name = getname (fhstpr(f,t)) mastername='' listentry => get_entry_by_name(masterlinkedlist, name) if(associated(listentry)) mastername = listentry%field%name if (name /= mastername) then write(iulog,*)'FLDLST: ', trim(name), ' in fhstpr(', f, ') not found' call endrun end if do ff=1,f-1 ! If duplicate entry is found, stop if (trim(name) == trim(getname(fhstpr(ff,t)))) then write(iulog,*)'FLDLST: Duplicate field ', name, ' in fhstpr' call endrun end if end do f = f + 1 end do f = 1 do while (f < pflds .and. fwrtpr(f,t) /= ' ') name = getname (fwrtpr(f,t)) mastername='' listentry => get_entry_by_name(masterlinkedlist, name) if(associated(listentry)) mastername = listentry%field%name if (name /= mastername) then write(iulog,*)'FLDLST: ', trim(name), ' in fwrtpr(', f, ') not found' call endrun end if do ff=1,f-1 ! If duplicate entry is found, stop if (trim(name) == trim(getname(fwrtpr(ff,t)))) then write(iulog,*)'FLDLST: Duplicate field ', name, ' in fwrtpr' call endrun end if end do f = f + 1 end do end do ! ! If kind values r8 and r4 are identical, set accumulation precision to 8 bytes ! if (r4 == r8 .and. any(nhstpr == 4)) then nhstpr(:) = 8 if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*) 'FLDLST: Set nhstpr to 8 because kind values r8 and r4 are identical' end if end if nflds(:) = 0 ! IC history file is to be created, set properties if(is_initfile()) then hfilename_spec(ptapes) = '' ncprec(ptapes) = pio_double nhstpr(ptapes) = 8 ndens (ptapes) = 1 mfilt (ptapes) = 1 end if do t=1,ptapes ! ! Add the field to the tape if specified via namelist (FINCL[1-ptapes]), or if ! it is on by default and was not excluded via namelist (FEXCL[1-ptapes]). ! Also set history buffer accumulation and output precision values according ! to the values specified via namelist (FHSTPR[1-ptapes] and FWRTPR[1-ptapes]) ! or, if not on the list, to the default values given by ndens(t) and ! nhstpr(t), respectively. ! listentry => masterlinkedlist do while(associated(listentry)) mastername = listentry%field%name call list_index (fincl(1,t), mastername, ff) if (ff > 0) then nflds(t) = nflds(t)+1 else if ((.not. empty_htapes) .or. (is_initfile(file_index=t))) then call list_index (fexcl(1,t), mastername, ff) if (ff == 0 .and. listentry%actflag(t)) then nflds(t) = nflds(t)+1 end if end if listentry=>listentry%next_entry end do enddo ! ! Determine total number of active history tapes ! mtapes = 0 do t=ptapes,1,-1 if (nflds(t) > 0) then mtapes = t exit end if end do if (masterproc) then do t=1,mtapes if (nflds(t) == 0) then write(iulog,*)'FLDLST: Tape ',t,' is empty' end if end do endif allocate(history_tape(mtapes)) tape=>history_tape do t=1,mtapes nullify(tape(t)%hlist) nullify(tape(t)%column) nullify(tape(t)%column_st) ! Now we have a field count and can allocate if(nflds(t)> 0) allocate(tape(t)%hlist(nflds(t))) do ff=1,nflds(t) nullify(tape(t)%hlist(ff)%nacs) nullify(tape(t)%hlist(ff)%varid) end do nflds(t) = 0 ! recount to support array based method listentry => masterlinkedlist do while(associated(listentry)) mastername = listentry%field%name call list_index (fhstpr(1,t), mastername, ff) if (ff > 0) then prec_acc = getflag(fhstpr(ff,t)) else prec_acc = ' ' end if call list_index (fwrtpr(1,t), mastername, ff) if (ff > 0) then prec_wrt = getflag(fwrtpr(ff,t)) else prec_wrt = ' ' end if call list_index (fincl(1,t), mastername, ff) if (ff > 0) then avgflag = getflag (fincl(ff,t)) call inifld (t, listentry, avgflag, prec_acc, prec_wrt) else if ((.not. empty_htapes) .or. (is_initfile(file_index=t))) then call list_index (fexcl(1,t), mastername, ff) if (ff == 0 .and. listentry%actflag(t)) then call inifld (t, listentry, ' ', prec_acc, prec_wrt) else listentry%actflag(t) = .false. end if else listentry%actflag(t) = .false. end if listentry=>listentry%next_entry end do ! ! If column output is specified make sure there are some fields defined ! for that tape ! if (nflds(t) .eq. 0 .and. fincllonlat(1,t) .ne. ' ') then write(iulog,*) 'FLDLST: Column output is specified for tape ',t,' but no fields defined for that tape.' call endrun() else call column_init(t, nflds(t)) end if ! ! Specification of tape contents now complete. Sort each list of active ! entries for efficiency in OUTFLD. Simple bubble sort. ! do f=nflds(t)-1,1,-1 do ff=1,f if (tape(t)%hlist(ff)%field%name > tape(t)%hlist(ff+1)%field%name) then tmp = tape(t)%hlist(ff) tape(t)%hlist(ff ) = tape(t)%hlist(ff+1) tape(t)%hlist(ff+1) = tmp else if (tape(t)%hlist(ff )%field%name == tape(t)%hlist(ff+1)%field%name) then write(iulog,*)'FLDLST: Duplicate field ', tape(t)%hlist(ff )%field%name write(iulog,*)'t,ff,name=',t,ff,tape(t)%hlist(ff )%field%name call endrun end if end do end do ! ! Bubble sort columns check for duplicates and rebuild field_column_names in newly sorted order ! if (ngroup(t) .gt. 0) then do i=ngroup(t)-1,1,-1 do ff=1,i latlonname=trim(tape(t)%column(ff)%lon_name) // "_" // trim(tape(t)%column(ff)%lat_name) latlonnamep1=trim(tape(t)%column(ff+1)%lon_name) // "_" // trim(tape(t)%column(ff+1)%lat_name) if (trim(latlonname) > trim(latlonnamep1)) then tmpcolumn = tape(t)%column(ff) tape(t)%column(ff) = tape(t)%column(ff+1) tape(t)%column(ff+1) = tmpcolumn if(dycore_is('LR')) then tmpcolumn = tape(t)%column_st(ff) tape(t)%column_st(ff) = tape(t)%column_st(ff+1) tape(t)%column_st(ff+1) = tmpcolumn end if else if (trim(latlonname) == trim(latlonnamep1)) then write(iulog,*)'FLDLST: Duplicate column entry for tape ',t,'duplicate column name is ',trim(latlonname) call endrun end if end do end do do f=1,nflds(t) do i=1,ngroup(t) if (ngroup(t) .gt. 0) then tape(t)%hlist(f)%field_column_name(i) = trim(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name) // "_" // & trim(tape(t)%column(i)%lon_name) // "_" // trim(tape(t)%column(i)%lat_name) else tape(t)%hlist(f)%field_column_name(1) = ' ' end if end do end do end if if (masterproc) then if (nflds(t) > 0) then write(iulog,*)'FLDLST: Included fields tape ',t,'=',nflds(t) end if do f=1,nflds(t) if (ngroup(t) .gt. 0) then if (f.eq.1) write(iulog,*)'Fields on this tape will be output as column data (FIELD_LON_LAT)' do i=1,ngroup(t) ff=(f-1)*ngroup(t)+i write(iulog,*) ff,' ',trim(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field_column_name(i)), tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%numlev, & ' ',tape(t)%hlist(f)%avgflag end do else write(iulog,*) f,' ',tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%numlev, & ' ',tape(t)%hlist(f)%avgflag end if end do end if end do ! ! Packing density, ndens: With netcdf, only 1 (nf_double) and 2 (pio_real) ! are allowed ! Accumulation precision, nhstpr, must be either 8 (real*8) or 4 (real*4) ! do t=1,mtapes if (ndens(t) == 1) then ncprec(t) = pio_double else if (ndens(t) == 2) then ncprec(t) = pio_real else call endrun ('FLDLST: ndens must be 1 or 2') end if if (nhstpr(t) /= 8 .and. nhstpr(t) /= 4) then call endrun ('FLDLST: nhstpr must be 8 or 4') end if end do if (masterproc) then do t=1,mtapes if (is_initfile(file_index=t)) then write(iulog,*)'History File ',t,' write frequency ',inithist,' (INITIAL CONDITIONS)' else if (nflds(t) > 0) then if (nhtfrq(t) == 0 .and. t == 1) then write(iulog,*)'History File ',t,' write frequency MONTHLY' else write(iulog,*)'History File ',t,' write frequency ',nhtfrq(t) end if end if end do write(iulog,*) ' ' do t=1,mtapes if (nflds(t) > 0) then write(iulog,*) 'Filename specifier for history file ', t, ' = ', trim(hfilename_spec(t)) end if end do do t=1,mtapes if (nflds(t) > 0) then write(iulog,*)'Accumulation precision history file ', t, '=', nhstpr(t) write(iulog,*)'Packing density history file ', t, '=', ndens(t) write(iulog,*)'Number of time samples per file (MFILT) for history file ',t,' is ',mfilt(t) end if end do end if ! ! set flag indicating h-tape contents are now defined (needed by addfld) ! htapes_defined = .true. ! ! Now that masterlinkedlist is defined, construct primary and secondary hashing ! tables. ! call bld_outfld_hash_tbls() call bld_htapefld_indices() return end subroutine fldlst !####################################################################### subroutine inifld (t, listentry, avgflag, prec_acc, prec_wrt) 2,5 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Add a field to the active list for a history tape ! ! Method: Copy the data from the master field list to the active list for the tape ! Also: define mapping arrays from (col,chunk) -> (lon,lat) ! ! Author: CCM Core Group ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! integer, intent(in) :: t ! history tape index type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry character*1, intent(in) :: avgflag ! averaging flag character*1, intent(in) :: prec_acc ! history buffer precision flag character*1, intent(in) :: prec_wrt ! history output precision flag ! ! Local workspace ! integer :: i ! index integer :: n ! field index on defined tape ! ! Ensure that it is not to late to add a field to the history tape ! if (htapes_defined) then call endrun ('INIFLD: Attempt to add field '//listentry%field%name//' after history files set') end if nflds(t) = nflds(t) + 1 n = nflds(t) ! ! Copy field info. ! if(n > size(tape(t)%hlist)) then write(iulog,*) 'tape field miscount error ', n, size(tape(t)%hlist) call endrun() end if tape(t)%hlist(n)%field = listentry%field ! ! Set history buffer size and its output data type flags. Set them to ! the default values given by, respective, nhstpr(t) and ndens(t) ! if the input flags prec_acc and prec_wrt are blank; otherwise set to ! the specified values. ! select case (prec_acc) case (' ') tape(t)%hlist(n)%hbuf_prec = nhstpr(t) case ('4') if (r4 /= r8) then tape(t)%hlist(n)%hbuf_prec = 4 if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*) 'INIFLD: History buffer for ', tape(t)%hlist(n)%field%name, & ' is real*4' end if else ! if kind values r4 and r8 are identical, ignore the request tape(t)%hlist(n)%hbuf_prec = 8 if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*) 'INIFLD: Requested change in history output size for ', & tape(t)%hlist(n)%field%name, ' ignored' write(iulog,*) ' because kind values r8 and r4 are identical' end if end if case ('8') tape(t)%hlist(n)%hbuf_prec = 8 if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*) 'INIFLD: History buffer for ', tape(t)%hlist(n)%field%name, & ' is real*8' end if case default call endrun ('INIFLD: unknown prec_acc='//prec_acc) end select select case (prec_wrt) case (' ') if (ndens(t) == 1) then tape(t)%hlist(n)%hwrt_prec = 8 else tape(t)%hlist(n)%hwrt_prec = 4 end if case ('4') tape(t)%hlist(n)%hwrt_prec = 4 if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*) 'INIFLD: Output data type for ', tape(t)%hlist(n)%field%name, & ' is real*4' end if case ('8') tape(t)%hlist(n)%hwrt_prec = 8 if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*) 'INIFLD: Output data type for ', tape(t)%hlist(n)%field%name, & ' is real*8' end if case default call endrun ('INIFLD: unknown prec_wrt='//prec_wrt) end select ! ! Override the default averaging (masterlist) averaging flag if non-blank ! if (avgflag == ' ') then tape(t)%hlist(n)%avgflag = listentry%avgflag(t) tape(t)%hlist(n)%time_op = listentry%time_op(t) else tape(t)%hlist(n)%avgflag = avgflag select case (avgflag) case ('A') tape(t)%hlist(n)%time_op = 'mean' case ('B') tape(t)%hlist(n)%time_op = 'mean00z' case ('I') tape(t)%hlist(n)%time_op = ' ' case ('X') tape(t)%hlist(n)%time_op = 'maximum' case ('M') tape(t)%hlist(n)%time_op = 'minimum' case default call endrun ('INIFLD: unknown avgflag='//avgflag) end select end if #ifdef HDEBUG write(iulog,*)'HDEBUG: ',__LINE__,' field ', tape(t)%hlist(n)%field%name, ' added as ', 'field number ', n,' on tape ', t write(iulog,*)'units=',tape(t)%hlist(n)%field%units write(iulog,*)'numlev=',tape(t)%hlist(n)%field%numlev write(iulog,*)'avgflag=',tape(t)%hlist(n)%avgflag write(iulog,*)'time_op=',tape(t)%hlist(n)%time_op write(iulog,*)'hbuf_prec=',tape(t)%hlist(n)%hbuf_prec write(iulog,*)'hwrt_prec=',tape(t)%hlist(n)%hwrt_prec #endif return end subroutine inifld subroutine column_init(t, nflds) 2,19 use dyn_grid, only: get_dyn_grid_parm_real2d, get_dyn_grid_parm_real1d use dycore, only : dycore_is integer, intent(in) :: t, nflds integer :: ff, i real(r8), allocatable :: lontmp (:) ! Temp array holding longitude values real(r8), allocatable :: lontmp_st(:) ! Temp array holding longitude values character(len=max_chars) :: lonlatname(pflds), lonname(pflds), latname(pflds) ! variable name integer :: lonind (pflds,2) ! beginning and ending longitude range integer :: latind (pflds,2) ! beginning and ending latitude range integer :: lonind_st(pflds,2) ! beginning and ending staggered longitude range integer :: latind_st(pflds,2) ! beginning and ending staggeredlatitude range real(r8), pointer :: londeg(:,:), londeg_st(:,:), latdeg(:), latdeg_st(:) character(len=max_chars) :: tmpname(pflds) ! variable name (will not be used) integer :: group ! number of group integer :: splon plon = get_dyn_grid_parm('plon') splon = get_dyn_grid_parm('splon') plat = get_dyn_grid_parm('plat') londeg => get_dyn_grid_parm_real2d('londeg') latdeg => get_dyn_grid_parm_real1d('latdeg') if(dycore_is('LR')) then londeg_st => get_dyn_grid_parm_real2d('londeg_st') latdeg_st => get_dyn_grid_parm_real1d('latdeg_st') end if ! ! Setup column information if this field will be written as group ! First verify the column information in the namelist ! ff = 1 allocate(lontmp(plon)) if(dycore_is('LR')) then allocate(lontmp_st(splon)) end if do while (fincllonlat(ff,t) /= ' ') lonlatname(ff) = trim(fincllonlat(ff,t)) call getlatind(lonlatname(ff),latind(ff,1),latind(ff,2),latname(ff),latdeg ,plat) do i = 1,plon lontmp(i) = londeg(i,1) if (lontmp(i) .lt. 0._r8) lontmp(i) = lontmp(i) + 360._r8 end do call getlonind(lonlatname(ff),lonind(ff,1),lonind(ff,2),lonname(ff),lontmp,plon) #ifdef HDEBUG write(iulog,*)'HDEBUG: ',__LINE__,' closest lon lat range for group ',lonlatname(ff),' is ',lonind(ff,:),latind(ff,:) write(iulog,*) londeg(lonind(ff,1),1),londeg(lonind(ff,2),1),latdeg(latind(ff,1)),latdeg(latind(ff,2)) #endif if(dycore_is('LR')) then call getlatind(lonlatname(ff),latind_st(ff,1),latind_st(ff,2),tmpname(ff),latdeg_st ,plat-1) do i = 1,splon lontmp_st(i) = londeg_st(i,1) if (lontmp_st(i) .lt. 0._r8) lontmp_st(i) = lontmp_st(i) + 360._r8 end do call getlonind(lonlatname(ff),lonind_st(ff,1),lonind_st(ff,2),tmpname(ff),lontmp_st,splon ) #ifdef HDEBUG write(iulog,*)'HDEBUG: ',__LINE__,' closest staggered lon lat range for group ',lonlatname(ff),' is ',lonind_st(ff,:),latind_st(ff,:) write(iulog,*) londeg_st(lonind_st(ff,1),1),londeg_st(lonind_st(ff,2),1),latdeg_st(latind_st(ff,1)),latdeg_st(latind_st(ff,2)) #endif end if ff = ff + 1 end do deallocate(lontmp) if(dycore_is('LR')) then deallocate(lontmp_st) endif group = ff-1 ngroup(t)=group if (group .gt. 0) then allocate (tape(t)%column (group)) if(dycore_is('LR')) then allocate (tape(t)%column_st(group)) endif do i=1,nflds allocate (tape(t)%hlist(i)%field_column_name(group)) end do do ff = 1, group tape(t)%column(ff)%lat_name=trim(latname(ff)) tape(t)%column(ff)%lon_name=trim(lonname(ff)) tape(t)%column(ff)%columnlon(:)=lonind(ff,:) tape(t)%column(ff)%columnlat(:)=latind(ff,:) tape(t)%column(ff)%num_lats = & tape(t)%column(ff)%columnlat(2)-tape(t)%column(ff)%columnlat(1)+1 tape(t)%column(ff)%num_lons = & tape(t)%column(ff)%columnlon(2)-tape(t)%column(ff)%columnlon(1)+1 do i=1,nflds tape(t)%hlist(i)%field_column_name(ff) = & trim(tape(t)%hlist(i)%field%name) // "_" // trim(lonname(ff)) // "_" // trim(latname(ff)) end do if(dycore_is('LR')) then tape(t)%column_st(ff)%lat_name=trim(latname(ff)) // "_st" tape(t)%column_st(ff)%lon_name=trim(lonname(ff)) // "_st" tape(t)%column_st(ff)%columnlon(:)=lonind_st(ff,:) tape(t)%column_st(ff)%columnlat(:)=latind_st(ff,:) tape(t)%column_st(ff)%num_lats = & tape(t)%column_st(ff)%columnlat(2)-tape(t)%column_st(ff)%columnlat(1)+1 tape(t)%column_st(ff)%num_lons = & tape(t)%column_st(ff)%columnlon(2)-tape(t)%column_st(ff)%columnlon(1)+1 endif end do else allocate (tape(t)%column(1)) do i=1,nflds allocate (tape(t)%hlist(i)%field_column_name(1)) tape(t)%hlist(i)%field_column_name(1) = ' ' end do tape(t)%column(1)%lat_name=' ' tape(t)%column(1)%lon_name=' ' tape(t)%column(1)%columnlon(:)=0 tape(t)%column(1)%columnlat(:)=0 tape(t)%column(1)%num_lats=0 tape(t)%column(1)%num_lons=0 end if end subroutine column_init !####################################################################### subroutine strip_null(str) 5 character(len=*), intent(inout) :: str do i=1,len(str) if(ichar(str(i:i))==0) str(i:i)=' ' end do end subroutine strip_null character(len=max_fieldname_len) function strip_suffix (name) 5,2 ! !---------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Strip "&IC" suffix from fieldnames if it exists ! !---------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: name ! ! Local workspace ! integer :: n ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! strip_suffix = ' ' do n = 1,fieldname_len strip_suffix(n:n) = name(n:n) if(name(n+1:n+1 ) == ' ' ) return if(name(n+1:n+fieldname_suffix_len) == fieldname_suffix) return end do strip_suffix(fieldname_len+1:max_fieldname_len) = name(fieldname_len+1:max_fieldname_len) return end function strip_suffix !####################################################################### character(len=fieldname_len) function getname (inname) 4,4 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: retrieve name portion of inname ! ! Method: If an averaging flag separater character is present (":") in inname, ! lop it off ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: inname ! ! Local workspace ! integer :: length integer :: i length = len (inname) if (length < fieldname_len .or. length > fieldname_lenp2) then write(iulog,*) 'GETNAME: bad length=',length call endrun end if getname = ' ' do i=1,fieldname_len if (inname(i:i) == ':') exit getname(i:i) = inname(i:i) end do return end function getname !####################################################################### subroutine getlatind(inname,beglatind,endlatind,latname,latdeg,mlat) 2,4 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: retrieve closest model lat index given north south latitude string ! ! Author: John Truesdale ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: inname character(len=*), intent(out) :: latname integer, intent(out) :: beglatind,endlatind integer, intent(in) :: mlat real(r8), intent(in) :: latdeg(mlat) ! ! Local workspace ! character(len=max_chars) str1,str2,tmpstr(4) integer :: i,j,marker,latind(2),tmplen(4) real(r8) :: latdegree(2) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! str1=' ' str2=' ' tmpstr(:)= ' ' ! ! make sure _ separator is present ! if (scan(inname,'_').eq.0) then write(iulog,*)'GETLATIND: Improperly formatted column string. Missing underscore character (xxxE_yyyS) ', & inname,scan(inname,'_') call endrun end if ! ! split inname string into lat lon strings ! marker=scan(inname,'_') str1=inname(:marker-1) str2=inname(marker+1:) ! ! split ranges of lats( or lons) into seperate substrings. Substrings 1,2 will contain lats(lons) from portion of string before underscore ! if a single column and not a range is specified substrings 1 and 2 will be the same ! and substrings 3,4 will contain lats(lons) from portion of main string after underscore character ! if a single column and not a range is specified substrings 3 and 4 will be the same ! if (scan(str1,':') .ne. 0) then marker=scan(str1,':') tmpstr(1)=str1(:marker-1) tmpstr(2)=str1(marker+1:) else tmpstr(1)=str1 tmpstr(2)=str1 end if if (scan(str2,':') .ne. 0) then marker=scan(str2,':') tmpstr(3)=str2(:marker-1) tmpstr(4)=str2(marker+1:) else tmpstr(3)=str2 tmpstr(4)=str2 end if ! check format of substrings - (number followed by single character north/south east/west designation) do i = 1,4 tmplen(i)=len_trim(tmpstr(i)) if (verify(tmpstr(i),"0123456789.").ne.tmplen(i) .or. verify(tmpstr(i)(tmplen(i):tmplen(i)),"eEwWnNsS") .ne. 0) then write(iulog,*)'GETLATIND (2): Improperly formatted column string. ',& inname,verify(tmpstr(i),"0123456789."),tmplen(i),& verify(tmpstr(i)(tmplen(i):tmplen(i)),"eEwWnNsS") call endrun end if end do ! find latitude substrings and put into temporary work space tmpstr(1:2) if (verify(tmpstr(1)(tmplen(1):tmplen(1)),"nNsSs").eq.0 .and. verify(tmpstr(2)(tmplen(2):tmplen(2)),"nNsSs").eq.0 ) then else if (verify(tmpstr(3)(tmplen(3):tmplen(3)),"nNsSs").eq.0 .and. verify(tmpstr(3)(tmplen(3):tmplen(3)),"nNsSs").eq.0) then tmpstr(1) = tmpstr(3) tmplen(1)=tmplen(3) tmpstr(2) = tmpstr(4) tmplen(2)=tmplen(4) else call endrun ('GETLATIND (3): Improperly end if ! ! convert lat substrings to real and if in southern hemisphere make negative ! do i = 1,2 read(tmpstr(i)(1:tmplen(i)-1),*) latdegree(i) if (verify(tmpstr(i)(tmplen(i):tmplen(i)),'sS').eq.0) then latdegree(i)=(-1._r8)*latdegree(i) end if ! ! Make sure specified latitudes is in bounds ! if (latdegree(i) .lt. -90._r8 .or. latdegree(i) .gt. 90._r8) then write(iulog,*)'GETLATIND: latitude for column namelist is out of range (-90 .. 90) value=',latdegree(i) call endrun endif ! ! Find closest lat index for each substring ! latind(i)=mlat do j = 1, mlat-1 if ( abs(latdeg(j)-latdegree(i)) .lt. & abs(latdeg(j+1)-latdegree(i))) then latind(i)=j exit endif enddo end do ! ! output begining and ending latitude indicies. If just a column is specified then beginning latitude index will be the same as the ! ending latitude index ! if (latind(1) .le. latind(2) ) then beglatind =latind(1) endlatind =latind(2) else beglatind = latind(2) endlatind = latind(1) end if if (beglatind .eq. endlatind) then latname = 'LAT_'//trim(tmpstr(1)) else if (latind(1) .le. latind(2) ) then latname = 'LAT_'//trim(tmpstr(1)) // "_to_" // trim(tmpstr(2)) else latname = 'LAT_'//trim(tmpstr(2)) // "_to_" // trim(tmpstr(1)) end if end if ! one last sanity check if(scan(latname,' ') > 0) then latname(scan(latname,' '):) = ' ' end if return end subroutine getlatind !####################################################################### subroutine getlonind (inname,beglonind,endlonind,lonname,londeg,mlon) 2,4 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: retrieve closes model lat index given north south latitude string ! ! Method: If an averaging flag separater character is present (":") in inname, ! lop it off ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*) inname,lonname integer :: beglonind,endlonind integer :: mlon real(r8) :: londeg(mlon) ! ! Local workspace ! character(len=max_chars) str1,str2,tmpstr(4) integer :: i,j,marker,lonind(2),tmplen(4) real(r8) :: londegree(2) real(r8) :: min, tmp ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! str1=' ' str2=' ' tmpstr(:)= ' ' ! ! make sure _ separator is present ! if (scan(inname,'_').eq.0) then write(iulog,*)'GETLONIND: Improperly formatted column string. Missing underscore character (xxxE_yyyS) ',& inname,scan(inname,'_') call endrun end if ! ! split string in to lat lon strings ! marker=scan(inname,'_') str1=inname(:marker-1) str2=inname(marker+1:) ! ! split ranges of lats( or lons) into seperate substrings. Substrings 1,2 will contain lats(lons) from portion of string before underscore ! if a single column and not a range is specified substrings 1 and 2 will be the same ! and substrings 3,4 will contain lats(lons) from portion of main string after underscore character ! if a single column and not a range is specified substrings 3 and 4 will be the same ! if (scan(str1,':') .ne. 0) then marker=scan(str1,':') tmpstr(1)=str1(:marker-1) tmpstr(2)=str1(marker+1:) else tmpstr(1)=str1 tmpstr(2)=str1 end if if (scan(str2,':') .ne. 0) then marker=scan(str2,':') tmpstr(3)=str2(:marker-1) tmpstr(4)=str2(marker+1:) else tmpstr(3)=str2 tmpstr(4)=str2 end if ! check format of substrings - (number followed by single character north/south east/west designation) do i = 1,4 tmplen(i)=len_trim(tmpstr(i)) if (verify(tmpstr(i),"0123456789.").ne.tmplen(i) .or. verify(tmpstr(i)(tmplen(i):tmplen(i)),"eEwWnNsS") .ne. 0) then write(iulog,*)'GETLONIND (2): Improperly formatted column string. ', & inname,verify(tmpstr(i),"0123456789."),tmplen(i), & verify(tmpstr(i)(tmplen(i):tmplen(i)),"eEwWnNsS") call endrun end if end do ! find longitude substrings and put into temporary work space tmpstr(1:2) if (verify(tmpstr(1)(tmplen(1):tmplen(1)),"eEwW").eq.0 .and. verify(tmpstr(2)(tmplen(2):tmplen(2)),"eEwW").eq.0 ) then else if (verify(tmpstr(3)(tmplen(3):tmplen(3)),"eEwW").eq.0 .and. verify(tmpstr(3)(tmplen(3):tmplen(3)),"eEwW").eq.0) then tmpstr(1) = tmpstr(3) tmplen(1)=tmplen(3) tmpstr(2) = tmpstr(4) tmplen(2)=tmplen(4) else call endrun ('GETLONIND (3): Improperly end if ! ! convert lon substrings to real and make sure its degrees east ! do i = 1,2 read(tmpstr(i)(1:tmplen(i)-1),*) londegree(i) if (verify(tmpstr(i)(tmplen(i):tmplen(i)),'wW').eq.0) then londegree(i) = 360._r8 - londegree(i) end if ! ! Make sure specified longitudes are in bounds ! if (londegree(i) .lt. 0._r8 .or. londegree(i) .gt. 360._r8) then write(iulog,*)'GETLONIND: longitude for column namelist is out of range (0 .. 360) value=',londegree(i) call endrun endif ! ! Find closest lon index for each substring. If just a column is specified then beginning longitude index will be the same as the ! ending longitude index ! min = 1.e+36_r8 do j = 1, mlon tmp = abs(londeg(j)-londegree(i)) if ( tmp .le. min) then min = tmp lonind(i) = j endif end do end do ! ! output begining and ending longitude indicies. If just a column is specified then beginning longitude index will be the same as the ! ending longitude index ! if (lonind(1) .le. lonind(2) ) then beglonind =lonind(1) endlonind =lonind(2) else beglonind = lonind(2) endlonind = lonind(1) end if if (beglonind .eq. endlonind) then lonname = 'LON_'//trim(tmpstr(1)) else if (lonind(1) .le. lonind(2) ) then lonname = 'LON_'//trim(tmpstr(1)) // "_to_" // trim(tmpstr(2)) else lonname = 'LON_'//trim(tmpstr(2)) // "_to_" // trim(tmpstr(1)) end if end if return end subroutine getlonind !####################################################################### character(len=1) function getflag (inname) 2,2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: retrieve flag portion of inname ! ! Method: If an averaging flag separater character is present (":") in inname, ! return the character after it as the flag ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: inname ! character string ! ! Local workspace ! integer :: length ! length of inname integer :: i ! loop index length = len (inname) if (length /= fieldname_lenp2) then write(iulog,*) 'GETFLAG: bad length=',length call endrun end if getflag = ' ' do i=1,fieldname_lenp2-1 if (inname(i:i) == ':') then getflag = inname(i+1:i+1) exit end if end do return end function getflag !####################################################################### subroutine list_index (list, name, index) 8 ! ! Input arguments ! character(len=*) , intent(in) :: list(pflds) ! input list of names, possibly ":" delimited character(len=max_fieldname_len), intent(in) :: name ! name to be searched for ! ! Output arguments ! integer, intent(out) :: index ! index of "name" in "list" ! ! Local workspace ! character(len=fieldname_len) :: listname ! input name with ":" stripped off. integer f ! field index index = 0 do f=1,pflds ! ! Only list items ! listname = getname (list(f)) if (listname == ' ') exit if (listname == name) then index = f exit end if end do return end subroutine list_index !####################################################################### subroutine outfld (fname, field, idim, c) 986,8 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Accumulate (or take min, max, etc. as appropriate) input field ! into its history buffer for appropriate tapes ! ! Method: Check 'masterlist' whether the requested field 'fname' is active ! on one or more history tapes, and if so do the accumulation. ! If not found, return silently. ! ! Author: CCM Core Group ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname ! Field name--should be 8 chars long integer, intent(in) :: idim ! Longitude dimension of field array integer, intent(in) :: c ! chunk (physics) or latitude (dynamics) index real(r8), intent(in) :: field(idim,*) ! Array containing field values ! ! Local variables ! integer :: t, f ! tape, field indices integer :: fl, fu ! upper, lower indices used in binary search thru sorted list integer :: begdim1 ! on-node dim1 start index integer :: enddim1 ! on-node dim1 end index integer :: begdim2 ! on-node dim2 start index integer :: enddim2 ! on-node dim2 end index integer :: begdim3 integer :: enddim3 integer :: endi ! ending longitude index (reduced grid) character*(max_fieldname_len) :: fname_loc ! max-char equivalent of fname character*1 :: avgflag ! averaging flag type (hbuffer_2d) :: hbuf ! history buffer integer, pointer :: nacs(:) ! accumulation counter type (dim_index_2d) :: dimind ! 2-D dimension index logical :: flag_xyfill ! non-applicable xy points flagged with fillvalue integer :: ff ! masterlist index pointer integer :: ierr, ncol !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tape => history_tape fname_loc = fname ff = get_masterlist_indx(fname_loc) ! ! If ( ff < 0 ), the field is not defined on the masterlist. This check ! is necessary because of coding errors calling outfld without first defining ! the field on masterlist. ! if ( ff < 0 ) then return end if ! ! Next, check to see whether this field is active on one or more history ! tapes. ! if ( .not. masterlist(ff)%thisentry%act_sometape ) then return end if ! ! Note, the field may be on any or all of the history files (primary ! and auxiliary). ! ! write(iulog,*)'fname_loc=',fname_loc do 40 t=1,ptapes if ( .not. masterlist(ff)%thisentry%actflag(t)) cycle f = masterlist(ff)%thisentry%htapeindx(t) ! ! Update history buffer ! begdim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 enddim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 begdim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim2 enddim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim2 begdim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim3 enddim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim3 avgflag = tape(t)%hlist(f)%avgflag flag_xyfill = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill nacs => tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(:,c) call assoc_hbuf2d_with_hbuf3d (hbuf, tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf, c) if(associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3)) then endi = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3(c) else endi = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 - tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 + 1 end if dimind = dim_index_2d (1,endi,begdim2,enddim2) select case (avgflag) case ('I') ! Instantaneous call hbuf_accum_inst (hbuf%buf4, hbuf%buf8, field, nacs, dimind, idim, flag_xyfill) case ('A') ! Time average call hbuf_accum_add (hbuf%buf4, hbuf%buf8, field, nacs, dimind, idim, flag_xyfill) case ('B') ! Time average only 00z values call hbuf_accum_add00z (hbuf%buf4, hbuf%buf8, field, nacs, dimind, idim, flag_xyfill) case ('X') ! Maximum over time call hbuf_accum_max (hbuf%buf4, hbuf%buf8, field, nacs, dimind, idim, flag_xyfill) case ('M') ! Minimum over time call hbuf_accum_min (hbuf%buf4, hbuf%buf8, field, nacs, dimind, idim, flag_xyfill) case default call endrun ('OUTFLD: invalid avgflag='//avgflag) end select 40 continue return end subroutine outfld !####################################################################### logical function is_initfile (file_index) 12 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Purpose: to determine: ! ! a) if an IC file is active in this model run at all ! OR, ! b) if it is active, is the current file index referencing the IC file ! (IC file is always at ptapes) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Arguments ! integer, intent(in), optional :: file_index ! index of file in question is_initfile = .false. if (present(file_index)) then if (inithist /= 'NONE' .and. file_index == ptapes) is_initfile = .true. else if (inithist /= 'NONE' ) is_initfile = .true. end if return end function is_initfile !####################################################################### integer function strcmpf (name1, name2) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Return the lexical difference between two strings ! ! Method: Use ichar() intrinsic as we loop through the names ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=max_fieldname_len), intent(in) :: name1, name2 ! strings to compare integer n ! loop index do n=1,max_fieldname_len strcmpf = ichar(name1(n:n)) - ichar(name2(n:n)) if (strcmpf /= 0) exit end do return end function strcmpf !####################################################################### subroutine h_inquire (t) 2,2 use dycore, only : dycore_is ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Ensure that the proper variables are on a history file ! ! Method: Issue the appropriate netcdf wrapper calls ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! integer, intent(in) :: t ! tape index ! ! Local workspace ! integer f,ff ! field index integer ret ! return value from function call integer londim ! longitude dimension id integer latdim ! latitude dimension id integer levdim ! level dimension id integer ilevdim ! intfc dimension id integer tbnddim ! time_bnds dimension id integer old_mode ! returned from nf_set_fill integer :: ierr ! ! ! Dimension id's ! tape => history_tape if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED') ) then ierr=pio_inq_dimid (tape(t)%File, 'ncol', londim) else ierr=pio_inq_dimid (tape(t)%File, 'lat', latdim) ierr=pio_inq_dimid (tape(t)%File, 'lon', londim) end if ierr=pio_inq_dimid (tape(t)%File, 'lev', levdim) ierr=pio_inq_dimid (tape(t)%File, 'ilev', ilevdim) ierr=pio_inq_dimid (tape(t)%File, 'tbnd', tbnddim) ! ! Create variables for model timing and header information ! ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'ndcur ', tape(t)%ndcurid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'nscur ', tape(t)%nscurid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'date ', tape(t)%dateid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'co2vmr ', tape(t)%co2vmrid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'ch4vmr ', tape(t)%ch4vmrid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'n2ovmr ', tape(t)%n2ovmrid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'f11vmr ', tape(t)%f11vmrid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'f12vmr ', tape(t)%f12vmrid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'sol_tsi ', tape(t)%sol_tsiid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'datesec ', tape(t)%datesecid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'nsteph ', tape(t)%nstephid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'time ', tape(t)%timeid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'time_bnds', tape(t)%tbndid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'date_written',tape(t)%date_writtenid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'time_written',tape(t)%time_writtenid) #if ( defined BFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP ) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'tsec ',tape(t)%tsecid) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,'bdate ',tape(t)%bdateid) #endif ! ! Obtain variable name from ID which was read from restart file ! do f=1,nflds(t) if(.not.associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid)) then allocate(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid(max(1,ngroup(t)))) end if ! ! If this field will be put out as columns then get column names for field ! if (ngroup(t) .gt. 0) then do i=1,ngroup(t) ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field_column_name(i), tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid(i)) ierr=pio_get_att(tape(t)%File, tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid(i), 'basename',tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name) end do else ierr=pio_inq_varid (tape(t)%File,tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name, tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid(1)) end if end do if(masterproc) then write(iulog,*)'H_INQUIRE: Successfully opened netcdf file ' end if return end subroutine h_inquire !####################################################################### subroutine add_default (name, tindex, flag) 460,5 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Add a field to the default "on" list for a given history file ! ! Method: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: name ! field name character(len=1), intent(in) :: flag ! averaging flag integer, intent(in) :: tindex ! history tape index ! ! Local workspace ! integer :: t ! file index integer :: f ! field index logical :: found ! flag indicates field found in masterlist type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry ! ! Check validity of input arguments ! if (tindex > ptapes) then write(iulog,*)'ADD_DEFAULT: tape index=', tindex, ' is too big' call endrun end if ! Add to IC file if tindex = 0, reset to ptapes if (tindex == 0) then t = ptapes if ( .not. is_initfile(file_index=t) ) return else t = tindex end if if (flag /= ' ' .and. flag /= 'A' .and. flag /= 'B' .and. flag /= 'I' .and. & flag /= 'X' .and. flag /= 'M') then call endrun ('ADD_DEFAULT: unknown averaging flag='//flag) end if ! ! Look through master list for input field name. When found, set active ! flag for that tape to true. Also set averaging flag if told to use other ! than default. ! found = .false. listentry => get_entry_by_name(masterlinkedlist, trim(name)) if(.not.associated(listentry)) then call endrun ('ADD_DEFAULT: field='//name//' not found') end if listentry%actflag(t) = .true. if (flag /= ' ') then listentry%avgflag(t) = flag select case (flag) case ('A') listentry%time_op(t) = 'mean' case ('B') listentry%time_op(t) = 'mean00z' case ('I') listentry%time_op(t) = ' ' case ('X') listentry%time_op(t) = 'maximum' case ('M') listentry%time_op(t) = 'minimum' case default call endrun ('ADD_DEFAULT: unknown avgflag='//flag) end select end if return end subroutine add_default !####################################################################### subroutine h_override (t) 1,1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Override default history tape contents for a specific tape ! ! Method: Copy the flag into the master field list ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! integer, intent(in) :: t ! history tape index ! ! Local workspace ! character(len=1) :: avgflg ! lcl equiv of avgflag_pertape(t) (to address xlf90 compiler bug) type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry avgflg = avgflag_pertape(t) listentry=>masterlinkedlist do while(associated(listentry)) select case (avgflg) case ('A') listentry%avgflag(t) = avgflag_pertape(t) listentry%time_op(t) = 'mean' case ('B') listentry%avgflag(t) = avgflag_pertape(t) listentry%time_op(t) = 'mean00z' case ('I') listentry%avgflag(t) = avgflag_pertape(t) listentry%time_op(t) = ' ' case ('X') listentry%avgflag(t) = avgflag_pertape(t) listentry%time_op(t) = 'maximum' case ('M') listentry%avgflag(t) = avgflag_pertape(t) listentry%time_op(t) = 'minimum' case default call endrun ('H_OVERRIDE: unknown avgflag='//avgflag_pertape(t)) end select listentry=>listentry%next_entry end do end subroutine h_override !####################################################################### subroutine h_define (t, restart) 1,68 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Define contents of history file t ! ! Method: Issue the required netcdf wrapper calls to define the history file contents ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use pspect, only : ptrn, ptrk, ptrm use rgrid, only : nlon, wnummax use dyn_grid, only : get_dyn_grid_parm_real2d, get_dyn_grid_parm_real1d use dycore, only : dycore_is use time_manager, only: get_step_size, get_ref_date, get_calendar use filenames, only: caseid use string_utils, only: to_upper use abortutils, only: endrun use dycore, only: dycore_is use physconst, only: pi use spmd_utils, only: iam, nsmps, npes use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_createfile !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input arguments ! integer, intent(in) :: t ! tape index logical, intent(in) :: restart ! ! Local workspace ! integer :: i, j ! longitude, latitude indices integer :: k ! ISCCP vertical index integer :: l ! ISCCP optical depth index integer :: kl ! ISCCP merged k and l indices integer :: f ! field index integer :: ff ! varid index for fields output by column integer :: numlev ! number of vertical levels (dimension and loop) integer :: ncreal ! real data type for output integer :: dtime ! timestep size integer :: ndbase = 0 ! days component of base time integer :: nsbase = 0 ! seconds component of base time integer :: nbdate ! base date in yyyymmdd format integer :: bdate ! base date in yyyymmdd format integer :: nbsec ! time of day component of base date [seconds] integer :: yr, mon, day ! year, month, day components of a date integer :: slatdim ! staggered latitude dimension integer :: slondim ! staggered longitude dimension type(var_desc_t) :: slatvar ! variable id for staggered lat type(var_desc_t) :: slonvar ! variable id for staggered lon integer :: dimen4us(4) ! dimension array for staggered U winds integer :: dimen4vs(4) ! dimension array for staggered V winds type(var_desc_t) :: wsid ! Staggered latitude weight ID real(r8), pointer:: londeg_st(:,:) ! Staggered grid point array (lon) real(r8), pointer:: latdeg_st(: ) ! Staggered grid point array (lat) real(r8), pointer:: w_staggered(:) ! Staggered location weights real(r8) ailev(plevp) ! interface level values real(r8), pointer :: latdeg(:) ! degrees gaussian latitudes real(r8), pointer :: londeg(:,:) ! degrees longitude real(r8), pointer :: w(:) ! grid weights real(r8), parameter :: radtodeg = 180.0_r8/pi real(r8), allocatable :: hlat(:), hlon(:), harea(:) character(len=max_chars) str ! character temporary character(len=max_fieldname_len) :: fname_tmp ! local copy of field name character(len=max_chars) calendar ! Calendar type ! ! netcdf variables ! integer ret ! function return value integer :: timdim ! unlimited dimension id type(var_desc_t) :: latvar ! latitude variable id type(var_desc_t) :: lonvar ! longitude variable id type(var_desc_t) :: areavar ! cell area variable id type(var_desc_t), pointer :: glatvar(:) ! column latitude variable id type(var_desc_t), pointer :: glonvar(:) ! column longitude variable id type(var_desc_t) :: rlonvar ! reduced longitude variable id type(var_desc_t) :: ps0var ! variable id for PS0 integer :: chardim ! character dimension id real(r8) alon(plon) ! longitude values (degrees) real(r8) alev(plev) ! level values (pascals) real(r8) rlon(plon,plat) ! reduced longitudes (degrees) real(r8) alat(plat) ! latitude values (degrees) real(r8) prmid(npres) ! pressure midpoints of ISCCP data real(r8) taumid(ntau) ! optical depth midpoints of ISCCP data real(r8) prstau(npres*ntau)! prmid + taumid/1000 integer :: dimenchar(2) ! character dimension ids integer :: dimen1(1) ! dimension ids (1d) integer :: dimen2(2) ! dimension ids (2d) integer :: dimen2t(2) ! dimension ids (2d time boundaries) integer :: dimen3(3) ! dimension ids (3d) integer :: dimen4f(4) ! dimension ids (4d at levels) integer :: dimen4g(4) ! temp array holding dimension ids for groups of contiguous columns (4d) integer :: dimen4i(4) ! dimension ids (4d at interfaces) integer :: dimen4n(4) ! dimension ids (4d at isccp pressure levels) integer :: nacsdims(2) ! dimension ids for nacs (used in restart file) integer :: nacsdimcnt integer londim ! longitude dimension id integer latdim ! latitude dimension id integer, allocatable:: grouplondim(:) ! longitude dimension id integer, allocatable:: grouplatdim(:) ! latitude dimension id integer levdim ! level dimension id integer ilevdim ! interface dimension id integer isccp_prs_dim ! dimension variable for ISCCP pressure levels integer isccp_tau_dim ! dimension variable for ISCCP tau values integer isccp_prstau_dim ! dimension variable for ISCCP pressure*tau levels integer tbnddim ! time_bnds dimension id type(var_desc_t):: levvar ! level variable id type(var_desc_t):: ilevvar ! intfc variable id type(var_desc_t) :: isccp_prs_var ! ISCCP mean pressure variable id type(var_desc_t) :: isccp_tau_var ! ISCCP mean optical depth variable id type(var_desc_t) :: isccp_prstau_var ! ISCCP mixed variable id integer old_mode ! returned mode from netcdf call type(var_desc_t) :: hyaiid ! hybrid A coef. intfc var id type(var_desc_t) :: hybiid ! hybrid B coef. intfc var id type(var_desc_t) :: hyamid ! hybrid A coef. level var id type(var_desc_t) :: hybmid ! hybrid B coef. level var id type(var_desc_t) :: ntrmid ! M truncation parameter var id type(var_desc_t) :: ntrnid ! N truncation parameter var id type(var_desc_t) :: ntrkid ! K truncation parameter var id type(var_desc_t), pointer :: glatvar_st(:) ! column staggered latitude variable id type(var_desc_t), pointer :: glonvar_st(:) ! column staggered longitude variable id integer, allocatable :: grouplondim_st(:) ! staggered longitude dimension id integer, allocatable :: grouplatdim_st(:) ! staggered latitude dimension id integer :: splon integer ndims integer dim1s,dim2s ! global size of the first and second horizontal dim. integer ncol integer ncoldim ! horizontal dim for non rectangular grids integer :: ierr type(var_desc_t), pointer :: varid integer, pointer :: ldof(:) ! integer :: amode if(restart) then tape => restarthistory_tape if(masterproc) write(iulog,*)'Opening netcdf history restart file ', trim(hrestpath(t)) else tape => history_tape if(masterproc) write(iulog,*)'Opening netcdf history file ', trim(nhfil(t)) end if amode = PIO_CLOBBER if(restart) then call cam_pio_createfile (tape(t)%File, hrestpath(t), amode) else call cam_pio_createfile (tape(t)%File, nhfil(t), amode) end if ! ! Setup netcdf file - create the dimensions of lat,lon,time,level ! call get_horiz_grid_dim_d(dim1s,dim2s) if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED') ) then ncol = dim1s*dim2s ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'ncol', ncol, ncoldim) ret = pio_put_att(tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'np', get_dyn_grid_parm('np')) ret = pio_put_att(tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'ne', get_dyn_grid_parm('ne')) else ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'lat', dim2s, latdim) ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'lon', dim1s, londim) endif if(dycore_is('LR')) then ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'slat', plat-1, slatdim) splon = get_dyn_grid_parm('splon') ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'slon', splon, slondim) end if ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'lev', plev, levdim) ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'ilev', plevp, ilevdim) ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'isccp_prs', npres, isccp_prs_dim) ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'isccp_tau', ntau, isccp_tau_dim) ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'isccp_prstau', npres*ntau, isccp_prstau_dim) ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'time', pio_unlimited, timdim) ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'tbnd', 2, tbnddim) ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, 'chars', 8, chardim) ! ! create dimensions for groups of contiguous columns ! variables with for single columns are created later in this routine ! if (.not. restart .and. ngroup(t).ne.0) then allocate(grouplatdim(ngroup(t)), grouplondim(ngroup(t))) allocate(glatvar(ngroup(t)), glonvar(ngroup(t))) do i = 1, ngroup(t) if(scan(trim(tape(t)%column(i)%lat_name),' ')> 0) then tape(t)%column(i)%lat_name(scan(tape(t)%column(i)%lat_name, ' '):)=' ' end if if(scan(trim(tape(t)%column(i)%lon_name),' ')> 0) then tape(t)%column(i)%lon_name(scan(tape(t)%column(i)%lon_name, ' '):)=' ' end if ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, trim(tape(t)%column(i)%lat_name), tape(t)%column(i)%num_lats, grouplatdim(i)) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,tape(t)%column(i)%lat_name,pio_double,grouplatdim(i:i),glatvar(i)) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, glatvar(i),'long_name','latitude') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, glatvar(i),'units','degrees_north') ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, trim(tape(t)%column(i)%lon_name), tape(t)%column(i)%num_lons, grouplondim(i)) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,tape(t)%column(i)%lon_name,pio_double,grouplondim(i:i),glonvar(i)) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, glonvar(i),'long_name','longitude') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, glonvar(i),'units','degrees_east') end do if(dycore_is('LR')) then ! ! For staggered (FV) fields, include staggered dimension on h-file ! do f=1,nflds(t) fname_tmp = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name if(fname_tmp .eq. 'US' .or. fname_tmp .eq. 'FU_S') then if(.not.allocated(grouplatdim_st)) then allocate(grouplatdim_st(ngroup(t))) allocate(glatvar_st(ngroup(t))) do i = 1, ngroup(t) if(scan(trim(tape(t)%column_st(i)%lat_name),' ')> 0) then tape(t)%column_st(i)%lat_name(scan(tape(t)%column_st(i)%lat_name, ' '):)=' ' end if if(scan(trim(tape(t)%column_st(i)%lon_name),' ')> 0) then tape(t)%column_st(i)%lon_name(scan(tape(t)%column_st(i)%lon_name, ' '):)=' ' end if ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%column_st(i)%lat_name, & tape(t)%column_st(i)%num_lats, grouplatdim_st(i)) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,tape(t)%column_st(i)%lat_name,pio_double, & grouplatdim_st(i:i),glatvar_st(i)) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, glatvar_st(i),'long_name','staggered latitude') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, glatvar_st(i),'units','degrees_north') end do end if else if(fname_tmp .eq. 'VS' .or. fname_tmp .eq. 'FV_S') then if(.not.allocated(grouplondim_st)) then allocate(grouplondim_st(ngroup(t))) allocate(glonvar_st(ngroup(t))) do i = 1, ngroup(t) if(scan(trim(tape(t)%column_st(i)%lat_name),' ')> 0) then tape(t)%column_st(i)%lat_name(scan(tape(t)%column_st(i)%lat_name, ' '):)=' ' end if if(scan(trim(tape(t)%column_st(i)%lon_name),' ')> 0) then tape(t)%column_st(i)%lon_name(scan(tape(t)%column_st(i)%lon_name, ' '):)=' ' end if ret = pio_def_dim (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%column_st(i)%lon_name, & tape(t)%column_st(i)%num_lons, grouplondim_st(i)) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,tape(t)%column_st(i)%lon_name,pio_double, & grouplondim_st(i:i),glonvar_st(i)) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, glonvar_st(i),'long_name','staggered longitude') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, glonvar_st(i),'units','degrees_east') end do end if end if end do endif end if ! ! setup dimension arrays for 1,2,3,4d variables ! if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then dimen1(1) = timdim dimen2(1) = ncoldim dimen2t(1) = tbnddim dimen2t(2) = timdim dimen3(1) = ncoldim dimen3(2) = timdim ! dimen4f(1) = ncoldim dimen4f(2) = levdim dimen4f(3) = timdim dimen4i(1) = ncoldim dimen4i(2) = ilevdim dimen4i(3) = timdim dimen4n(1) = ncoldim dimen4n(2) = isccp_prstau_dim dimen4n(3) = timdim else dimen1(1) = timdim dimen2(1) = londim dimen2(2) = latdim dimen2t(1) = tbnddim dimen2t(2) = timdim dimen3(1) = londim dimen3(2) = latdim dimen3(3) = timdim ! dimen4f(1) = londim dimen4f(2) = latdim dimen4f(3) = levdim dimen4f(4) = timdim dimen4i(1) = londim dimen4i(2) = latdim dimen4i(3) = ilevdim dimen4i(4) = timdim dimen4n(1) = londim dimen4n(2) = latdim dimen4n(3) = isccp_prstau_dim dimen4n(4) = timdim if(dycore_is('LR')) then dimen4us(1) = londim dimen4us(2) = slatdim dimen4us(3) = levdim dimen4us(4) = timdim dimen4vs(1) = slondim dimen4vs(2) = latdim dimen4vs(3) = levdim dimen4vs(4) = timdim endif end if ! define variables to label the dimensions, use the same names as the ! dimensions ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'P0',pio_double,ps0var) str = 'reference pressure' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, ps0var, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, ps0var, 'units', 'Pa') if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED') ) then ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'lat',pio_double,(/NCOLDIM/),latvar) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'area',pio_double,(/NCOLDIM/),areavar) else ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'lat',pio_double,(/LATDIM/),latvar) end if ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, latvar, 'long_name', 'latitude') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, latvar, 'units', 'degrees_north') if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED') ) then ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'lon',pio_double,(/NCOLDIM/),lonvar) else ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'lon',pio_double,(/LONDIM/),lonvar) end if ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, lonvar,'long_name','longitude') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, lonvar,'units','degrees_east') ! If a staggered grid is in use, output the lat and lon arrays variables. if(dycore_is('LR')) then ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File, 'slat', pio_double,(/SLATDIM/),slatvar) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, slatvar, 'long_name', 'staggered latitude') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, slatvar, 'units', 'degrees_north') ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'slon',pio_double,(/SLONDIM/),slonvar) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, slonvar, 'long_name', 'staggered longitude') ierr=pio_put_att(tape(t)%File, slonvar, 'units', 'degrees_east') ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'w_stag',pio_double,(/slatdim/),wsid) str = 'staggered latitude weights' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, wsid, 'long_name', str) endif ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'lev',pio_double,(/LEVDIM/),levvar) str = 'hybrid level at midpoints (1000*(A+B))' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, levvar, 'long_name', str) str = 'level' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, levvar, 'units', str) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, levvar, 'positive', 'down') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, levvar, 'standard_name', 'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, levvar, 'formula_terms', 'a: hyam b: hybm p0: P0 ps: PS') ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'ilev',pio_double,(/ILEVDIM/),ilevvar) str = 'hybrid level at interfaces (1000*(A+B))' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, ilevvar, 'long_name', str) str = 'level' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, ilevvar, 'units', str) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, ilevvar, 'positive', 'down') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, ilevvar, 'standard_name', 'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, ilevvar, 'formula_terms', 'a: hyai b: hybi p0: P0 ps: PS') ! ISCCP pressure, optical depth, and mixed dimension ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File, 'isccp_prs', PIO_DOUBLE, (/isccp_prs_dim/), isccp_prs_var) str = 'Mean ISCCP pressure' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, isccp_prs_var, 'long_name', str) str = 'mb' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, isccp_prs_var, 'units', str) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, isccp_prs_var, 'isccp_prs_bnds', prlim) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File, 'isccp_tau', PIO_DOUBLE, (/isccp_tau_dim/), isccp_tau_var) str = 'Mean ISCCP optical depth' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, isccp_tau_var, 'long_name', str) str = 'unitless' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, isccp_tau_var, 'units', str) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, isccp_tau_var, 'isccp_tau_bnds', taulim) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File, 'isccp_prstau', PIO_DOUBLE, (/isccp_prstau_dim/), isccp_prstau_var) str = 'Mean pressure (mb).mean optical depth (unitless)/1000' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, isccp_prstau_var, 'long_name', str) str = 'mixed' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, isccp_prstau_var, 'units', str) call get_ref_date(yr, mon, day, nbsec) nbdate = yr*10000 + mon*100 + day ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'time',pio_double,(/TIMDIM/),tape(t)%timeid) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%timeid, 'long_name', 'time') str = 'days since ' // date2yyyymmdd(nbdate) // ' ' // sec2hms(nbsec) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%timeid, 'units', str) calendar = get_calendar() if ( trim(to_upper(calendar)) == 'NO_LEAP' .or. trim(to_upper(calendar)) == 'NOLEAP' ) then ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%timeid, 'calendar', 'noleap') else if ( trim(to_upper(calendar)) == 'GREGORIAN' ) then ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%timeid, 'calendar', 'gregorian') else call endrun ('H_DEFINE: unrecognized calendar type: '//trim(calendar) ) end if ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%timeid, 'bounds', 'time_bnds') ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'time_bnds',pio_double,dimen2t,tape(t)%tbndid) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%tbndid, 'long_name', 'time interval endpoints') ! ! Character ! dimenchar(1) = chardim dimenchar(2) = timdim ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'date_written',PIO_CHAR,dimenchar, tape(t)%date_writtenid) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'time_written',PIO_CHAR,dimenchar, tape(t)%time_writtenid) ! ! Integer Header ! ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'ntrm',PIO_INT,ntrmid) str = 'spectral truncation parameter M' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, ntrmid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'ntrn',PIO_INT, ntrnid) str = 'spectral truncation parameter N' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, ntrnid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'ntrk',PIO_INT,ntrkid) str = 'spectral truncation parameter K' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, ntrkid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'ndbase',PIO_INT,tape(t)%ndbaseid) str = 'base day' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%ndbaseid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'nsbase',PIO_INT,tape(t)%nsbaseid) str = 'seconds of base day' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nsbaseid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'nbdate',PIO_INT,tape(t)%nbdateid) str = 'base date (YYYYMMDD)' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nbdateid, 'long_name', str) #if ( defined BFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP ) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'bdate',PIO_INT,tape(t)%bdateid) str = 'base date (YYYYMMDD)' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%bdateid, 'long_name', str) #endif ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'nbsec',PIO_INT,tape(t)%nbsecid) str = 'seconds of base date' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nbsecid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'mdt',PIO_INT,tape(t)%mdtid) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%mdtid, 'long_name', 'timestep') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%mdtid, 'units', 's') if(.not. is_initfile(file_index=t) .and. .not. dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'nlon',PIO_INT,(/latdim/),tape(t)%nlonid) str = 'number of longitudes' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nlonid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'wnummax',PIO_INT,(/latdim/),tape(t)%wnummaxid) str = 'cutoff Fourier wavenumber' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%wnummaxid, 'long_name', str) end if ! ! Floating point time-invariant ! ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'hyai',PIO_DOUBLE,(/ilevdim/),hyaiid) str = 'hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, hyaiid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'hybi',PIO_DOUBLE,(/ilevdim/),hybiid) str = 'hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, hybiid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'hyam',PIO_DOUBLE,(/levdim/),hyamid) str = 'hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, hyamid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'hybm',PIO_DOUBLE,(/levdim/),hybmid) str = 'hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, hybmid, 'long_name', str) if(.not. dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'gw',PIO_DOUBLE,(/latdim/),gwid) str = 'gauss weights' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, gwid, 'long_name', str) end if ! ! Character header information ! str = 'CF-1.0' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'Conventions', str) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'source', 'CAM') #if ( defined BFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP ) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'CAM_GENERATED_FORCING','create SCAM IOP dataset') #endif ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'case',caseid) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'title',ctitle) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'logname',logname) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'host', host) ierr= pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'Version', & '$Name$') ierr= pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'revision_Id', & '$Id$') ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'initial_file', ncdata) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'topography_file', bnd_topo) ! ! Create variables for model timing and header information ! ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'ndcur ',pio_int,dimen1,tape(t)%ndcurid) str = 'current day (from base day)' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%ndcurid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'nscur ',pio_int,dimen1,tape(t)%nscurid) str = 'current seconds of current day' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nscurid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'date ',pio_int,dimen1,tape(t)%dateid) str = 'current date (YYYYMMDD)' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%dateid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'co2vmr ',pio_double,dimen1,tape(t)%co2vmrid) str = 'co2 volume mixing ratio' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%co2vmrid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'ch4vmr ',pio_double,dimen1,tape(t)%ch4vmrid) str = 'ch4 volume mixing ratio' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%ch4vmrid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'n2ovmr ',pio_double,dimen1,tape(t)%n2ovmrid) str = 'n2o volume mixing ratio' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%n2ovmrid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'f11vmr ',pio_double,dimen1,tape(t)%f11vmrid) str = 'f11 volume mixing ratio' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%f11vmrid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'f12vmr ',pio_double,dimen1,tape(t)%f12vmrid) str = 'f12 volume mixing ratio' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%f12vmrid, 'long_name', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'sol_tsi ',pio_double,dimen1,tape(t)%sol_tsiid) str = 'total solar irradiance' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%sol_tsiid, 'long_name', str) str = 'W/m2' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%sol_tsiid, 'units', str) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'datesec ',pio_int,dimen1, tape(t)%datesecid) str = 'current seconds of current date' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%datesecid, 'long_name', str) #if ( defined BFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP ) ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'tsec ',pio_int,dimen1, tape(t)%tsecid) str = 'current seconds of current date needed for scam' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%tsecid, 'long_name', str) #endif ierr=pio_def_var (tape(t)%File,'nsteph ',pio_int,dimen1,tape(t)%nstephid) str = 'current timestep' ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nstephid, 'long_name', str) ! ! Create variables and attributes for field list ! do f=1,nflds(t) select case (tape(t)%hlist(f)%avgflag) case ('A') tape(t)%hlist(f)%time_op(:) = 'mean' case ('B') tape(t)%hlist(f)%time_op(:) = 'mean00z' case ('I') tape(t)%hlist(f)%time_op(:) = ' ' case ('X') tape(t)%hlist(f)%time_op(:) = 'maximum' case ('M') tape(t)%hlist(f)%time_op(:) = 'minimum' case default call endrun ('h_define: unknown avgflag='//tape(t)%hlist(f)%avgflag) end select numlev = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%numlev if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hwrt_prec == 8) then ncreal = pio_double else ncreal = pio_real end if if(.not.associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid)) then allocate(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid(1:max(1,ngroup(t)))) end if fname_tmp = strip_suffix(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name) nacsdimcnt=0 if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill) then if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then nacsdims(1) = ncoldim nacsdimcnt=1 else nacsdims= dimen2 nacsdimcnt=2 end if if(dycore_is('LR') .and. numlev==plev) then if(fname_tmp .eq. 'US' .or. fname_tmp .eq. 'FU_S') then nacsdims= dimen4us(1:2) else if(fname_tmp .eq. 'VS' .or. fname_tmp .eq. 'FV_S') then nacsdims= dimen4vs(1:2) else nacsdims= dimen4f(1:2) end if end if end if ! ! Create variables and atributes for fields written out as columns ! if (.not. restart .and. ngroup(t).ne.0) then do i=1,ngroup(t) ff=(f-1)*ngroup(t)+i dimen4g(1)=grouplondim(i) dimen4g(2)=grouplatdim(i) dimen4g(4)=timdim if(dycore_is('LR')) then if(fname_tmp .eq. 'US' .or. fname_tmp .eq. 'FU_S') then dimen4g(2)=grouplatdim_st(i) else if(fname_tmp .eq. 'VS' .or. fname_tmp .eq. 'FV_S') then dimen4g(1)=grouplondim_st(i) end if endif varid => tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid(i) if (numlev == npres*ntau .and. tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_isccplev) then dimen4g(3)=isccp_prstau_dim ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field_column_name(i),ncreal,& dimen4g,varid) else if (numlev == 1) then dimen4g(3)=timdim ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File,trim(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field_column_name(i)),& ncreal,dimen4g(1:3),varid) else if (numlev == plev) then dimen4g(3)=levdim ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File, trim(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field_column_name(i)),& ncreal,dimen4g,varid) else if (numlev == plevp) then dimen4g(3)=ilevdim ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File, trim(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field_column_name(i)),& ncreal,dimen4g,varid) else write(iulog,*)'H_DEFINE: bad numlev=',numlev call endrun end if ierr= pio_put_att(tape(t)%File, varid, 'basename',tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name) str = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%sampling_seq if (len_trim(str)>0) then ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, & 'Sampling_Sequence', str) end if if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill) then ! Add both _FillValue and missing_value to cover expectations of various applications. ! The attribute type must match the data type. if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hwrt_prec == 8) then ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, '_FillValue', fillvalue) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, 'missing_value', fillvalue) else ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, '_FillValue', fillvalue_r4) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, 'missing_value', fillvalue_r4) end if end if str = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%units ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, 'units', str) str = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%long_name ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, 'long_name', str) ! ! Assign field attributes defining valid levels and averaging info ! str = tape(t)%hlist(f)%time_op select case (str) case ('mean', 'maximum', 'minimum' ) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid,'cell_methods', 'time: '//str) end select end do ! ! else create variables and atributes for fields written out as a full model grid ! else ! ! If an IC field, strip "&IC" from name ! if(.not.associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid)) then allocate(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid(1)) end if varid => tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid(1) if (numlev == npres*ntau .and. tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_isccplev) then if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then ndims=3 else ndims=4 end if if(restart) ndims = ndims-1 ! removes the time dim ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File, fname_tmp, ncreal,dimen4n(1:ndims),varid) else if (numlev == 1) then if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then ndims=2 else ndims=3 end if if(restart) ndims = ndims-1 ! removes the time dim ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File,fname_tmp,ncreal,dimen3(1:ndims),varid) else if (numlev == plev) then if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then ndims=3 else ndims=4 end if if(restart) ndims = ndims-1 ! removes the time dim if(dycore_is('LR')) then if(fname_tmp .eq. 'US' .or. fname_tmp .eq. 'FU_S') then ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File,fname_tmp,ncreal,dimen4us,varid) else if(fname_tmp .eq. 'VS' .or. fname_tmp .eq. 'FV_S') then ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File,fname_tmp,ncreal,dimen4vs,varid) else ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File,fname_tmp,ncreal,dimen4f,varid) end if else ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File, fname_tmp, ncreal,dimen4f(1:ndims),varid) end if else if (numlev == plevp) then if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then ndims=3 else ndims=4 end if if(restart) ndims = ndims-1 ! removes the time dim ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File, fname_tmp, ncreal,dimen4i(1:ndims),varid) else write(iulog,*)'H_DEFINE: bad numlev=',numlev call endrun end if ! str = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%sampling_seq if (len_trim(str) > 0) then ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, 'Sampling_Sequence', str) end if if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill) then if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hwrt_prec == 8) then ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, '_FillValue', fillvalue) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, 'missing_value', fillvalue) else ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, '_FillValue', fillvalue_r4) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, 'missing_value', fillvalue_r4) end if end if ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, 'units', tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%units) str = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%long_name ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid, 'long_name', str) ! ! Assign field attributes defining valid levels and averaging info ! str = tape(t)%hlist(f)%time_op select case (str) case ('mean', 'maximum', 'minimum' ) ierr=pio_put_att (tape(t)%File, varid,'cell_methods', 'time: '//str) end select if(restart) then if( nacsdimcnt>0) then ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File,trim(fname_tmp)//'_nacs',pio_int,nacsdims(1:nacsdimcnt),& tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs_varid) else ierr=pio_def_var(tape(t)%File,trim(fname_tmp)//'_nacs',pio_int,& tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs_varid) end if endif endif end do ! ret = pio_enddef(tape(t)%File) if(masterproc) then write(iulog,*)'H_DEFINE: Successfully opened netcdf file ' endif ! ! Write time-invariant portion of history header ! ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, ps0var, (/ps0/)) londeg => get_dyn_grid_parm_real2d('londeg') latdeg => get_dyn_grid_parm_real1d('latdeg') if(dycore_is('LR')) then londeg_st => get_dyn_grid_parm_real2d('londeg_st') latdeg_st => get_dyn_grid_parm_real1d('latdeg_st') end if if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then ! save memory for these global arrays by doing them 1 by 1: allocate(harea(ncol)) call get_horiz_grid_d(ncol, clat_d_out=harea) do j=1,ncol harea(j) = harea(j)*radtodeg end do ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, latvar, harea) call get_horiz_grid_d(ncol, clon_d_out=harea) do j=1,ncol harea(j) = harea(j)*radtodeg end do ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, lonvar, harea) call get_horiz_grid_d(ncol, area_d_out=harea) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, areavar, harea) deallocate(harea) else latdeg => get_dyn_grid_parm_real1d('latdeg') ierr=pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, latvar, latdeg) do i=1,plon alon(i) = (i-1) * 360.0_r8 / plon end do if (single_column) alon(1)=scmlon ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, lonvar, alon) end if if(dycore_is('LR')) then latdeg_st => get_dyn_grid_parm_real1d('latdeg_st') ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, slatvar, latdeg_st) londeg_st => get_dyn_grid_parm_real2d('londeg_st') ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, slonvar, londeg_st(:,1)) w_staggered => get_dyn_grid_parm_real1d('w_staggered') ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, wsid, w_staggered) endif ! ! write out coordinate variables for columns ! if (.not. restart .and. ngroup(t).ne.0) then do i = 1, ngroup(t) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, glonvar(i), & londeg(tape(t)%column(i)%columnlon(1):tape(t)%column(i)%columnlon(2),1)) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, glatvar(i), & latdeg(tape(t)%column(i)%columnlat(1):tape(t)%column(i)%columnlat(2))) end do deallocate(glonvar, glatvar,grouplatdim,grouplondim) ! ! For staggered (FV) fields, write out staggered coordinate variables for columns ! do f=1,nflds(t) select case (tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name) case ('US','FU_S') do i = 1, ngroup(t) ierr = pio_put_var(tape(t)%File, glatvar_st(i), & latdeg_st(tape(t)%column_st(i)%columnlat(1):tape(t)%column_st(i)%columnlat(2))) end do case ('VS','FV_S') do i = 1, ngroup(t) ierr = pio_put_var(tape(t)%File, glonvar_st(i), & londeg_st(tape(t)%column_st(i)%columnlon(1):tape(t)%column_st(i)%columnlon(2),1)) end do end select end do end if if(allocated(grouplondim_st)) then deallocate(glonvar_st, grouplondim_st) end if if(allocated(grouplatdim_st)) then deallocate(glatvar_st, grouplatdim_st) end if ! ! 0.01 converts Pascals to millibars ! alev(:plev) = 0.01_r8*ps0*(hyam(:plev) + hybm(:plev)) ailev(:plevp) = 0.01_r8*ps0*(hyai(:plevp) + hybi(:plevp)) do k=1,npres prmid(k) = 0.5_r8*(prlim(k) + prlim(k+1)) end do do k=1,ntau taumid(k) = 0.5_r8*(taulim(k) + taulim(k+1)) end do !JR Kludgey way of combining pressure and optical depth into a single dimension: !JR pressure in millibars will show up on the left side of the decimal point, !JR optical depth/1000 will show up on the right do k=1,npres do l=1,ntau kl = (k-1)*ntau + l prstau(kl) = prmid(k) + taumid(l)*0.001_r8 end do end do ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, levvar, alev) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, ilevvar, ailev) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, hyaiid, hyai) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, hybiid, hybi) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, hyamid, hyam) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, hybmid, hybm) if(.not. dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then w => get_dyn_grid_parm_real1d('w') ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, gwid, w) end if ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, isccp_prs_var, prmid) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, isccp_tau_var, taumid) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, isccp_prstau_var, prstau) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, ntrmid, (/ptrm/)) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, ntrnid, (/ptrn/)) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, ntrkid, (/ptrk/)) dtime = get_step_size() ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%mdtid, (/dtime/)) ! ! Model date info ! ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%ndbaseid, (/ndbase/)) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nsbaseid, (/nsbase/)) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nbdateid, (/nbdate/)) #if ( defined BFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP ) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%bdateid, (/nbdate/)) #endif ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nbsecid, (/nbsec/)) ! ! Reduced grid info ! if(.not. is_initfile(file_index=t) .and. .not. dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED')) then ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nlonid, nlon) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%wnummaxid, wnummax) end if end subroutine h_define !####################################################################### character(len=10) function date2yyyymmdd (date) 1,1 ! Input arguments integer, intent(in) :: date ! Local workspace integer :: year ! year of yyyy-mm-dd integer :: month ! month of yyyy-mm-dd integer :: day ! day of yyyy-mm-dd if (date < 0) then call endrun ('DATE2YYYYMMDD: negative date not allowed') end if year = date / 10000 month = (date - year*10000) / 100 day = date - year*10000 - month*100 write(date2yyyymmdd,80) year, month, day 80 format(i4.4,'-',i2.2,'-',i2.2) return end function date2yyyymmdd !####################################################################### character(len=8) function sec2hms (seconds) 1,3 ! Input arguments integer, intent(in) :: seconds ! Local workspace integer :: hours ! hours of hh:mm:ss integer :: minutes ! minutes of hh:mm:ss integer :: secs ! seconds of hh:mm:ss if (seconds < 0 .or. seconds > 86400) then write(iulog,*)'SEC2HRS: bad input seconds:', seconds call endrun () end if hours = seconds / 3600 minutes = (seconds - hours*3600) / 60 secs = (seconds - hours*3600 - minutes*60) if (minutes < 0 .or. minutes > 60) then write(iulog,*)'SEC2HRS: bad minutes = ',minutes call endrun () end if if (secs < 0 .or. secs > 60) then write(iulog,*)'SEC2HRS: bad secs = ',secs call endrun () end if write(sec2hms,80) hours, minutes, secs 80 format(i2.2,':',i2.2,':',i2.2) return end function sec2hms !####################################################################### subroutine h_normalize (f, t) 1,1 use dycore, only: dycore_is ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Normalize fields on a history file by the number of accumulations ! ! Method: Loop over fields on the tape. Need averaging flag and number of ! accumulations to perform normalization. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input arguments ! integer, intent(in) :: f ! field index integer, intent(in) :: t ! tape index ! ! Local workspace ! integer begdim2 ! on-node vert start index integer enddim2 ! on-node vert end index integer c ! chunk (or lat) index integer endi ! terminating column index integer begdim1 ! on-node dim1 start index integer enddim1 ! on-node dim1 end index integer begdim3 ! on-node chunk or lat start index integer enddim3 ! on-node chunk or lat end index integer :: ib, ie ! beginning and ending indices of first dimension integer :: jb, je ! beginning and ending indices of second dimension integer k logical :: flag_xyfill ! non-applicable xy points flagged with fillvalue character*1 avgflag ! averaging flag call t_startf ('h_normalize') begdim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim2 enddim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim2 avgflag = tape(t)%hlist(f)%avgflag ! ! normalize by number of accumulations for averaged case ! begdim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 enddim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 begdim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim3 enddim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim3 flag_xyfill = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill do c=begdim3,enddim3 ! Some slices might not be entirely full -- use endi instead of enddim2 if(associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3)) then endi = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3(c) else endi = enddim1-begdim1+1 end if ib = begdim1 ie = begdim1+endi-1 jb = begdim2 je = enddim2 if (flag_xyfill) then if (associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8)) then do k=jb,je where (tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(ib:ie,c) == 0) tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8(ib:ie,k,c) = fillvalue endwhere end do else if (associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4)) then do k=jb,je where (tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(ib:ie,c) == 0) tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4(ib:ie,k,c) = fillvalue endwhere end do end if end if if (avgflag == 'A' .or. avgflag == 'B') then if (associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8)) then if(flag_xyfill) then do k=jb,je where (tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(ib:ie,c) /= 0) tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8(ib:ie,k,c) = & tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8(ib:ie,k,c) & / tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(ib:ie,c) endwhere end do else if(tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(1,c) > 0) then do k=jb,je tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8(ib:ie,k,c) = & tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8(ib:ie,k,c) & / tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(1,c) end do end if else if (associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4)) then if(flag_xyfill) then do k=jb,je where (tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(ib:ie,c) /= 0) tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4(ib:ie,k,c) = & tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4(ib:ie,k,c) & / tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(ib:ie,c) endwhere end do else if(tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(1,c) > 0) then do k=jb,je tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4(ib:ie,k,c) = & tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4(ib:ie,k,c) & / tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(1,c) end do end if end if end if end do call t_stopf ('h_normalize') return end subroutine h_normalize !####################################################################### subroutine h_zero (f, t) 2,3 use dycore, only: dycore_is ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Zero out accumulation buffers for a tape ! ! Method: Loop through fields on the tape ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: f ! field index integer, intent(in) :: t ! tape index ! ! Local workspace ! integer begdim1 ! on-node 1st dim start index integer enddim1 ! on-node 1st dim end index integer begdim2 ! on-node vert start index integer enddim2 ! on-node vert end index integer c ! chunk index integer endi ! terminating column index integer begdim3 ! on-node chunk or lat start index integer enddim3 ! on-node chunk or lat end index type (dim_index_3d) :: dimind ! 3-D dimension index call t_startf ('h_zero') begdim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 enddim1 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 begdim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim2 enddim2 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim2 begdim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim3 enddim3 = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim3 if(associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3)) then do c=begdim3,enddim3 endi = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%colperdim3(c) dimind = dim_index_3d (begdim1,begdim1+endi-1,begdim2,enddim2,c,c) call set_hbuf_section_to_val (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf,dimind,0._r8) tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(:,:) = 0 end do else endi = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%enddim1 - tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim1 + 1 dimind = dim_index_3d (begdim1,begdim1+endi-1,begdim2,enddim2,begdim3,enddim3) call set_hbuf_section_to_val (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf,dimind,0._r8) tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(:,:) = 0 end if call t_stopf ('h_zero') return end subroutine h_zero !####################################################################### subroutine dump_field (f, t, restart) 1,7 use cam_pio_utils, only: get_decomp, pio_subsystem use dycore, only: dycore_is use spmd_utils, only : iam integer, intent(in) :: f, t logical, intent(in) :: restart ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Write a variable to a history tape ! ! Method: If SPMD, first gather the data to the master processor. ! Next, transpose the data to COORDS order (the default). ! Finally, issue the netcdf call to write the variable ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: bsize, ierr real(r4), allocatable :: localbuf4(:) type(io_desc_t), pointer :: int_iodesc, iodesc type(var_desc_t), pointer :: varid integer :: iosize character(len=max_fieldname_len) :: fname type(column_info) :: tmpcolumn do i=1,max(ngroup(t),1) if(restart .and. i>1) exit varid=>tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid(i) if(tape(t)%hlist(f)%hwrt_prec==8) then iosize = pio_double else iosize = pio_real end if if(.not. restart .and. ngroup(t)>0) then tmpcolumn = tape(t)%column(i) if(dycore_is('LR')) then fname = tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name if(fname .eq. 'US' .or. fname .eq. 'FU_S') then tmpcolumn%columnlat(1) = tape(t)%column_st(i)%columnlat(1)+1 ! Adding 1 because staggered lat indexing for "xzybuf" starts at 2 tmpcolumn%columnlat(2) = tape(t)%column_st(i)%columnlat(2)+1 tmpcolumn%num_lats = tape(t)%column_st(i)%num_lats else if(fname .eq. 'VS' .or. fname .eq. 'FV_S') then tmpcolumn%columnlon = tape(t)%column_st(i)%columnlon tmpcolumn%num_lons = tape(t)%column_st(i)%num_lons end if end if allocate(iodesc) ! no lookup table for columns call get_decomp(iodesc, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field, iosize,column=tmpcolumn) #ifdef HDEBUG write(iulog,*)'DUMP_FIELD:',__LINE__,' writing column time indx ', & nfils(t), ' field id', tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid(i)%varid, & ' name ', trim(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field_column_name(i)), & 'numlons=',tmpcolumn%num_lons,'numlats=', tmpcolumn%num_lats, ' base name ', & trim(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name),' columnlon=', & tmpcolumn%columnlon, ' columnlat=', tmpcolumn%columnlat #endif else call get_decomp(iodesc, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field, iosize) endif if(restart) then call pio_setframe(varid, int(1,kind=PIO_Offset)) else call pio_setframe(varid, int(max(1,nfils(t)),kind=PIO_Offset)) end if if(tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf_prec==8) then bsize=size(tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8) if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hwrt_prec == 8) then call pio_write_darray(tape(t)%File, varid, & iodesc, tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8, ierr) else allocate(localbuf4(bsize)) localbuf4=real(reshape(tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8,(/bsize/))) call pio_write_darray(tape(t)%File, varid, & iodesc, localbuf4, ierr) deallocate(localbuf4) end if else bsize=size(tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4) if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hwrt_prec == 4) then call pio_write_darray(tape(t)%File, varid, & iodesc,tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4, ierr) else ! why would you ever do this? end if end if if(restart) then if(tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%flag_xyfill) then call get_decomp(int_iodesc, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field, pio_int, 1) call pio_write_darray(tape(t)%File, tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs_varid, & int_iodesc, reshape(tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs, (/size(tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs)/)), ierr) else ierr = pio_put_var(tape(t)%File, tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs_varid,& tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs(1, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%begdim3)) end if end if if(.not. restart .and. ngroup(t)>0) then call pio_freedecomp(pio_subsystem, iodesc) deallocate(iodesc) ! no lookup table for columns end if end do return end subroutine dump_field !####################################################################### logical function write_inithist () 3,6 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Set flags that will initiate dump to IC file when OUTFLD and ! WSHIST are called ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use time_manager, only: get_nstep, get_curr_date, get_step_size, is_last_step ! ! Local workspace ! integer :: yr, mon, day ! year, month, and day components of ! a date integer :: nstep ! current timestep number integer :: ncsec ! current time of day [seconds] integer :: dtime ! timestep size !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write_inithist = .false. if(is_initfile()) then nstep = get_nstep() call get_curr_date(yr, mon, day, ncsec) if (inithist == '6-HOURLY') then dtime = get_step_size() write_inithist = nstep /= 0 .and. mod( nstep, nint((6._r8*3600._r8)/dtime) ) == 0 elseif(inithist == 'DAILY' ) then write_inithist = nstep /= 0 .and. ncsec == 0 elseif(inithist == 'MONTHLY' ) then write_inithist = nstep /= 0 .and. ncsec == 0 .and. day == 1 elseif(inithist == 'YEARLY' ) then write_inithist = nstep /= 0 .and. ncsec == 0 .and. day == 1 .and. mon == 1 elseif(inithist == 'CAMIOP' ) then write_inithist = nstep == 0 elseif(inithist == 'ENDOFRUN' ) then write_inithist = nstep /= 0 .and. is_last_step() end if end if return end function write_inithist !####################################################################### subroutine wshist (rgnht_in) 2,26 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Driver routine to write fields on history tape t ! ! Method: For variables which do not need to be gathered (SPMD) just issue the netcdf call ! For those that do need to be gathered, call "dump_field" to do the operation. ! Finally, zero the history buffers for each field written. ! ! Author: CCM Core Group ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use dycore, only: dycore_is use time_manager, only: get_nstep, get_curr_date, get_curr_time,get_step_size use chem_surfvals, only: chem_surfvals_get, chem_surfvals_co2_rad use solar_data, only: sol_tsi logical, intent(in), optional :: rgnht_in(ptapes) ! ! Local workspace ! character(len=8) :: cdate ! system date character(len=8) :: ctime ! system time logical :: rgnht(ptapes), restart integer t, f ! tape, field indices integer ret ! return value from netcdf call integer start ! starting index required by nf_put_vara integer count1 ! count values required by nf_put_vara integer startc(2) ! start values required by nf_put_vara (character) integer countc(2) ! count values required by nf_put_vara (character) #ifdef HDEBUG ! integer begdim3 ! integer enddim3 #endif integer :: yr, mon, day ! year, month, and day components of a date integer :: nstep ! current timestep number integer :: ncdate ! current date in integer format [yyyymmdd] integer :: ncsec ! current time of day [seconds] integer :: ndcur ! day component of current time integer :: nscur ! seconds component of current time real(r8) :: time ! current time real(r8) :: tdata(2) ! time interval boundaries character(len=max_string_len) :: fname ! Filename logical :: prev ! Label file with previous date rather than current integer :: ierr integer :: bsize integer :: dim1s,dim2s,ncol #if ( defined BFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP ) integer :: tsec ! day component of current time integer :: dtime ! seconds component of current time #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if(present(rgnht_in)) then rgnht=rgnht_in restart=.true. tape => restarthistory_tape else rgnht=.false. restart=.false. tape => history_tape end if nstep = get_nstep() call get_curr_date(yr, mon, day, ncsec) ncdate = yr*10000 + mon*100 + day call get_curr_time(ndcur, nscur) ! ! Write time-varying portion of history file header ! do t=1,mtapes if (nflds(t) == 0 .or. (restart .and.(.not.rgnht(t)))) cycle ! ! Check if this is the IC file and if it's time to write. ! Else, use "nhtfrq" to determine if it's time to write ! the other history files. ! if((.not. restart) .or. rgnht(t)) then if( is_initfile(file_index=t) ) then hstwr(t) = write_inithist() prev = .false. else if (nhtfrq(t) == 0) then hstwr(t) = nstep /= 0 .and. day == 1 .and. ncsec == 0 prev = .true. else hstwr(t) = mod(nstep,nhtfrq(t)) == 0 prev = .false. end if end if end if if (hstwr(t) .or. (restart .and. rgnht(t))) then if(masterproc) then if(is_initfile(file_index=t)) then write(iulog,100) yr,mon,day,ncsec 100 format('WSHIST: writing time sample to Initial Conditions h-file', & ' DATE=',i4.4,'/',i2.2,'/',i2.2,' NCSEC=',i6) else if(hstwr(t)) then write(iulog,200) nfils(t),t,yr,mon,day,ncsec 200 format('WSHIST: writing time sample ',i3,' to h-file ', & i1,' DATE=',i4.4,'/',i2.2,'/',i2.2,' NCSEC=',i6) else if(restart .and. rgnht(t)) then write(iulog,300) nfils(t),t,yr,mon,day,ncsec 300 format('WSHIST: writing history restart ',i3,' to hr-file ', & i1,' DATE=',i4.4,'/',i2.2,'/',i2.2,' NCSEC=',i6) end if write(iulog,*) end if ! ! Starting a new volume => define the metadata ! if (nfils(t)==0 .or. (restart.and.rgnht(t))) then if(restart) then fname = interpret_filename_spec( rhfilename_spec, number=(t-1)) hrestpath(t)=fname else if(is_initfile(file_index=t)) then fname = interpret_filename_spec( hfilename_spec(t) ) else fname = interpret_filename_spec( hfilename_spec(t), number=(t-1), & prev=prev ) end if ! ! Check that this new filename isn't the same as a previous or current filename ! do f = 1, mtapes if (masterproc.and. trim(fname) == trim(nhfil(f)) )then write(iulog,*)'WSHIST: New filename same as old file = ', trim(fname) write(iulog,*)'Is there an error in your filename specifiers?' write(iulog,*)'hfilename_spec(', t, ') = ', hfilename_spec(t) if ( t /= f )then write(iulog,*)'hfilename_spec(', f, ') = ', hfilename_spec(f) end if call endrun end if end do if(.not. restart) then nhfil(t) = fname if(masterproc) write(iulog,*)'WSHIST: nhfil(',t,')=',trim(nhfil(t)) cpath(t) = nhfil(t) if ( len_trim(nfpath(t)) == 0 ) nfpath(t) = cpath(t) end if call h_define (t, restart) end if if(restart) then start=1 else nfils(t) = nfils(t) + 1 start = nfils(t) end if count1 = 1 ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%ndcurid,(/start/), (/count1/),(/ndcur/)) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nscurid,(/start/), (/count1/),(/nscur/)) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%dateid,(/start/), (/count1/),(/ncdate/)) ierr=pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%co2vmrid,(/start/), (/count1/),(/chem_surfvals_co2_rad(vmr_in=.true.)/)) ierr=pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%ch4vmrid,(/start/), (/count1/),(/chem_surfvals_get('CH4VMR')/)) ierr=pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%n2ovmrid,(/start/), (/count1/),(/chem_surfvals_get('N2OVMR')/)) ierr=pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%f11vmrid,(/start/), (/count1/),(/chem_surfvals_get('F11VMR')/)) ierr=pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%f12vmrid,(/start/), (/count1/),(/chem_surfvals_get('F12VMR')/)) ierr=pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%sol_tsiid,(/start/), (/count1/),(/sol_tsi/)) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%datesecid,(/start/),(/count1/),(/ncsec/)) #if ( defined BFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP ) dtime = get_step_size() tsec=dtime*nstep ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%tsecid,(/start/),(/count1/),(/tsec/)) #endif ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%nstephid,(/start/),(/count1/),(/nstep/)) time = ndcur + nscur/86400._r8 ierr=pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%timeid, (/start/),(/count1/),(/time/)) startc(1) = 1 startc(2) = start countc(1) = 2 countc(2) = 1 tdata(1) = beg_time(t) tdata(2) = time ierr=pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%tbndid, startc, countc, tdata) if(.not.restart) beg_time(t) = time ! update beginning time of next interval startc(1) = 1 startc(2) = start countc(1) = 8 countc(2) = 1 call datetime (cdate, ctime) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%date_writtenid, startc, countc, (/cdate/)) ierr = pio_put_var (tape(t)%File, tape(t)%time_writtenid, startc, countc, (/ctime/)) if(.not. restart) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (F) do f=1,nflds(t) call h_normalize (f, t) ! Normalized averaged fields and/or put fillvalue end do end if ! ! Write field to history tape. Note that this is NOT threaded due to netcdf limitations ! call t_startf ('dump_field') do f=1,nflds(t) call dump_field(f, t, restart) end do call t_stopf ('dump_field') ! ! Zero history buffers and accumulators now that the fields have been written. ! if(restart) then do f=1,nflds(t) if(associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid)) then deallocate(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid) nullify(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid) end if end do call pio_closefile(tape(t)%File) tape(t)%File%fh=-1 else !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (F) do f=1,nflds(t) call h_zero (f, t) end do end if end if end do return end subroutine wshist !####################################################################### subroutine addvar (ncid, name, xtype , ndims , dimids, vid),1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Issue the netcdf call to add a variable to the dataset ! ! Author: CCM Core Group ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input arguments ! type(file_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ncid ! netcdf file id integer, intent(in) :: xtype ! netcdf type flag integer, intent(in) :: ndims ! number of dimensions integer, intent(in) :: dimids(:) ! dimension ids type(var_desc_t), intent(out) :: vid ! variable ids character(len=*), intent(in) :: name ! variable name integer :: ierr ! ! Local workspace ! type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry ierr=pio_def_var (ncid, name, xtype , dimids(1:ndims), vid) listentry=> get_entry_by_name(masterlinkedlist, name) if(associated(listentry)) then ierr=pio_put_att (ncid, vid, 'long_name', listentry%field%long_name) ierr=pio_put_att (ncid, vid, 'units', listentry%field%units) end if ! ! Field not found in masterlist: long_name and units attributes unknown so just ! return ! return end subroutine addvar !####################################################################### subroutine addfld (fname, units, numlev, avgflag, long_name, & 1070,27 decomp_type, flag_xyfill, flag_isccplev, sampling_seq) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Add a field to the master field list ! ! Method: Put input arguments of field name, units, number of levels, averaging flag, and ! long name into a type entry in the global master field list (masterlist). ! ! Author: CCM Core Group ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use ppgrid, only: begchunk, endchunk use rgrid, only: nlon use phys_grid, only: get_ncols_p, physgrid_set use dycore, only: dycore_is use cam_pio_utils, only: phys_decomp, dyn_decomp, dyn_stagger_decomp ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname ! field name--should be "max_fieldname_len" characters long ! or less character(len=*), intent(in) :: units ! units of fname--should be 8 chars character(len=1), intent(in) :: avgflag ! averaging flag character(len=*), intent(in) :: long_name ! long name of field integer, intent(in) :: numlev ! number of vertical levels (dimension and loop) integer, intent(in) :: decomp_type ! decomposition type logical, intent(in), optional :: flag_xyfill ! non-applicable xy points flagged with fillvalue logical, intent(in), optional :: flag_isccplev ! levels are ISCCP levels not vertical character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: sampling_seq ! sampling sequence - if not every timestep, ! how often field is sampled: ! every other; only during LW/SW radiation calcs, etc. integer dim1s,dim2s ! global size of the first and second horizontal dim. ! ! Local workspace ! character(len=max_fieldname_len) :: fname_tmp ! local copy of fname type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry integer :: c ! chunk (physics ) or latitude (dynamics) index integer :: ncol ! number of columns per chunk integer :: beglat, endlat integer :: beglatxy, endlatxy, beglonxy, endlonxy, beglon, endlon beglat = get_dyn_grid_parm('beglat') endlat = get_dyn_grid_parm('endlat') beglon = get_dyn_grid_parm('beglon') endlon = get_dyn_grid_parm('endlon') beglatxy = get_dyn_grid_parm('beglatxy') endlatxy = get_dyn_grid_parm('endlatxy') beglonxy = get_dyn_grid_parm('beglonxy') endlonxy = get_dyn_grid_parm('endlonxy') ! ! Ensure that required grid info is available now ! select case (decomp_type) case (phys_decomp) if (.not. physgrid_set) then call endrun ('ADDFLD: Attempt to add field '//fname//' to masterlist before physics grid set') end if case (dyn_decomp) if (.not. dyndecomp_set) then call endrun ('ADDFLD: Attempt to add field '//fname//' to masterlist before dynamics grid set') end if end select call get_horiz_grid_dim_d(dim1s,dim2s) ! ! Ensure that new field name is not all blanks ! if (len_trim(fname)==0) then call endrun('ADDFLD: blank field name not allowed') end if ! ! Ensure that new field name is not longer than allowed ! (strip "&IC" suffix if it exists) ! fname_tmp = fname fname_tmp = strip_suffix(fname_tmp) if (len_trim(fname_tmp) > fieldname_len) then write(iulog,*)'ADDFLD: field name cannot be longer than ',fieldname_len,' characters long' write(iulog,*)'Field name: ',fname call endrun() end if ! ! Ensure that new field doesn't already exist ! listentry => get_entry_by_name(masterlinkedlist, fname) if(associated(listentry)) then call endrun ('ADDFLD: '//fname//' already on list') end if ! ! Add field to Master Field List arrays fieldn and iflds ! allocate(listentry) listentry%field%name = fname listentry%field%long_name = long_name listentry%field%units = units listentry%field%numlev = numlev listentry%field%decomp_type = decomp_type listentry%htapeindx(:)=-1 listentry%act_sometape = .false. listentry%actflag(:) = .false. ! ! Indicate sampling sequence of field (i.e., how often "outfld" is called) ! If not every timestep (default), then give a descriptor indicating the ! sampling pattern. Currently, the only valid value is "rad_lwsw" for sampling ! during LW/SW radiation timesteps only ! if (present(sampling_seq)) then listentry%field%sampling_seq = sampling_seq else listentry%field%sampling_seq = ' ' end if ! ! Whether to apply xy fillvalue: default is false ! if (present(flag_xyfill)) then listentry%field%flag_xyfill = flag_xyfill else listentry%field%flag_xyfill = .false. end if ! ! Whether level dimension is ISCCP (currently 49) or CAM ! if (present(flag_isccplev)) then listentry%field%flag_isccplev = flag_isccplev else listentry%field%flag_isccplev = .false. end if if (listentry%field%flag_isccplev .and. numlev /= npres*ntau) then write(iulog,*)'ADDFLD: Number of ISCCP levels must be ',npres*ntau, ' got ', numlev call endrun () end if ! ! Dimension history info based on decomposition type (dynamics or physics) ! select case (decomp_type) case (phys_decomp) listentry%field%begdim1 = 1 listentry%field%enddim1 = pcols listentry%field%begdim2 = 1 listentry%field%enddim2 = numlev listentry%field%begdim3 = begchunk listentry%field%enddim3 = endchunk allocate (listentry%field%colperdim3(begchunk:endchunk)) do c=begchunk,endchunk ncol = get_ncols_p(c) listentry%field%colperdim3(c) = ncol end do case (dyn_stagger_decomp) listentry%field%begdim1 = beglonxy listentry%field%enddim1 = endlonxy listentry%field%begdim2 = 1 listentry%field%enddim2 = numlev listentry%field%begdim3 = beglatxy listentry%field%enddim3 = endlatxy nullify (listentry%field%colperdim3) case (dyn_decomp) if ( dycore_is('LR') )then listentry%field%begdim1 = beglonxy listentry%field%enddim1 = endlonxy listentry%field%begdim2 = 1 listentry%field%enddim2 = numlev listentry%field%begdim3 = beglatxy listentry%field%enddim3 = endlatxy nullify (listentry%field%colperdim3) else listentry%field%begdim3 = beglat listentry%field%enddim3 = endlat listentry%field%begdim2 = 1 listentry%field%enddim2 = numlev listentry%field%begdim1 = 1 listentry%field%enddim1 = dim1s allocate (listentry%field%colperdim3(beglat:endlat)) do c=beglat,endlat listentry%field%colperdim3(c) = nlon(c) end do endif case default write(iulog,*)'ADDFLD: unknown decomp_type=', decomp_type call endrun () end select ! ! These 2 fields are used only in master field list, not runtime field list ! listentry%avgflag(:) = avgflag listentry%actflag(:) = .false. select case (avgflag) case ('A') listentry%time_op(:) = 'mean' case ('B') listentry%time_op(:) = 'mean00z' case ('I') listentry%time_op(:) = ' ' case ('X') listentry%time_op(:) = 'maximum' case ('M') listentry%time_op(:) = 'minimum' case default call endrun ('ADDFLD: unknown avgflag='//avgflag) end select nullify(listentry%next_entry) call add_entry_to_master(listentry) return end subroutine addfld subroutine add_entry_to_master( newentry) 1 type(master_entry), target, intent(in) :: newentry type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry if(associated(masterlinkedlist)) then listentry => masterlinkedlist do while(associated(listentry%next_entry)) listentry=>listentry%next_entry end do listentry%next_entry=>newentry else masterlinkedlist=>newentry end if end subroutine add_entry_to_master !####################################################################### subroutine wrapup (rstwr, nlend) 1,10 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: ! Close history files. ! ! Method: ! This routine will close any full hist. files ! or any hist. file that has data on it when restart files are being ! written. ! If a partially full history file was disposed (for restart ! purposes), then wrapup will open that unit back up and position ! it for appending new data. ! ! Original version: CCM2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 use pspect use ioFileMod use time_manager, only: get_nstep, get_curr_date, get_curr_time use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_openfile ! ! Input arguments ! logical, intent(in) :: rstwr ! true => restart files are written this timestep logical, intent(in) :: nlend ! Flag if time to end ! ! Local workspace ! integer :: nstep ! current timestep number integer :: ncdate ! current date in integer format [yyyymmdd] integer :: ncsec ! time of day relative to current date [seconds] integer :: ndcur ! days component of current time integer :: nscur ! seconds component of current time integer :: yr, mon, day ! year, month, day components of a date logical lfill (ptapes) ! Is history file ready to dispose? logical hdispose(ptapes) ! Primary file disposed logical lhdisp ! true => history file is disposed logical lhfill ! true => history file is full integer t ! History file number integer f integer :: ierr real(r8) tday ! Model day number for printout !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tape => history_tape nstep = get_nstep() call get_curr_date(yr, mon, day, ncsec) ncdate = yr*10000 + mon*100 + day call get_curr_time(ndcur, nscur) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Dispose history files. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Begin loop over mtapes (the no. of declared history files - primary ! and auxiliary). This loop disposes a history file to Mass Store ! when appropriate. ! do t=1,mtapes if (nflds(t) == 0) cycle hdispose(t) = .false. lfill(t) = .false. ! ! Find out if file is full ! if (hstwr(t) .and. nfils(t) >= mfilt(t)) then lfill(t) = .true. endif ! ! Dispose history file if ! 1) file is filled or ! 2) this is the end of run and file has data on it or ! 3) restarts are being put out and history file has data on it ! if (lfill(t) .or. (nlend .and. nfils(t) >= 1) .or. (rstwr .and. nfils(t) >= 1)) then ! ! Dispose history file ! hdispose(t) = .true. ! ! Is this the 0 timestep data of a monthly run? ! If so, just close primary unit do not dispose. ! if (masterproc) write(iulog,*)'WRAPUP: nf_close(',t,')=',trim(nhfil(t)) if(tape(t)%File%fh>-1) then if (nlend .or. lfill(t)) then do f=1,nflds(t) if (associated(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid)) then deallocate(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid) nullify(tape(t)%hlist(f)%varid) end if end do end if call PIO_CloseFile (tape(t)%File) tape(t)%File%fh=-1 end if if (nhtfrq(t) /= 0 .or. nstep > 0) then ! ! Print information concerning model output. ! Model day number = iteration number of history file data * delta-t / (seconds per day) ! tday = ndcur + nscur/86400._r8 if(masterproc) then if (t==1) then write(iulog,*)' Primary history file' else write(iulog,*)' Auxiliary history file number ', t-1 end if write(iulog,9003)nstep,nfils(t),tday write(iulog,9004) end if ! ! Auxilary files may have been closed and saved off without being full. ! We must reopen the files and position them for more data. ! Must position auxiliary files if not full ! if (.not.nlend .and. .not.lfill(t)) then call cam_PIO_openfile (tape(t)%File, nhfil(t), PIO_WRITE) call h_inquire(t) end if endif ! if 0 timestep of montly run**** end if ! if time dispose history fiels*** end do ! do mtapes ! ! Reset number of files on each history tape ! do t=1,mtapes if (nflds(t) == 0) cycle lhfill = hstwr(t) .and. nfils(t) >= mfilt(t) lhdisp = lhfill .or. (nlend .and. nfils(t) >= 1) .or. & (rstwr .and. nfils(t) >= 1) if (lhfill.and.lhdisp) then nfils(t) = 0 endif end do return 9003 format(' Output at NSTEP = ',i10,/, & ' Number of time samples on this file = ',i10,/, & ' Model Day = ',f10.2) 9004 format('---------------------------------------') end subroutine wrapup !####################################################################### subroutine allocate_hbuf2d (hbuf, dimind, hbuf_prec) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Allocate memory for the 2-D history buffer of the right precision. ! Nullify the other buffer. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type (hbuffer_2d) :: hbuf ! history buffer type (dim_index_2d) :: dimind ! 2-D dimension index integer, intent(in) :: hbuf_prec ! precision for history buffer real(r8), pointer :: b8(:,:) real(r4), pointer :: b4(:,:) if (hbuf_prec == 8) then nullify (hbuf%buf4) allocate (hbuf%buf8(dimind%beg1:dimind%end1, dimind%beg2:dimind%end2)) hbuf%buf8=0._r8 #ifdef HBUF_DEBUG b8=>hbuf%buf8 if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) __FILE__,__LINE__,'allocate: ',loc(b8) #endif else allocate (hbuf%buf4(dimind%beg1:dimind%end1, dimind%beg2:dimind%end2)) hbuf%buf4=0._r4 nullify (hbuf%buf8) #ifdef HBUF_DEBUG b4=>hbuf%buf4 if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) __FILE__,__LINE__,'allocate: ',loc(b4) #endif end if end subroutine allocate_hbuf2d !####################################################################### subroutine allocate_hbuf3d (hbuf, dimind, hbuf_prec) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Allocate memory for the 3-D history buffer of the right precision ! Nullify the other buffer. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type (hbuffer_3d) :: hbuf ! history buffer type (dim_index_3d) :: dimind ! 3-D dimension index integer, intent(in) :: hbuf_prec ! precision for history buffer real(r8), pointer :: b8(:,:,:) real(r4), pointer :: b4(:,:,:) if (hbuf_prec == 8) then nullify (hbuf%buf4) allocate (hbuf%buf8(dimind%beg1:dimind%end1, dimind%beg2:dimind%end2, & dimind%beg3:dimind%end3)) hbuf%buf8=0._r8 #ifdef HBUF_DEBUG b8=>hbuf%buf8 if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) __FILE__,__LINE__,'allocate: ',loc(b8) #endif else allocate (hbuf%buf4(dimind%beg1:dimind%end1, dimind%beg2:dimind%end2, & dimind%beg3:dimind%end3)) nullify (hbuf%buf8) hbuf%buf4=0._r4 #ifdef HBUF_DEBUG b4=>hbuf%buf4 if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) __FILE__,__LINE__,'allocate: ',loc(b4) #endif end if end subroutine allocate_hbuf3d !####################################################################### subroutine deallocate_hbuf2d (hbuf) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Deallocate memory for 2-D history buffer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type (hbuffer_2d) :: hbuf ! history buffer real(r8), pointer :: b8(:,:) real(r4), pointer :: b4(:,:) if (associated(hbuf%buf8)) then #ifdef HBUF_DEBUG b8=>hbuf%buf8 if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) __FILE__,__LINE__,'deallocate: ',loc(b8) #endif deallocate (hbuf%buf8) else if (associated(hbuf%buf4)) then #ifdef HBUF_DEBUG b4=>hbuf%buf4 if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) __FILE__,__LINE__,'deallocate: ',loc(b4) #endif deallocate (hbuf%buf4) end if end subroutine deallocate_hbuf2d !####################################################################### subroutine deallocate_hbuf3d (hbuf) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Deallocate memory for 3-D history buffer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type (hbuffer_3d) :: hbuf ! history buffer real(r8), pointer :: b8(:,:,:) real(r4), pointer :: b4(:,:,:) if (associated(hbuf%buf8)) then #ifdef HBUF_DEBUG b8=>hbuf%buf8 if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) __FILE__,__LINE__,'deallocate: ',loc(b8) #endif deallocate (hbuf%buf8) else if (associated(hbuf%buf4)) then #ifdef HBUF_DEBUG b4=>hbuf%buf4 if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) __FILE__,__LINE__,'deallocate: ',loc(b4) #endif deallocate (hbuf%buf4) end if end subroutine deallocate_hbuf3d !####################################################################### subroutine nullify_hbuf2d (hbuf) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Nullify 2-D history buffer pointers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type (hbuffer_2d) :: hbuf ! history buffer nullify (hbuf%buf8, hbuf%buf4) end subroutine nullify_hbuf2d !####################################################################### subroutine nullify_hbuf3d (hbuf) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Nullify 3-D history buffer pointers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type (hbuffer_3d) :: hbuf ! history buffer nullify (hbuf%buf8, hbuf%buf4) end subroutine nullify_hbuf3d !####################################################################### subroutine hbuf_assigned_to_hbuf (hbuf1, hbuf2) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Set hbuf1 to hbuf2 (copy the contents). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type (hbuffer_3d), intent(inout) :: hbuf1 ! history buffer type (hbuffer_3d), intent(in ) :: hbuf2 ! history buffer if (associated(hbuf2%buf8)) then hbuf1%buf8 = hbuf2%buf8 else if (associated(hbuf2%buf4)) then hbuf1%buf4 = hbuf2%buf4 end if end subroutine hbuf_assigned_to_hbuf !####################################################################### subroutine hbuf_assigned_to_real8 (hbuf, scalar) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Set appropriate history buffer to the value, scalar ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type (hbuffer_3d), intent(inout) :: hbuf ! history buffer real(r8), intent(in) :: scalar ! scalar real if (associated(hbuf%buf8)) then hbuf%buf8 = scalar else if (associated(hbuf%buf4)) then hbuf%buf4 = scalar end if end subroutine hbuf_assigned_to_real8 !####################################################################### subroutine set_hbuf_section_to_val (hbuf, dimind, scalar) 2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Set section of appropriate history buffer to scalar ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type (hbuffer_3d), intent(inout) :: hbuf ! history buffer type (dim_index_3d), intent(in ) :: dimind ! 3-D dimension index real(r8), intent(in) :: scalar ! scalar real if (associated(hbuf%buf8)) then hbuf%buf8(dimind%beg1:dimind%end1, dimind%beg2:dimind%end2, & dimind%beg3:dimind%end3) = scalar else if (associated(hbuf%buf4)) then hbuf%buf4(dimind%beg1:dimind%end1, dimind%beg2:dimind%end2, & dimind%beg3:dimind%end3) = scalar end if end subroutine set_hbuf_section_to_val !####################################################################### subroutine assoc_hbuf2d_with_hbuf3d (hbuf2d, hbuf3d, c) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Associate 2-D hbuf2d with 3-D hbuf3d of column c. ! Nullify the other buffer of hbuf2d. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type (hbuffer_2d), intent(out) :: hbuf2d ! 2-D history buffer type (hbuffer_3d), intent(in ) :: hbuf3d ! 3-D history buffer integer, intent(in) :: c ! chunk (or lat) index if (associated(hbuf3d%buf8)) then hbuf2d%buf8 => hbuf3d%buf8(:,:,c) nullify (hbuf2d%buf4) else if (associated(hbuf3d%buf4)) then hbuf2d%buf4 => hbuf3d%buf4(:,:,c) nullify (hbuf2d%buf8) end if end subroutine assoc_hbuf2d_with_hbuf3d !####################################################################### subroutine assoc_hbuf_with_nothing (hbuf, hbuf_prec) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Associate the appropriate 3-D hbuf pointer with nothing. ! Nullify the other pointer. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type (hbuffer_3d), intent(out) :: hbuf ! 3-D history buffer integer, intent(in) :: hbuf_prec ! hbuffer precision if (hbuf_prec == 8) then hbuf%buf8 => nothing_r8 nullify (hbuf%buf4) else if (hbuf_prec == 4) then hbuf%buf4 => nothing_r4 nullify (hbuf%buf8) end if return end subroutine assoc_hbuf_with_nothing !####################################################################### subroutine hbuf_accum_inst (buf4, buf8, field, nacs, dimind, idim, flag_xyfill) 1,1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Accumulate instantaneous values of field in 2-D hbuf. ! Set accumulation counter to 1. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! real(r4), pointer :: buf4(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer real(r8), pointer :: buf8(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer integer, pointer :: nacs(:) ! accumulation counter integer, intent(in) :: idim ! Longitude dimension of field array logical, intent(in) :: flag_xyfill ! non-applicable xy points flagged with fillvalue real(r8), intent(in ) :: field(idim,*) ! real*8 array type (dim_index_2d), intent(in ) :: dimind ! 2-D dimension index ! ! Local indices ! integer :: ib, ie ! beginning and ending indices of first dimension integer :: jb, je ! beginning and ending indices of second dimension integer :: ieu, jeu ! number of elements in each dimension integer :: i, k ! loop indices logical :: bad ! flag indicates input field fillvalues not applied consistently ! with vertical level ib = dimind%beg1 ie = dimind%end1 jb = dimind%beg2 je = dimind%end2 ieu = ie-ib+1 jeu = je-jb+1 if (associated(buf8)) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu buf8(i,k) = field(i,k) end do end do else if (associated(buf4)) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu buf4(i,k) = field(i,k) end do end do end if if (flag_xyfill) then do i=1,ieu if (field(i,1) == fillvalue) then nacs(i) = 0 else nacs(i) = 1 end if call check_accum (field, idim, ieu, jeu) end do else nacs(1) = 1 end if return end subroutine hbuf_accum_inst !####################################################################### subroutine check_accum (field, idim, ieu, jeu) 5,1 ! integer, intent(in) :: idim real(r8), intent(in) :: field(idim,*) ! real*8 array integer, intent(in) :: ieu,jeu ! loop ranges logical :: bad integer :: i,k ! ! For multilevel fields ensure that all levels have fillvalue applied consistently ! bad = .false. do k=2,jeu do i=1,ieu if (field(i,1) == fillvalue .and. field(i,k) /= fillvalue .or. & field(i,1) /= fillvalue .and. field(i,k) == fillvalue) then bad = .true. end if end do end do if (bad) then call endrun ('CHECK_ACCUM: inconsistent level values') end if return end subroutine check_accum !####################################################################### subroutine hbuf_accum_add (buf4, buf8, field, nacs, dimind, idim, flag_xyfill) 1,1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Add the values of field to 2-D hbuf. ! Increment accumulation counter by 1. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! real(r4), pointer :: buf4(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer real(r8), pointer :: buf8(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer integer, pointer :: nacs(:) ! accumulation counter integer, intent(in) :: idim ! Longitude dimension of field array logical, intent(in) :: flag_xyfill ! non-applicable xy points flagged with fillvalue real(r8), intent(in ) :: field(idim,*) ! real*8 array type (dim_index_2d), intent(in ) :: dimind ! 2-D dimension index ! ! Local indices ! integer :: ib, ie ! beginning and ending indices of first dimension integer :: jb, je ! beginning and ending indices of second dimension integer :: ieu, jeu ! number of elements in each dimension integer :: i,k ! indices ib = dimind%beg1 ie = dimind%end1 jb = dimind%beg2 je = dimind%end2 ieu = ie-ib+1 jeu = je-jb+1 if (flag_xyfill) then if (associated(buf8)) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (field(i,k) /= fillvalue) then buf8(i,k) = buf8(i,k) + field(i,k) end if end do end do else if (associated(buf4)) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (field(i,k) /= fillvalue) then buf4(i,k) = buf4(i,k) + field(i,k) end if end do end do end if ! ! Ensure input field has fillvalue defined invariant in the z-direction, then increment nacs ! call check_accum (field, idim, ieu, jeu) do i=1,ieu if (field(i,1) /= fillvalue) then nacs(i) = nacs(i) + 1 end if end do else if (associated(buf8)) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu buf8(i,k) = buf8(i,k) + field(i,k) end do end do else if (associated(buf4)) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu buf4(i,k) = buf4(i,k) + field(i,k) end do end do end if nacs(1) = nacs(1) + 1 end if return end subroutine hbuf_accum_add !####################################################################### subroutine hbuf_accum_add00z (buf4, buf8, field, nacs, dimind, idim, flag_xyfill) 1,3 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Add the values of field to 2-D hbuf, only of time is 00z. ! Increment accumulation counter by 1. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use time_manager, only: get_curr_date real(r4), pointer :: buf4(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer real(r8), pointer :: buf8(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer integer, pointer :: nacs(:) ! accumulation counter integer, intent(in) :: idim ! Longitude dimension of field array logical, intent(in) :: flag_xyfill ! non-applicable xy points flagged with fillvalue real(r8), intent(in ) :: field(idim,*) ! real*8 array type (dim_index_2d), intent(in ) :: dimind ! 2-D dimension index ! ! Local indices ! integer :: ib, ie ! beginning and ending indices of first dimension integer :: jb, je ! beginning and ending indices of second dimension integer :: ieu, jeu ! number of elements in each dimension integer :: i,k ! indices integer :: yr, mon, day, tod ! get the time of day, return if not 00z call get_curr_date (yr,mon,day,tod) if (tod /= 0) return ib = dimind%beg1 ie = dimind%end1 jb = dimind%beg2 je = dimind%end2 ieu = ie-ib+1 jeu = je-jb+1 if (flag_xyfill) then if (associated(buf8)) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (field(i,k) /= fillvalue) then buf8(i,k) = buf8(i,k) + field(i,k) end if end do end do else if (associated(buf4)) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (field(i,k) /= fillvalue) then buf4(i,k) = buf4(i,k) + field(i,k) end if end do end do end if ! ! Ensure input field has fillvalue defined invariant in the z-direction, then increment nacs ! call check_accum (field, idim, ieu, jeu) do i=1,ieu if (field(i,1) /= fillvalue) then nacs(i) = nacs(i) + 1 end if end do else if (associated(buf8)) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu buf8(i,k) = buf8(i,k) + field(i,k) end do end do else if (associated(buf4)) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu buf4(i,k) = buf4(i,k) + field(i,k) end do end do end if nacs(1) = nacs(1) + 1 end if return end subroutine hbuf_accum_add00z !####################################################################### subroutine hbuf_accum_max (buf4, buf8, field, nacs, dimind, idim, flag_xyfill) 1,1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Accumulate the maximum values of field in 2-D hbuf ! Set accumulation counter to 1. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! real(r4), pointer :: buf4(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer real(r8), pointer :: buf8(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer integer, pointer :: nacs(:) ! accumulation counter integer, intent(in) :: idim ! Longitude dimension of field array logical, intent(in) :: flag_xyfill ! non-applicable xy points flagged with fillvalue real(r8), intent(in ) :: field(idim,*) ! real*8 array type (dim_index_2d), intent(in ) :: dimind ! 2-D dimension index ! ! Local indices ! integer :: ib, ie ! beginning and ending indices of first dimension integer :: jb, je ! beginning and ending indices of second dimension integer :: ieu, jeu ! number of elements in each dimension integer :: i, k ib = dimind%beg1 ie = dimind%end1 jb = dimind%beg2 je = dimind%end2 ieu = ie-ib+1 jeu = je-jb+1 if (associated(buf8)) then if (flag_xyfill) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (nacs(i) == 0) then buf8(i,k) = -huge (buf8) end if if (field(i,k) > buf8(i,k) .and. field(i,k) /= fillvalue) then buf8(i,k) = field(i,k) end if end do end do else do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (nacs(1) == 0) then buf8(i,k) = -huge (buf8) end if if (field(i,k) > buf8(i,k)) then buf8(i,k) = field(i,k) end if end do end do end if else if (associated(buf4)) then if (flag_xyfill) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (nacs(i) == 0) then buf4(i,k) = -huge (buf4) end if if (field(i,k) > buf4(i,k) .and. field(i,k) /= fillvalue) then buf4(i,k) = field(i,k) end if end do end do else do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (nacs(1) == 0) then buf4(i,k) = -huge (buf4) end if if (field(i,k) > buf4(i,k)) then buf4(i,k) = field(i,k) end if end do end do end if end if if (flag_xyfill) then call check_accum (field, idim, ieu, jeu) do i=1,ieu if (field(i,1) /= fillvalue) then nacs(i) = 1 end if end do else nacs(1) = 1 end if return end subroutine hbuf_accum_max !####################################################################### subroutine hbuf_accum_min (buf4, buf8, field, nacs, dimind, idim, flag_xyfill) 1,1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Accumulate the minimum values of field in 2-D hbuf ! Set accumulation counter to 1. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! real(r4), pointer :: buf4(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer real(r8), pointer :: buf8(:,:) ! 2-D history buffer integer, pointer :: nacs(:) ! accumulation counter integer, intent(in) :: idim ! Longitude dimension of field array logical, intent(in) :: flag_xyfill ! non-applicable xy points flagged with fillvalue real(r8), intent(in ) :: field(idim,*) ! real*8 array type (dim_index_2d), intent(in ) :: dimind ! 2-D dimension index ! ! Local indices ! integer :: ib, ie ! beginning and ending indices of first dimension integer :: jb, je ! beginning and ending indices of second dimension integer :: ieu, jeu ! number of elements in each dimension integer :: i, k ib = dimind%beg1 ie = dimind%end1 jb = dimind%beg2 je = dimind%end2 ieu = ie-ib+1 jeu = je-jb+1 if (associated(buf8)) then if (flag_xyfill) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (nacs(i) == 0) then buf8(i,k) = +huge (buf8) end if if (field(i,k) < buf8(i,k) .and. field(i,k) /= fillvalue) then buf8(i,k) = field(i,k) end if end do end do else do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (nacs(1) == 0) then buf8(i,k) = +huge (buf8) end if if (field(i,k) < buf8(i,k)) then buf8(i,k) = field(i,k) end if end do end do end if else if (associated(buf4)) then if (flag_xyfill) then do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (nacs(i) == 0) then buf4(i,k) = +huge (buf4) end if if (field(i,k) < buf4(i,k) .and. field(i,k) /= fillvalue) then buf4(i,k) = field(i,k) end if end do end do else do k=1,jeu do i=1,ieu if (nacs(1) == 0) then buf4(i,k) = +huge (buf4) end if if (field(i,k) < buf4(i,k)) then buf4(i,k) = field(i,k) end if end do end do end if end if if (flag_xyfill) then call check_accum (field, idim, ieu, jeu) do i=1,ieu if (field(i,1) /= fillvalue) then nacs(i) = 1 end if end do else nacs(1) = 1 end if return end subroutine hbuf_accum_min integer function gen_hash_key(string) 3 !dir$ INLINENEVER gen_hash_key ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Generate a hash key on the interval [0 .. tbl_hash_pri_sz-1] ! given a character string. ! ! Algorithm is a variant of perl's internal hashing function. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! ! Arguments: ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: string ! ! Local. ! integer :: hash integer :: i hash = gen_hash_key_offset if ( len(string) /= 19 ) then ! ! Process arbitrary string length. ! do i = 1, len(string) hash = ieor(hash , (ichar(string(i:i)) * tbl_gen_hash_key(iand(i-1,tbl_max_idx)))) end do else ! ! Special case string length = 19 ! hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(1:1)) * 61) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(2:2)) * 59) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(3:3)) * 53) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(4:4)) * 47) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(5:5)) * 43) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(6:6)) * 41) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(7:7)) * 37) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(8:8)) * 31) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(9:9)) * 29) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(10:10)) * 23) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(11:11)) * 17) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(12:12)) * 13) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(13:13)) * 11) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(14:14)) * 7) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(15:15)) * 3) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(16:16)) * 1) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(17:17)) * 61) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(18:18)) * 59) hash = ieor(hash , ichar(string(19:19)) * 53) end if gen_hash_key = iand(hash, tbl_hash_pri_sz-1) return end function gen_hash_key !####################################################################### integer function get_masterlist_indx(fldname) 2,3 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Return the the index of the field's name on the master file list. ! ! If the field is not found on the masterlist, return -1. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments: ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: fldname ! ! Local. ! integer :: hash_key integer :: ff integer :: ii integer :: io ! Index of overflow chain in overflow table integer :: in ! Number of entries on overflow chain hash_key = gen_hash_key(fldname) ff = tbl_hash_pri(hash_key) if ( ff < 0 ) then io = abs(ff) in = tbl_hash_oflow(io) do ii = 1, in ff = tbl_hash_oflow(io+ii) if ( masterlist(ff)%thisentry%field%name == fldname ) exit end do end if if (ff == 0) then ! fldname generated a hash key that doesn't have an entry in tbl_hash_pri. ! This means that fldname isn't in the masterlist call endrun ('GET_MASTERLIST_INDX: attemping to output field '//fldname//' not on master list') end if if (associated(masterlist(ff)%thisentry) .and. masterlist(ff)%thisentry%field%name /= fldname ) then call endrun ('GET_MASTERLIST_INDX: error finding field '//fldname//' on master list') end if get_masterlist_indx = ff return end function get_masterlist_indx !####################################################################### subroutine bld_outfld_hash_tbls() 2,4 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Build primary and overflow hash tables for outfld processing. ! ! Steps: ! 1) Foreach field on masterlist, find all collisions. ! 2) Given the number of collisions, verify overflow table has sufficient ! space. ! 3) Build primary and overflow indices. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Local. ! integer :: ff integer :: ii integer :: itemp integer :: ncollisions integer :: hash_key type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry ! ! 1) Find all collisions. ! tbl_hash_pri = 0 ff=0 allocate(masterlist(nfmaster)) listentry=>masterlinkedlist do while(associated(listentry)) ff=ff+1 masterlist(ff)%thisentry=>listentry listentry=>listentry%next_entry end do if(ff /= nfmaster) then write(iulog,*) 'nfmaster = ',nfmaster, ' ff=',ff call endrun('mismatch in expected size of nfmaster') end if do ff = 1, nfmaster hash_key = gen_hash_key(masterlist(ff)%thisentry%field%name) tbl_hash_pri(hash_key) = tbl_hash_pri(hash_key) + 1 end do ! ! 2) Count number of collisions and define start of a individual ! collision's chain in overflow table. A collision is defined to be any ! location in tbl_hash_pri that has a value > 1. ! ncollisions = 0 do ii = 0, tbl_hash_pri_sz-1 if ( tbl_hash_pri(ii) > 1 ) then ! Define start of chain in O.F. table itemp = tbl_hash_pri(ii) tbl_hash_pri(ii) = -(ncollisions + 1) ncollisions = ncollisions + itemp + 1 end if end do if ( ncollisions > tbl_hash_oflow_sz ) then write(iulog,*) 'BLD_OUTFLD_HASH_TBLS: ncollisions > tbl_hash_oflow_sz', & ncollisions, tbl_hash_oflow_sz call endrun() end if ! ! 3) Build primary and overflow tables. ! i - set collisions in tbl_hash_pri to point to their respective ! chain in the overflow table. ! tbl_hash_oflow = 0 do ff = 1, nfmaster hash_key = gen_hash_key(masterlist(ff)%thisentry%field%name) if ( tbl_hash_pri(hash_key) < 0 ) then ii = abs(tbl_hash_pri(hash_key)) tbl_hash_oflow(ii) = tbl_hash_oflow(ii) + 1 tbl_hash_oflow(ii+tbl_hash_oflow(ii)) = ff else tbl_hash_pri(hash_key) = ff end if end do ! ! Dump out primary and overflow hashing tables. ! ! if ( masterproc ) then ! do ii = 0, tbl_hash_pri_sz-1 ! if ( tbl_hash_pri(ii) /= 0 ) write(iulog,666) 'tbl_hash_pri', ii, tbl_hash_pri(ii) ! end do ! ! do ii = 1, tbl_hash_oflow_sz ! if ( tbl_hash_oflow(ii) /= 0 ) write(iulog,666) 'tbl_hash_oflow', ii, tbl_hash_oflow(ii) ! end do ! ! itemp = 0 ! ii = 1 ! do ! if ( tbl_hash_oflow(ii) == 0 ) exit ! itemp = itemp + 1 ! write(iulog,*) 'Overflow chain ', itemp, ' has ', tbl_hash_oflow(ii), ' entries:' ! do ff = 1, tbl_hash_oflow(ii) ! dump out colliding names on this chain ! write(iulog,*) ' ', ff, ' = ', tbl_hash_oflow(ii+ff), & ! ' ', masterlist(tbl_hash_oflow(ii+ff))%thisentry%field%name ! end do ! ii = ii + tbl_hash_oflow(ii) +1 !advance pointer to start of next chain ! end do ! end if return 666 format(1x, a, '(', i4, ')', 1x, i6) end subroutine bld_outfld_hash_tbls !####################################################################### subroutine bld_htapefld_indices 2,2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Set history tape field indicies in masterlist for each ! field defined on every tape. ! ! Note: because of restart processing, the actflag field is cleared and ! then set only for active output fields on the different history ! tapes. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments: ! ! ! Local. ! integer :: f integer :: t ! ! Initialize htapeindx to an invalid value. ! type(master_entry), pointer :: listentry do t = 1, ptapes do f = 1, nflds(t) listentry => get_entry_by_name(masterlinkedlist, tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name) if(.not.associated(listentry)) then write(iulog,*) 'BLD_HTAPEFLD_INDICES: something wrong, field not found on masterlist' write(iulog,*) 'BLD_HTAPEFLD_INDICES: t, f, ff = ', t, f write(iulog,*) 'BLD_HTAPEFLD_INDICES: tape%name = ', tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%name call endrun end if listentry%act_sometape = .true. listentry%actflag(t) = .true. listentry%htapeindx(t) = f end do end do return end subroutine bld_htapefld_indices !####################################################################### logical function hist_fld_active (fname) 44,1 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Purpose: determine if a field is active on any history file ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname ! Field name ! ! Local variables ! character*(max_fieldname_len) :: fname_loc ! max-char equivalent of fname integer :: ff ! masterlist index pointer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- fname_loc = fname ff = get_masterlist_indx(fname_loc) if ( ff < 0 ) then hist_fld_active = .false. else hist_fld_active = masterlist(ff)%thisentry%act_sometape end if end function hist_fld_active end module cam_history