module constituent_burden 2,1

! Purpose: subroutines to generate constituent burden history variables
! Revision history:
! 2005-12-21  K. Lindsay       Original version

  use constituents, only: pcnst

  implicit none

! Public interfaces

  public constituent_burden_init
  public constituent_burden_comp


  character(len=10) :: burdennam(pcnst)     ! name of burden history variables





subroutine constituent_burden_init 1,3

  use cam_history,   only: addfld, phys_decomp
  use constituents,  only: cnst_name

  integer :: m

  do m = 2, pcnst
    burdennam(m) = 'TM'//cnst_name(m)
    call addfld (burdennam(m), 'kg/m2', 1, 'A', &
                 trim(cnst_name(m)) // ' column burden', phys_decomp)
  end do

end subroutine constituent_burden_init


subroutine constituent_burden_comp(state) 1,7

  use physics_types, only: physics_state
  use shr_kind_mod,  only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
  use constituents,  only: cnst_type
  use ppgrid,        only: pcols
  use physconst,     only: rga
  use cam_history,   only: outfld, hist_fld_active

! Arguments
   type(physics_state), intent(inout) :: state
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------

  real(r8) :: ftem(pcols)      ! temporary workspace

  integer :: m, lchnk, ncol

  lchnk = state%lchnk
  ncol  = state%ncol

  do m = 2, pcnst
     if (.not. hist_fld_active(burdennam(m))) cycle
     if (cnst_type(m) .eq. 'dry') then
        ftem(:ncol) = sum(state%q(:ncol,:,m) * state%pdeldry(:ncol,:), dim=2) * rga
        ftem(:ncol) = sum(state%q(:ncol,:,m) * state%pdel(:ncol,:), dim=2) * rga
     call outfld (burdennam(m), ftem, pcols, lchnk)
  end do

end subroutine constituent_burden_comp


end module constituent_burden