module flux_avg 3,6

! Purpose: Contains code to smooth the surface fluxes to reduce
!          instabilities in the surface layer.

  use shr_kind_mod,     only: r8=>shr_kind_r8
  use ppgrid,           only: begchunk, endchunk, pcols
  use phys_buffer,      only: pbuf_add, pbuf_size_max, pbuf_fld
  use physics_types,    only: physics_state
  use camsrfexch_types, only: srfflx_state
  use phys_grid,        only: get_ncols_p

  implicit none

  ! Public interfaces

  public :: flux_avg_register
  public :: flux_avg_init
  public :: flux_avg_run
  ! Private module data

  integer :: lhflx_idx      ! lhflx index in physics buffer
  integer :: shflx_idx      ! shflx index in physics buffer
  integer :: qflx_idx       ! qflx index in physics buffer
  integer :: taux_idx       ! taux index in physics buffer
  integer :: tauy_idx       ! tauy index in physics buffer
  integer :: lhflx_res_idx  ! lhflx_res index in physics buffer
  integer :: shflx_res_idx  ! shflx_res index in physics buffer
  integer :: qflx_res_idx   ! qflx_res index in physics buffer
  integer :: taux_res_idx   ! taux_res index in physics buffer
  integer :: tauy_res_idx   ! tauy_res index in physics buffer


subroutine flux_avg_register() 1,10

   ! Register the fluxes in the physics buffer.

   ! Request physics buffer space for fields that persist across timesteps.
   call pbuf_add('LHFLX',     'global', 1, 1, 1, lhflx_idx)
   call pbuf_add('SHFLX',     'global', 1, 1, 1, shflx_idx)
   call pbuf_add('TAUX',      'global', 1, 1, 1, taux_idx)
   call pbuf_add('TAUY',      'global', 1, 1, 1, tauy_idx)
   call pbuf_add('QFLX',      'global', 1, 1, 1, qflx_idx)
   call pbuf_add('LHFLX_RES', 'global', 1, 1, 1, lhflx_res_idx)
   call pbuf_add('SHFLX_RES', 'global', 1, 1, 1, shflx_res_idx)
   call pbuf_add('TAUX_RES',  'global', 1, 1, 1, taux_res_idx)
   call pbuf_add('TAUY_RES',  'global', 1, 1, 1, tauy_res_idx)
   call pbuf_add('QFLX_RES',  'global', 1, 1, 1, qflx_res_idx)

end subroutine flux_avg_register


subroutine flux_avg_init(cam_in, pbuf) 1,1

   ! Initialize the surface fluxes in the physics buffer using the cam import state

   type(srfflx_state),  intent(in)    :: cam_in(begchunk:endchunk)
   type(pbuf_fld),      intent(inout) :: pbuf(:)

   integer :: lchnk
   integer :: ncol

   do lchnk = begchunk, endchunk
      ncol = get_ncols_p(lchnk)
      pbuf(lhflx_idx)%fld_ptr(1,:ncol,1,lchnk,1)      = cam_in(lchnk)%lhf(:ncol)
      pbuf(shflx_idx)%fld_ptr(1,:ncol,1,lchnk,1)      = cam_in(lchnk)%shf(:ncol)
      pbuf(qflx_idx)%fld_ptr(1,:ncol,1,lchnk,1)       = cam_in(lchnk)%cflx(:ncol,1)
      pbuf(taux_idx)%fld_ptr(1,:ncol,1,lchnk,1)       = cam_in(lchnk)%wsx(:ncol)
      pbuf(tauy_idx)%fld_ptr(1,:ncol,1,lchnk,1)       = cam_in(lchnk)%wsy(:ncol)

      pbuf(lhflx_res_idx)%fld_ptr(1,:ncol,1,lchnk,1)  = 0.0_r8
      pbuf(shflx_res_idx)%fld_ptr(1,:ncol,1,lchnk,1)  = 0.0_r8
      pbuf(qflx_res_idx)%fld_ptr(1,:ncol,1,lchnk,1)   = 0.0_r8
      pbuf(taux_res_idx)%fld_ptr(1,:ncol,1,lchnk,1)   = 0.0_r8
      pbuf(tauy_res_idx)%fld_ptr(1,:ncol,1,lchnk,1)   = 0.0_r8
   end do

end subroutine flux_avg_init


subroutine flux_avg_run(state, cam_in, pbuf, nstep, deltat) 1,8

   ! Purpose: 

!++ debug code to be removed after PBL code validated
   use phys_debug,       only: phys_debug_flux1, phys_debug_flux2
!-- debug code to be removed after PBL code validated

   ! Input arguments

   type(physics_state), intent(in)    :: state
   type(srfflx_state),  intent(inout) :: cam_in
   type(pbuf_fld),      intent(inout) :: pbuf(pbuf_size_max)
   integer,             intent(in)    :: nstep
   real(r8),            intent(in)    :: deltat

   ! Local variables
   integer :: lchnk                  ! chunk identifier
   integer :: ncol                   ! number of atmospheric columns

   ! physics buffer fields
   integer :: i, itim
   real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: lhflx   ! latent heat flux
   real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: shflx   ! sensible heat flux
   real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: qflx    ! water vapor heat flux
   real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: taux    ! x momentum flux
   real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: tauy    ! y momentum flux
   real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: lhflx_res   ! latent heat flux
   real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: shflx_res   ! sensible heat flux
   real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: qflx_res    ! water vapor heat flux
   real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: taux_res    ! x momentum flux
   real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: tauy_res    ! y momentum flux

   lchnk = state%lchnk
   ncol  = state%ncol

   ! Associate pointers with physics buffer fields
   lhflx => pbuf(lhflx_idx)%fld_ptr(1,1:pcols,1,lchnk,1)
   shflx => pbuf(shflx_idx)%fld_ptr(1,1:pcols,1,lchnk,1)
   qflx  => pbuf(qflx_idx)%fld_ptr(1,1:pcols,1,lchnk,1)
   taux  => pbuf(taux_idx)%fld_ptr(1,1:pcols,1,lchnk,1)
   tauy  => pbuf(tauy_idx)%fld_ptr(1,1:pcols,1,lchnk,1)

   lhflx_res => pbuf(lhflx_res_idx)%fld_ptr(1,1:pcols,1,lchnk,1)
   shflx_res => pbuf(shflx_res_idx)%fld_ptr(1,1:pcols,1,lchnk,1)
   qflx_res  => pbuf(qflx_res_idx)%fld_ptr(1,1:pcols,1,lchnk,1)
   taux_res  => pbuf(taux_res_idx)%fld_ptr(1,1:pcols,1,lchnk,1)
   tauy_res  => pbuf(tauy_res_idx)%fld_ptr(1,1:pcols,1,lchnk,1)

!++ debug code to be removed after PBL code validated
   call phys_debug_flux1(lchnk, cam_in, lhflx, shflx, taux, tauy, qflx, &
                         lhflx_res, shflx_res, taux_res, tauy_res, qflx_res)
!-- debug code to be removed after PBL code validated

   call smooth (cam_in%lhf, lhflx, lhflx_res, nstep, deltat, ncol)
   call smooth (cam_in%shf, shflx, shflx_res, nstep, deltat, ncol)
   call smooth (cam_in%wsx, taux, taux_res, nstep, deltat, ncol)
   call smooth (cam_in%wsy, tauy, tauy_res, nstep, deltat, ncol)
   call smooth (cam_in%cflx(:pcols,1), qflx, qflx_res, nstep, deltat, ncol)

!++ debug code to be removed after PBL code validated
   call phys_debug_flux2(lchnk, cam_in, lhflx, &
                         lhflx_res, shflx_res, taux_res, tauy_res, qflx_res)
!-- debug code to be removed after PBL code validated

end subroutine flux_avg_run


subroutine smooth(new, old, res, nstep, deltat, ncol) 5

   real(r8), intent(inout) :: new(pcols)
   real(r8), intent(inout) :: old(pcols)
   real(r8), intent(inout) :: res(pcols)
   real(r8), intent(in)    :: deltat
   integer,  intent(in)    :: nstep
   integer,  intent(in)    :: ncol

   real(r8) :: temp(pcols)
   integer i

   temp(1:ncol) = new(1:ncol)
   if (nstep > 0) then
      new(1:ncol) = 0.5*(new(1:ncol)+old(1:ncol))
      old(1:ncol) = new(1:ncol)
      res(1:ncol) = 0.

   ! storing the old value for smoothing on the next step
   ! doesnt seem to be stable
   ! old(1:ncol) = temp(1:ncol)

   ! storing the smoothed value for the next step

   ! first add the flux that the surface model wanted to provide less
   ! the flux the atmosphere will actually see to the residual
   res(1:ncol) = res(1:ncol) + temp(1:ncol)-new(1:ncol)

   ! now calculate the amount that we might increment the new flux
   ! to include some of the residual
   ! If the residual is small we will just add it all, 
   ! but if it is large we will add it at the rate required to put
   ! the residual back into the flux over a 2 hour period
   do i = 1,ncol
      if (abs(res(i)).lt.max(abs(new(i)),abs(old(i)))*0.05) then
         temp(i) = res(i)
         res(i) = 0.
         temp(i) = res(i)*deltat/7200.
         !     temp(i) = res(i)*deltat*0.5/7200.
         res(i) = res(i)-temp(i)
   end do

   ! dont do conservative smoothing for first 12 hours
   if (nstep*deltat/86400. < 0.5) then
      ! use this line if your dont want to use the residual
      !if (.true.) then
      temp = 0.
      res = 0.

   ! make the new flux the average of the sfc model and last timestep
   ! plus some of the residual
   new(1:ncol) = new(1:ncol) + temp(1:ncol)
   old(1:ncol) = new(1:ncol)

end subroutine smooth


end module flux_avg