module mo_msis_ubc,4
! ... msis upper bndy values
use shr_kind_mod
, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
use constituents
, only : pcnst
use abortutils
, only: endrun
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
implicit none
public :: msis_ubc_inti, get_msis_ubc, msis_timestep_init
integer :: msis_frq = 1 ! step frequency of msis retrieval
integer :: stepsize ! timestep size (s)
integer :: ndx_n, ndx_h, ndx_o, ndx_o2 ! n, h, o, o2 spc indicies
integer :: msis_cnt = 0 ! count of msis species in simulation
integer :: ndx(pcnst) = -1
real(r8), allocatable :: msis_ubc(:,:,:) ! module array for msis ub values (kg/kg)
real(r8) :: r2d
logical :: zonal_average = .false. ! use zonal averaged tgcm values
subroutine msis_ubc_inti( zonal_avg, freq ),11
! ... initialize upper boundary values
use ppgrid
, only : pcols, begchunk, endchunk
use constituents
, only : cnst_get_ind, cnst_fixed_ubc
use time_manager
, only : get_step_size
use physconst
, only : pi
implicit none
! ... dummy args
integer, intent(in) :: &
freq ! frequency of msis retrieval
logical, intent(in) :: &
zonal_avg ! zonal averaging switch
! ... local variables
integer :: astat
real(r8) :: msis_switches(25) = 1._r8
zonal_average = zonal_avg
msis_frq = max( freq,1 )
! ... check for msis species in simuation
call cnst_get_ind
( 'H', ndx_h, abort=.false. )
if( ndx_h > 0 ) then
if( cnst_fixed_ubc(ndx_h) ) then
ndx(ndx_h) = ndx_h
end if
end if
call cnst_get_ind
( 'N', ndx_n, abort=.false. )
if( ndx_n > 0 ) then
if( cnst_fixed_ubc(ndx_n) ) then
ndx(ndx_n) = ndx_n
end if
end if
call cnst_get_ind
( 'O', ndx_o, abort=.false. )
if( ndx_o > 0 ) then
if( cnst_fixed_ubc(ndx_o) ) then
ndx(ndx_o) = ndx_o
end if
end if
call cnst_get_ind
( 'O2', ndx_o2, abort=.false. )
if( ndx_o2 > 0 ) then
if( cnst_fixed_ubc(ndx_o2) ) then
ndx(ndx_o2) = ndx_o2
end if
end if
! ... allocate msis ubc array
msis_cnt = count( ndx(:) /= -1 )
allocate( msis_ubc(pcols,6,begchunk:endchunk),stat=astat )
if( astat /= 0 ) then
write(iulog,*) 'msis_ubc_inti: failed to allocate msis_ubc; error = ',astat
call endrun
end if
if( zonal_average ) then
msis_switches(7:8) = 0._r8
msis_switches(10:14) = 0._r8
end if
! ... initialize msis switches
call tselec
( msis_switches )
r2d = 180._r8/pi
stepsize = get_step_size
end subroutine msis_ubc_inti
subroutine msis_timestep_init( ap, f107, f107a ),16
! ... get the upper boundary values for h, n, o, o2 and temp
use ppgrid
, only : pcols, begchunk, endchunk
use pmgrid
, only : plev, plevp
use constituents
, only : cnst_mw
use time_manager
, only : get_curr_date, get_nstep, get_curr_calday, &
get_calday, is_first_step, is_first_restart_step
use phys_grid
, only : get_ncols_p, get_rlon_all_p, get_rlat_all_p
use hycoef
, only : hyai, ps0
use spmd_utils
, only : masterproc
implicit none
! ... dummy args
real(r8), intent(in) :: ap
real(r8), intent(in) :: f107
real(r8), intent(in) :: f107a
! ... local variables
real(r8), parameter :: mass_switch = 48._r8
real(r8), parameter :: pa2mb = 1.e-2_r8 ! pascal to mb
real(r8), parameter :: amu_fac = 1.65979e-24_r8 ! g/amu
integer :: i, c, ncol
integer :: yr, mon, day, tod, nstep
integer :: yrday
integer :: date
integer :: offset
real(r8) :: alt, latitude, longitude, solar_time, ut, rtod, doy
real(r8) :: msis_press
real(r8) :: msis_ap(7)
real(r8) :: msis_temp(2)
real(r8) :: msis_conc(9)
real(r8) :: rlons(pcols)
real(r8) :: rlats(pcols)
real(r8) :: dnom(pcols)
real(r8) :: pint(pcols) ! top interface pressure (Pa)
nstep = get_nstep
! ... get values from msis
msis_retrieval : &
if( is_first_step
() .or. is_first_restart_step
() .or. mod( nstep,msis_frq ) == 0 ) then
offset = mod( nstep,msis_frq )
if( offset /= 0 ) then
offset = -offset*stepsize
end if
call get_curr_date
( yr, mon, day, tod, offset )
rtod = tod
ut = rtod/3600._r8
date = 10000*yr + 100*mon + day
doy = get_calday
( date, tod )
msis_ap(:) = 0._r8
msis_ap(1) = ap
pint(:) = ps0 * hyai(1)
if( masterproc ) then
write(iulog,*) '===================================='
write(iulog,*) 'msis_timestep_init: diagnostics'
write(iulog,*) 'nstep,yr,mon,day,tod,date,ut,doy,offset,msis_frq = ',nstep, yr, mon, day, tod, date, ut, doy, offset, msis_frq
write(iulog,*) '===================================='
end if
chunk_loop : &
do c = begchunk,endchunk
ncol = get_ncols_p
( c )
call get_rlat_all_p
( c, ncol, rlats )
call get_rlon_all_p
( c, ncol, rlons )
rlons(:ncol) = r2d * rlons(:ncol)
rlats(:ncol) = r2d * rlats(:ncol)
yrday = mod( yr,100 ) * 1000 + int( doy )
column_loop : &
do i = 1,ncol
solar_time = ut + rlons(i)/15._r8
msis_press = pint(i)*pa2mb
call ghp7
( yrday, rtod, alt, rlats(i), rlons(i), &
solar_time, f107a, f107, msis_ap, msis_conc, &
msis_temp, msis_press )
msis_ubc(i,1,c) = msis_temp(2) ! temp (K)
write(iulog,*) '===================================='
write(iulog,*) 'msis_timestep_init: diagnostics for col,chnk = ',i,c
write(iulog,*) 'yrday, rtod, alt,press = ',yrday,rtod,alt,msis_press
write(iulog,*) 'msis_temp = ',msis_temp(2)
if( msis_cnt > 0 ) then
msis_ubc(i,2,c) = msis_conc(7) ! h (molec/cm^3)
msis_ubc(i,3,c) = msis_conc(8) ! n (molec/cm^3)
msis_ubc(i,4,c) = msis_conc(2) ! o (molec/cm^3)
msis_ubc(i,5,c) = msis_conc(4) ! o2 (molec/cm^3)
msis_ubc(i,6,c) = msis_conc(6) ! total atm dens (g/cm^3)
end if
write(iulog,*) 'msis h,n,o,o2,m = ',msis_ubc(i,2:6,c)
write(iulog,*) '===================================='
end do column_loop
! ... transform from molecular density to mass mixing ratio
if( msis_cnt > 0 ) then
dnom(:ncol) = amu_fac/msis_ubc(:ncol,6,c)
if( ndx(ndx_h) > 0 ) then
msis_ubc(:ncol,2,c) = cnst_mw(ndx_h)*msis_ubc(:ncol,2,c)*dnom(:ncol)
end if
if( ndx(ndx_n) > 0 ) then
msis_ubc(:ncol,3,c) = cnst_mw(ndx_n)*msis_ubc(:ncol,3,c)*dnom(:ncol)
end if
if( ndx(ndx_o) > 0 ) then
msis_ubc(:ncol,4,c) = cnst_mw(ndx_o)*msis_ubc(:ncol,4,c)*dnom(:ncol)
end if
if( ndx(ndx_o2) > 0 ) then
msis_ubc(:ncol,5,c) = cnst_mw(ndx_o2)*msis_ubc(:ncol,5,c)*dnom(:ncol)
end if
end if
end do chunk_loop
end if msis_retrieval
end subroutine msis_timestep_init
subroutine get_msis_ubc( lchunk, ncol, temp, mmr ),1
! ... get the upper boundary values for h, n, o, o2 and temp
use ppgrid
, only : pcols
implicit none
! ... dummy args
integer, intent(in) :: lchunk ! chunk id
integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! columns in chunk
real(r8), intent(inout) :: temp(pcols) ! msis temperature at top interface (K)
real(r8), intent(inout) :: mmr(pcols,pcnst) ! msis concentrations at top interface (kg/kg)
! ... set model ubc values from msis
temp(:ncol) = msis_ubc(:ncol,1,lchunk)
if( msis_cnt > 0 ) then
if( ndx(ndx_h) > 0 ) then
mmr(:ncol,ndx_h) = msis_ubc(:ncol,2,lchunk)
end if
if( ndx(ndx_n) > 0 ) then
mmr(:ncol,ndx_n) = msis_ubc(:ncol,3,lchunk)
end if
if( ndx(ndx_o) > 0 ) then
mmr(:ncol,ndx_o) = msis_ubc(:ncol,4,lchunk)
end if
if( ndx(ndx_o2) > 0 ) then
mmr(:ncol,ndx_o2) = msis_ubc(:ncol,5,lchunk)
end if
end if
end subroutine get_msis_ubc
end module mo_msis_ubc