module scamMod 19,6
! !MODULE: scamMod
! scam specific routines and data
! !USES:
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use shr_scam_mod
, only: shr_scam_getCloseLatLon
use constituents
, only: pcnst
use pmgrid
, only: plon,plev,plevp,plat
use wrap_nf
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
implicit none
private ! By default all data is public to this module
public scam_clm_default_opts ! SCAM default run-time options for CLM
public scam_default_opts ! SCAM default run-time options
public scam_setopts ! SCAM run-time options
real(r8), public :: pressure_levels(plev)
real(r8), public :: scmlat ! input namelist latitude for scam
real(r8), public :: scmlon ! input namelist longitude for scam
integer, parameter :: num_switches = 20
integer, parameter :: max_path_len = 128
logical, public :: single_column ! Using IOP file or not
logical, public :: use_iop ! Using IOP file or not
logical, public :: use_analysis
logical, public :: use_saveinit
logical, public :: use_pert_init ! perturb initial values
logical, public :: use_pert_frc ! perturb forcing
logical, public :: scm_diurnal_avg ! If using diurnal averaging or not
logical, public :: scm_crm_mode ! column radiation mode
logical, public :: use_userdata
logical, public :: isrestart ! If this is a restart step or not
logical, public :: switch(num_switches) ! Logical flag settings from GUI
logical, public :: l_uvphys ! If true, update u/v after TPHYS
logical, public :: l_uvadvect ! If true, T, U & V will be passed to SLT
logical, public :: l_conv ! use flux divergence terms for T and q?
logical, public :: l_divtr ! use flux divergence terms for constituents?
logical, public :: l_diag ! do we want available diagnostics?
integer, public :: error_code ! Error code from netCDF reads
integer, public :: initTimeIdx
integer, public :: seedval
character*(max_path_len), public :: modelfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: analysisfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: sicfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: userfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: sstfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: lsmpftfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: pressfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: topofile
character*(max_path_len), public :: ozonefile
character*(max_path_len), public :: iopfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: absemsfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: aermassfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: aeropticsfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: timeinvfile
character*(max_path_len), public :: lsmsurffile
character*(max_path_len), public :: lsminifile
real(r8), public :: fixmascam
real(r8), public :: betacam
real(r8), public :: alphacam(pcnst)
real(r8), public :: dqfxcam(plon,plev,pcnst)
real(r8), public :: divq3d(plev,pcnst) ! 3D q advection
real(r8), public :: divt3d(plev) ! 3D T advection
real(r8), public :: vertdivq(plev,pcnst)! vertical q advection
real(r8), public :: vertdivt(plev) ! vertical T advection
real(r8), public :: ptend ! surface pressure tendency
real(r8), public :: qdiff(plev) ! model minus observed humidity
real(r8), public :: qobs(plev) ! actual W.V. Mixing ratio
real(r8), public :: cldliqobs(plev) ! actual W.V. Mixing ratio
real(r8), public :: cldiceobs(plev) ! actual W.V. Mixing ratio
real(r8), public :: numliqobs(plev) ! actual
real(r8), public :: numiceobs(plev) ! actual
real(r8), public :: precobs(1) ! observed precipitation
real(r8), public :: lhflxobs(1) ! observed surface latent heat flux
real(r8), public :: shflxobs(1) ! observed surface sensible heat flux
real(r8), public :: q1obs(plev) ! observed apparent heat source
real(r8), public :: q2obs(plev) ! observed apparent heat sink
real(r8), public :: tdiff(plev) ! model minus observed temp
real(r8), public :: tground(1) ! ground temperature
real(r8), public :: tobs(plev) ! actual temperature
real(r8), public :: tsair(1) ! air temperature at the surface
real(r8), public :: udiff(plev) ! model minus observed uwind
real(r8), public :: uobs(plev) ! actual u wind
real(r8), public :: vdiff(plev) ! model minus observed vwind
real(r8), public :: vobs(plev) ! actual v wind
real(r8), public :: cldobs(plev) ! observed cld
real(r8), public :: clwpobs(plev) ! observed clwp
real(r8), public :: aldirobs(1) ! observed aldir
real(r8), public :: aldifobs(1) ! observed aldif
real(r8), public :: asdirobs(1) ! observed asdir
real(r8), public :: asdifobs(1) ! observed asdif
real(r8), public :: wfld(plev) ! Vertical motion (slt)
real(r8), public :: wfldh(plevp) ! Vertical motion (slt)
real(r8), public :: divq(plev,pcnst) ! Divergence of moisture
real(r8), public :: divt(plev) ! Divergence of temperature
real(r8), public :: divu(plev) ! Horiz Divergence of E/W
real(r8), public :: divv(plev) ! Horiz Divergence of N/S
! mo_drydep algorithm
real(r8), public, pointer :: loniop(:)
real(r8), public, pointer :: latiop(:)
integer, public :: iopTimeIdx ! index into iop dataset
integer, public :: steplength ! Length of time-step
integer, public :: base_date ! Date in (yyyymmdd) of start time
integer, public :: base_secs ! Time of day of start time (sec)
logical*4, public :: doiopupdate ! do we need to read next iop timepoint
logical*4, public :: have_divq ! dataset contains divq
logical*4, public :: have_divt ! dataset contains divt
logical*4, public :: have_divq3d ! dataset contains divq3d
logical*4, public :: have_vertdivt ! dataset contains vertdivt
logical*4, public :: have_vertdivq ! dataset contains vertdivq
logical*4, public :: have_divt3d ! dataset contains divt3d
logical*4, public :: have_divu ! dataset contains divu
logical*4, public :: have_divv ! dataset contains divv
logical*4, public :: have_omega ! dataset contains omega
logical*4, public :: have_phis ! dataset contains phis
logical*4, public :: have_ptend ! dataset contains ptend
logical*4, public :: have_ps ! dataset contains ps
logical*4, public :: have_q ! dataset contains q
logical*4, public :: have_q1 ! dataset contains Q1
logical*4, public :: have_q2 ! dataset contains Q2
logical*4, public :: have_prec ! dataset contains prec
logical*4, public :: have_lhflx ! dataset contains lhflx
logical*4, public :: have_shflx ! dataset contains shflx
logical*4, public :: have_t ! dataset contains t
logical*4, public :: have_tg ! dataset contains tg
logical*4, public :: have_tsair ! dataset contains tsair
logical*4, public :: have_u ! dataset contains u
logical*4, public :: have_v ! dataset contains v
logical*4, public :: have_cld ! dataset contains cld
logical*4, public :: have_cldliq ! dataset contains cldliq
logical*4, public :: have_cldice ! dataset contains cldice
logical*4, public :: have_numliq ! dataset contains numliq
logical*4, public :: have_numice ! dataset contains numice
logical*4, public :: have_clwp ! dataset contains clwp
logical*4, public :: have_aldir ! dataset contains aldir
logical*4, public :: have_aldif ! dataset contains aldif
logical*4, public :: have_asdir ! dataset contains asdir
logical*4, public :: have_asdif ! dataset contains asdif
logical*4, public :: scm_iop_srf_prop ! use the specified surface properties
logical*4, public :: scm_relaxation! use relaxation
logical*4, public :: use_camiop ! use cam generated forcing
logical*4, public :: use_3dfrc ! use 3d forcing
subroutine scam_default_opts( scmlat_out,scmlon_out,iopfile_out, & 1
single_column_out,scm_iop_srf_prop_out, scm_relaxation_out, &
scm_diurnal_avg_out, scm_crm_mode_out)
real(r8), intent(out), optional :: scmlat_out,scmlon_out
character*(max_path_len), intent(out), optional :: iopfile_out
logical, intent(out), optional :: single_column_out
logical, intent(out), optional :: scm_iop_srf_prop_out
logical, intent(out), optional :: scm_relaxation_out
logical, intent(out), optional :: scm_diurnal_avg_out
logical, intent(out), optional :: scm_crm_mode_out
if ( present(scmlat_out) ) scmlat_out = -999.
if ( present(scmlon_out) ) scmlon_out = -999.
if ( present(iopfile_out) ) iopfile_out = ''
if ( present(single_column_out) ) single_column_out = .false.
if ( present(scm_iop_srf_prop_out) )scm_iop_srf_prop_out = .false.
if ( present(scm_relaxation_out) ) scm_relaxation_out = .false.
if ( present(scm_diurnal_avg_out) ) scm_diurnal_avg_out = .false.
if ( present(scm_crm_mode_out) ) scm_crm_mode_out = .false.
end subroutine scam_default_opts
subroutine scam_setopts( scmlat_in, scmlon_in,iopfile_in,single_column_in, & 1,17
scm_iop_srf_prop_in, scm_relaxation_in, &
real(r8), intent(in), optional :: scmlon_in, scmlat_in
character*(max_path_len), intent(in), optional :: iopfile_in
logical, intent(in), optional :: single_column_in
logical, intent(in), optional :: scm_iop_srf_prop_in
logical, intent(in), optional :: scm_relaxation_in
logical, intent(in), optional :: scm_diurnal_avg_in
logical, intent(in), optional :: scm_crm_mode_in
integer ncid,latdimid,londimid,latsiz,lonsiz,latid,lonid,ret,i
integer latidx,lonidx
real(r8) ioplat,ioplon
if (present (single_column_in ) ) then
if (present (scm_iop_srf_prop_in)) then
if (present (scm_relaxation_in)) then
if (present (scm_diurnal_avg_in)) then
if (present (scm_crm_mode_in)) then
if (present (iopfile_in)) then
if( single_column) then
if (plon /= 1 .or. plat /=1 ) then
call endrun
('SCAM_SETOPTS: must compile model for SCAM mode when namelist parameter single_column is .true.')
if (present (iopfile_in)) then
if ("") then
use_iop = .true.
call endrun
('SCAM_SETOPTS: must specify IOP file for single column mode')
call wrap_open
(iopfile, NF_NOWRITE, ncid)
call wrap_inq_dimid
( ncid, 'lon', londimid )
call wrap_inq_dimid
( ncid, 'lat', latdimid )
call wrap_inq_dimlen
( ncid, londimid, lonsiz )
call wrap_inq_dimlen
( ncid, latdimid, latsiz )
call wrap_inq_varid
( ncid, 'lon', lonid )
call wrap_inq_varid
( ncid, 'lat', latid )
if ( nf_inq_attid( ncid, NF_GLOBAL, 'CAM_GENERATED_FORCING', i ).EQ. NF_NOERR ) then
use_camiop = .true.
use_camiop = .false.
if (present (scmlat_in) .and. present (scmlon_in) )then
if( scmlat .lt. -90. .or. scmlat .gt. 90.) then
call endrun
('SCAM_SETOPTS: SCMLAT must be between -90. and 90. degrees.')
elseif( scmlon .lt. 0. .or. scmlon .gt. 360.) then
call endrun
('SCAM_SETOPTS: SCMLON must be between 0. and 360. degrees.')
if (latsiz==1 .and. lonsiz==1) then
ret = nf_get_var_double (ncid, lonid, ioplon)
if (ret/=NF_NOERR) then
call endrun
('SCAM_SETOPTS: error reading longitude variable from iopfile')
end if
ret = nf_get_var_double (ncid, latid, ioplat)
if (ret/=NF_NOERR) then
call endrun
('SCAM_SETOPTS: error reading latitude variable from iopfile')
end if
if ( ioplon=ioplon+360.
!!$ if ( then
!!$ write(iulog,*)'WARNING: SCMLON/SCMLAT specified in namelist is different'
!!$ write(iulog,*)'from the IOP file lat,lon by more than 5 degrees'
!!$ write(iulog,*)'Using specified SCMLAT and SCMLON for all boundary data'
!!$ endif
call shr_scam_GetCloseLatLon
write(iulog,*)'For CAM Generated IOP using closest dataset lat and lon'
if (use_camiop) then
call shr_scam_GetCloseLatLon
write(iulog,*)'For CAM Generated IOP using closest dataset lat and lon'
call endrun
('namelist variables SCMLAT and SCMLON must be specified for single column mode')
!!jt fix this for crm
!!jt if(scm_crm_modes) then
!!jt iyear_AD_out = (base_date-mod(base_date,10000))/10000 ! year AD to calculate the orbital parameters for.
!!jt else
!!jt iyear_AD_out = 1950
!!jt end if
if (plon ==1 .and. plat ==1) then
call endrun
('SCAM_SETOPTS: single_column namelist option must be set to true when running in single column mode')
end subroutine scam_setopts
subroutine scam_clm_default_opts( pftfile_out, srffile_out, inifile_out )
character(len=*), intent(out) :: pftfile_out
character(len=*), intent(out) :: srffile_out
character(len=*), intent(out) :: inifile_out
pftfile_out = lsmpftfile
inifile_out = lsminifile
srffile_out = lsmsurffile
end subroutine scam_clm_default_opts
end module scamMod