module tidal_diag  2,69

  ! Module to compute fourier coefficients for the diurnal and semidiurnal tide 
  ! Created by: Dan Marsh
  ! Date: 12 May 2008

  use shr_kind_mod,  only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
  use ppgrid,        only: pcols, pver

  implicit none


  ! Public interfaces

  public :: tidal_diag_init   ! create coefficient history file variables
  public :: tidal_diag_write  ! calculate and output dignostics



  subroutine  tidal_diag_init() 1
    ! Purpose: create fourier coefficient history file variables

    use cam_history,        only: addfld, phys_decomp

    call addfld ('T_24_COS','K       ',pver, 'A','Temperature 24hr. cos coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('T_24_SIN','K       ',pver, 'A','Temperature 24hr. sin coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('T_12_COS','K       ',pver, 'A','Temperature 12hr. cos coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('T_12_SIN','K       ',pver, 'A','Temperature 12hr. sin coeff.',phys_decomp)

    call addfld ('U_24_COS','m/s     ',pver, 'A','Zonal wind 24hr. cos coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('U_24_SIN','m/s     ',pver, 'A','Zonal wind 24hr. sin coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('U_12_COS','m/s     ',pver, 'A','Zonal wind 12hr. cos coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('U_12_SIN','m/s     ',pver, 'A','Zonal wind 12hr. sin coeff.',phys_decomp)

    call addfld ('V_24_COS','m/s     ',pver, 'A','Meridional wind 24hr. cos coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('V_24_SIN','m/s     ',pver, 'A','Meridional wind 24hr. sin coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('V_12_COS','m/s     ',pver, 'A','Meridional wind 12hr. cos coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('V_12_SIN','m/s     ',pver, 'A','Meridional wind 12hr. sin coeff.',phys_decomp)

    call addfld ('PS_24_COS','Pa     ',1,    'A','surface pressure 24hr. cos coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('PS_24_SIN','Pa     ',1,    'A','surface pressure 24hr. sin coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('PS_12_COS','Pa     ',1,    'A','surface pressure 12hr. cos coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('PS_12_SIN','Pa     ',1,    'A','surface pressure 12hr. sin coeff.',phys_decomp)

    call addfld ('OMEGA_24_COS','Pa/s',pver, 'A','vertical pressure velocity 24hr. cos coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('OMEGA_24_SIN','Pa/s',pver, 'A','vertical pressure velocity 24hr. sin coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('OMEGA_12_COS','Pa/s',pver, 'A','vertical pressure velocity 12hr. cos coeff.',phys_decomp)
    call addfld ('OMEGA_12_SIN','Pa/s',pver, 'A','vertical pressure velocity 12hr. sin coeff.',phys_decomp)


  end subroutine tidal_diag_init


  subroutine  tidal_diag_write(state) 1

    ! Purpose: calculate fourier coefficients and save to history files 
    use cam_history,   only: outfld, hist_fld_active
    use physics_types, only: physics_state
    use time_manager,  only: get_curr_date
    use physconst,     only: pi
    use shr_date_mod,  only: spd => shr_date_secsPerDay 

    implicit none

    ! Arguments
    type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state
    !---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------

    real(r8), parameter :: pi_x_2 = 2.*pi
    real(r8), parameter :: pi_x_4 = 4.*pi

    integer  :: lchnk

    integer  :: year, month
    integer  :: day              ! day of month
    integer  :: tod              ! time of day (seconds past 0Z) 
    real(r8) :: dcoef(4) 
    real(r8) :: gmtfrac 
    integer :: ncol


    lchnk = state%lchnk
    ncol = state%ncol

    call get_curr_date(year, month, day, tod)

    gmtfrac = tod / spd

    dcoef(1) = 2.*sin(pi_x_2*gmtfrac)
    dcoef(2) = 2.*cos(pi_x_2*gmtfrac)
    dcoef(3) = 2.*sin(pi_x_4*gmtfrac)
    dcoef(4) = 2.*cos(pi_x_4*gmtfrac)

    if ( hist_fld_active('T_24_COS') .or. hist_fld_active('T_24_SIN') ) then
       call outfld( 'T_24_SIN', state%t(:ncol,:)*dcoef(1), ncol, lchnk )
       call outfld( 'T_24_COS', state%t(:ncol,:)*dcoef(2), ncol, lchnk )
    if ( hist_fld_active('T_12_COS') .or. hist_fld_active('T_12_SIN') ) then
       call outfld( 'T_12_SIN', state%t(:ncol,:)*dcoef(3), ncol, lchnk )
       call outfld( 'T_12_COS', state%t(:ncol,:)*dcoef(4), ncol, lchnk )

    if ( hist_fld_active('U_24_COS') .or. hist_fld_active('U_24_SIN') ) then
       call outfld( 'U_24_SIN', state%u(:ncol,:)*dcoef(1), ncol, lchnk )
       call outfld( 'U_24_COS', state%u(:ncol,:)*dcoef(2), ncol, lchnk )
    if ( hist_fld_active('U_12_COS') .or. hist_fld_active('U_12_SIN') ) then
       call outfld( 'U_12_SIN', state%u(:ncol,:)*dcoef(3), ncol, lchnk )
       call outfld( 'U_12_COS', state%u(:ncol,:)*dcoef(4), ncol, lchnk )

    if ( hist_fld_active('V_24_COS') .or. hist_fld_active('V_24_SIN') ) then
       call outfld( 'V_24_SIN', state%v(:ncol,:)*dcoef(1), ncol, lchnk )
       call outfld( 'V_24_COS', state%v(:ncol,:)*dcoef(2), ncol, lchnk )
    if ( hist_fld_active('V_12_COS') .or. hist_fld_active('V_12_SIN') ) then
       call outfld( 'V_12_SIN', state%v(:ncol,:)*dcoef(3), ncol, lchnk )
       call outfld( 'V_12_COS', state%v(:ncol,:)*dcoef(4), ncol, lchnk )

    if ( hist_fld_active('PS_24_COS') .or. hist_fld_active('PS_24_SIN') ) then
       call outfld( 'PS_24_SIN', state%ps(:ncol)*dcoef(1), ncol, lchnk )
       call outfld( 'PS_24_COS', state%ps(:ncol)*dcoef(2), ncol, lchnk )
    if ( hist_fld_active('PS_12_COS') .or. hist_fld_active('PS_12_SIN') ) then
       call outfld( 'PS_12_SIN', state%ps(:ncol)*dcoef(3), ncol, lchnk )
       call outfld( 'PS_12_COS', state%ps(:ncol)*dcoef(4), ncol, lchnk )

    if ( hist_fld_active('OMEGA_24_COS') .or. hist_fld_active('OMEGA_24_SIN') ) then
       call outfld( 'OMEGA_24_SIN', state%omega(:ncol,:)*dcoef(1), ncol, lchnk )
       call outfld( 'OMEGA_24_COS', state%omega(:ncol,:)*dcoef(2), ncol, lchnk )
    if ( hist_fld_active('OMEGA_12_COS') .or. hist_fld_active('OMEGA_12_SIN') ) then
       call outfld( 'OMEGA_12_SIN', state%omega(:ncol,:)*dcoef(3), ncol, lchnk )
       call outfld( 'OMEGA_12_COS', state%omega(:ncol,:)*dcoef(4), ncol, lchnk )


  end subroutine tidal_diag_write

end module tidal_diag