! !MODULE: ice_history_write - ice model history files writes using pio
! Output files: netCDF
module ice_history_write 1,7
! !USES:
use ice_kinds_mod
use ice_broadcast
use ice_communicate
, only: my_task, master_task, MPI_COMM_ICE
use ice_blocks
use ice_grid
use ice_fileunits
use ice_history_fields
implicit none
! !IROUTINE: icecdf - write netCDF history file
subroutine icecdf(ns) 1,22
! write netCDF history file
! authors: Mariana Vertenstein, NCAR
! !USES:
use shr_mpi_mod
! use shr_mem_mod, only : shr_get_memusage
use ice_gather_scatter
use ice_domain_size
use ice_constants
use ice_calendar
, only: time, sec, idate, idate0, nyr, month, &
mday, write_ic, histfreq, histfreq_n, &
year_init, new_year, new_month, new_day, &
dayyr, daymo, days_per_year
use ice_work
, only: work_g1, work_gr, work_gr3
use ice_restart
, only: lenstr, runid, lcdf64
use ice_domain
, only: distrb_info
use ice_itd
, only: c_hi_range
use ice_exit
use ice_pio
use pio
use shr_sys_mod
, only : shr_sys_flush
integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: ns
integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
integer (kind=int_kind) :: i,j,n,k, &
status,imtid,jmtid,timid, &
integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(2) :: dimid2
integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(3) :: dimid3
integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(3) :: dimid_nverts
real (kind=real_kind) :: ltime
character (char_len) :: title
character (char_len_long) :: ncfile(max_nstrm)
integer (kind=int_kind) :: iyear, imonth, iday
integer (kind=int_kind) :: icategory,ind,i_aice,boundid
character (char_len) :: start_time,current_date,current_time
character (len=16) :: c_aice
character (len=8) :: cdate
type(file_desc_t) :: File
type(io_desc_t) :: iodesc2d, iodesc3d
type(var_desc_t) :: varid
! Info for lat, lon and time invariant variables
! 4 coordinate variables: TLON, TLAT, ULON, ULAT
INTEGER (kind=int_kind), PARAMETER :: ncoord = 4
! 4 vertices in each grid cell
INTEGER (kind=int_kind), PARAMETER :: nverts = 4
! 4 variables describe T, U grid boundaries:
! lont_bounds, latt_bounds, lonu_bounds, latu_bounds
INTEGER (kind=int_kind), PARAMETER :: nvar_verts = 4
TYPE coord_attributes ! netcdf coordinate attributes
character (len=11) :: short_name
character (len=45) :: long_name
character (len=20) :: units
END TYPE coord_attributes
TYPE req_attributes ! req'd netcdf attributes
type (coord_attributes) :: req
character (len=20) :: coordinates
END TYPE req_attributes
TYPE(req_attributes), dimension(nvar) :: var
TYPE(coord_attributes), dimension(ncoord) :: coord_var
TYPE(coord_attributes), dimension(nvar_verts) :: var_nverts
CHARACTER (char_len), dimension(ncoord) :: coord_bounds
real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks) :: &
real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nverts,nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks) :: &
character(len=char_len_long) :: &
real(kind=dbl_kind) :: mrss, mrss0,msize,msize0
! Test memory usage
! call shr_get_memusage(msize,mrss)
! call shr_mpi_max(mrss, mrss0, MPI_COMM_ICE,'ice_init_mct mrss0')
! call shr_mpi_max(msize,msize0,MPI_COMM_ICE,'ice_init_mct msize0')
! if(my_task == master_task) then
! write(nu_diag,105) 'icecdf: [start of subroutine] memory_write: memory:= ', &
! msize0,' MB (highwater) ',mrss0,' MB (usage)'
! endif
ltime = time/int(secday)
if (my_task == master_task) then
call construct_filename
! add local directory path name to ncfile
if (write_ic) then
ncfile(ns) = trim(incond_dir)//ncfile(ns)
ncfile(ns) = trim(history_dir)//ncfile(ns)
filename = ncfile(ns)
end if
call broadcast_scalar
(filename, master_task)
! create file
call ice_pio_init
(mode='write', filename=trim(filename), File=File, &
clobber=.true., cdf64=lcdf64)
call ice_pio_initdecomp
call ice_pio_initdecomp
(ndim3=nverts, inner_dim=.true., iodesc=iodesc3d)
! Test memory usage
! call shr_get_memusage(msize,mrss)
! call shr_mpi_max(mrss, mrss0, MPI_COMM_ICE,'ice_init_mct mrss0')
! call shr_mpi_max(msize,msize0,MPI_COMM_ICE,'ice_init_mct msize0')
! if(my_task == master_task) then
! write(nu_diag,105) 'icecdf: [after initdecomp] memory_write: memory:= ', &
! msize0,' MB (highwater) ',mrss,' MB (usage)'
! endif
ltime = time/int(secday)
! define dimensions
if (hist_avg) then
status = pio_def_dim(File,'d2',2, boundid)
status = pio_def_dim(File,'ni',nx_global,imtid)
status = pio_def_dim(File,'nj',ny_global,jmtid)
status = pio_def_dim(File,'time',pio_unlimited,timid)
status = pio_def_dim(File,'nvertices',nverts,nvertexid)
! define coordinate variables
status = pio_def_var(File,'time',pio_real,(/timid/),varid)
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'long_name','model time')
write(cdate,'(i8.8)') idate0
write(title,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a)') 'days since ', &
cdate(1:4),'-',cdate(5:6),'-',cdate(7:8),' 00:00:00'
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'units',title)
if (days_per_year == 360) then
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'calendar','360_day')
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'calendar','noleap')
if (hist_avg) then
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'bounds','time_bounds')
! Define attributes for time bounds if hist_avg is true
if (hist_avg) then
dimid2(1) = boundid
dimid2(2) = timid
status = pio_def_var(File,'time_bounds',pio_real,dimid2,varid)
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'long_name', &
'boundaries for time-averaging interval')
write(cdate,'(i8.8)') idate0
write(title,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a)') 'days since ', &
cdate(1:4),'-',cdate(5:6),'-',cdate(7:8),' 00:00:00'
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'units',title)
! define information for required time-invariant variables
ind = 0
ind = ind + 1
coord_var(ind) = coord_attributes('TLON', &
'T grid center longitude', 'degrees_east')
coord_bounds(ind) = 'lont_bounds'
ind = ind + 1
coord_var(ind) = coord_attributes('TLAT', &
'T grid center latitude', 'degrees_north')
coord_bounds(ind) = 'latt_bounds'
ind = ind + 1
coord_var(ind) = coord_attributes('ULON', &
'U grid center longitude', 'degrees_east')
coord_bounds(ind) = 'lonu_bounds'
ind = ind + 1
coord_var(ind) = coord_attributes('ULAT', &
'U grid center latitude', 'degrees_north')
coord_bounds(ind) = 'latu_bounds'
! define information for optional time-invariant variables
var(n_tarea)%req = coord_attributes('tarea', &
'area of T grid cells', 'm^2')
var(n_tarea)%coordinates = 'TLON TLAT'
var(n_uarea)%req = coord_attributes('uarea', &
'area of U grid cells', 'm^2')
var(n_uarea)%coordinates = 'ULON ULAT'
var(n_dxt)%req = coord_attributes('dxt', &
'T cell width through middle', 'm')
var(n_dxt)%coordinates = 'TLON TLAT'
var(n_dyt)%req = coord_attributes('dyt', &
'T cell height through middle', 'm')
var(n_dyt)%coordinates = 'TLON TLAT'
var(n_dxu)%req = coord_attributes('dxu', &
'U cell width through middle', 'm')
var(n_dxu)%coordinates = 'ULON ULAT'
var(n_dyu)%req = coord_attributes('dyu', &
'U cell height through middle', 'm')
var(n_dyu)%coordinates = 'ULON ULAT'
var(n_HTN)%req = coord_attributes('HTN', &
'T cell width on North side','m')
var(n_HTN)%coordinates = 'TLON TLAT'
var(n_HTE)%req = coord_attributes('HTE', &
'T cell width on East side', 'm')
var(n_HTE)%coordinates = 'TLON TLAT'
var(n_ANGLE)%req = coord_attributes('ANGLE', &
'angle grid makes with latitude line on U grid', &
var(n_ANGLE)%coordinates = 'ULON ULAT'
var(n_ANGLET)%req = coord_attributes('ANGLET', &
'angle grid makes with latitude line on T grid', &
var(n_ANGLET)%coordinates = 'TLON TLAT'
! These fields are required for CF compliance
! dimensions (nx,ny,nverts)
var_nverts(n_lont_bnds) = coord_attributes('lont_bounds', &
'longitude boundaries of T cells', 'degrees_east')
var_nverts(n_latt_bnds) = coord_attributes('latt_bounds', &
'latitude boundaries of T cells', 'degrees_north')
var_nverts(n_lonu_bnds) = coord_attributes('lonu_bounds', &
'longitude boundaries of U cells', 'degrees_east')
var_nverts(n_latu_bnds) = coord_attributes('latu_bounds', &
'latitude boundaries of U cells', 'degrees_north')
! define attributes for time-invariant variables
dimid3(1) = imtid
dimid3(2) = jmtid
dimid3(3) = timid
dimid2(1) = imtid
dimid2(2) = jmtid
do i = 1, ncoord
status = pio_def_var(File, coord_var(i)%short_name, pio_real, &
dimid2, varid)
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'long_name',coord_var(i)%long_name)
status = pio_put_att(File, varid, 'units', coord_var(i)%units)
status = pio_put_att(File, varid, 'missing_value', spval)
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'_FillValue',spval)
if (coord_var(i)%short_name == 'ULAT') then
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'comment', &
'Latitude of NE corner of T grid cell')
if (f_bounds) then
status = pio_put_att(File, varid, 'bounds', coord_bounds(i))
! Attributes for tmask defined separately, since it has no units
if (igrd(n_tmask)) then
status = pio_def_var(File,'tmask', pio_real, dimid2, varid)
status = pio_put_att(File, varid, 'long_name', 'ocean grid mask')
status = pio_put_att(File, varid, 'coordinates', 'TLON TLAT')
status = pio_put_att(File, varid, 'comment', '0 = land, 1 = ocean')
do i = 2, nvar ! note: n_tmask=1
if (igrd(i)) then
status = pio_def_var(File, var(i)%req%short_name, &
pio_real, dimid2, varid)
status = pio_put_att(File, varid, 'long_name', var(i)%req%long_name)
status = pio_put_att(File, varid, 'units', var(i)%req%units)
status = pio_put_att(File, varid, 'coordinates', var(i)%coordinates)
! Fields with dimensions (nverts,nx,ny)
dimid_nverts(1) = nvertexid
dimid_nverts(2) = imtid
dimid_nverts(3) = jmtid
do i = 1, nvar_verts
if (f_bounds) then
status = pio_def_var(File, var_nverts(i)%short_name, &
pio_real,dimid_nverts, varid)
status = &
pio_put_att(File,varid, 'long_name', var_nverts(i)%long_name)
status = &
pio_put_att(File, varid, 'units', var_nverts(i)%units)
do n=1,num_avail_hist_fields
if (avail_hist_fields(n)%vhistfreq == histfreq(ns).or.write_ic) then
status = pio_def_var(File, avail_hist_fields(n)%vname, &
pio_real, dimid3, varid)
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'units', &
status = pio_put_att(File,varid, 'long_name', &
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'coordinates', &
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'cell_measures', &
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'missing_value',spval)
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'_FillValue',spval)
! Append ice thickness range to aicen comments
c_aice = TRIM(avail_hist_fields(n)%vname)
i_aice = lenstr
if (i_aice > 4 .and. c_aice(1:5) == 'aicen') then
read(c_aice(6:9), '(i3)') icategory
avail_hist_fields(n)%vcomment = &
'Ice range: '//c_hi_range(icategory)
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'comment', &
! Add cell_methods attribute to variables if averaged
if (hist_avg) then
if (TRIM(avail_hist_fields(n)%vname)/='sig1' &
.or.TRIM(avail_hist_fields(n)%vname)/='sig2') then
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'cell_methods','time: mean')
! Need divu and shear as monthly means for CMIP/IPCC.
if (histfreq(ns) == '1' .or. .not. hist_avg &
! .or. n==n_divu(ns) .or. n==n_shear(ns) & ! snapshots
.or. n==n_sig1(ns) .or. n==n_sig2(ns) &
.or. n==n_trsig(ns) &
.or. n==n_mlt_onset(ns) .or. n==n_frz_onset(ns) &
.or. n==n_hisnap(ns) .or. n==n_aisnap(ns) &
.or. n==n_FY(ns)) then
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'time_rep','instantaneous')
status = pio_put_att(File,varid,'time_rep','averaged')
enddo ! num_avail_hist_fields
! global attributes
! ... the user should change these to something useful ...
status = pio_put_att(File,pio_global,'title',runid)
title = 'sea ice model output for CICE'
status = pio_put_att(File,pio_global,'title',title)
title = 'Diagnostic and Prognostic Variables'
status = pio_put_att(File,pio_global,'contents',title)
title = 'sea ice model: Community Ice Code (CICE)'
status = pio_put_att(File,pio_global,'source',title)
write(title,'(a,i3,a)') 'All years have exactly ',int(dayyr),' days'
status = pio_put_att(File,pio_global,'comment',title)
write(title,'(a,i8)') 'File written on model date ',idate
status = pio_put_att(File,pio_global,'comment2',title)
write(title,'(a,i6)') 'seconds elapsed into model date: ',sec
status = pio_put_att(File,pio_global,'comment3',title)
title = 'CF-1.0'
status = &
call date_and_time(date=current_date, time=current_time)
write(start_time,1000) current_date(1:4), current_date(5:6), &
current_date(7:8), current_time(1:2), &
current_time(3:4), current_time(5:8)
1000 format('This dataset was created on ', &
a,'-',a,'-',a,' at ',a,':',a,':',a)
status = pio_put_att(File,pio_global,'history',start_time)
! end define mode
status = pio_enddef(File)
! write time variable
status = pio_inq_varid(File,'time',varid)
status = pio_put_var(File,varid,ltime)
! write time_bounds info
if (hist_avg) then
status = pio_inq_varid(File,'time_bounds',varid)
status = pio_put_var(File,varid,time_bounds)
! write coordinate variables
do i = 1,ncoord
call broadcast_scalar
SELECT CASE (coord_var(i)%short_name)
work1(:,:,:) = tlon(:,:,:)
! Convert T grid longitude from -180 -> 180 to 0 to 360
work1 = work1*rad_to_deg + c360 ! single precision
where (work1 > c360) work1 = work1 - c360
where (work1 < c0 ) work1 = work1 + c360
work1(:,:,:) = tlat(:,:,:)
work1 = work1*rad_to_deg
work1(:,:,:) = ulon(:,:,:)
work1 = work1*rad_to_deg
work1(:,:,:) = ulat(:,:,:)
work1 = work1*rad_to_deg
status = pio_inq_varid(File, coord_var(i)%short_name, varid)
call pio_write_darray(File, varid, iodesc2d, &
work1, status, fillval=spval_dbl)
! write grid mask, area and rotation angle
if (igrd(n_tmask)) then
work1(:,:,:) = hm(:,:,:)
status = pio_inq_varid(File, 'tmask', varid)
call pio_write_darray(File, varid, iodesc2d, &
work1, status, fillval=spval_dbl)
do i = 2,nvar
if (igrd(i)) then
call broadcast_scalar
SELECT CASE (var(i)%req%short_name)
CASE ('tarea')
work1(:,:,:) = tarea(:,:,:)
CASE ('uarea')
work1(:,:,:) = uarea(:,:,:)
CASE ('dxu')
work1(:,:,:) = dxu(:,:,:)
CASE ('dyu')
work1(:,:,:) = dyu(:,:,:)
CASE ('dxt')
work1(:,:,:) = dxt(:,:,:)
CASE ('dyt')
work1(:,:,:) = dyt(:,:,:)
work1(:,:,:) = HTN(:,:,:)
work1(:,:,:) = HTE(:,:,:)
work1(:,:,:) = ANGLE(:,:,:)
work1(:,:,:) = ANGLET(:,:,:)
status = pio_inq_varid(File, var(i)%req%short_name, varid)
call pio_write_darray(File, varid, iodesc2d, &
work1, status, fillval=spval_dbl)
! Write coordinates of grid box vertices
if (f_bounds) then
work3(:,:,:,:) = c0
do i = 1, nvar_verts
call broadcast_scalar
SELECT CASE (var_nverts(i)%short_name)
CASE ('lont_bounds')
do ivertex = 1, nverts
work3(ivertex,:,:,:) = lont_bounds(ivertex,:,:,:)
CASE ('latt_bounds')
do ivertex = 1, nverts
work3(ivertex,:,:,:) = latt_bounds(ivertex,:,:,:)
CASE ('lonu_bounds')
do ivertex = 1, nverts
work3(ivertex,:,:,:) = lonu_bounds(ivertex,:,:,:)
CASE ('latu_bounds')
do ivertex = 1, nverts
work3(ivertex,:,:,:) = latu_bounds(ivertex,:,:,:)
status = pio_inq_varid(File, var_nverts(i)%short_name, varid)
call pio_write_darray(File, varid, iodesc3d, &
work3, status, fillval=spval_dbl)
! write variable data
do n=1,num_avail_hist_fields
if (avail_hist_fields(n)%vhistfreq == histfreq(ns).or.write_ic) then
status = pio_inq_varid(File,avail_hist_fields(n)%vname,varid)
if (status /= PIO_noerr) call abort_ice
( &
'ice: Error getting varid for '//avail_hist_fields(n)%vname)
work1(:,:,:) = aa(:,:,n,:)
call pio_setframe(varid, int(1,kind=PIO_OFFSET))
call pio_write_darray(File, varid, iodesc2d,&
work1, status, fillval=spval_dbl)
enddo ! num_avail_hist_fields
! close output dataset
call pio_closefile(File)
if (my_task == master_task) then
write(nu_diag,*) ' '
write(nu_diag,*) 'Finished writing ',trim(ncfile(ns))
! Test memory usage
! call shr_get_memusage(msize,mrss)
! call shr_mpi_max(mrss, mrss0, MPI_COMM_ICE, 'ice_init_mct mrss0')
! call shr_mpi_max(msize,msize0, MPI_COMM_ICE, 'ice_init_mct msize0')
! if(my_task == master_task) then
! write(nu_diag,105) 'icecdf: [before freedecomp] memory_write: memory:= ', &
! msize0,' MB (highwater) ',mrss0,' MB (usage)'
! endif
! -------------------------
! clean-up PIO descriptors
! -------------------------
call pio_freedecomp(File,iodesc2d)
call pio_freedecomp(File,iodesc3d)
! Test memory usage
! call shr_get_memusage(msize,mrss)
! call shr_mpi_max(mrss, mrss0, MPI_COMM_ICE, 'ice_init_mct mrss0')
! call shr_mpi_max(msize,msize0, MPI_COMM_ICE, 'ice_init_mct msize0')
! if(my_task == master_task) then
! write(nu_diag,105) 'icecdf: [end of subroutine] memory_write: memory:= ', &
! msize0,' MB (highwater) ',mrss0,' MB (usage)'
! endif
105 format( A, f10.2, A, f10.2, A)
end subroutine icecdf
! !IROUTINE: icebin - write binary history file
! This routine writes fewer grid variables compared with the netcdf
! version, to reduce file size. Grid variables can be obtained from
! the original grid input files.
subroutine icebin(ns) 1,11
! write binary history file
! authors: E.C.Hunke, LANL
! !USES:
use ice_gather_scatter
use ice_domain_size
use ice_constants
use ice_restart
, only: lenstr, runid
use ice_itd
, only: c_hi_range
use ice_calendar
, only: write_ic, dayyr, histfreq
integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: ns
integer (kind=int_kind) :: i,j,n,nrec,nbits
character (char_len) :: title
character (char_len_long) :: ncfile(max_nstrm), hdrfile
integer (kind=int_kind) :: icategory,i_aice
character (char_len) :: current_date,current_time
character (len=16) :: c_aice
logical (kind=log_kind) :: dbug
dbug = .false.
if (my_task == master_task) then
call construct_filename
! add local directory path name to ncfile
if (write_ic) then
ncfile(ns) = trim(incond_dir)//ncfile(ns)
ncfile(ns) = trim(history_dir)//ncfile(ns)
hdrfile = trim(ncfile(ns))//'.hdr'
! create history files
nbits = 32 ! single precision
call ice_open
(nu_history, ncfile(ns), nbits) ! direct access
open(nu_hdr,file=hdrfile,form='formatted',status='unknown') ! ascii
!echmod call ice_write(nu_history, nrec, work, rda8 or ida4, dbug)
title = 'sea ice model: Community Ice Code (CICE)'
write (nu_hdr, 999) 'source',title,' '
write (nu_hdr, 999) 'file name contains model date',trim(ncfile(ns)),' '
write (nu_hdr, 999) 'runid',runid,' '
write (nu_hdr, 999) 'calendar','noleap',' '
write (title,'(a,i3,a)') 'All years have exactly ',int(dayyr),' days'
write (nu_hdr, 999) 'comment',title,' '
write (nu_hdr, 999) 'conventions','CICE',' '
write (nu_hdr, 997) 'missing_value',spval
write (nu_hdr, 997) '_FillValue',spval
call date_and_time(date=current_date, time=current_time)
write (nu_hdr,1000) current_date(1:4), current_date(5:6), &
current_date(7:8), current_time(1:2), &
current_time(3:4), current_time(5:8)
write (nu_hdr, * ) ' '
write (nu_hdr, * ) 'Grid size:'
write (nu_hdr, 998) ' ni',nx_global
write (nu_hdr, 998) ' nj',ny_global
write (nu_hdr, * ) 'Grid variables: (left column = nrec)'
nrec = 1
write (nu_hdr, 996) nrec,'tarea','area of T grid cells','m^2'
write (nu_hdr, * ) 'History variables: (left column = nrec)'
endif ! my_task = master_task
call ice_write
(nu_history, nrec, tarea, 'rda4', dbug)
do n=1,num_avail_hist_fields
if (avail_hist_fields(n)%vhistfreq == histfreq(ns)) then
nrec = nrec + 1
if (my_task == master_task) then
write (nu_hdr, 996) nrec,trim(avail_hist_fields(n)%vname), &
! Append ice thickness range to aicen comments
c_aice = TRIM(avail_hist_fields(n)%vname)
i_aice = lenstr
if (i_aice > 4 .and. c_aice(1:5) == 'aicen') then
read(c_aice(6:9), '(i3)') icategory
avail_hist_fields(n)%vcomment = &
'Ice range: '//c_hi_range(icategory)
write (nu_hdr, 995) nrec,trim(avail_hist_fields(n)%vname), &
! Need divu and shear as monthly means for CMIP/IPCC.
if (histfreq(ns) == '1' .or. .not. hist_avg &
! .or. n==n_divu(ns) .or. n==n_shear(ns) & ! snapshots
.or. n==n_sig1(ns) .or. n==n_sig2(ns) &
.or. n==n_trsig(ns) &
.or. n==n_mlt_onset(ns) .or. n==n_frz_onset(ns) &
.or. n==n_hisnap(ns) .or. n==n_aisnap(ns) &
.or. n==n_FY(ns)) then
write (nu_hdr, 996) nrec,trim(avail_hist_fields(n)%vname), &
write (nu_hdr, 996) nrec,trim(avail_hist_fields(n)%vname), &
call ice_write
(nu_history, nrec, aa(:,:,n,:), 'rda4', dbug)
enddo ! num_avail_hist_fields
995 format(i3,2x,a,' comment: ',a)
996 format(i3,2x,a,': ',a,',',2x,a)
997 format(a,': ',es13.6)
998 format(a,': ',i6)
999 format(a,': ',a,2x,a)
1000 format('This dataset was created on ', &
a,'-',a,'-',a,' at ',a,':',a,':',a)
if (my_task == master_task) then
close (nu_hdr) ! header file
close (nu_history) ! data file
write (nu_diag,*) ' '
write (nu_diag,*) 'Finished writing ',trim(ncfile(ns))
end subroutine icebin
end module ice_history_write