#include <misc.h>
#include <preproc.h>

module SNICARMod 8,4

! Calculate albedo of snow containing impurities 
! and the evolution of snow effective radius
! !USES:
  use shr_kind_mod  , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
  use shr_sys_mod   , only : shr_sys_flush
  use clm_varctl    , only : iulog
  use shr_const_mod , only : SHR_CONST_RHOICE

  implicit none
  public :: SNICAR_RT        ! Snow albedo and vertically-resolved solar absorption
  public :: SnowAge_grain    ! Snow effective grain size evolution
  public :: SnowAge_init     ! Initial read in of snow-aging file
  public :: SnowOptics_init  ! Initial read in of snow-optics file

  real(r8), public, parameter :: snw_rds_min = 54.526_r8  ! minimum allowed snow effective radius (also "fresh snow" value) [microns]
  integer,  public, parameter :: sno_nbr_aer =   8        ! number of aerosol species in snowpack (indices described above) [nbr]
  logical,  public, parameter :: DO_SNO_OC =    .false.   ! parameter to include organic carbon (OC) in snowpack radiative calculations
  logical,  public, parameter :: DO_SNO_AER =   .true.    ! parameter to include aerosols in snowpack radiative calculations

  real(r8), public, parameter :: scvng_fct_mlt_bcphi = 0.20_r8   ! scavenging factor for hydrophillic BC inclusion in meltwater [frc]
  real(r8), public, parameter :: scvng_fct_mlt_bcpho = 0.03_r8   ! scavenging factor for hydrophobic BC inclusion in meltwater [frc]
  real(r8), public, parameter :: scvng_fct_mlt_ocphi = 0.20_r8   ! scavenging factor for hydrophillic OC inclusion in meltwater [frc]
  real(r8), public, parameter :: scvng_fct_mlt_ocpho = 0.03_r8   ! scavenging factor for hydrophobic OC inclusion in meltwater [frc]
  real(r8), public, parameter :: scvng_fct_mlt_dst1  = 0.02_r8   ! scavenging factor for dust species 1 inclusion in meltwater [frc]
  real(r8), public, parameter :: scvng_fct_mlt_dst2  = 0.02_r8   ! scavenging factor for dust species 2 inclusion in meltwater [frc]
  real(r8), public, parameter :: scvng_fct_mlt_dst3  = 0.01_r8   ! scavenging factor for dust species 3 inclusion in meltwater [frc]
  real(r8), public, parameter :: scvng_fct_mlt_dst4  = 0.01_r8   ! scavenging factor for dust species 4 inclusion in meltwater [frc]


  ! Aerosol species indices:
  !  1= hydrophillic black carbon 
  !  2= hydrophobic black carbon
  !  3= hydrophilic organic carbon
  !  4= hydrophobic organic carbon
  !  5= dust species 1
  !  6= dust species 2
  !  7= dust species 3
  !  8= dust species 4
  integer,  parameter :: numrad_snw  =   5               ! number of spectral bands used in snow model [nbr]
  integer,  parameter :: nir_bnd_bgn =   2               ! first band index in near-IR spectrum [idx]
  integer,  parameter :: nir_bnd_end =   5               ! ending near-IR band index [idx]

  integer,  parameter :: idx_Mie_snw_mx = 1471           ! number of effective radius indices used in Mie lookup table [idx]
  integer,  parameter :: idx_T_max      = 11             ! maxiumum temperature index used in aging lookup table [idx]
  integer,  parameter :: idx_T_min      = 1              ! minimum temperature index used in aging lookup table [idx]
  integer,  parameter :: idx_Tgrd_max   = 31             ! maxiumum temperature gradient index used in aging lookup table [idx]
  integer,  parameter :: idx_Tgrd_min   = 1              ! minimum temperature gradient index used in aging lookup table [idx]
  integer,  parameter :: idx_rhos_max   = 8              ! maxiumum snow density index used in aging lookup table [idx]
  integer,  parameter :: idx_rhos_min   = 1              ! minimum snow density index used in aging lookup table [idx]

  integer,  parameter :: snw_rds_max_tbl = 1500          ! maximum effective radius defined in Mie lookup table [microns]
  integer,  parameter :: snw_rds_min_tbl = 30            ! minimium effective radius defined in Mie lookup table [microns]
  real(r8), parameter :: snw_rds_max     = 1500._r8      ! maximum allowed snow effective radius [microns]
  real(r8), parameter :: snw_rds_refrz   = 1000._r8      ! effective radius of re-frozen snow [microns]

  real(r8), parameter :: min_snw = 1.0E-30_r8            ! minimum snow mass required for SNICAR RT calculation [kg m-2]

  !real(r8), parameter :: C1_liq_Brun89 = 1.28E-17_r8    ! constant for liquid water grain growth [m3 s-1], from Brun89
  real(r8), parameter :: C1_liq_Brun89 = 0._r8           ! constant for liquid water grain growth [m3 s-1], from Brun89: zeroed to accomodate dry snow aging
  real(r8), parameter :: C2_liq_Brun89 = 4.22E-13_r8     ! constant for liquid water grain growth [m3 s-1], from Brun89: corrected for LWC in units of percent

  real(r8), parameter :: tim_cns_bc_rmv  = 2.2E-8_r8     ! time constant for removal of BC in snow on sea-ice [s-1] (50% mass removal/year)
  real(r8), parameter :: tim_cns_oc_rmv  = 2.2E-8_r8     ! time constant for removal of OC in snow on sea-ice [s-1] (50% mass removal/year)
  real(r8), parameter :: tim_cns_dst_rmv = 2.2E-8_r8     ! time constant for removal of dust in snow on sea-ice [s-1] (50% mass removal/year)

  ! scaling of the snow aging rate (tuning option):
  logical :: flg_snoage_scl    = .false.                 ! flag for scaling the snow aging rate by some arbitrary factor
  real(r8), parameter :: xdrdt = 1.0_r8                  ! arbitrary factor applied to snow aging rate

  ! snow and aerosol Mie parameters:
  ! (arrays declared here, but are set in iniTimeConst)
  ! (idx_Mie_snw_mx is number of snow radii with defined parameters (i.e. from 30um to 1500um))
  ! direct-beam weighted ice optical properties
  real(r8) :: ss_alb_snw_drc(idx_Mie_snw_mx,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: asm_prm_snw_drc(idx_Mie_snw_mx,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: ext_cff_mss_snw_drc(idx_Mie_snw_mx,numrad_snw)

  ! diffuse radiation weighted ice optical properties
  real(r8) :: ss_alb_snw_dfs(idx_Mie_snw_mx,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: asm_prm_snw_dfs(idx_Mie_snw_mx,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: ext_cff_mss_snw_dfs(idx_Mie_snw_mx,numrad_snw)

  ! hydrophiliic BC
  real(r8) :: ss_alb_bc1(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: asm_prm_bc1(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: ext_cff_mss_bc1(1,numrad_snw)

  ! hydrophobic BC
  real(r8) :: ss_alb_bc2(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: asm_prm_bc2(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: ext_cff_mss_bc2(1,numrad_snw)

  ! hydrophobic OC
  real(r8) :: ss_alb_oc1(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: asm_prm_oc1(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: ext_cff_mss_oc1(1,numrad_snw)

  ! hydrophilic OC
  real(r8) :: ss_alb_oc2(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: asm_prm_oc2(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: ext_cff_mss_oc2(1,numrad_snw)

  ! dust species 1:
  real(r8) :: ss_alb_dst1(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: asm_prm_dst1(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: ext_cff_mss_dst1(1,numrad_snw)

  ! dust species 2:
  real(r8) :: ss_alb_dst2(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: asm_prm_dst2(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: ext_cff_mss_dst2(1,numrad_snw)

  ! dust species 3:
  real(r8) :: ss_alb_dst3(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: asm_prm_dst3(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: ext_cff_mss_dst3(1,numrad_snw)

  ! dust species 4:
  real(r8) :: ss_alb_dst4(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: asm_prm_dst4(1,numrad_snw)
  real(r8) :: ext_cff_mss_dst4(1,numrad_snw)

  ! best-fit parameters for snow aging defined over:
  !  11 temperatures from 225 to 273 K
  !  31 temperature gradients from 0 to 300 K/m
  !   8 snow densities from 0 to 350 kg/m3
  ! (arrays declared here, but are set in iniTimeConst)
  real(r8) :: snowage_tau(idx_rhos_max,idx_Tgrd_max,idx_T_max)
  real(r8) :: snowage_kappa(idx_rhos_max,idx_Tgrd_max,idx_T_max)
  real(r8) :: snowage_drdt0(idx_rhos_max,idx_Tgrd_max,idx_T_max)
! Created by Mark Flanner


! subroutine SurfaceAlbedo in module SurfaceAlbedoMod (CLM)
! subroutine albice (CSIM)
! Author: Mark Flanner

  subroutine SNICAR_RT (flg_snw_ice, lbc, ubc, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc,  & 10,18
                        coszen, flg_slr_in, h2osno_liq, h2osno_ice, snw_rds,   &
                        mss_cnc_aer_in, albsfc, albout, flx_abs)

    ! Determine reflectance of, and vertically-resolved solar absorption in, 
    ! snow with impurities.
    ! Original references on physical models of snow reflectance include: 
    ! Wiscombe and Warren [1980] and Warren and Wiscombe [1980],
    ! Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 37,
    ! The multi-layer solution for multiple-scattering used here is from:
    ! Toon et al. [1989], Rapid calculation of radiative heating rates 
    ! and photodissociation rates in inhomogeneous multiple scattering atmospheres, 
    ! J. Geophys. Res., 94, D13, 16287-16301
    ! The implementation of the SNICAR model in CLM/CSIM is described in:
    ! Flanner, M., C. Zender, J. Randerson, and P. Rasch [2007], 
    ! Present-day climate forcing and response from black carbon in snow,
    ! J. Geophys. Res., 112, D11202, doi: 10.1029/2006JD008003

    ! !USES:
    use clmtype
    use clm_varpar       , only : nlevsno, numrad
    use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
    use abortutils       , only : endrun
    use shr_const_mod    , only : SHR_CONST_PI

    implicit none
    integer , intent(in)  :: flg_snw_ice                          ! flag: =1 when called from CLM, =2 when called from CSIM
    integer , intent(in)  :: lbc, ubc                             ! column index bounds [unitless]
    integer , intent(in)  :: num_nourbanc                         ! number of columns in non-urban filter
    integer , intent(in)  :: filter_nourbanc(ubc-lbc+1)           ! column filter for non-urban points
    real(r8), intent(in)  :: coszen(lbc:ubc)                      ! cosine of solar zenith angle for next time step (col) [unitless]
    integer , intent(in)  :: flg_slr_in                           ! flag: =1 for direct-beam incident flux, =2 for diffuse incident flux
    real(r8), intent(in)  :: h2osno_liq(lbc:ubc,-nlevsno+1:0)     ! liquid water content (col,lyr) [kg/m2]
    real(r8), intent(in)  :: h2osno_ice(lbc:ubc,-nlevsno+1:0)     ! ice content (col,lyr) [kg/m2]
    integer,  intent(in)  :: snw_rds(lbc:ubc,-nlevsno+1:0)        ! snow effective radius (col,lyr) [microns, m^-6]
    real(r8), intent(in)  :: mss_cnc_aer_in(lbc:ubc,-nlevsno+1:0,sno_nbr_aer)  ! mass concentration of all aerosol species (col,lyr,aer) [kg/kg]
    real(r8), intent(in)  :: albsfc(lbc:ubc,numrad)               ! albedo of surface underlying snow (col,bnd) [frc]
    real(r8), intent(out) :: albout(lbc:ubc,numrad)               ! snow albedo, averaged into 2 bands (=0 if no sun or no snow) (col,bnd) [frc]
    real(r8), intent(out) :: flx_abs(lbc:ubc,-nlevsno+1:1,numrad) ! absorbed flux in each layer per unit flux incident on top of snowpack (col,lyr,bnd) [frc]

    ! local pointers to implicit in arguments
    integer,  pointer :: snl(:)              ! negative number of snow layers (col) [nbr]
    real(r8), pointer :: h2osno(:)           ! snow liquid water equivalent (col) [kg/m2]   
    integer,  pointer :: clandunit(:)        ! corresponding landunit of column (col) [idx] (debugging only)
    integer,  pointer :: cgridcell(:)        ! columns's gridcell index (col) [idx] (debugging only)
    integer,  pointer :: ltype(:)            ! landunit type (lnd) (debugging only)
    real(r8), pointer :: londeg(:)           ! longitude (degrees) (debugging only)
    real(r8), pointer :: latdeg(:)           ! latitude (degrees) (debugging only)
    ! variables for snow radiative transfer calculations

    ! Local variables representing single-column values of arrays:
    integer :: snl_lcl                            ! negative number of snow layers [nbr]
    integer :: snw_rds_lcl(-nlevsno+1:0)          ! snow effective radius [m^-6]
    real(r8):: flx_slrd_lcl(1:numrad_snw)         ! direct beam incident irradiance [W/m2] (set to 1)
    real(r8):: flx_slri_lcl(1:numrad_snw)         ! diffuse incident irradiance [W/m2] (set to 1)
    real(r8):: mss_cnc_aer_lcl(-nlevsno+1:0,1:sno_nbr_aer) ! aerosol mass concentration (lyr,aer_nbr) [kg/kg]
    real(r8):: h2osno_lcl                         ! total column snow mass [kg/m2]
    real(r8):: h2osno_liq_lcl(-nlevsno+1:0)       ! liquid water mass [kg/m2]
    real(r8):: h2osno_ice_lcl(-nlevsno+1:0)       ! ice mass [kg/m2]
    real(r8):: albsfc_lcl(1:numrad_snw)           ! albedo of underlying surface [frc]
    real(r8):: ss_alb_snw_lcl(-nlevsno+1:0)       ! single-scatter albedo of ice grains (lyr) [frc]
    real(r8):: asm_prm_snw_lcl(-nlevsno+1:0)      ! asymmetry parameter of ice grains (lyr) [frc]
    real(r8):: ext_cff_mss_snw_lcl(-nlevsno+1:0)  ! mass extinction coefficient of ice grains (lyr) [m2/kg]
    real(r8):: ss_alb_aer_lcl(sno_nbr_aer)        ! single-scatter albedo of aerosol species (aer_nbr) [frc] 
    real(r8):: asm_prm_aer_lcl(sno_nbr_aer)       ! asymmetry parameter of aerosol species (aer_nbr) [frc]
    real(r8):: ext_cff_mss_aer_lcl(sno_nbr_aer)   ! mass extinction coefficient of aerosol species (aer_nbr) [m2/kg]

    ! Other local variables
    integer :: APRX_TYP                           ! two-stream approximation type (1=Eddington, 2=Quadrature, 3=Hemispheric Mean) [nbr]
    integer :: DELTA                              ! flag to use Delta approximation (Joseph, 1976) (1= use, 0= don't use)
    real(r8):: flx_wgt(1:numrad_snw)              ! weights applied to spectral bands, specific to direct and diffuse cases (bnd) [frc]
    integer :: flg_nosnl                          ! flag: =1 if there is snow, but zero snow layers, =0 if at least 1 snow layer [flg]   
    integer :: trip                               ! flag: =1 to redo RT calculation if result is unrealistic
    integer :: flg_dover                          ! defines conditions for RT redo (explained below)

    real(r8):: albedo                             ! temporary snow albedo [frc]
    real(r8):: flx_sum                            ! temporary summation variable for NIR weighting
    real(r8):: albout_lcl(numrad_snw)             ! snow albedo by band [frc]
    real(r8):: flx_abs_lcl(-nlevsno+1:1,numrad_snw)! absorbed flux per unit incident flux at top of snowpack (lyr,bnd) [frc]
    real(r8):: L_snw(-nlevsno+1:0)                ! h2o mass (liquid+solid) in snow layer (lyr) [kg/m2]
    real(r8):: tau_snw(-nlevsno+1:0)              ! snow optical depth (lyr) [unitless]
    real(r8):: L_aer(-nlevsno+1:0,sno_nbr_aer)    ! aerosol mass in snow layer (lyr,nbr_aer) [kg/m2] 
    real(r8):: tau_aer(-nlevsno+1:0,sno_nbr_aer)  ! aerosol optical depth (lyr,nbr_aer) [unitless]
    real(r8):: tau_sum                            ! cumulative (snow+aerosol) optical depth [unitless]
    real(r8):: tau_clm(-nlevsno+1:0)              ! column optical depth from layer bottom to snowpack top (lyr) [unitless] 
    real(r8):: omega_sum                          ! temporary summation of single-scatter albedo of all aerosols [frc]
    real(r8):: g_sum                              ! temporary summation of asymmetry parameter of all aerosols [frc]

    real(r8):: tau(-nlevsno+1:0)                  ! weighted optical depth of snow+aerosol layer (lyr) [unitless]
    real(r8):: omega(-nlevsno+1:0)                ! weighted single-scatter albedo of snow+aerosol layer (lyr) [frc]
    real(r8):: g(-nlevsno+1:0)                    ! weighted asymmetry parameter of snow+aerosol layer (lyr) [frc]
    real(r8):: tau_star(-nlevsno+1:0)             ! transformed (i.e. Delta-Eddington) optical depth of snow+aerosol layer (lyr) [unitless]
    real(r8):: omega_star(-nlevsno+1:0)           ! transformed (i.e. Delta-Eddington) SSA of snow+aerosol layer (lyr) [frc]
    real(r8):: g_star(-nlevsno+1:0)               ! transformed (i.e. Delta-Eddington) asymmetry paramater of snow+aerosol layer (lyr) [frc]
    integer :: nstep                              ! current timestep [nbr] (debugging only)
    integer :: g_idx, c_idx, l_idx                ! gridcell, column, and landunit indices [idx]
    integer :: bnd_idx                            ! spectral band index (1 <= bnd_idx <= numrad_snw) [idx]
    integer :: rds_idx                            ! snow effective radius index for retrieving Mie parameters from lookup table [idx]
    integer :: snl_btm                            ! index of bottom snow layer (0) [idx]
    integer :: snl_top                            ! index of top snow layer (-4 to 0) [idx]
    integer :: fc                                 ! column filter index
    integer :: i                                  ! layer index [idx]
    integer :: j                                  ! aerosol number index [idx]
    integer :: n                                  ! tridiagonal matrix index [idx]
    integer :: m                                  ! secondary layer index [idx]
    real(r8):: F_direct(-nlevsno+1:0)             ! direct-beam radiation at bottom of layer interface (lyr) [W/m^2]
    real(r8):: F_net(-nlevsno+1:0)                ! net radiative flux at bottom of layer interface (lyr) [W/m^2]
    real(r8):: F_abs(-nlevsno+1:0)                ! net absorbed radiative energy (lyr) [W/m^2]
    real(r8):: F_abs_sum                          ! total absorbed energy in column [W/m^2]
    real(r8):: F_sfc_pls                          ! upward radiative flux at snowpack top [W/m^2]
    real(r8):: F_btm_net                          ! net flux at bottom of snowpack [W/m^2]                    
    real(r8):: F_sfc_net                          ! net flux at top of snowpack [W/m^2]
    real(r8):: energy_sum                         ! sum of all energy terms; should be 0.0 [W/m^2]
    real(r8):: F_direct_btm                       ! direct-beam radiation at bottom of snowpack [W/m^2]
    real(r8):: mu_not                             ! cosine of solar zenith angle (used locally) [frc]

    integer :: err_idx                            ! counter for number of times through error loop [nbr]
    real(r8):: lat_coord                          ! gridcell latitude (debugging only)
    real(r8):: lon_coord                          ! gridcell longitude (debugging only)
    integer :: sfctype                            ! underlying surface type (debugging only)
    real(r8):: pi                                 ! 3.1415...

    ! intermediate variables for radiative transfer approximation:
    real(r8):: gamma1(-nlevsno+1:0)               ! two-stream coefficient from Toon et al. (lyr) [unitless]
    real(r8):: gamma2(-nlevsno+1:0)               ! two-stream coefficient from Toon et al. (lyr) [unitless]
    real(r8):: gamma3(-nlevsno+1:0)               ! two-stream coefficient from Toon et al. (lyr) [unitless]
    real(r8):: gamma4(-nlevsno+1:0)               ! two-stream coefficient from Toon et al. (lyr) [unitless]
    real(r8):: lambda(-nlevsno+1:0)               ! two-stream coefficient from Toon et al. (lyr) [unitless]
    real(r8):: GAMMA(-nlevsno+1:0)                ! two-stream coefficient from Toon et al. (lyr) [unitless]
    real(r8):: mu_one                             ! two-stream coefficient from Toon et al. (lyr) [unitless]
    real(r8):: e1(-nlevsno+1:0)                   ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (lyr) 
    real(r8):: e2(-nlevsno+1:0)                   ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (lyr) 
    real(r8):: e3(-nlevsno+1:0)                   ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (lyr) 
    real(r8):: e4(-nlevsno+1:0)                   ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (lyr) 
    real(r8):: C_pls_btm(-nlevsno+1:0)            ! intermediate variable: upward flux at bottom interface (lyr) [W/m2]
    real(r8):: C_mns_btm(-nlevsno+1:0)            ! intermediate variable: downward flux at bottom interface (lyr) [W/m2]
    real(r8):: C_pls_top(-nlevsno+1:0)            ! intermediate variable: upward flux at top interface (lyr) [W/m2]
    real(r8):: C_mns_top(-nlevsno+1:0)            ! intermediate variable: downward flux at top interface (lyr) [W/m2]
    real(r8):: A(-2*nlevsno+1:0)                  ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (2*lyr)
    real(r8):: B(-2*nlevsno+1:0)                  ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (2*lyr)
    real(r8):: D(-2*nlevsno+1:0)                  ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (2*lyr)
    real(r8):: E(-2*nlevsno+1:0)                  ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (2*lyr)
    real(r8):: AS(-2*nlevsno+1:0)                 ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (2*lyr)
    real(r8):: DS(-2*nlevsno+1:0)                 ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (2*lyr)
    real(r8):: X(-2*nlevsno+1:0)                  ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (2*lyr)
    real(r8):: Y(-2*nlevsno+1:0)                  ! tri-diag intermediate variable from Toon et al. (2*lyr)

    ! Assign local pointers to derived subtypes components (column-level)
    ! (CLM-specific)
    if (flg_snw_ice == 1) then
       snl            => clm3%g%l%c%cps%snl
       h2osno         => clm3%g%l%c%cws%h2osno
       clandunit      => clm3%g%l%c%landunit  ! (debug only)
       cgridcell      => clm3%g%l%c%gridcell  ! (debug only)
       ltype          => clm3%g%l%itype       ! (debug only)
       londeg         => clm3%g%londeg        ! (debug only)
       latdeg         => clm3%g%latdeg        ! (debug only)

    ! Define constants
    pi = SHR_CONST_PI

    ! always use Delta approximation for snow
    DELTA = 1

    ! Get current timestep
    nstep = get_nstep()

    ! Loop over all non-urban columns
    ! (when called from CSIM, there is only one column)
    do fc = 1,num_nourbanc
       c_idx = filter_nourbanc(fc)

       ! Zero absorbed radiative fluxes:
       do i=-nlevsno+1,1,1
          flx_abs_lcl(:,:)   = 0._r8
          flx_abs(c_idx,i,:) = 0._r8
       ! set snow/ice mass to be used for RT:
       if (flg_snw_ice == 1) then
          h2osno_lcl = h2osno(c_idx)
          h2osno_lcl = h2osno_ice(c_idx,0)

       ! Qualifier for computing snow RT: 
       !  1) sunlight from atmosphere model 
       !  2) minimum amount of snow on ground. 
       !     Otherwise, set snow albedo to zero
       if ((coszen(c_idx) > 0._r8) .and. (h2osno_lcl > min_snw)) then     

          ! Set variables specific to CLM
          if (flg_snw_ice == 1) then
             ! Assign local (single-column) variables to global values
             ! If there is snow, but zero snow layers, we must create a layer locally.
             ! This layer is presumed to have the fresh snow effective radius.
             if (snl(c_idx) > -1) then
                flg_nosnl         =  1
                snl_lcl           =  -1
                h2osno_ice_lcl(0) =  h2osno_lcl
                h2osno_liq_lcl(0) =  0._r8
                snw_rds_lcl(0)    =  nint(snw_rds_min)
                flg_nosnl         =  0
                snl_lcl           =  snl(c_idx)
                h2osno_liq_lcl(:) =  h2osno_liq(c_idx,:)
                h2osno_ice_lcl(:) =  h2osno_ice(c_idx,:)
                snw_rds_lcl(:)    =  snw_rds(c_idx,:)
             snl_btm   = 0
             snl_top   = snl_lcl+1

             ! for debugging only
             l_idx     = clandunit(c_idx)
             g_idx     = cgridcell(c_idx)
             sfctype   = ltype(l_idx)
             lat_coord = latdeg(g_idx)
             lon_coord = londeg(g_idx)

          ! Set variables specific to CSIM
             flg_nosnl         = 0
             snl_lcl           = -1
             h2osno_liq_lcl(:) = h2osno_liq(c_idx,:)
             h2osno_ice_lcl(:) = h2osno_ice(c_idx,:)
             snw_rds_lcl(:)    = snw_rds(c_idx,:)
             snl_btm           = 0
             snl_top           = 0
             sfctype           = -1
             lat_coord         = -90
             lon_coord         = 0

          ! Set local aerosol array
          do j=1,sno_nbr_aer
             mss_cnc_aer_lcl(:,j) = mss_cnc_aer_in(c_idx,:,j)

          ! Set spectral underlying surface albedos to their corresponding VIS or NIR albedos
          albsfc_lcl(1)                       = albsfc(c_idx,1)
          albsfc_lcl(nir_bnd_bgn:nir_bnd_end) = albsfc(c_idx,2)

          ! Error check for snow grain size:
          do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
             if ((snw_rds_lcl(i) < snw_rds_min_tbl) .or. (snw_rds_lcl(i) > snw_rds_max_tbl)) then
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR ERROR: snow grain radius of ", snw_rds_lcl(i), " out of bounds."
                write (iulog,*) "NSTEP= ", nstep
                write (iulog,*) "flg_snw_ice= ", flg_snw_ice
                write (iulog,*) "column: ", c_idx, " level: ", i, " snl(c)= ", snl_lcl
                write (iulog,*) "lat= ", lat_coord, " lon= ", lon_coord
                write (iulog,*) "h2osno(c)= ", h2osno_lcl
                call endrun()

          ! Incident flux weighting parameters
          !  - sum of all VIS bands must equal 1
          !  - sum of all NIR bands must equal 1
          ! Spectral bands (5-band case)
          !  Band 1: 0.3-0.7um (VIS)
          !  Band 2: 0.7-1.0um (NIR)
          !  Band 3: 1.0-1.2um (NIR)
          !  Band 4: 1.2-1.5um (NIR)
          !  Band 5: 1.5-5.0um (NIR)
          ! The following weights are appropriate for surface-incident flux in a mid-latitude winter atmosphere
          ! 3-band weights
          if (numrad_snw==3) then
             ! Direct:
             if (flg_slr_in == 1) then
                flx_wgt(1) = 1._r8
                flx_wgt(2) = 0.66628670195247_r8
                flx_wgt(3) = 0.33371329804753_r8
             ! Diffuse:
             elseif (flg_slr_in == 2) then
                flx_wgt(1) = 1._r8
                flx_wgt(2) = 0.77887652162877_r8
                flx_wgt(3) = 0.22112347837123_r8

          ! 5-band weights
          elseif(numrad_snw==5) then
             ! Direct:
             if (flg_slr_in == 1) then
                flx_wgt(1) = 1._r8
                flx_wgt(2) = 0.49352158521175_r8
                flx_wgt(3) = 0.18099494230665_r8
                flx_wgt(4) = 0.12094898498813_r8
                flx_wgt(5) = 0.20453448749347_r8
             ! Diffuse:
             elseif (flg_slr_in == 2) then
                flx_wgt(1) = 1._r8
                flx_wgt(2) = 0.58581507618433_r8
                flx_wgt(3) = 0.20156903770812_r8
                flx_wgt(4) = 0.10917889346386_r8
                flx_wgt(5) = 0.10343699264369_r8

          ! Loop over snow spectral bands
          do bnd_idx = 1,numrad_snw

             mu_not    = coszen(c_idx)  ! must set here, because of error handling
             flg_dover = 1              ! default is to redo
             err_idx   = 0              ! number of times through loop

             do while (flg_dover > 0)

                !  VIS:       Delta-Eddington
                !  NIR (all): Delta-Hemispheric Mean
                !  WARNING:   DO NOT USE DELTA-EDDINGTON FOR NIR DIFFUSE - this sometimes results in negative albedo
                ! ERROR CONDITIONS:
                !  Conditions which cause "trip", resulting in redo of RT approximation:
                !   1. negative absorbed flux
                !   2. total absorbed flux greater than incident flux
                !   3. negative albedo
                !   NOTE: These errors have only been encountered in spectral bands 4 and 5
                ! ERROR HANDLING
                !  1st error (flg_dover=2): switch approximation (Edd->HM or HM->Edd)
                !  2nd error (flg_dover=3): change zenith angle by 0.02 (this happens about 1 in 10^6 cases)
                !  3rd error (flg_dover=4): switch approximation with new zenith
                !  Subsequent errors: repeatedly change zenith and approximations...
                if (bnd_idx == 1) then
                   if (flg_dover == 2) then
                      APRX_TYP = 3
                   elseif (flg_dover == 3) then
                      APRX_TYP = 1
                      if (coszen(c_idx) > 0.5_r8) then
                         mu_not = mu_not - 0.02_r8
                         mu_not = mu_not + 0.02_r8
                   elseif (flg_dover == 4) then
                      APRX_TYP = 3
                      APRX_TYP = 1
                   if (flg_dover == 2) then
                      APRX_TYP = 1
                   elseif (flg_dover == 3) then
                      APRX_TYP = 3
                      if (coszen(c_idx) > 0.5_r8) then
                         mu_not = mu_not - 0.02_r8
                         mu_not = mu_not + 0.02_r8
                   elseif (flg_dover == 4) then
                      APRX_TYP = 1
                      APRX_TYP = 3


                ! Set direct or diffuse incident irradiance to 1
                ! (This has to be within the bnd loop because mu_not is adjusted in rare cases)
                if (flg_slr_in == 1) then
                   flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx) = 1._r8/(mu_not*pi) ! this corresponds to incident irradiance of 1.0
                   flx_slri_lcl(bnd_idx) = 0._r8
                   flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx) = 0._r8
                   flx_slri_lcl(bnd_idx) = 1._r8

                ! Pre-emptive error handling: aerosols can reap havoc on these absorptive bands.
                ! Since extremely high soot concentrations have a negligible effect on these bands, zero them.
                if ( (numrad_snw == 5).and.((bnd_idx == 5).or.(bnd_idx == 4)) ) then
                   mss_cnc_aer_lcl(:,:) = 0._r8

                if ( (numrad_snw == 3).and.(bnd_idx == 3) ) then
                   mss_cnc_aer_lcl(:,:) = 0._r8

                ! Define local Mie parameters based on snow grain size and aerosol species,
                !  retrieved from a lookup table.
                if (flg_slr_in == 1) then
                   do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                      rds_idx = snw_rds_lcl(i) - snw_rds_min_tbl + 1
                      ! snow optical properties (direct radiation)
                      ss_alb_snw_lcl(i)      = ss_alb_snw_drc(rds_idx,bnd_idx)
                      asm_prm_snw_lcl(i)     = asm_prm_snw_drc(rds_idx,bnd_idx)
                      ext_cff_mss_snw_lcl(i) = ext_cff_mss_snw_drc(rds_idx,bnd_idx)
                elseif (flg_slr_in == 2) then
                   do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                      rds_idx = snw_rds_lcl(i) - snw_rds_min_tbl + 1
                      ! snow optical properties (diffuse radiation)
                      ss_alb_snw_lcl(i)      = ss_alb_snw_dfs(rds_idx,bnd_idx)
                      asm_prm_snw_lcl(i)     = asm_prm_snw_dfs(rds_idx,bnd_idx)
                      ext_cff_mss_snw_lcl(i) = ext_cff_mss_snw_dfs(rds_idx,bnd_idx)
                ! aerosol species 1 optical properties
                ss_alb_aer_lcl(1)        = ss_alb_bc1(1,bnd_idx)      
                asm_prm_aer_lcl(1)       = asm_prm_bc1(1,bnd_idx)
                ext_cff_mss_aer_lcl(1)   = ext_cff_mss_bc1(1,bnd_idx)
                ! aerosol species 2 optical properties
                ss_alb_aer_lcl(2)        = ss_alb_bc2(1,bnd_idx)      
                asm_prm_aer_lcl(2)       = asm_prm_bc2(1,bnd_idx)
                ext_cff_mss_aer_lcl(2)   = ext_cff_mss_bc2(1,bnd_idx)
                ! aerosol species 3 optical properties
                ss_alb_aer_lcl(3)        = ss_alb_oc1(1,bnd_idx)      
                asm_prm_aer_lcl(3)       = asm_prm_oc1(1,bnd_idx)
                ext_cff_mss_aer_lcl(3)   = ext_cff_mss_oc1(1,bnd_idx)
                ! aerosol species 4 optical properties
                ss_alb_aer_lcl(4)        = ss_alb_oc2(1,bnd_idx)      
                asm_prm_aer_lcl(4)       = asm_prm_oc2(1,bnd_idx)
                ext_cff_mss_aer_lcl(4)   = ext_cff_mss_oc2(1,bnd_idx)

                ! aerosol species 5 optical properties
                ss_alb_aer_lcl(5)        = ss_alb_dst1(1,bnd_idx)      
                asm_prm_aer_lcl(5)       = asm_prm_dst1(1,bnd_idx)
                ext_cff_mss_aer_lcl(5)   = ext_cff_mss_dst1(1,bnd_idx)
                ! aerosol species 6 optical properties
                ss_alb_aer_lcl(6)        = ss_alb_dst2(1,bnd_idx)      
                asm_prm_aer_lcl(6)       = asm_prm_dst2(1,bnd_idx)
                ext_cff_mss_aer_lcl(6)   = ext_cff_mss_dst2(1,bnd_idx)
                ! aerosol species 7 optical properties
                ss_alb_aer_lcl(7)        = ss_alb_dst3(1,bnd_idx)      
                asm_prm_aer_lcl(7)       = asm_prm_dst3(1,bnd_idx)
                ext_cff_mss_aer_lcl(7)   = ext_cff_mss_dst3(1,bnd_idx)
                ! aerosol species 8 optical properties
                ss_alb_aer_lcl(8)        = ss_alb_dst4(1,bnd_idx)      
                asm_prm_aer_lcl(8)       = asm_prm_dst4(1,bnd_idx)
                ext_cff_mss_aer_lcl(8)   = ext_cff_mss_dst4(1,bnd_idx)

                ! 1. snow and aerosol layer column mass (L_snw, L_aer [kg/m^2])
                ! 2. optical Depths (tau_snw, tau_aer)
                ! 3. weighted Mie properties (tau, omega, g)

                ! Weighted Mie parameters of each layer
                do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                   L_snw(i)   = h2osno_ice_lcl(i)+h2osno_liq_lcl(i)
                   tau_snw(i) = L_snw(i)*ext_cff_mss_snw_lcl(i)

                   do j=1,sno_nbr_aer
                      L_aer(i,j)   = L_snw(i)*mss_cnc_aer_lcl(i,j)
                      tau_aer(i,j) = L_aer(i,j)*ext_cff_mss_aer_lcl(j)

                   tau_sum   = 0._r8
                   omega_sum = 0._r8
                   g_sum     = 0._r8
                   do j=1,sno_nbr_aer
                      tau_sum    = tau_sum + tau_aer(i,j) 
                      omega_sum  = omega_sum + (tau_aer(i,j)*ss_alb_aer_lcl(j))
                      g_sum      = g_sum + (tau_aer(i,j)*ss_alb_aer_lcl(j)*asm_prm_aer_lcl(j))

                   tau(i)    = tau_sum + tau_snw(i)
                   omega(i)  = (1/tau(i))*(omega_sum+(ss_alb_snw_lcl(i)*tau_snw(i)))
                   g(i)      = (1/(tau(i)*omega(i)))*(g_sum+ (asm_prm_snw_lcl(i)*ss_alb_snw_lcl(i)*tau_snw(i)))

                ! DELTA transformations, if requested
                if (DELTA == 1) then
                   do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                      g_star(i)     = g(i)/(1+g(i))
                      omega_star(i) = ((1-(g(i)**2))*omega(i)) / (1-(omega(i)*(g(i)**2)))
                      tau_star(i)   = (1-(omega(i)*(g(i)**2)))*tau(i)
                   do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                      g_star(i)     = g(i)
                      omega_star(i) = omega(i)
                      tau_star(i)   = tau(i)

                ! Total column optical depth:
                ! tau_clm(i) = total optical depth above the bottom of layer i
                tau_clm(snl_top) = 0._r8
                do i=snl_top+1,snl_btm,1
                   tau_clm(i) = tau_clm(i-1)+tau_star(i-1)

                ! Direct radiation at bottom of snowpack:
                F_direct_btm = albsfc_lcl(bnd_idx)*mu_not*exp(-(tau_clm(snl_btm)+tau_star(snl_btm))/mu_not)*pi*flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx)

                ! Intermediates
                ! Gamma values are approximation-specific.

                ! Eddington
                if (APRX_TYP==1) then
                   do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                      gamma1(i) = (7-(omega_star(i)*(4+(3*g_star(i)))))/4
                      gamma2(i) = -(1-(omega_star(i)*(4-(3*g_star(i)))))/4
                      gamma3(i) = (2-(3*g_star(i)*mu_not))/4
                      gamma4(i) = 1-gamma3(i)
                      mu_one    = 0.5
                ! Quadrature
                elseif (APRX_TYP==2) then
                   do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                      gamma1(i) = (3**0.5)*(2-(omega_star(i)*(1+g_star(i))))/2
                      gamma2(i) = omega_star(i)*(3**0.5)*(1-g_star(i))/2
                      gamma3(i) = (1-((3**0.5)*g_star(i)*mu_not))/2
                      gamma4(i) = 1-gamma3(i)
                      mu_one    = 1/(3**0.5)

                ! Hemispheric Mean
                elseif (APRX_TYP==3) then
                   do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                      gamma1(i) = 2 - (omega_star(i)*(1+g_star(i)))
                      gamma2(i) = omega_star(i)*(1-g_star(i))
                      gamma3(i) = (1-((3**0.5)*g_star(i)*mu_not))/2
                      gamma4(i) = 1-gamma3(i)
                      mu_one    = 0.5

                ! Intermediates for tri-diagonal solution
                do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                   lambda(i) = sqrt(abs((gamma1(i)**2) - (gamma2(i)**2)))
                   GAMMA(i)  = gamma2(i)/(gamma1(i)+lambda(i))

                   e1(i)     = 1+(GAMMA(i)*exp(-lambda(i)*tau_star(i)))
                   e2(i)     = 1-(GAMMA(i)*exp(-lambda(i)*tau_star(i)))
                   e3(i)     = GAMMA(i) + exp(-lambda(i)*tau_star(i))
                   e4(i)     = GAMMA(i) - exp(-lambda(i)*tau_star(i))
                enddo !enddo over snow layers

                ! Intermediates for tri-diagonal solution
                do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                   if (flg_slr_in == 1) then

                      C_pls_btm(i) = (omega_star(i)*pi*flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx)* &
                                     exp(-(tau_clm(i)+tau_star(i))/mu_not)*   &
                                     (((gamma1(i)-(1/mu_not))*gamma3(i))+     &

                      C_mns_btm(i) = (omega_star(i)*pi*flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx)* &
                                     exp(-(tau_clm(i)+tau_star(i))/mu_not)*   &
                                     (((gamma1(i)+(1/mu_not))*gamma4(i))+     &

                      C_pls_top(i) = (omega_star(i)*pi*flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx)* &
                                     exp(-tau_clm(i)/mu_not)*(((gamma1(i)-(1/mu_not))* &

                      C_mns_top(i) = (omega_star(i)*pi*flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx)* &
                                     exp(-tau_clm(i)/mu_not)*(((gamma1(i)+(1/mu_not))* &

                      C_pls_btm(i) = 0._r8
                      C_mns_btm(i) = 0._r8
                      C_pls_top(i) = 0._r8
                      C_mns_top(i) = 0._r8

                ! Coefficients for tridiaganol matrix solution
                do i=2*snl_lcl+1,0,1

                   !Boundary values for i=1 and i=2*snl_lcl, specifics for i=odd and i=even    
                   if (i==(2*snl_lcl+1)) then
                      A(i) = 0
                      B(i) = e1(snl_top)
                      D(i) = -e2(snl_top)
                      E(i) = flx_slri_lcl(bnd_idx)-C_mns_top(snl_top)

                   elseif(i==0) then
                      A(i) = e1(snl_btm)-(albsfc_lcl(bnd_idx)*e3(snl_btm))
                      B(i) = e2(snl_btm)-(albsfc_lcl(bnd_idx)*e4(snl_btm))
                      D(i) = 0
                      E(i) = F_direct_btm-C_pls_btm(snl_btm)+(albsfc_lcl(bnd_idx)*C_mns_btm(snl_btm))

                   elseif(mod(i,2)==-1) then   ! If odd and i>=3 (n=1 for i=3)
                      A(i) = (e2(n)*e3(n))-(e4(n)*e1(n))
                      B(i) = (e1(n)*e1(n+1))-(e3(n)*e3(n+1))
                      D(i) = (e3(n)*e4(n+1))-(e1(n)*e2(n+1))
                      E(i) = (e3(n)*(C_pls_top(n+1)-C_pls_btm(n)))+(e1(n)*(C_mns_btm(n)-C_mns_top(n+1)))

                   elseif(mod(i,2)==0) then    ! If even and i<=2*snl_lcl
                      A(i) = (e2(n+1)*e1(n))-(e3(n)*e4(n+1))
                      B(i) = (e2(n)*e2(n+1))-(e4(n)*e4(n+1))
                      D(i) = (e1(n+1)*e4(n+1))-(e2(n+1)*e3(n+1))
                      E(i) = (e2(n+1)*(C_pls_top(n+1)-C_pls_btm(n)))+(e4(n+1)*(C_mns_top(n+1)-C_mns_btm(n))) 

                AS(0) = A(0)/B(0)
                DS(0) = E(0)/B(0)

                do i=-1,(2*snl_lcl+1),-1
                   X(i)  = 1/(B(i)-(D(i)*AS(i+1)))
                   AS(i) = A(i)*X(i)
                   DS(i) = (E(i)-(D(i)*DS(i+1)))*X(i)

                Y(2*snl_lcl+1) = DS(2*snl_lcl+1)
                do i=(2*snl_lcl+2),0,1
                   Y(i) = DS(i)-(AS(i)*Y(i-1))

                ! Downward direct-beam and net flux (F_net) at the base of each layer:
                do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                   F_direct(i) = mu_not*pi*flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx)*exp(-(tau_clm(i)+tau_star(i))/mu_not)
                   F_net(i)    = (Y(2*i-1)*(e1(i)-e3(i))) + (Y(2*i)*(e2(i)-e4(i))) + &
                                 C_pls_btm(i) - C_mns_btm(i) - F_direct(i)

                ! Upward flux at snowpack top:
                F_sfc_pls = (Y(2*snl_lcl+1)*(exp(-lambda(snl_top)*tau_star(snl_top))+ &
                            GAMMA(snl_top))) + (Y(2*snl_lcl+2)*(exp(-lambda(snl_top)* &
                            tau_star(snl_top))-GAMMA(snl_top))) + C_pls_top(snl_top)

                ! Net flux at bottom = absorbed radiation by underlying surface:
                F_btm_net = -F_net(snl_btm)

                ! Bulk column albedo and surface net flux
                albedo    = F_sfc_pls/((mu_not*pi*flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx))+flx_slri_lcl(bnd_idx))
                F_sfc_net = F_sfc_pls - ((mu_not*pi*flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx))+flx_slri_lcl(bnd_idx))

                trip = 0
                ! Absorbed flux in each layer
                do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                   if(i==snl_top) then
                      F_abs(i) = F_net(i)-F_sfc_net
                      F_abs(i) = F_net(i)-F_net(i-1)
                   flx_abs_lcl(i,bnd_idx) = F_abs(i)

                   ! ERROR check: negative absorption
                   if (flx_abs_lcl(i,bnd_idx) < -0.00001) then
                      trip = 1
                flx_abs_lcl(1,bnd_idx) = F_btm_net
                if (flg_nosnl == 1) then
                   ! If there are no snow layers (but still snow), all absorbed energy must be in top soil layer
                   !flx_abs_lcl(:,bnd_idx) = 0._r8
                   !flx_abs_lcl(1,bnd_idx) = F_abs(0) + F_btm_net

                   ! changed on 20070408:
                   ! OK to put absorbed energy in the fictitous snow layer because routine SurfaceRadiation
                   ! handles the case of no snow layers. Then, if a snow layer is addded between now and
                   ! SurfaceRadiation (called in Hydrology1), absorbed energy will be properly distributed.
                   flx_abs_lcl(0,bnd_idx) = F_abs(0)
                   flx_abs_lcl(1,bnd_idx) = F_btm_net
                !Underflow check (we've already tripped the error condition above)
                do i=snl_top,1,1
                   if (flx_abs_lcl(i,bnd_idx) < 0._r8) then
                      flx_abs_lcl(i,bnd_idx) = 0._r8

                F_abs_sum = 0._r8
                do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
                   F_abs_sum = F_abs_sum + F_abs(i)

                !ERROR check: absorption greater than incident flux
                ! (should make condition more generic than "1._r8")
                if (F_abs_sum > 1._r8) then
                   trip = 1

                !ERROR check:
                if ((albedo < 0._r8).and.(trip==0)) then
                   trip = 1
                ! Set conditions for redoing RT calculation 
                if ((trip == 1).and.(flg_dover == 1)) then
                   flg_dover = 2
                elseif ((trip == 1).and.(flg_dover == 2)) then
                   flg_dover = 3
                elseif ((trip == 1).and.(flg_dover == 3)) then
                   flg_dover = 4
                elseif((trip == 1).and.(flg_dover == 4).and.(err_idx < 20)) then
                   flg_dover = 3
                   err_idx = err_idx + 1
                elseif((trip == 1).and.(flg_dover == 4).and.(err_idx >= 20)) then
                   flg_dover = 0
                   write(iulog,*) "SNICAR ERROR: FOUND A WORMHOLE. STUCK IN INFINITE LOOP! Called from: ", flg_snw_ice
                   write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(0)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,0)
                   write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(0)= ", L_snw(0)
                   write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: h2osno= ", h2osno_lcl, " snl= ", snl_lcl
                   write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: soot1(0)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(0,1)
                   write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: soot2(0)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(0,2)
                   write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: dust1(0)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(0,3)
                   write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: dust2(0)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(0,4)
                   write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: dust3(0)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(0,5)
                   write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: dust4(0)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(0,6)
                   call endrun()
                   flg_dover = 0

             enddo !enddo while (flg_dover > 0)
             ! Energy conservation check:
             ! Incident direct+diffuse radiation equals (absorbed+bulk_transmitted+bulk_reflected)
             energy_sum = (mu_not*pi*flx_slrd_lcl(bnd_idx)) + flx_slri_lcl(bnd_idx) - (F_abs_sum + F_btm_net + F_sfc_pls)
             if (abs(energy_sum) > 0.00001_r8) then
                write (iulog,"(a,e12.6,a,i6,a,i6)") "SNICAR ERROR: Energy conservation error of : ", energy_sum, &
                             " at timestep: ", nstep, " at column: ", c_idx
                call endrun()

             albout_lcl(bnd_idx) = albedo

             ! Check that albedo is less than 1
             if (albout_lcl(bnd_idx) > 1.0) then

                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR ERROR: Albedo > 1.0 at c: ", c_idx, " NSTEP= ",nstep
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: bnd_idx= ",bnd_idx
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: albout_lcl(bnd)= ",albout_lcl(bnd_idx), " albsfc_lcl(bnd_idx)= ",albsfc_lcl(bnd_idx)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: landtype= ", sfctype
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: h2osno= ", h2osno_lcl, " snl= ", snl_lcl
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: coszen= ", coszen(c_idx), " flg_slr= ", flg_slr_in

                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: soot(-4)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(-4,1)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: soot(-3)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(-3,1)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: soot(-2)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(-2,1)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: soot(-1)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(-1,1)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: soot(0)= ", mss_cnc_aer_lcl(0,1)

                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(-4)= ", L_snw(-4)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(-3)= ", L_snw(-3)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(-2)= ", L_snw(-2)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(-1)= ", L_snw(-1)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(0)= ", L_snw(0)

                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(-4)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,-4)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(-3)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,-3)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(-2)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,-2)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(-1)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,-1)
                write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(0)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,0)
                call endrun()
          enddo   ! loop over wvl bands

          ! Weight output NIR albedo appropriately
          albout(c_idx,1) = albout_lcl(1)
          flx_sum         = 0._r8
          do bnd_idx= nir_bnd_bgn,nir_bnd_end
             flx_sum = flx_sum + flx_wgt(bnd_idx)*albout_lcl(bnd_idx)
          end do
          albout(c_idx,2) = flx_sum / sum(flx_wgt(nir_bnd_bgn:nir_bnd_end))

          ! Weight output NIR absorbed layer fluxes (flx_abs) appropriately
          flx_abs(c_idx,:,1) = flx_abs_lcl(:,1)
          do i=snl_top,1,1
             flx_sum = 0._r8
             do bnd_idx= nir_bnd_bgn,nir_bnd_end
                flx_sum = flx_sum + flx_wgt(bnd_idx)*flx_abs_lcl(i,bnd_idx)
             flx_abs(c_idx,i,2) = flx_sum / sum(flx_wgt(nir_bnd_bgn:nir_bnd_end))          
          end do

          ! Write diagnostics, if desired. (default is to not compile this)
#if 0
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: NSTEP= ", nstep
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: Col: ", c_idx
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snl(c)= ",snl_lcl
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: cosine zenith= ", coszen(c_idx)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: h2osno(c): ", h2osno_lcl

             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: albout_lcl(1): ", albout_lcl(1)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: albout_lcl(2): ", albout_lcl(2)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: albout_lcl(3): ", albout_lcl(3)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: albout_lcl(4): ", albout_lcl(4) 
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: albout_lcl(5): ", albout_lcl(5)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: albout(1): ", albout(c_idx,1)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: albout(2): ", albout(c_idx,2)

             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: NIR flx_abs(-4): ", flx_abs(c_idx,-4,2)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: NIR flx_abs(-3): ", flx_abs(c_idx,-3,2)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: NIR flx_abs(-2): ", flx_abs(c_idx,-2,2)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: NIR flx_abs(-1): ", flx_abs(c_idx,-1,2) 
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: NIR flx_abs(0): ", flx_abs(c_idx,0,2)

             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: TOPLYR ABS, BND 1= ", flx_abs_lcl(snl_top,1)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: TOPLYR ABS, BND 2= ", flx_abs_lcl(snl_top,2)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: TOPLYR ABS, BND 3= ", flx_abs_lcl(snl_top,3)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: TOPLYR ABS, BND 4= ", flx_abs_lcl(snl_top,4)
             write(iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: TOPLYR ABS, BND 5= ", flx_abs_lcl(snl_top,5)

             write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(-4)= ", L_snw(-4)
             write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(-3)= ", L_snw(-3)
             write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(-2)= ", L_snw(-2)
             write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(-1)= ", L_snw(-1)
             write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: L_snw(0)= ", L_snw(0)

             write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(-4)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,-4)
             write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(-3)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,-3)
             write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(-2)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,-2)
             write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(-1)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,-1)
             write (iulog,*) "SNICAR STATS: snw_rds(0)= ", snw_rds(c_idx,0)

       ! If snow < minimum_snow, but > 0, and there is sun, set albedo to underlying surface albedo
       elseif ( (coszen(c_idx) > 0._r8) .and. (h2osno_lcl < min_snw) .and. (h2osno_lcl > 0._r8) ) then
          albout(c_idx,1) = albsfc(c_idx,1)
          albout(c_idx,2) = albsfc(c_idx,2)

       ! There is either zero snow, or no sun
          albout(c_idx,1) = 0._r8
          albout(c_idx,2) = 0._r8
       endif    ! if column has snow and coszen > 0

    enddo    ! loop over all columns

  end subroutine SNICAR_RT

! !IROUTINE: SnowAge_grain

  subroutine SnowAge_grain(lbc, ubc, num_snowc, filter_snowc, num_nosnowc, filter_nosnowc) 1,7
    ! Updates the snow effective grain size (radius). 
    ! Contributions to grain size evolution are from:
    !   1. vapor redistribution (dry snow) 
    !   2. liquid water redistribution (wet snow)
    !   3. re-freezing of liquid water
    ! Vapor redistribution: Method is to retrieve 3 best-bit parameters that
    ! depend on snow temperature, temperature gradient, and density,
    ! that are derived from the microphysical model described in: 
    ! Flanner and Zender (2006), Linking snowpack microphysics and albedo
    ! evolution, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D12208, doi:10.1029/2005JD006834. 
    ! The parametric equation has the form: 
    ! dr/dt = drdt_0*(tau/(dr_fresh+tau))^(1/kappa), where:
    !   r is the effective radius,
    !   tau and kappa are best-fit parameters,
    !   drdt_0 is the initial rate of change of effective radius, and
    !   dr_fresh is the difference between the current and fresh snow states 
    !  (r_current - r_fresh).
    ! Liquid water redistribution: Apply the grain growth function from:
    !   Brun, E. (1989), Investigation of wet-snow metamorphism in respect of 
    !   liquid-water content, Annals of Glaciology, 13, 22-26.
    !   There are two parameters that describe the grain growth rate as 
    !   a function of snow liquid water content (LWC). The "LWC=0" parameter
    !   is zeroed here because we are accounting for dry snowing with a 
    !   different representation
    ! Re-freezing of liquid water: Assume that re-frozen liquid water clumps
    !   into an arbitrarily large effective grain size (snw_rds_refrz). 
    !   The phenomenon is observed (Grenfell), but so far unquantified, as far as 
    !   I am aware.
    ! !USES:
    use clmtype
    use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, get_nstep
    use clm_varpar       , only : nlevsno
    use clm_varcon       , only : spval
    use abortutils       , only : endrun
    use shr_const_mod    , only : SHR_CONST_RHOICE, SHR_CONST_PI

    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: lbc, ubc                  ! column bounds
    integer, intent(in) :: num_snowc                 ! number of column snow points in column filter
    integer, intent(in) :: filter_snowc(ubc-lbc+1)   ! column filter for snow points
    integer, intent(in) :: num_nosnowc               ! number of column non-snow points in column filter
    integer, intent(in) :: filter_nosnowc(ubc-lbc+1) ! column filter for non-snow points
    ! !CALLED FROM: clm_driver1

    ! local pointers to implicit arguments

    real(r8), pointer :: t_soisno(:,:)         ! soil and snow temperature (col,lyr) [K]
    integer,  pointer :: snl(:)                ! negative number of snow layers (col) [nbr]
    real(r8), pointer :: t_grnd(:)             ! ground temperature (col) [K]
    real(r8), pointer :: dz(:,:)               ! layer thickness (col,lyr) [m]
    real(r8), pointer :: h2osno(:)             ! snow water (col) [mm H2O]
    real(r8), pointer :: snw_rds(:,:)          ! effective grain radius (col,lyr) [microns, m-6]
    real(r8), pointer :: snw_rds_top(:)        ! effective grain radius, top layer (col) [microns, m-6]
    real(r8), pointer :: sno_liq_top(:)        ! liquid water fraction (mass) in top snow layer (col) [frc]
    real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_liq(:,:)       ! liquid water content (col,lyr) [kg m-2]
    real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_ice(:,:)       ! ice content (col,lyr) [kg m-2]
    real(r8), pointer :: snot_top(:)           ! snow temperature in top layer (col) [K]
    real(r8), pointer :: dTdz_top(:)           ! temperature gradient in top layer (col) [K m-1]
    real(r8), pointer :: qflx_snow_grnd_col(:) ! snow on ground after interception (col) [kg m-2 s-1]
    real(r8), pointer :: qflx_snwcp_ice(:)     ! excess precipitation due to snow capping [kg m-2 s-1]
    real(r8), pointer :: qflx_snofrz_lyr(:,:)  ! snow freezing rate (col,lyr) [kg m-2 s-1]
    logical , pointer :: do_capsnow(:)         ! true => do snow capping
    integer :: snl_top                      ! top snow layer index [idx]
    integer :: snl_btm                      ! bottom snow layer index [idx]
    integer :: i                            ! layer index [idx]
    integer :: c_idx                        ! column index [idx]
    integer :: fc                           ! snow column filter index [idx]
    integer :: T_idx                        ! snow aging lookup table temperature index [idx]
    integer :: Tgrd_idx                     ! snow aging lookup table temperature gradient index [idx]
    integer :: rhos_idx                     ! snow aging lookup table snow density index [idx]
    real(r8) :: t_snotop                    ! temperature at upper layer boundary [K]
    real(r8) :: t_snobtm                    ! temperature at lower layer boundary [K]
    real(r8) :: dTdz(lbc:ubc,-nlevsno:0)    ! snow temperature gradient (col,lyr) [K m-1]
    real(r8) :: bst_tau                     ! snow aging parameter retrieved from lookup table [hour]
    real(r8) :: bst_kappa                   ! snow aging parameter retrieved from lookup table [unitless]
    real(r8) :: bst_drdt0                   ! snow aging parameter retrieved from lookup table [um hr-1]
    real(r8) :: dr                          ! incremental change in snow effective radius [um]
    real(r8) :: dr_wet                      ! incremental change in snow effective radius from wet growth [um]
    real(r8) :: dr_fresh                    ! difference between fresh snow r_e and current r_e [um]
    real(r8) :: newsnow                     ! fresh snowfall [kg m-2]
    real(r8) :: refrzsnow                   ! re-frozen snow [kg m-2]
    real(r8) :: frc_newsnow                 ! fraction of layer mass that is new snow [frc]
    real(r8) :: frc_oldsnow                 ! fraction of layer mass that is old snow [frc]
    real(r8) :: frc_refrz                   ! fraction of layer mass that is re-frozen snow [frc]
    real(r8) :: frc_liq                     ! fraction of layer mass that is liquid water[frc]    
    real(r8) :: dtime                       ! land model time step [sec]
    real(r8) :: rhos                        ! snow density [kg m-3]
    real(r8) :: h2osno_lyr                  ! liquid + solid H2O in snow layer [kg m-2]

    ! Assign local pointers to derived subtypes components (column-level)
    t_soisno           => clm3%g%l%c%ces%t_soisno
    snl                => clm3%g%l%c%cps%snl
    t_grnd             => clm3%g%l%c%ces%t_grnd
    dz                 => clm3%g%l%c%cps%dz
    h2osno             => clm3%g%l%c%cws%h2osno
    snw_rds            => clm3%g%l%c%cps%snw_rds
    h2osoi_liq         => clm3%g%l%c%cws%h2osoi_liq
    h2osoi_ice         => clm3%g%l%c%cws%h2osoi_ice
    snot_top           => clm3%g%l%c%cps%snot_top
    dTdz_top           => clm3%g%l%c%cps%dTdz_top
    snw_rds_top        => clm3%g%l%c%cps%snw_rds_top
    sno_liq_top        => clm3%g%l%c%cps%sno_liq_top
    qflx_snow_grnd_col => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_snow_grnd
    qflx_snwcp_ice     => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_snwcp_ice
    qflx_snofrz_lyr    => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%qflx_snofrz_lyr
    do_capsnow         => clm3%g%l%c%cps%do_capsnow

    ! set timestep and step interval
    dtime = get_step_size()

    ! loop over columns that have at least one snow layer
    do fc = 1, num_snowc
       c_idx = filter_snowc(fc)

       snl_btm = 0
       snl_top = snl(c_idx) + 1

       ! loop over snow layers
       do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
          !**********  1. DRY SNOW AGING  ***********
          h2osno_lyr = h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i) + h2osoi_ice(c_idx,i)

          ! temperature gradient
          if (i == snl_top) then 
             ! top layer
             t_snotop = t_grnd(c_idx)
             t_snobtm = (t_soisno(c_idx,i+1)*dz(c_idx,i) + t_soisno(c_idx,i)*dz(c_idx,i+1)) / (dz(c_idx,i)+dz(c_idx,i+1))
             t_snotop = (t_soisno(c_idx,i-1)*dz(c_idx,i) + t_soisno(c_idx,i)*dz(c_idx,i-1)) / (dz(c_idx,i)+dz(c_idx,i-1))
             t_snobtm = (t_soisno(c_idx,i+1)*dz(c_idx,i) + t_soisno(c_idx,i)*dz(c_idx,i+1)) / (dz(c_idx,i)+dz(c_idx,i+1))
          dTdz(c_idx,i) = abs((t_snotop - t_snobtm) / dz(c_idx,i))
          ! snow density
          rhos = (h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i)+h2osoi_ice(c_idx,i)) / dz(c_idx,i)

          ! best-fit table indecies
          T_idx    = nint((t_soisno(c_idx,i)-223) / 5) + 1
          Tgrd_idx = nint(dTdz(c_idx,i) / 10) + 1
          rhos_idx = nint((rhos-50) / 50) + 1

          ! boundary check:
          if (T_idx < idx_T_min) then 
             T_idx = idx_T_min
          if (T_idx > idx_T_max) then 
             T_idx = idx_T_max
          if (Tgrd_idx < idx_Tgrd_min) then 
             Tgrd_idx = idx_Tgrd_min
          if (Tgrd_idx > idx_Tgrd_max) then 
             Tgrd_idx = idx_Tgrd_max
          if (rhos_idx < idx_rhos_min) then 
             rhos_idx = idx_rhos_min
          if (rhos_idx > idx_rhos_max) then 
             rhos_idx = idx_rhos_max
          ! best-fit parameters
          bst_tau   = snowage_tau(rhos_idx,Tgrd_idx,T_idx)
          bst_kappa = snowage_kappa(rhos_idx,Tgrd_idx,T_idx)     
          bst_drdt0 = snowage_drdt0(rhos_idx,Tgrd_idx,T_idx)

          ! change in snow effective radius, using best-fit parameters
          dr_fresh = snw_rds(c_idx,i)-snw_rds_min
          dr = (bst_drdt0*(bst_tau/(dr_fresh+bst_tau))**(1/bst_kappa)) * (dtime/3600)

          !**********  2. WET SNOW AGING  ***********
          ! We are assuming wet and dry evolution occur simultaneously, and 
          ! the contributions from both can be summed. 
          ! This is justified by setting the linear offset constant C1_liq_Brun89 to zero [Brun, 1989]
          ! liquid water faction
          frc_liq = min(0.1_r8, (h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i) / (h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i)+h2osoi_ice(c_idx,i))))

          !dr_wet = 1E6_r8*(dtime*(C1_liq_Brun89 + C2_liq_Brun89*(frc_liq**(3))) / (4*SHR_CONST_PI*(snw_rds(c_idx,i)/1E6)**(2)))
          !simplified, units of microns:
          dr_wet = 1E18_r8*(dtime*(C2_liq_Brun89*(frc_liq**(3))) / (4*SHR_CONST_PI*snw_rds(c_idx,i)**(2)))

          dr = dr + dr_wet
          !**********  3. SNOWAGE SCALING (TURNED OFF BY DEFAULT)  *************
          ! Multiply rate of change of effective radius by some constant, xdrdt
          if (flg_snoage_scl) then
             dr = dr*xdrdt

          !**********  4. INCREMENT EFFECTIVE RADIUS, ACCOUNTING FOR:  ***********
          !               DRY AGING
          !               WET AGING
          !               FRESH SNOW
          !               RE-FREEZING
          ! new snowfall [kg/m2]
          if (do_capsnow(c_idx)) then
             newsnow = max(0._r8, (qflx_snwcp_ice(c_idx)*dtime))
             newsnow = max(0._r8, (qflx_snow_grnd_col(c_idx)*dtime))

          ! snow that has re-frozen [kg/m2]
          refrzsnow = max(0._r8, (qflx_snofrz_lyr(c_idx,i)*dtime))
          ! fraction of layer mass that is re-frozen
          frc_refrz = refrzsnow / h2osno_lyr
          ! fraction of layer mass that is new snow
          if (i == snl_top) then
             frc_newsnow = newsnow / h2osno_lyr
             frc_newsnow = 0._r8

          if ((frc_refrz + frc_newsnow) > 1._r8) then
             frc_refrz = frc_refrz / (frc_refrz + frc_newsnow)
             frc_newsnow = 1._r8 - frc_refrz
             frc_oldsnow = 0._r8
             frc_oldsnow = 1._r8 - frc_refrz - frc_newsnow

          ! mass-weighted mean of fresh snow, old snow, and re-frozen snow effective radius
          snw_rds(c_idx,i) = (snw_rds(c_idx,i)+dr)*frc_oldsnow + snw_rds_min*frc_newsnow + snw_rds_refrz*frc_refrz

          !**********  5. CHECK BOUNDARIES   ***********
          ! boundary check
          if (snw_rds(c_idx,i) < snw_rds_min) then
             snw_rds(c_idx,i) = snw_rds_min

          if (snw_rds(c_idx,i) > snw_rds_max) then
             snw_rds(c_idx,i) = snw_rds_max
          end if

          ! set top layer variables for history files
          if (i == snl_top) then
             snot_top(c_idx)    = t_soisno(c_idx,i)
             dTdz_top(c_idx)    = dTdz(c_idx,i)
             snw_rds_top(c_idx) = snw_rds(c_idx,i)
             sno_liq_top(c_idx) = h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i) / (h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i)+h2osoi_ice(c_idx,i))


    ! Special case: snow on ground, but not enough to have defined a snow layer:
    !   set snw_rds to fresh snow grain size:
    do fc = 1, num_nosnowc
       c_idx = filter_nosnowc(fc)
       if (h2osno(c_idx) > 0._r8) then
          snw_rds(c_idx,0) = snw_rds_min
  end subroutine SnowAge_grain

  subroutine SnowOptics_init( ) 1,67
   use fileutils       , only : getfil
   use CLM_varctl      , only : fsnowoptics
   use spmdMod         , only : mpicom, MPI_REAL8, masterproc
   use ncdio           , only : nf_close, nf_inq_varid, nf_open, check_ret, &

   integer            :: ncid                        ! netCDF file id
   character(len=256) :: locfn                       ! local filename
   character(len= 32) :: subname = 'SnowOptics_init' ! subroutine name
   integer            :: varid                       ! netCDF id's
   integer            :: ier                         ! error status

   ! Open optics file:
   if (masterproc) then
      write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read snow optical properties .....'
      call getfil (fsnowoptics, locfn, 0)
      call check_ret(nf_open(locfn, 0, ncid), subname)
      write(iulog,*) subname,trim(fsnowoptics)

      ! direct-beam snow Mie parameters:
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ss_alb_ice_drc', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ss_alb_snw_drc), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'asm_prm_ice_drc', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, asm_prm_snw_drc), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ext_cff_mss_ice_drc', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ext_cff_mss_snw_drc), subname)

      ! diffuse snow Mie parameters
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ss_alb_ice_dfs', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ss_alb_snw_dfs), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'asm_prm_ice_dfs', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, asm_prm_snw_dfs), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ext_cff_mss_ice_dfs', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ext_cff_mss_snw_dfs), subname)

      ! BC species 1 Mie parameters
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ss_alb_bcphil', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ss_alb_bc1), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'asm_prm_bcphil', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, asm_prm_bc1), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ext_cff_mss_bcphil', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ext_cff_mss_bc1), subname)

      ! BC species 2 Mie parameters
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ss_alb_bcphob', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ss_alb_bc2), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'asm_prm_bcphob', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, asm_prm_bc2), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ext_cff_mss_bcphob', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ext_cff_mss_bc2), subname)

      ! OC species 1 Mie parameters
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ss_alb_ocphil', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ss_alb_oc1), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'asm_prm_ocphil', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, asm_prm_oc1), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ext_cff_mss_ocphil', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ext_cff_mss_oc1), subname)

      ! OC species 2 Mie parameters
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ss_alb_ocphob', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ss_alb_oc2), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'asm_prm_ocphob', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, asm_prm_oc2), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ext_cff_mss_ocphob', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ext_cff_mss_oc2), subname)

      ! dust species 1 Mie parameters
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ss_alb_dust01', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ss_alb_dst1), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'asm_prm_dust01', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, asm_prm_dst1), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ext_cff_mss_dust01', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ext_cff_mss_dst1), subname)

      ! dust species 2 Mie parameters
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ss_alb_dust02', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ss_alb_dst2), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'asm_prm_dust02', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, asm_prm_dst2), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ext_cff_mss_dust02', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ext_cff_mss_dst2), subname)

      ! dust species 3 Mie parameters
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ss_alb_dust03', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ss_alb_dst3), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'asm_prm_dust03', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, asm_prm_dst3), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ext_cff_mss_dust03', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ext_cff_mss_dst3), subname)

      ! dust species 4 Mie parameters
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ss_alb_dust04', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ss_alb_dst4), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'asm_prm_dust04', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, asm_prm_dst4), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'ext_cff_mss_dust04', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ext_cff_mss_dst4), subname)
   call mpi_bcast (ss_alb_snw_dfs,       size(ss_alb_snw_dfs),       MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (asm_prm_snw_dfs,      size(asm_prm_snw_dfs),      MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ext_cff_mss_snw_dfs,  size(ext_cff_mss_snw_dfs),  MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ss_alb_snw_drc,       size(ss_alb_snw_drc),       MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (asm_prm_snw_drc,      size(asm_prm_snw_drc),      MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ext_cff_mss_snw_drc,  size(ext_cff_mss_snw_drc),  MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)

   call mpi_bcast (ss_alb_bc1,       size(ss_alb_bc1),       MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ss_alb_bc2,       size(ss_alb_bc2),       MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ss_alb_oc1,       size(ss_alb_oc1),       MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ss_alb_oc2,       size(ss_alb_oc2),       MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)

   call mpi_bcast (asm_prm_bc1,      size(asm_prm_bc1),      MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (asm_prm_bc2,      size(asm_prm_bc2),      MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (asm_prm_oc1,      size(asm_prm_oc1),      MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (asm_prm_oc2,      size(asm_prm_oc2),      MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)

   call mpi_bcast (ss_alb_dst1,      size(ss_alb_dst1),      MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ss_alb_dst2,      size(ss_alb_dst2),      MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ss_alb_dst3,      size(ss_alb_dst3),      MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ss_alb_dst4,      size(ss_alb_dst4),      MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)

   call mpi_bcast (asm_prm_dst1,     size(asm_prm_dst1),     MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (asm_prm_dst2,     size(asm_prm_dst2),     MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (asm_prm_dst3,     size(asm_prm_dst3),     MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (asm_prm_dst4,     size(asm_prm_dst4),     MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)

   call mpi_bcast (ext_cff_mss_bc1,  size(ext_cff_mss_bc1),  MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ext_cff_mss_bc2,  size(ext_cff_mss_bc2),  MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ext_cff_mss_oc1,  size(ext_cff_mss_oc1),  MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ext_cff_mss_oc2,  size(ext_cff_mss_oc2),  MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)

   call mpi_bcast (ext_cff_mss_dst1, size(ext_cff_mss_dst1), MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ext_cff_mss_dst2, size(ext_cff_mss_dst2), MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ext_cff_mss_dst3, size(ext_cff_mss_dst3), MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (ext_cff_mss_dst4, size(ext_cff_mss_dst4), MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)

   if (masterproc) then
      call check_ret(nf_close(ncid), subname)
      write(iulog,*) 'Successfully read snow optical properties'
      ! print some diagnostics:
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for direct-beam ice, rds=100um: ', &
                       ss_alb_snw_drc(71,1), ss_alb_snw_drc(71,2), ss_alb_snw_drc(71,3),     &
                       ss_alb_snw_drc(71,4), ss_alb_snw_drc(71,5)
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for diffuse ice, rds=100um: ',     &
                       ss_alb_snw_dfs(71,1), ss_alb_snw_dfs(71,2), ss_alb_snw_dfs(71,3),     &
                       ss_alb_snw_dfs(71,4), ss_alb_snw_dfs(71,5)
      if (DO_SNO_OC) then
         write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Including OC aerosols from snow radiative transfer calculations'
         write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Excluding OC aerosols from snow radiative transfer calculations'
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for hydrophillic BC: ', &
           ss_alb_bc1(1,1), ss_alb_bc1(1,2), ss_alb_bc1(1,3), ss_alb_bc1(1,4), ss_alb_bc1(1,5)
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for hydrophobic BC: ', &
           ss_alb_bc2(1,1), ss_alb_bc2(1,2), ss_alb_bc2(1,3), ss_alb_bc2(1,4), ss_alb_bc2(1,5)
      if (DO_SNO_OC) then
         write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for hydrophillic OC: ', &
              ss_alb_oc1(1,1), ss_alb_oc1(1,2), ss_alb_oc1(1,3), ss_alb_oc1(1,4), ss_alb_oc1(1,5)
         write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for hydrophobic OC: ', &
              ss_alb_oc2(1,1), ss_alb_oc2(1,2), ss_alb_oc2(1,3), ss_alb_oc2(1,4), ss_alb_oc2(1,5)
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for dust species 1: ', &
           ss_alb_dst1(1,1), ss_alb_dst1(1,2), ss_alb_dst1(1,3), ss_alb_dst1(1,4), ss_alb_dst1(1,5)
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for dust species 2: ', &
           ss_alb_dst2(1,1), ss_alb_dst2(1,2), ss_alb_dst2(1,3), ss_alb_dst2(1,4), ss_alb_dst2(1,5)
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for dust species 3: ', &
           ss_alb_dst3(1,1), ss_alb_dst3(1,2), ss_alb_dst3(1,3), ss_alb_dst3(1,4), ss_alb_dst3(1,5)
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for dust species 4: ', &
           ss_alb_dst4(1,1), ss_alb_dst4(1,2), ss_alb_dst4(1,3), ss_alb_dst4(1,4), ss_alb_dst4(1,5)
   end if

  end subroutine SnowOptics_init

  subroutine SnowAge_init( ) 1,13
   use CLM_varctl      , only : fsnowaging
   use fileutils       , only : getfil
   use spmdMod         , only : mpicom, MPI_REAL8, masterproc
   use ncdio           , only : nf_close, nf_inq_varid, nf_open, check_ret, &

   integer            :: ncid                        ! netCDF file id
   character(len=256) :: locfn                       ! local filename
   character(len= 32) :: subname = 'SnowOptics_init' ! subroutine name
   integer            :: varid                       ! netCDF id's
   integer            :: ier                         ! error status

   ! Open snow aging (effective radius evolution) file:
   if (masterproc) then
      write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read snow aging parameters .....'
      call getfil (fsnowaging, locfn, 0)
      call check_ret(nf_open(locfn, 0, ncid), subname)
      write(iulog,*) subname,trim(fsnowaging)

      ! snow aging parameters
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'tau', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, snowage_tau), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'kappa', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, snowage_kappa), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'drdsdt0', varid), subname)
      call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, snowage_drdt0), subname)

   call mpi_bcast (snowage_tau,   size(snowage_tau),   MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (snowage_kappa, size(snowage_kappa), MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   call mpi_bcast (snowage_drdt0, size(snowage_drdt0), MPI_REAL8  , 0, mpicom, ier)
   if (masterproc) then
      call check_ret(nf_close(ncid), subname)
      write(iulog,*) 'Successfully read snow aging properties'

      ! print some diagnostics:
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: snowage tau for T=263K, dTdz = 100 K/m, rhos = 150 kg/m3: ', snowage_tau(3,11,9)
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: snowage kappa for T=263K, dTdz = 100 K/m, rhos = 150 kg/m3: ', snowage_kappa(3,11,9)
      write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: snowage dr/dt_0 for T=263K, dTdz = 100 K/m, rhos = 150 kg/m3: ', snowage_drdt0(3,11,9)

  end subroutine SnowAge_init

end module SNICARMod