module aerdepMOD 2,10 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This entire module will be removed.................... !BOP ! ! !MODULE: aerdepMod ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! read an interpolate aerosol deposition data ! ! !USES: use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use abortutils, only : endrun use clm_varctl, only : scmlat,scmlon,single_column use clm_varctl, only : iulog use clm_varcon , only : secspday use perf_mod, only : t_startf, t_stopf use clm_varctl, only : set_caerdep_from_file, set_dustdep_from_file use spmdMod, only : masterproc, mpicom, MPI_REAL8, MPI_INTEGER use fileutils , only : getfil use ncdio , only : check_ret,ncd_iolocal use shr_sys_mod , only : shr_sys_flush ! ! !PUBLIC TYPES: implicit none private ! !INCLUDES: include '' ! ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: interpMonthlyAerdep ! interpolate monthly aerosol deposition data public :: aerdepini ! aerosol deposition initialization ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! Created by Mark Flanner, ! based on vegetation interpolation schemes in STATICEcosystemDynMod ! 2009-Apr-17 B. Kauffman -- added multi-year time series functionality ! ! ! !PRIVATE MEMBER FUNCTIONS: private :: readMonthlyAerdep ! read monthly aerosol deposition data for two months ! ! !PRIVATE TYPES: !EOP real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: bcphiwet2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: bcphidry2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: bcphodry2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: ocphiwet2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: ocphidry2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: ocphodry2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: dstx01wd2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: dstx01dd2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: dstx02wd2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: dstx02dd2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: dstx03wd2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: dstx03dd2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: dstx04wd2t(:,:) real(r8), save, private, allocatable :: dstx04dd2t(:,:) integer ,save :: nt ! size of time(:) array real(r8),allocatable,save :: time(:) ! data time, elapsed days since 0000-01-01 0s real(r8),parameter :: daysPerYear = 365.0_r8 ! days per year integer,parameter :: debug = 1 ! internal debug level !================================================================================ contains !================================================================================ !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: aerdepini ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine aerdepini() 1,18 ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Dynamically allocate memory and set to signaling NaN. ! ! !USES: use nanMod , only : nan use decompMod , only : get_proc_bounds use clm_varctl , only : faerdep use shr_ncread_mod , only : shr_ncread_tCoord use shr_cal_mod , only : shr_cal_date2eday ! ! !ARGUMENTS: implicit none ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2009-Apr-17 B. Kauffman -- added multi-year time series functionality ! ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: !EOP integer :: ier ! error code integer :: begg,endg ! local beg and end p index character(256) :: locfn ! local file name integer :: ncid,dimid,varid ! input netCDF id's integer,allocatable :: cdate(:) ! calendar date yyyymmdd integer,allocatable :: eday(:) ! elapsed days since 0000-01-01 integer,allocatable :: secs(:) ! elapsed secs within current date integer :: n ! loop index integer :: m1,m2 ! month 1, month 2 integer, parameter :: ndaypm(12) = & (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) !days per month character(*),parameter :: subName = '(aerdepini) ' character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(aerdepini) ',4a)" character(*),parameter :: F01 = "('(aerdepini) ',a,4f13.3)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_proc_bounds(begg=begg,endg=endg) if ( set_caerdep_from_file )then ier = 0 if(.not.allocated(bcphiwet2t)) then allocate(bcphiwet2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(bcphidry2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(bcphodry2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(ocphiwet2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(ocphidry2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(ocphodry2t(begg:endg,2)) endif if (ier /= 0) call endrun( 'aerdepini allocation error' ) bcphiwet2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan bcphidry2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan bcphodry2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan ocphiwet2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan ocphidry2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan ocphodry2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan end if if ( set_dustdep_from_file )then if(.not.allocated(dstx01wd2t)) then allocate(dstx01wd2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(dstx01dd2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(dstx02wd2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(dstx02dd2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(dstx03wd2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(dstx03dd2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(dstx04wd2t(begg:endg,2)) allocate(dstx04dd2t(begg:endg,2)) endif if (ier /= 0) call endrun( 'aerdepini allocation error' ) dstx01wd2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan dstx01dd2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan dstx02wd2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan dstx02dd2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan dstx03wd2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan dstx03dd2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan dstx04wd2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan dstx04dd2t(begg:endg,1:2) = nan end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read time axis from data file !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F00) "Read time axis from ",trim(faerdep) if (masterproc) then call getfil(faerdep, locfn, 0) call check_ret(nf_open (locfn, 0, ncid ), subname) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid (ncid, 'time', dimid), subname) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid, nt ), subname) endif call mpi_bcast (nt, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, mpicom, ier) if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,*) subName,"number of time samples in file = ",nt allocate(time(nt)) if ( nt < 12) then write(iulog,F00) "ERROR: input data must have at least 12 months of data" call endrun(subName//"ERROR: input data must have at least 12 months of data") else if ( nt == 12) then !--- old format => create time axis here --- if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F00) 'nt = 12: assume old format without a CF-1.0 time axis' n = 365 time( 1) = n + float(ndaypm( 1))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm( 1) time( 2) = n + float(ndaypm( 2))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm( 2) time( 3) = n + float(ndaypm( 3))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm( 3) time( 4) = n + float(ndaypm( 4))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm( 4) time( 5) = n + float(ndaypm( 5))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm( 5) time( 6) = n + float(ndaypm( 6))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm( 6) time( 7) = n + float(ndaypm( 7))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm( 7) time( 8) = n + float(ndaypm( 8))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm( 8) time( 9) = n + float(ndaypm( 9))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm( 9) time(10) = n + float(ndaypm(10))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm(10) time(11) = n + float(ndaypm(11))/2.0_r8 ; n = n + ndaypm(11) time(12) = n + float(ndaypm(12))/2.0_r8 if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F01) 'first time series cal date = ',10100.0+ndaypm( 1)/2.0 if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F01) 'last time series cal date = ',11200.0+ndaypm(12)/2.0 else !--- new format => get time axis from data file --- if (masterproc) then write(iulog,F00) "nt > 12: assume new format with a CF-1.0 time axis" allocate(eday(nt),cdate(nt),secs(nt)) call shr_ncread_tCoord(locfn,"time",cdate,secs,ier) !--- convert date & secs to elapsed days since 0000-01-01 0sec --- do n = 1,nt call shr_cal_date2eday(cdate(n),eday(n)) time(n) = float(eday(n)) + float(secs(n))/secspday if (debug>2) write(iulog,*) subName,"n,cdate,secs,time",n,cdate(n),secs(n),time(n) end do write(iulog,F01) 'first time series cal date = ',cdate( 1) + secs( 1)/secspday write(iulog,F01) 'last time series cal date = ',cdate(nt) + secs(nt)/secspday !--- requirement: 1 time sample per month & don't skip months --- do n = 2,nt m1 = mod( cdate(n-1)/100, 100) + 1 ! get month, add one m2 = mod( cdate(n )/100, 100) if (m1==13) m1 = 1 if (m1 .ne. m2) then write(iulog,* ) subname,"cdate(n-1),cdate(n)=",cdate(n-1),cdate(n) write(iulog,* ) subname,"m1 ,m2 =",m1,m2 write(iulog,F00) "ERROR: data must have exactly one sample per month" call endrun(subName//"ERROR: data must have exactly one sample per month") end if if (m1 == 1) then m1 = cdate(n-1)/10000 + 1 ! get year, add one m2 = cdate(n )/10000 if (m1 .ne. m2) then write(iulog,* ) subname,"cdate(n-1),cdate(n)=",cdate(n-1),cdate(n) write(iulog,* ) subname,"m1 ,m2 =",m1,m2 write(iulog,F00) "ERROR: input data skipped a year" call endrun(subName//"ERROR: input data skipped a year") end if end if end do !--- requirement: 1st month is Jan, last is Dec --- m1 = mod( cdate(1 )/100, 100) ! get month, add one m2 = mod( cdate(nt)/100, 100) if ( .or. then write(iulog,F00) "ERROR: first month must be Jan, last Dec" write(iulog,* ) subName,"ERROR: first & last month = ",m1,m2 call endrun(subName//"ERROR: first month must be Jan, last Dec") end if deallocate(eday,cdate,secs) endif call mpi_bcast(time,size(time),MPI_REAL8,0,mpicom,ier) end if if ( masterproc )then write(iulog,F01) 'first time axis elapsed days since 0000-01-01 = ',time( 1) write(iulog,F01) 'last time axis elapsed days since 0000-01-01 = ',time(nt) call shr_sys_flush(iulog) end if end subroutine aerdepini !================================================================================ !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: interpMonthlyAerdep ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine interpMonthlyAerdep () 1,18 ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Determine if 2 new months of data are to be read. ! ! !USES: use clmtype use clm_atmlnd , only : clm_a2l use clm_varctl , only : faerdep use clm_time_manager , only : get_curr_date, get_step_size, get_perp_date, is_perpetual use decompMod , only : get_proc_bounds use shr_cal_mod , only : shr_cal_ymd2eday ! ! !ARGUMENTS: implicit none ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2009-Apr-17 B. Kauffman -- added multi-year time series functionality ! Adapted by Mark Flanner ! ! ! ! local pointers to implicit out arguments ! real(r8), pointer :: forc_aer(:,:) ! aerosol deposition rate (kg/m2/s) ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: !EOP real(r8):: timwt_aer(2) ! time weights for month 1 and month 2 (aerosol deposition) integer :: kyr ! year (0, ...) for nstep+1 integer :: kmo ! month (1, ..., 12) integer :: kda ! day of month (1, ..., 31) integer :: ksec ! seconds into current date for nstep+1 real(r8):: dtime ! land model time step (sec) integer :: g integer :: begg,endg ! beg and end local g index integer :: n ! counter to prevent infinite LB/UB search integer :: edays ! elapsed days since 0000-01-01 0s (excluding partial days) real(r8) :: t ! model time, elapsed days since 0000-01-01 integer ,save :: nLB = 0 ! tLB = time(nLB) integer ,save :: nUB = 1 ! tUB = time(nUB) real(r8),save :: tLB =-1.0 ! upper bound time sample, model time is in [tLB,tUB] real(r8),save :: tUB =-2.0 ! lower bound time sample, model time is in [tLB,tUB] real(r8) :: fUB,fLB ! t-interp fracs for UB,LB logical ,save :: firstCallA = .true. ! id 1st occurance of case A logical ,save :: firstCallB = .true. ! id 1st occurance of case B logical ,save :: firstCallC = .true. ! id 1st occurance of case C character(1) :: case ! flags case A, B, or C logical :: readNewData ! T <=> read new LB,UB data character(*),parameter :: subName = '(interpMonthlyAerdep) ' character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(interpMonthlyAerdep) ',4a)" character(*),parameter :: F01 = "('(interpMonthlyAerdep) ',a,i4.4,2('-',i2.2),3f11.2,2i6,2x,2f6.3)" character(*),parameter :: F02 = "('(interpMonthlyAerdep) ',a,i4.4,2('-',i2.2),i7,'s ',f12.3)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WARNING: this is (and has always been) hard-coded to assume 365 days per year !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Determine necessary indices call get_proc_bounds(begg=begg,endg=endg) ! Assign local pointers to derived subtypes components (gridcell level) forc_aer => clm_a2l%forc_aer !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get model time, convert units to days elapsed since 0000-01-01 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- dtime = get_step_size() if ( is_perpetual() ) then call get_perp_date(kyr, kmo, kda, ksec, offset=int(dtime)) else call get_curr_date(kyr, kmo, kda, ksec, offset=int(dtime)) end if call shr_cal_ymd2eday(kyr,kmo,kda,edays) ! convert to elapsed days t = float(edays) + ksec/secspday if (masterproc .and. debug > 2) then write(iulog,F02) "model date, elapsed days = ", kyr,kmo,kda,ksec,t endif !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! find input data LB & UB, time units are elapsed days since 0000-01-01 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE = "B" ! => interpolate within input time series if (t < time( 1) ) CASE = "A" ! => loop over 1st year of input data if (t > time(nt) ) CASE = "C" ! => loop over last year of input data if ( case == "A" ) then !--- CASE A: loop over first year of data ---------------------- if ( firstCallA ) then if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F00) "CASE A: loop over first year of data" if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F01) "CASE A: model date, t, time(1) = ",kyr,kmo,kda,t,time(1) nLB = 0 ; tLB = -2.0 nUB = 1 ; tUB = -1.0 ! forces search for new LB,UB firstCallA = .false. end if t = mod(t,daysPerYear) + daysPerYear ! CASE A: put t in year 1 n = 0 readNewData = .false. do while (t < tLB .or. tUB < t) readNewData = .true. !--- move tUB,tLB forward in time --- nLB = nLB + 1 ; if (nLB > 12) nLB = 1 nUB = nLB + 1 ; if (nUB > 12) nUB = 1 tLB = mod(time(nLB),daysPerYear) + daysPerYear ! set year to 1 tUB = mod(time(nUB),daysPerYear) + daysPerYear !--- deal with wrap around situation --- if (nLB == 12) then if (tLB <= t ) then tUB = tUB + daysPerYear ! put UB in year 2 else if (t < tUB ) then tLB = tLB - daysPerYear ! put LB in year 1 else call endrun(subName//"ERROR: in case A") end if end if !--- prevent infinite search --- n = n + 1 if (n > 12) then write(iulog,F01) "ERROR: date,tLB,t,tUB = ",kyr,kmo,kda,tLB,t,tUB call endrun(subName//"ERROR: loop over first year, fail to find LB,UB") end if end do else if ( case == "C" ) then !--- CASE C: loop over last year of data ----------------------- if ( firstCallC ) then if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F00) "CASE C: loop over last year of data" if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F01) "CASE C: model date, t, time(nt) = ",kyr,kmo,kda,t,time(nt) nLB = nt-12 ; tLB = -2.0 nUB = nt-11 ; tUB = -1.0 ! forces search for new LB,UB firstCallC = .false. end if t = mod(t,daysPerYear) + daysPerYear ! set year to 1 n = 0 readNewData = .false. do while (t < tLB .or. tUB < t) readNewData = .true. !--- move tUB,tLB forward in time --- nLB = nLB + 1 ; if (nLB > nt) nLB = nt - 11 nUB = nLB + 1 ; if (nUB > nt) nUB = nt - 11 tLB = mod(time(nLB),daysPerYear) + daysPerYear ! set year to 1 tUB = mod(time(nUB),daysPerYear) + daysPerYear !--- deal with wrap around situation --- if (nLB == nt) then if (tLB <= t ) then tUB = tUB + daysPerYear ! put UB in year 2 else if (t < tUB ) then tLB = tLB - daysPerYear ! put LB in year 1 else call endrun(subName//"ERROR: in case A") end if end if !--- prevent infinite search --- n = n + 1 if (n > 12) then if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F01) "ERROR: date,tLB,t,tUB = ",kyr,kmo,kda,tLB,t,tUB call endrun(subName//"ERROR: loop over first year, fail to find LB,UB") end if end do else !--- CASE B: interpolate within time series -------------------- if ( firstCallB ) then if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F01) "CASE B: interpolate within time series" if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F01) "CASE B: date, time(1), model t, time(nt) = ",kyr,kmo,kda,time(1),t,time(nt) nLB = 0 ; tLB = -2.0 nUB = 1 ; tUB = -1.0 ! forces search for new LB,UB firstCallB = .false. end if readNewData = .false. do while (tUB < t) readNewData = .true. nLB = nLB + 1 nUB = nLB + 1 tLB = time(nLB) tUB = time(nUB) if (nUB > nt) call endrun(subName//"ERROR: nt < nUB") end do end if if (readNewData) then if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F02) "read new data: model date, t = ", kyr,kmo,kda,ksec,t call readMonthlyAerdep (faerdep, nLB, nUB) ! input the new LB,UB data end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! interpolate aerosol deposition data into 'forcing' array: !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- fLB = (tUB - t)/(tUB - tLB) fUB = 1.0_r8 - fLB if (debug>2 .or. (debug==1 .and. (kda==1 .or. kda==15) .and. ksec==0)) then if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,F01) "date,tLB,t,tUB,nLB,nUB,fLB,fUB = ", kyr,kmo,kda,tLB,t,tUB,nLB,nUB,fLB,fUB endif do g = begg, endg if ( set_caerdep_from_file )then forc_aer(g, 1) = fLB*bcphidry2t(g,1) + fUB*bcphidry2t(g,2) forc_aer(g, 2) = fLB*bcphodry2t(g,1) + fUB*bcphodry2t(g,2) forc_aer(g, 3) = fLB*bcphiwet2t(g,1) + fUB*bcphiwet2t(g,2) forc_aer(g, 4) = fLB*ocphidry2t(g,1) + fUB*ocphidry2t(g,2) forc_aer(g, 5) = fLB*ocphodry2t(g,1) + fUB*ocphodry2t(g,2) forc_aer(g, 6) = fLB*ocphiwet2t(g,1) + fUB*ocphiwet2t(g,2) end if if ( set_dustdep_from_file )then forc_aer(g, 7) = fLB*dstx01wd2t(g,1) + fUB*dstx01wd2t(g,2) forc_aer(g, 8) = fLB*dstx01dd2t(g,1) + fUB*dstx01dd2t(g,2) forc_aer(g, 9) = fLB*dstx02wd2t(g,1) + fUB*dstx02wd2t(g,2) forc_aer(g,10) = fLB*dstx02dd2t(g,1) + fUB*dstx02dd2t(g,2) forc_aer(g,11) = fLB*dstx03wd2t(g,1) + fUB*dstx03wd2t(g,2) forc_aer(g,12) = fLB*dstx03dd2t(g,1) + fUB*dstx03dd2t(g,2) forc_aer(g,13) = fLB*dstx04wd2t(g,1) + fUB*dstx04wd2t(g,2) forc_aer(g,14) = fLB*dstx04dd2t(g,1) + fUB*dstx04dd2t(g,2) end if enddo end subroutine interpMonthlyAerdep !================================================================================ !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: readMonthlyAerdep ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine readMonthlyAerdep (faer, n1, n2 ) 1,47 ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Read monthly aerosol deposition data for two consec. months. ! ! !USES: use clmtype use decompMod , only : get_proc_bounds use clm_varpar , only : lsmlon, lsmlat use clm_time_manager, only : get_nstep ! ! !ARGUMENTS: implicit none include '' character(len=*), intent(in) :: faer ! file with monthly aerosol deposition integer, intent(in) :: n1,n2 ! time index for samples 1 & 2 ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! Adapted by Mark Flanner ! ! ! ! local pointers to implicit out arguments ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: !EOP character(len=256) :: locfn ! local file name integer :: k,n ! indices integer :: ncid,dimid,varid ! input netCDF id's integer :: beg3d(3),len3d(3) ! netCDF variable edges integer :: ntim ! number of input data time samples integer :: nlon_i ! number of input data longitudes integer :: nlat_i ! number of input data latitudes integer :: begg,endg ! beg and end local g index integer :: ier,ret ! error code integer :: closelatidx,closelonidx real(r8):: closelat,closelon real(r8), pointer :: arrayl(:) ! temp local array character(*),parameter :: subname = '(readMonthlyAerdep) ' !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Determine necessary indices call get_proc_bounds(begg=begg,endg=endg) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Open monthly aerosol file ! Read data and store in clmtype ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,*) subName,'read samples ',n1,n2,' from ',trim(faer) do k=1,2 !loop over months and read aerosol data if (k==1) n = n1 if (k==2) n = n2 if (masterproc) then call getfil(faer, locfn, 0) call check_ret(nf_open(locfn, 0, ncid), subname) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid (ncid, 'lon', dimid), subname) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid, nlon_i), subname) if (.not.single_column) then if (nlon_i /= lsmlon) then if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,*)subname,' parameter lsmlon= ',lsmlon,'does not equal input nlon_i= ',nlon_i call endrun( subname//' ERROR:: lsmlon does NOT equal input nlon' ) end if endif call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid(ncid, 'lat', dimid), subname) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid, nlat_i), subname) if (.not.single_column ) then if (nlat_i /= lsmlat) then if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,*)subname,' parameter lsmlat= ',lsmlat,'does not equal input nlat_i= ',nlat_i call endrun( subname//' ERROR:: lsmlat does NOT equal input nlat' ) end if endif call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid(ncid, 'time', dimid), subname) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid, ntim), subname) else nlon_i = lsmlon nlat_i = lsmlon endif ! masterproc call mpi_bcast (nlon_i, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, mpicom, ier) call mpi_bcast (nlat_i, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, mpicom, ier) call mpi_bcast (ntim , 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, mpicom, ier) if (single_column) then call scam_setlatlonidx(ncid,scmlat,scmlon,closelat,closelon,closelatidx,closelonidx) endif allocate(arrayl(begg:endg),stat=ier) if (ier /= 0) call endrun( subname//' ERROR:: allocation array error' ) if (single_column) then beg3d(1) = closelonidx; len3d(1) = 1 beg3d(2) = closelatidx; len3d(2) = 1 else beg3d(1) = 1 ; len3d(1) = nlon_i beg3d(2) = 1 ; len3d(2) = nlat_i end if beg3d(3) = n ; len3d(3) = 1 call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'BCDEPWET','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_BCPHIWET NOT on faer file' ) bcphiwet2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'BCPHIDRY','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_BCPHIDRY NOT on faer file' ) bcphidry2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'BCPHODRY','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_BCPHODRY NOT on faer file' ) bcphodry2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'OCDEPWET','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_OCPHIWET NOT on faer file' ) ocphiwet2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'OCPHIDRY','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_OCPHIDRY NOT on faer file' ) ocphidry2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'OCPHODRY','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_OCPHODRY NOT on faer file' ) ocphodry2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'DSTX01WD','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_DSTX01WD NOT on faer file' ) dstx01wd2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'DSTX01DD','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_DSTX01DD NOT on faer file' ) dstx01dd2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'DSTX02WD','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_DSTX02WD NOT on faer file' ) dstx02wd2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'DSTX02DD','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_DSTX02DD NOT on faer file' ) dstx02dd2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'DSTX03WD','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_DSTX03WD NOT on faer file' ) dstx03wd2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'DSTX03DD','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_DSTX03DD NOT on faer file' ) dstx03dd2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'DSTX04WD','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_DSTX04WD NOT on faer file' ) dstx04wd2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) call ncd_iolocal(ncid,'DSTX04DD','read',arrayl,grlnd,beg3d,len3d,status=ret) if (ret /= 0) call endrun( trim(subname)//' ERROR: MONTHLY_DSTX04DD NOT on faer file' ) dstx04dd2t(begg:endg,k) = arrayl(begg:endg) deallocate(arrayl) if (masterproc) then call check_ret(nf_close(ncid), subname) if (debug>1) then write(iulog,*) subName,'Successfully read aerosol data for index n = ',n write(iulog,*) call shr_sys_flush(iulog) end if end if end do ! end of loop over months end subroutine readMonthlyAerdep end module aerdepMod