module clm_glclnd 6,6

! !MODULE: clm_glclnd
! Handle arrays used for exchanging data between glc and land model.
! Based on clm_atmlnd (but without mapping routines because glc data
!  is send and received on the lnd decomposition, at least for now).
! The fields sent from the lnd component to the glc component via
!  the coupler are labeled 's2x', or sno to coupler.
! The fields received by the lnd component from the glc component
!  via the coupler are labeled 'x2s', or coupler to sno.
! 'Sno' is a misnomer in that the exchanged data are related to
!  the ice beneath the snow, not the snow itself.  But by CCSM convention,
! 'ice' refers to sea ice, not land ice.
! !USES:
  use decompMod   , only : get_proc_bounds, get_proc_bounds_atm
  use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
  use nanMod      , only : nan
  use spmdMod     , only : masterproc
  use clm_varctl  , only : iulog
  use clm_varctl  , only : glc_nec
! Created by William Lipscomb, Dec. 2007, based on clm_atmlnd.F90.
  implicit none

! glc -> land variables structure
  type glc2lnd_type
     real(r8), pointer :: frac(:,:) 
     real(r8), pointer :: topo(:,:) 
     real(r8), pointer :: rofi(:,:) 
     real(r8), pointer :: rofl(:,:) 
     real(r8), pointer :: hflx(:,:) 
  end type glc2lnd_type

! land -> glc variables structure
  type lnd2glc_type
     real(r8), pointer :: tsrf(:,:) 
     real(r8), pointer :: topo(:,:)
     real(r8), pointer :: qice(:,:)
  end type lnd2glc_type

  type (lnd2glc_type), public, target :: clm_s2x  ! s2x fields on clm grid
  type (glc2lnd_type), public, target :: clm_x2s  ! x2s fields on clm grid

  type (lnd2glc_type), public, target :: atm_s2x  ! s2x fields on atm grid
  type (glc2lnd_type), public, target :: atm_x2s  ! x2s fields on atm grid

  public :: init_glc2lnd_type
  public :: init_lnd2glc_type
  public :: clm_maps2x
  public :: clm_mapx2s



! !IROUTINE: init_glc2lnd_type

  subroutine init_glc2lnd_type(beg, end, x2s) 2
! Initialize glc variables required by the land
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in) :: beg, end
  type (glc2lnd_type), intent(inout):: x2s
! Created by William Lipscomb, based on init_atm2lnd_type
  real(r8) :: ival   ! initial value


! ival = nan      ! causes core dump in map_maparray, tcx fix
  ival = 0.0_r8

  x2s%frac(beg:end,:) = ival
  x2s%topo(beg:end,:) = ival
  x2s%rofi(beg:end,:) = ival
  x2s%rofl(beg:end,:) = ival
  x2s%hflx(beg:end,:) = ival

end subroutine init_glc2lnd_type

! !IROUTINE: init_lnd2glc_type

  subroutine init_lnd2glc_type(beg, end, s2x) 2
! Initialize land variables required by glc
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in) :: beg, end
  type (lnd2glc_type), intent(inout):: s2x
! Created by William Lipscomb, based on init_lnd2atm_type
  real(r8) :: ival   ! initial value


! ival = nan      ! causes core dump in map_maparray, tcx fix
  ival = 0.0_r8

  s2x%tsrf(beg:end,:) = ival
  s2x%topo(beg:end,:) = ival
  s2x%qice(beg:end,:) = ival

end subroutine init_lnd2glc_type

! !IROUTINE: clm_maps2x

  subroutine clm_maps2x(s2x_src, s2x_dst) 2,4
! Maps lnd2glc fields from clm grid to external grid
! !USES:
  use areaMod  , only : map_maparrayl, map1dl_l2a
  implicit none
  type(lnd2glc_type), intent(in)  :: s2x_src
  type(lnd2glc_type), intent(out) :: s2x_dst
! Created by William Lipscomb based on clm_mapl2a 
  integer :: n                     ! loop counter
  integer :: ix                    ! field index
  integer :: nflds                 ! number of fields to be mapped
  integer :: begg_s,endg_s         ! beg,end of input grid
  integer :: begg_d,endg_d         ! beg,end of output grid
  real(r8),pointer :: asrc(:,:)    ! temporary source data
  real(r8),pointer :: adst(:,:)    ! temporary dest data
  !--- allocate temporaries
  call get_proc_bounds    (begg_s, endg_s)
  call get_proc_bounds_atm(begg_d, endg_d)
  nflds = 3    

  do n = 1, glc_nec
     ix = 0
     ix=ix+1; asrc(:,ix) = s2x_src%tsrf(:,n)  
     ix=ix+1; asrc(:,ix) = s2x_src%topo(:,n)  
     ix=ix+1; asrc(:,ix) = s2x_src%qice(:,n)  
     call map_maparrayl(begg_s, endg_s, begg_d, endg_d, nflds, asrc, adst, map1dl_l2a)
     ix = 0
     ix=ix+1; s2x_dst%tsrf(:,n) = adst(:,ix)
     ix=ix+1; s2x_dst%topo(:,n) = adst(:,ix)
     ix=ix+1; s2x_dst%qice(:,n) = adst(:,ix)
  enddo  ! loop over elevation classes

end subroutine clm_maps2x
! !IROUTINE: clm_mapx2s

  subroutine clm_mapx2s(x2s_src, x2s_dst) 1,6
! Maps glc2lnd fields from external grid to clm grid
! !USES:
  use areaMod  , only : map_maparrayl, map1dl_a2l, map1dl_l2a, map_setptrs
  use decompMod, only : ldecomp,adecomp
  use domainMod, only : ldomain,adomain
  implicit none
  type(glc2lnd_type), intent(in)  :: x2s_src
  type(glc2lnd_type), intent(out) :: x2s_dst
! Created by William Lipscomb based on clm_mapa2l 
  integer :: n                     ! loop counter
  integer :: ix                    ! field index
  integer :: nflds                 ! number of fields to be mapped
  integer :: begg_s,endg_s         ! beg,end of input grid
  integer :: begg_d,endg_d         ! beg,end of output grid
  real(r8),pointer :: asrc(:,:)    ! temporary source data
  real(r8),pointer :: adst(:,:)    ! temporary dest data
  logical  :: first_call = .true.
  if (first_call .and. masterproc) then
    write(iulog,*) 'clm_mapx2s subroutine'
  !--- allocate temporaries
  call get_proc_bounds_atm(begg_s, endg_s)
  call get_proc_bounds    (begg_d, endg_d)
  nflds = 5

  do n = 1, glc_nec
     ix = 0
     ix=ix+1; asrc(:,ix) = x2s_src%frac(:,n)  
     ix=ix+1; asrc(:,ix) = x2s_src%topo(:,n)  
     ix=ix+1; asrc(:,ix) = x2s_src%rofi(:,n)  
     ix=ix+1; asrc(:,ix) = x2s_src%rofl(:,n)  
     ix=ix+1; asrc(:,ix) = x2s_src%hflx(:,n)  
     call map_maparrayl(begg_s, endg_s, begg_d, endg_d, nflds, asrc, adst, map1dl_a2l)
     ix = 0
     ix=ix+1; x2s_dst%frac(:,n)  =   adst(:,ix)
     ix=ix+1; x2s_dst%topo(:,n)  =   adst(:,ix)
     ix=ix+1; x2s_dst%rofi(:,n)  =   adst(:,ix)
     ix=ix+1; x2s_dst%rofl(:,n)  =   adst(:,ix)
     ix=ix+1; x2s_dst%hflx(:,n)  =   adst(:,ix)



  if (first_call.and.masterproc) then
    write(iulog,*) 'clm_mapx2s mapping complete'

  first_call = .false.

  end subroutine clm_mapx2s
! !IROUTINE: create_clm_s2x

  subroutine create_clm_s2x(clm_s2x) 2,7
! Assign values to clm_s2x based on the appropriate derived types
! !USES:
  use clm_varctl, only : glc_smb
!!  use clm_varctl  , only : csm_doflxave_lg
  use clmtype     , only : clm3
!!  use clm_varpar  , only : nlevsoi
  use domainMod   , only : ldomain
  use clm_varcon  , only : istice_mec
  use clm_atmlnd  , only : clm_l2a, clm_a2l
  use clm_varcon  , only : spval

  implicit none

  type(lnd2glc_type), intent(out) :: clm_s2x
! Written by William Lipscomb, Feb. 2009 

    integer :: begg, endg              ! per-proc beginning and ending gridcell indices
    integer :: begc, endc              ! per-proc beginning and ending column indices
    integer :: c, l, g, n              ! indices
    integer , pointer :: ityplun(:)    ! landunit type
    integer , pointer :: clandunit(:)  ! column's landunit index
    integer , pointer :: cgridcell(:)  ! column's gridcell index

    ! Assign local pointers to derived type members

    clandunit     => clm3%g%l%c%landunit
    cgridcell     => clm3%g%l%c%gridcell
    ityplun       => clm3%g%l%itype

    ! Get processor bounds

    call get_proc_bounds(begg, endg, begc=begc, endc=endc)

    ! initialize to be safe
    clm_s2x%tsrf(:,:) = 0._r8
    clm_s2x%topo(:,:) = 0._r8
    clm_s2x%qice(:,:) = 0._r8

    ! fill the clm_s2x vector on the clm grid

    if (glc_smb) then   ! send surface mass balance info

       do c = begc, endc
          l = clandunit(c)
          g = cgridcell(c)

          if (ityplun(l) == istice_mec) then
             n = c - clm3%g%l%coli(l) + 1    ! elevation class index
                                             ! (assumes all elevation classes are populated)
             clm_s2x%tsrf(g,n) = clm3%g%l%c%ces%t_soisno(c,1)
             clm_s2x%qice(g,n) = clm3%g%l%c%cwf%qflx_glcice(c)
             clm_s2x%topo(g,n) = clm3%g%l%c%cps%glc_topo(c)

             ! Check for bad values of qice
             if ( abs(clm_s2x%qice(g,n)) > 1.0_r8 .and. clm_s2x%qice(g,n) /= spval) then
                write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: qice out of bounds: g, n, qice =', g, n, clm_s2x%qice(g,n)

           endif    ! istice_mec
       enddo        ! c

    else  ! Pass PDD info (same info in each elevation class)
             ! It might make sense to require glc_nec = 1 for this case

       do n = 1, glc_nec
          do g = begg, endg
             clm_s2x%tsrf(g,n) = clm_l2a%t_ref2m(g)
             clm_s2x%qice(g,n) = clm_a2l%forc_snow(g)   ! Assume rain runs off
             clm_s2x%topo(g,n) = ldomain%topo(g)

             ! Check for bad values of qice
             if (clm_s2x%qice(g,n) > -1.0_r8 .and. clm_s2x%qice(g,n) < 1.0_r8) then
                write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: qice out of bounds: g, n, qice =', g, n, clm_s2x%qice(g,n)
                write(iulog,*) 'forc_rain =', clm_a2l%forc_rain(g)
                write(iulog,*) 'forc_snow =', clm_a2l%forc_snow(g)


    endif   ! glc_smb

end subroutine create_clm_s2x

! !IROUTINE: unpack_clm_x2s

  subroutine unpack_clm_x2s(clm_x2s) 1,2
! Unpack clm_x2s and update the appropriate derived types
! !USES:
  use clm_varcon  , only : istice_mec
  use clmtype     , only : clm3

  implicit none

  type(glc2lnd_type), intent(in) :: clm_x2s
! Written by William Lipscomb, Feb. 2009 
    integer :: begc, endc              ! per-proc beginning and ending column indices
    integer :: c, l, g, n              ! indices
    integer , pointer :: ityplun(:)    ! landunit type
    integer , pointer :: clandunit(:)  ! column's landunit index
    integer , pointer :: cgridcell(:)  ! column's gridcell index

    logical :: update_glc2sno_fields   ! if true, update glacier_mec fields

    ! Assign local pointers to derived type members

    clandunit     => clm3%g%l%c%landunit
    cgridcell     => clm3%g%l%c%gridcell
    ityplun       => clm3%g%l%itype

    update_glc2sno_fields = .false.
    if (update_glc2sno_fields) then 
       do c = begc, endc
          l = clandunit(c)
          g = cgridcell(c)

          if (ityplun(l) == istice_mec) then
             n = c - clm3%g%l%coli(l) + 1    ! elevation class index
             clm3%g%l%c%cps%glc_frac(c) = clm_x2s%frac(g,n)
             clm3%g%l%c%cps%glc_topo(c) = clm_x2s%topo(g,n)
             clm3%g%l%c%cwf%glc_rofi(c) = clm_x2s%rofi(g,n)
             clm3%g%l%c%cwf%glc_rofl(c) = clm_x2s%rofl(g,n)
             clm3%g%l%c%cef%eflx_bot(c) = clm_x2s%hflx(g,n)


    endif   ! update fields

    end subroutine unpack_clm_x2s


end module clm_glclnd