#include <misc.h>
#include <preproc.h>

module pftvarcon 19,4

! !MODULE: pftvarcon
! Module containing vegetation constants and method to
! read and initialize vegetation (PFT) constants.
! !USES:
  use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
  use abortutils  , only : endrun
  use clm_varpar  , only : numpft, numrad
  use clm_varctl  , only : iulog
  implicit none
! Vegetation type constants
  character(len=40) pftname(0:numpft) !PFT description

  integer :: noveg                  !value for not vegetated 
  integer :: ndllf_evr_tmp_tree     !value for Needleleaf evergreen temperate tree
  integer :: ndllf_evr_brl_tree     !value for Needleleaf evergreen boreal tree
  integer :: ndllf_dcd_brl_tree     !value for Needleleaf deciduous boreal tree
  integer :: nbrdlf_evr_trp_tree    !value for Broadleaf evergreen tropical tree
  integer :: nbrdlf_evr_tmp_tree    !value for Broadleaf evergreen temperate tree
  integer :: nbrdlf_dcd_trp_tree    !value for Broadleaf deciduous tropical tree
  integer :: nbrdlf_dcd_tmp_tree    !value for Broadleaf deciduous temperate tree
  integer :: nbrdlf_dcd_brl_tree    !value for Broadleaf deciduous boreal tree
  integer :: ntree                  !value for last type of tree
  integer :: nbrdlf_evr_shrub       !value for Broadleaf evergreen shrub
  integer :: nbrdlf_dcd_tmp_shrub   !value for Broadleaf deciduous temperate shrub
  integer :: nbrdlf_dcd_brl_shrub   !value for Broadleaf deciduous boreal shrub
  integer :: nc3_arctic_grass       !value for C3 arctic grass
  integer :: nc3_nonarctic_grass    !value for C3 non-arctic grass
  integer :: nc4_grass              !value for C4 grass
  integer :: ncorn                  !value for corn
  integer :: nwheat                 !value for wheat

  real(r8):: dleaf(0:numpft)       !characteristic leaf dimension (m)
  real(r8):: c3psn(0:numpft)       !photosynthetic pathway: 0. = c4, 1. = c3
  real(r8):: vcmx25(0:numpft)      !max rate of carboxylation at 25C (umol CO2/m**2/s)
  real(r8):: mp(0:numpft)          !slope of conductance-to-photosynthesis relationship
  real(r8):: qe25(0:numpft)        !quantum efficiency at 25C (umol CO2 / umol photon)
  real(r8):: xl(0:numpft)          !leaf/stem orientation index
  real(r8):: rhol(0:numpft,numrad) !leaf reflectance: 1=vis, 2=nir
  real(r8):: rhos(0:numpft,numrad) !stem reflectance: 1=vis, 2=nir
  real(r8):: taul(0:numpft,numrad) !leaf transmittance: 1=vis, 2=nir
  real(r8):: taus(0:numpft,numrad) !stem transmittance: 1=vis, 2=nir
  real(r8):: z0mr(0:numpft)        !ratio of momentum roughness length to canopy top height (-)
  real(r8):: displar(0:numpft)     !ratio of displacement height to canopy top height (-)
  real(r8):: roota_par(0:numpft)   !CLM rooting distribution parameter [1/m]
  real(r8):: rootb_par(0:numpft)   !CLM rooting distribution parameter [1/m]
  real(r8):: crop(0:numpft)        ! crop pft: 0. = not crop, 1. = crop pft
! real(r8):: sla(0:numpft)         ! specific leaf area [m2 leaf g-1 carbon]
  real(r8):: smpso(0:numpft)       !soil water potential at full stomatal opening (mm)
  real(r8):: smpsc(0:numpft)       !soil water potential at full stomatal closure (mm)
  real(r8):: fnitr(0:numpft)       !foliage nitrogen limitation factor (-)
  ! begin new pft parameters for CN code
  real(r8):: slatop(0:numpft)      !SLA at top of canopy [m^2/gC]
  real(r8):: dsladlai(0:numpft)    !dSLA/dLAI [m^2/gC]
  real(r8):: leafcn(0:numpft)      !leaf C:N [gC/gN]
  real(r8):: flnr(0:numpft)        !fraction of leaf N in Rubisco [no units]
  real(r8):: woody(0:numpft)       !woody lifeform flag (0 or 1)
  real(r8):: lflitcn(0:numpft)      !leaf litter C:N (gC/gN)
  real(r8):: frootcn(0:numpft)      !fine root C:N (gC/gN)
  real(r8):: livewdcn(0:numpft)     !live wood (phloem and ray parenchyma) C:N (gC/gN)
  real(r8):: deadwdcn(0:numpft)     !dead wood (xylem and heartwood) C:N (gC/gN)

  real(r8):: froot_leaf(0:numpft)   !allocation parameter: new fine root C per new leaf C (gC/gC) 
  real(r8):: stem_leaf(0:numpft)    !allocation parameter: new stem c per new leaf C (gC/gC)
  real(r8):: croot_stem(0:numpft)   !allocation parameter: new coarse root C per new stem C (gC/gC)
  real(r8):: flivewd(0:numpft)      !allocation parameter: fraction of new wood that is live (phloem and ray parenchyma) (no units)
  real(r8):: fcur(0:numpft)         !allocation parameter: fraction of allocation that goes to currently displayed growth, remainder to storage
  real(r8):: lf_flab(0:numpft)      !leaf litter labile fraction
  real(r8):: lf_fcel(0:numpft)      !leaf litter cellulose fraction
  real(r8):: lf_flig(0:numpft)      !leaf litter lignin fraction
  real(r8):: fr_flab(0:numpft)      !fine root litter labile fraction
  real(r8):: fr_fcel(0:numpft)      !fine root litter cellulose fraction
  real(r8):: fr_flig(0:numpft)      !fine root litter lignin fraction
  real(r8):: dw_fcel(0:numpft)      !dead wood cellulose fraction
  real(r8):: dw_flig(0:numpft)      !dead wood lignin fraction
  real(r8):: leaf_long(0:numpft)    !leaf longevity (yrs)
  real(r8):: evergreen(0:numpft)    !binary flag for evergreen leaf habit (0 or 1)
  real(r8):: stress_decid(0:numpft) !binary flag for stress-deciduous leaf habit (0 or 1)
  real(r8):: season_decid(0:numpft) !binary flag for seasonal-deciduous leaf habit (0 or 1)

  ! new pft parameters for CN-fire code
  real(r8):: resist(0:numpft)       !resistance to fire (no units)

  ! pft parameters for CNDV code
  ! from LPJ subroutine pftparameters
  real(r8) pftpar20(0:numpft)       !tree maximum crown area (m2)
  real(r8) pftpar28(0:numpft)       !min coldest monthly mean temperature
  real(r8) pftpar29(0:numpft)       !max coldest monthly mean temperature
  real(r8) pftpar30(0:numpft)       !min growing degree days (>= 5 deg C)
  real(r8) pftpar31(0:numpft)       !upper limit of temperature of the warmest month (twmax)
  real(r8), parameter :: reinickerp = 1.6_r8 !parameter in allometric equation
  real(r8), parameter :: dwood  = 2.5e5_r8   !cn wood density (gC/m3); lpj:2.0e5
  real(r8), parameter :: allom1 = 100.0_r8   !parameters in
  real(r8), parameter :: allom2 =  40.0_r8   !...allometric
  real(r8), parameter :: allom3 =   0.5_r8   !...equations
  real(r8), parameter :: allom1s = 250.0_r8  !modified for shrubs by
  real(r8), parameter :: allom2s =   8.0_r8  !X.D.Z
  public :: pftconrd ! Read and initialize vegetation (PFT) constants
! Created by Sam Levis (put into module form by Mariana Vertenstein)
! 10/21/03, Peter Thornton: Added new variables for CN code
! 06/24/09, Erik Kluzek: Add indices for all pft types, and add expected_pftnames array and comparision


! !IROUTINE: pftconrd

  subroutine pftconrd 1,10
! Read and initialize vegetation (PFT) constants
! !USES:
    use fileutils , only : opnfil, getfil, relavu, getavu
    use clm_varctl, only : fpftcon
    use spmdMod   , only : masterproc, mpicom, MPI_REAL8, MPI_CHARACTER, MPI_INTEGER
    use nanMod    , only : inf
    implicit none
! routine initialize in module initializeMod
! Created by Gordon Bonan
    character(len=256) :: locfn ! local file name
    integer :: i,n              ! loop indices
    integer :: ier              ! error code
    ! Expected PFT names: The names expected on the fpftcon file and the order they are expected to be in.
    ! NOTE: similar types are assumed to be together, first trees (ending with broadleaf_deciduous_boreal_tree
    !       then shrubs, ending with broadleaf_deciduous_boreal_shrub, then grasses starting with c3_arctic_grass
    !       and finally crops, ending with wheat
    character(len=*), parameter :: expected_pftnames(1:numpft) = (/ &
                 'needleleaf_evergreen_temperate_tree'  &
               , 'needleleaf_evergreen_boreal_tree   '  &
               , 'needleleaf_deciduous_boreal_tree   '  &
               , 'broadleaf_evergreen_tropical_tree  '  &
               , 'broadleaf_evergreen_temperate_tree '  &
               , 'broadleaf_deciduous_tropical_tree  '  &
               , 'broadleaf_deciduous_temperate_tree '  &
               , 'broadleaf_deciduous_boreal_tree    '  &
               , 'broadleaf_evergreen_shrub          '  &
               , 'broadleaf_deciduous_temperate_shrub'  &
               , 'broadleaf_deciduous_boreal_shrub   '  &
               , 'c3_arctic_grass                    '  &
               , 'c3_non-arctic_grass                '  &
               , 'c4_grass                           '  &
               , 'corn                               '  &
               , 'wheat                              '  &

    ! Set specific vegetation type values

    noveg                =  0  ! value for non-vegetated

    ! Assign unit number to file. Get local file.
    ! Open file and read PFT's.
    ! Close and release file.

    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read PFT physiological data .....'
       n = getavu()
       call getfil (fpftcon, locfn, 0)
       call opnfil (locfn, n, 'f')
       do i = 1, numpft
          read (n,*,iostat=ier)  pftname(i),              &
               z0mr(i)   , displar(i), dleaf(i)  , c3psn(i)  , &
               vcmx25(i) , mp(i)     , qe25(i)   , rhol(i,1) , &
               rhol(i,2) , rhos(i,1) , rhos(i,2) , taul(i,1) , &
               taul(i,2) , taus(i,1) , taus(i,2) , xl(i)     , &
               roota_par(i), rootb_par(i), slatop(i), dsladlai(i), &
					leafcn(i), flnr(i), &
                                        smpso(i), smpsc(i), fnitr(i), &                   ! End of Standard model
               woody(i), lflitcn(i), frootcn(i), livewdcn(i), &                           ! Start of CN
               deadwdcn(i), froot_leaf(i), stem_leaf(i), croot_stem(i), &
               flivewd(i), fcur(i), lf_flab(i), lf_fcel(i), lf_flig(i), &
               fr_flab(i), fr_fcel(i), fr_flig(i), dw_fcel(i), dw_flig(i), &
               leaf_long(i), evergreen(i), stress_decid(i), season_decid(i), &
               resist(i), &                                                               ! End of CN
               pftpar20(i), pftpar28(i), pftpar29(i), pftpar30(i), pftpar31(i)            ! CNDV only
          if (ier /= 0) then
             write(iulog,*)'pftconrd: error in reading in pft data'
             call endrun()
          end if
       end do
       call relavu (n)
    end if

    call mpi_bcast (pftname, (numpft+1)*len(pftname(noveg)), MPI_CHARACTER, 0, mpicom, ier)
    do i = 1, numpft
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) /= trim(expected_pftnames(i)) )then
          write(iulog,*)'pftconrd: pftname is NOT what is expected, name = ', &
                        trim(pftname(i)), ', expected name = ', trim(expected_pftnames(i))
          call endrun( 'pftconrd: bad name for pft on fpftcon dataset' )
       end if
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'needleleaf_evergreen_temperate_tree' ) ndllf_evr_tmp_tree  = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'needleleaf_evergreen_boreal_tree'    ) ndllf_evr_brl_tree  = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'needleleaf_deciduous_boreal_tree'    ) ndllf_dcd_brl_tree  = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'broadleaf_evergreen_tropical_tree'   ) nbrdlf_evr_trp_tree  = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'broadleaf_evergreen_temperate_tree'  ) nbrdlf_evr_tmp_tree  = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'broadleaf_deciduous_tropical_tree'   ) nbrdlf_dcd_trp_tree  = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'broadleaf_deciduous_temperate_tree'  ) nbrdlf_dcd_tmp_tree  = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'broadleaf_deciduous_boreal_tree'     ) nbrdlf_dcd_brl_tree  = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'broadleaf_evergreen_shrub'           ) nbrdlf_evr_shrub     = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'broadleaf_deciduous_temperate_shrub' ) nbrdlf_dcd_tmp_shrub = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'broadleaf_deciduous_boreal_shrub'    ) nbrdlf_dcd_brl_shrub = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'c3_arctic_grass'                     ) nc3_arctic_grass     = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'c3_non-arctic_grass'                 ) nc3_nonarctic_grass  = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'c4_grass'                            ) nc4_grass            = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'corn'                                ) ncorn               = i
       if ( trim(pftname(i)) == 'wheat'                               ) nwheat              = i
    end do

    ntree                = nbrdlf_dcd_brl_tree  ! value for last type of tree

    ! Only do the following on masterproc to emulate having read it from a file
    ! After this will do a broadcast to send these settings and what read from the file to all processors
    if (masterproc) then

       ! Set some crop-related parameters explicitly here
       ! (in future will be on pft dataset)

       crop(:)              = 0
       crop(ncorn:numpft) = 1

       ! Define array values for PFT=noveg to be bare ground

       pftname(noveg)      = 'not_vegetated'
       z0mr(noveg)         = 0._r8
       displar(noveg)      = 0._r8
       dleaf(noveg)        = 0._r8
       c3psn(noveg)        = 1._r8
       vcmx25(noveg)       = 0._r8
       mp(noveg)           = 9._r8
       qe25(noveg)         = 0._r8
       rhol(noveg,1)       = 0._r8
       rhol(noveg,2)       = 0._r8
       rhos(noveg,1)       = 0._r8
       rhos(noveg,2)       = 0._r8
       taul(noveg,1)       = 0._r8
       taul(noveg,2)       = 0._r8
       taus(noveg,1)       = 0._r8
       taus(noveg,2)       = 0._r8
       xl(noveg)           = 0._r8
       roota_par(noveg)    = 0._r8
       rootb_par(noveg)    = 0._r8
       crop(noveg)         = 0._r8
       smpso(noveg)        = 0._r8
       smpsc(noveg)        = 0._r8
       fnitr(noveg)        = 0._r8
       slatop(noveg)       = 0._r8
       dsladlai(noveg)     = 0._r8
       leafcn(noveg)       = 1._r8
       flnr(noveg)         = 0._r8
       ! begin variables used only for CN code
       woody(noveg)        = 0._r8
       lflitcn(noveg)      = 1._r8
       frootcn(noveg)      = 1._r8
       livewdcn(noveg)     = 1._r8
       deadwdcn(noveg)     = 1._r8
       froot_leaf(noveg)   = 0._r8
       stem_leaf(noveg)    = 0._r8
       croot_stem(noveg)   = 0._r8
       flivewd(noveg)      = 0._r8
       fcur(noveg)         = 0._r8
       lf_flab(noveg)      = 0._r8
       lf_fcel(noveg)      = 0._r8
       lf_flig(noveg)      = 0._r8
       fr_flab(noveg)      = 0._r8
       fr_fcel(noveg)      = 0._r8
       fr_flig(noveg)      = 0._r8
       dw_fcel(noveg)      = 0._r8
       dw_flig(noveg)      = 0._r8
       leaf_long(noveg)    = 0._r8
       evergreen(noveg)    = 0._r8
       stress_decid(noveg) = 0._r8
       season_decid(noveg) = 0._r8
       resist(noveg)       = 1._r8
       pftpar20(noveg) = inf
       pftpar28(noveg) = 9999.9_r8
       pftpar29(noveg) = 1000.0_r8
       pftpar30(noveg) =    0.0_r8
       pftpar31(noveg) = 1000.0_r8
       ! end variables used only for CN code

    end if

    call mpi_bcast (z0mr, size(z0mr), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (displar, size(displar), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (dleaf, size(dleaf), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (c3psn, size(c3psn), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (vcmx25, size(vcmx25), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (mp, size(mp), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (qe25, size(qe25), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (rhol, size(rhol), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (rhos, size(rhos), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (taul, size(taul), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (taus, size(taus), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (xl, size(xl), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (roota_par, size(roota_par), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (rootb_par, size(rootb_par), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (crop, size(crop), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (smpso, size(smpso), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (smpsc, size(smpsc), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (fnitr, size(fnitr), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)

    ! begin variables used only for CN code
    call mpi_bcast (slatop, size(slatop), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (dsladlai, size(dsladlai), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (leafcn, size(leafcn), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (flnr, size(flnr), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (woody, size(woody), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (lflitcn, size(lflitcn), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (frootcn, size(frootcn), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (livewdcn, size(livewdcn), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (deadwdcn, size(deadwdcn), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (froot_leaf, size(froot_leaf), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (stem_leaf, size(stem_leaf), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (croot_stem, size(croot_stem), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (flivewd, size(flivewd), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (fcur, size(fcur), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (lf_flab, size(lf_flab), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (lf_fcel, size(lf_fcel), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (lf_flig, size(lf_flig), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (fr_flab, size(fr_flab), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (fr_fcel, size(fr_fcel), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (fr_flig, size(fr_flig), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (dw_fcel, size(dw_fcel), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (dw_flig, size(dw_flig), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (leaf_long, size(leaf_long), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (evergreen, size(evergreen), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (stress_decid, size(stress_decid), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (season_decid, size(season_decid), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (resist, size(resist), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    ! end variables used only for CN code

    ! begin variables used only for CNDV code
    call mpi_bcast (pftpar20, size(pftpar20), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (pftpar28, size(pftpar28), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (pftpar29, size(pftpar29), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (pftpar30, size(pftpar30), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    call mpi_bcast (pftpar31, size(pftpar31), MPI_REAL8, 0, mpicom, ier)
    ! end variables used only for CNDV code

    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Successfully read PFT physiological data'
    end if

  end subroutine pftconrd

end module pftvarcon