! SVN $Id: seq_rest_mod.F90 18683 2009-09-30 22:20:22Z kauff $
! SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/drv/seq_mct/branch_tags/cesm1_0_rel_tags/cesm1_0_rel01_drvseq3_1_32/driver/seq_rest_mod.F90 $
!BOP ===========================================================================
! !MODULE: seq_rest_mod -- cpl7 restart reading/writing routines
!    Reads & writes cpl7 restart files
!    aVect, domain, and fraction info accessed via seq_avdata_mod
!    to avoid excessively long routine arg lists.
!     2009-Sep-25 - B. Kauffman - move from cpl7 main program into rest module
!     2007-mmm-dd - T. Craig - initial restart functionality
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

module seq_rest_mod 1,14

#define NEW_BUDGET

! !USES:

   use shr_kind_mod,      only: R8 => SHR_KIND_R8, IN => SHR_KIND_IN
   use shr_kind_mod,      only: CL => SHR_KIND_CL, CS => SHR_KIND_CS
   use shr_sys_mod,       only: shr_sys_abort, shr_sys_flush
   use shr_mpi_mod,       only : shr_mpi_bcast
   use shr_cal_mod,       only: shr_cal_date2ymd
   use mct_mod            ! adds mct_ prefix to mct lib
   use ESMF_Mod

   use seq_avdata_mod    ! drv aVects & associated domain, fract, cdata (public read/write data)
   use seq_diag_mct      ! diagnostic routines                          (public read/write data)
   use seq_comm_mct      ! Sets mpi communicators, logunit and loglevel
   use seq_cdata_mod     ! "cdata" type & methods (domain + decomp + infodata in one datatype)
   use seq_infodata_mod  ! "infodata" gathers various control flags into one datatype
   use seq_timemgr_mod   ! clock & alarm routines
   use seq_io_mod        ! lower level io routines

   implicit none



   ! no public types


   public :: seq_rest_read   ! read  cpl7 restart data
   public :: seq_rest_write  ! write cpl7 restart data


   ! no public data


   ! local data

   logical     :: iamin_CPLID            ! pe associated with CPLID
   integer(IN) :: mpicom_GLOID           ! MPI global communicator
   integer(IN) :: mpicom_CPLID           ! MPI cpl communicator

   integer(IN) :: nthreads_GLOID         ! OMP global number of threads
   integer(IN) :: nthreads_CPLID         ! OMP cpl number of threads
   logical     :: drv_threading          ! driver threading control

   logical     :: atm_present            ! .true.  => atm is present
   logical     :: lnd_present            ! .true.  => land is present
   logical     :: ice_present            ! .true.  => ice is present
   logical     :: ocn_present            ! .true.  => ocn is present
   logical     :: rof_present            ! .true.  => land runoff is present
   logical     :: glc_present            ! .true.  => glc is present
   logical     :: sno_present            ! .true.  => land sno is present

   logical     :: atm_prognostic         ! .true.  => atm comp expects input
   logical     :: lnd_prognostic         ! .true.  => lnd comp expects input
   logical     :: ice_prognostic         ! .true.  => ice comp expects input
   logical     :: ocn_prognostic         ! .true.  => ocn comp expects input
   logical     :: ocnrof_prognostic      ! .true.  => ocn comp expects runoff input
   logical     :: glc_prognostic         ! .true.  => glc comp expects input
   logical     :: sno_prognostic         ! .true.  => sno comp expects input

   integer(IN) :: info_debug = 0         ! local info_debug level


subroutine seq_rest_read(rest_file) 1,26

   implicit none

   character(*),intent(in) :: rest_file  ! restart file path/name

   integer(IN)          :: n,n1,n2,n3
   real(r8),allocatable :: ds(:)         ! for reshaping diag data for restart file
   real(r8),allocatable :: ns(:)         ! for reshaping diag data for restart file
   character(CS)        :: string
   integer(IN)          :: ierr          ! MPI error return


   ! get required infodata
   iamin_CPLID  = seq_comm_iamin(CPLID)
   call seq_comm_setptrs(GLOID,mpicom=mpicom_GLOID,nthreads=nthreads_GLOID)
   call seq_comm_setptrs(CPLID,mpicom=mpicom_CPLID,nthreads=nthreads_CPLID)
   call seq_infodata_getData(infodata,drv_threading=drv_threading)
   call seq_infodata_getData(infodata, &
        atm_present=atm_present, &
        lnd_present=lnd_present, &
        rof_present=rof_present, &
        ice_present=ice_present, &
        ocn_present=ocn_present, &
        glc_present=glc_present, &
        sno_present=sno_present  )
   call seq_infodata_getData(infodata, &
        atm_prognostic=atm_prognostic, &
        lnd_prognostic=lnd_prognostic, &
        ice_prognostic=ice_prognostic, &
        ocn_prognostic=ocn_prognostic, &
        ocnrof_prognostic=ocnrof_prognostic, &
        glc_prognostic=glc_prognostic, &
        sno_prognostic=sno_prognostic  )

   if (iamin_CPLID) then
      if (drv_threading) call seq_comm_setnthreads(nthreads_CPLID)
      if (atm_present) then
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ax,fractions_ax,'fractions_ax')
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ax,a2x_ax,'a2x_ax')
      if (lnd_present) then
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_lx,fractions_lx,'fractions_lx')
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_lx,l2x_lx,'l2x_lx')
      if (ocn_present) then
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ox,fractions_ox,'fractions_ox')
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ox,o2x_ox,'o2x_ox')
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ox,x2oacc_ox%data,'x2oacc_ox')
!        call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ox,x2oacc_ox%steps_done,'x2oacc_ox_cnt')
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ox,x2oacc_ox_cnt,'x2oacc_ox_cnt')
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ox,xao_ox,'xao_ox')
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ax,xao_ax,'xao_ax')
      if (ice_present) then
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ix,fractions_ix,'fractions_ix')
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ix,i2x_ix,'i2x_ix')
      if (rof_present .and. ocnrof_prognostic) then
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_rx,r2xacc_rx%data,'r2xacc_rx')
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_rx,r2xacc_rx_cnt,'r2xacc_rx_cnt')
      if (glc_present) then
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_gx,fractions_gx,'fractions_gx')
      if (sno_present) then
         call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_sx,x2s_sx,'x2s_sx')

#if (defined NEW_BUDGET)
      n = size(budg_dataG)
      call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ax,ds,'budg_dataG')
      call seq_io_read(rest_file,cdata_ax,ns,'budg_ns')

      n = 0
      do n1 = 1,size(budg_dataG,dim=1)
      do n2 = 1,size(budg_dataG,dim=2)
      do n3 = 1,size(budg_dataG,dim=3)
         n = n + 1
         budg_dataG(n1,n2,n3) = ds(n)
         budg_ns   (n1,n2,n3) = ns(n)
!     call shr_mpi_bcast(budg_dataG,cpl_io_root) ! not necessary, io lib does bcast


      if (drv_threading) call seq_comm_setnthreads(nthreads_GLOID)


end subroutine seq_rest_read


subroutine seq_rest_write(EClock_d,seq_SyncClock) 1,37

   implicit none

   type(ESMF_Clock)      ,intent(in)    :: EClock_d      ! driver clock
   type(seq_timemgr_type),intent(inout) :: seq_SyncClock ! contains ptr to driver clock

   integer(IN)   :: n,n1,n2,n3,fk
   integer(IN)   :: curr_ymd         ! Current date YYYYMMDD
   integer(IN)   :: curr_tod         ! Current time-of-day (s)
   integer(IN)   :: yy,mm,dd         ! year, month, day
   character(CL) :: case_name        ! case name
   logical       :: whead,wdata      ! flags header/data writing
   logical       :: cdf64            ! true => create netCDF with 64 bit addressing
   character(CL) :: rest_file        ! Local path to restart filename
   integer(IN)   :: ierr             ! MPI error return

   real(r8),allocatable :: ds(:)     ! for reshaping diag data for restart file
   real(r8),allocatable :: ns(:)     ! for reshaping diag data for restart file


   ! get required infodata
   iamin_CPLID  = seq_comm_iamin(CPLID)
   call seq_comm_setptrs(GLOID,mpicom=mpicom_GLOID,nthreads=nthreads_GLOID)
   call seq_comm_setptrs(CPLID,mpicom=mpicom_CPLID,nthreads=nthreads_CPLID)
   call seq_infodata_getData(infodata,drv_threading=drv_threading)
   call seq_infodata_getData(infodata, &
        atm_present=atm_present, &
        lnd_present=lnd_present, &
        rof_present=rof_present, &
        ice_present=ice_present, &
        ocn_present=ocn_present, &
        glc_present=glc_present, &
        sno_present=sno_present  )
   call seq_infodata_getData(infodata, &
        atm_prognostic=atm_prognostic, &
        lnd_prognostic=lnd_prognostic, &
        ice_prognostic=ice_prognostic, &
        ocn_prognostic=ocn_prognostic, &
        ocnrof_prognostic=ocnrof_prognostic, &
        glc_prognostic=glc_prognostic, &
        sno_prognostic=sno_prognostic  )
   call seq_infodata_getData(infodata, cpl_cdf64=cdf64 )

   ! Write out infodata and time manager data to restart file

   call seq_infodata_GetData( infodata, case_name=case_name)
   call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData( EClock_d, curr_ymd=curr_ymd, curr_tod=curr_tod)
   call shr_cal_date2ymd(curr_ymd,yy,mm,dd)
   write(rest_file,"(2a,i4.4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i5.5,a)") &
      trim(case_name), '.cpl.r.', yy,'-',mm,'-',dd,'-',curr_tod,'.nc'

   call seq_infodata_Restart    ('write',infodata     ,rest_file,mpicom_cplid)
   call mpi_barrier(mpicom_CPLID,ierr)
   call seq_timemgr_clockRestart('write',seq_SyncClock,rest_file,mpicom_cplid)
   call mpi_barrier(mpicom_CPLID,ierr)

   ! Write driver data to restart file

   if (iamin_CPLID) then

      if (drv_threading) call seq_comm_setnthreads(nthreads_CPLID)

#if (defined NEW_BUDGET)
      ! copy budg_dataG into 1d array
      n = size(budg_dataG)
      call shr_mpi_bcast(budg_dataG,mpicom_CPLID) ! pio requires data on all pe's?

      n = 0
      do n1 = 1,size(budg_dataG,dim=1)
      do n2 = 1,size(budg_dataG,dim=2)
      do n3 = 1,size(budg_dataG,dim=3)
         n = n + 1
         ds(n) = budg_dataG(n1,n2,n3)
         ns(n) = budg_ns(n1,n2,n3)

      call seq_io_wopen(rest_file,cdata_ax,clobber=.false.,cdf64=cdf64)

      ! loop twice (for perf), first time write header, second time write data
      do fk = 1,2
        if (fk == 1) then
           whead = .true.
           wdata = .false.
           call seq_io_redef(rest_file)
        elseif (fk == 2) then
           whead = .false.
           wdata = .true.
           call seq_io_enddef(rest_file)
           call shr_sys_abort('driver_write_rstart fk illegal')
        end if
#if (defined NEW_BUDGET)
         call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ax,ds,'budg_dataG',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
         call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ax,ns,'budg_ns',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)

         if (atm_present) then
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ax,fractions_ax,'fractions_ax',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ax,a2x_ax,'a2x_ax',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
         if (lnd_present) then
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_lx,fractions_lx,'fractions_lx',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_lx,l2x_lx,'l2x_lx',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
         if (ocn_present) then
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ox,fractions_ox,'fractions_ox',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ox,o2x_ox,'o2x_ox',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ox,x2oacc_ox%data,'x2oacc_ox',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
!            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ox,x2oacc_ox%steps_done,'x2oacc_ox_cnt',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ox,x2oacc_ox_cnt,'x2oacc_ox_cnt',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ox,xao_ox,'xao_ox',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ax,xao_ax,'xao_ax',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
         if (ice_present) then
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ix,fractions_ix,'fractions_ix',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_ix,i2x_ix,'i2x_ix',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
         if (rof_present .and. ocnrof_prognostic) then
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_rx,r2xacc_rx%data,'r2xacc_rx',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_rx,r2xacc_rx_cnt,'r2xacc_rx_cnt',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
         if (glc_present) then
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_gx,fractions_gx,'fractions_gx',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)
         if (sno_present) then
            call seq_io_write(rest_file,cdata_sx,x2s_sx,'x2s_sx',whead=whead,wdata=wdata)


      call seq_io_close(rest_file,cdata_ax)
#if (defined NEW_BUDGET)

      if (drv_threading) call seq_comm_setnthreads(nthreads_GLOID)

end subroutine seq_rest_write


end module seq_rest_mod