! SVN $Id: seq_infodata_mod.F90 23400 2010-05-27 16:41:38Z mvertens $
! SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/drv/seq_mct/branch_tags/cesm1_0_rel_tags/cesm1_0_rel01_drvseq3_1_32/shr/seq_infodata_mod.F90 $
!BOP ===========================================================================
! !MODULE: seq_infodata_mod --- Module for input data shared between CCSM components
!     A module to get, put, and store some standard scalar data
! Typical usage:
!     2005-Nov-11 - E. Kluzek - creation of shr_inputinfo_mod
!     2007-Nov-15 - T. Craig - refactor for ccsm4 system and move to seq_infodata_mod
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

MODULE seq_infodata_mod 21,6

! !USES:

   use shr_kind_mod,      only : SHR_KIND_CS, SHR_KIND_CL, SHR_KIND_IN,      &
                                 SHR_KIND_R8, SHR_KIND_I8
   use shr_sys_mod,       only : shr_sys_flush, shr_sys_abort, shr_sys_getenv
   use shr_ncio_mod,      only : shr_ncio_descripType, shr_ncio_open,        &
   use seq_comm_mct,      only : logunit, loglevel
   use seq_comm_mct,      only : seq_comm_setptrs, seq_comm_iamroot
   use shr_orb_mod

   implicit none

   private  ! default private


   public :: seq_infodata_type


   public :: seq_infodata_Init            ! Initialize
   public :: seq_infodata_GetData         ! Get values from object
   public :: seq_infodata_PutData         ! Change values
   public :: seq_infodata_Restart         ! read/write restart
   public :: seq_infodata_Print           ! print current info
   public :: seq_infodata_Exchange        ! exchange data across pes



   ! Strings of valid start_type options
   character(len=*), public, parameter :: seq_infodata_start_type_start = "startup"
   character(len=*), public, parameter :: seq_infodata_start_type_cont  = "continue"
   character(len=*), public, parameter :: seq_infodata_start_type_brnch = "branch"

   ! InputInfo derived type

   type seq_infodata_type
      private     ! This type is opaque

      !--- set via namelist and held fixed ----
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: start_type      ! Type of startup
      character(SHR_KIND_CS)  :: case_name       ! Short case identification
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: case_desc       ! Long description of this case
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: model_version   ! Model version
      character(SHR_KIND_CS)  :: username        ! Current user
      character(SHR_KIND_CS)  :: hostname        ! Current machine
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: timing_dir      ! Dir for timing files
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: tchkpt_dir      ! Dir for timing checkpoint files 
      logical                 :: atm_adiabatic   ! No surface models and atm adiabatic mode
      logical                 :: atm_ideal_phys  ! No surface models and atm ideal-physics
      logical                 :: aqua_planet     ! No ice/lnd, analytic ocn, perpetual time
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: aqua_planet_sst ! aqua planet analytic sst type
      logical                 :: brnch_retain_casename   ! If branch and can use same casename
      logical                 :: read_restart    ! read the restart file, based on start_type
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: restart_pfile   ! Restart pointer file
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: restart_file    ! Full archive path to restart file
      logical                 :: single_column   ! single column mode
      real (SHR_KIND_R8)      :: scmlat          ! single column lat
      real (SHR_KIND_R8)      :: scmlon          ! single column lon
      character(SHR_KIND_CS)  :: logFilePostFix  ! postfix for output log files
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: outPathRoot     ! root for output log files
      logical                 :: perpetual       ! perpetual flag
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: perpetual_ymd   ! perpetual date
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: orb_eccen       ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: orb_obliqr      ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: orb_lambm0      ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz 
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: orb_mvelpp      ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: flux_epbal      ! selects E,P,R adjustment technique 
      logical                 :: flux_albav      ! T => no diurnal cycle in ocn albedos
      logical                 :: samegrid_ao     ! are atm and ocean grid same
      logical                 :: samegrid_ro     ! are rof and ocean grid same
      logical                 :: samegrid_al     ! are atm and lnd grid same
      logical                 :: shr_map_dopole  ! pole corrections in shr_map_mod
      logical                 :: npfix           ! pole fix in atm2ocn mapping
      character(SHR_KIND_CS)  :: aoflux_grid     ! grid for atm ocn flux calc
      logical                 :: ocean_tight_coupling  ! are we doing tight ocean coupling
      logical                 :: cpl_cdf64       ! use netcdf 64 bit offset, large file support
      logical                 :: do_budgets      ! do heat/water budgets diagnostics
      logical                 :: do_histinit     ! write out initial history file
      integer                 :: budget_inst     ! instantaneous budget level
      integer                 :: budget_daily    ! daily budget level
      integer                 :: budget_month    ! monthly budget level
      integer                 :: budget_ann      ! annual budget level
      integer                 :: budget_ltann    ! long term budget level written at end of year
      integer                 :: budget_ltend    ! long term budget level written at end of run
      logical                 :: drv_threading   ! is threading control in driver turned on
      logical                 :: histaux_a2x     ! cpl writes aux hist files: a2x every c2a comm
      logical                 :: histaux_a2x3hr  ! cpl writes aux hist files: a2x 3hr states
      logical                 :: histaux_a2x3hrp ! cpl writes aux hist files: a2x 3hr precip
      logical                 :: histaux_a2x24hr ! cpl writes aux hist files: a2x daily all
      logical                 :: histaux_l2x     ! cpl writes aux hist files: l2x every c2l comm
      logical                 :: histaux_r2x     ! cpl writes aux hist files: r2x every c2o comm
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: eps_frac        ! fraction error tolerance
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: eps_amask       ! atm mask error tolerance
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: eps_agrid       ! atm grid error tolerance
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: eps_aarea       ! atm area error tolerance
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: eps_omask       ! ocn mask error tolerance
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: eps_ogrid       ! ocn grid error tolerance
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: eps_oarea       ! ocn area error tolerance

      !--- set via namelist and may be time varying ---
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: info_debug      ! debug level
      logical                 :: bfbflag         ! turn on bfb option

      !--- set via components and held fixed ---
      logical                 :: atm_present     ! does component model exist
      logical                 :: atm_prognostic  ! does component model need input data from driver
      logical                 :: lnd_present     ! does component model exist
      logical                 :: lnd_prognostic  ! does component model need input data from driver
      logical                 :: rof_present     ! does rof component exist
      logical                 :: ocn_present     ! does component model exist
      logical                 :: ocn_prognostic  ! does component model need input data from driver
      logical                 :: ocnrof_prognostic ! does component need rof data
      logical                 :: ice_present     ! does component model exist
      logical                 :: ice_prognostic  ! does component model need input data from driver
      logical                 :: glc_present     ! does component model exist
      logical                 :: glc_prognostic  ! does component model need input data from driver
      logical                 :: sno_present     ! does component model exist
      logical                 :: sno_prognostic  ! does component model need input data from driver
      logical                 :: dead_comps      ! do we have dead models
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: atm_nx          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: atm_ny          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: lnd_nx          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: lnd_ny          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: ice_nx          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: ice_ny          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: ocn_nx          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: ocn_ny          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: rof_nx          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: rof_ny          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: glc_nx          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: glc_ny          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: sno_nx          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: sno_ny          ! nx, ny of "2d" grid

      !--- set via components and may be time varying ---
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: nextsw_cday     ! calendar of next atm shortwave
      real(SHR_KIND_R8)       :: precip_fact     ! precip factor
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: atm_phase       ! atm phase
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: lnd_phase       ! lnd phase
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: ice_phase       ! ice phase
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: ocn_phase       ! ocn phase
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: glc_phase       ! glc phase
      logical                 :: atm_aero        ! atmosphere aerosols
      logical                 :: glcrun_alarm    ! glc run alarm
      logical                 :: glc_g2supdate   ! update glc2sno fields in lnd model

      !--- set from restart file ---
      character(SHR_KIND_CS)  :: rest_case_name  ! Short case identification
   end type seq_infodata_type

   ! --- Private local data -------------------------------------------------------

   ! Restart fields - 
   ! Many restart parameters are not used to update infodata. for now, 
   ! we write them to the restart file, and they are just place holders.
   integer, parameter :: nrestvar = 17
   character(len=*),parameter :: restname(nrestvar) = &
     (/'case_name       ','case_desc       ',                                       &
       'atm_adiabatic   ','atm_ideal_phys  ','aqua_planet     ',                    &
       'single_column   ','scmlon          ','scmlat          ',                    &
       'perpetual       ','perpetual_ymd   ','flux_albav      ','flux_epbal      ', &
       'orb_eccen       ','orb_lambm0      ','orb_mvelpp      ',                    &
       'nextsw_cday     ','precip_fact     ' /)
   character(len=*),parameter :: restlnam(nrestvar) = &
     (/'case name       ','case description',                                       &
       'atm adiabatic fl','atm ideal phys f','aqua planet flag',                    &
       'single column fl','scam longitude  ','scam latitude   ',                    &
       'perpetual flag  ','perpetual date  ','flux albav flag ','flux epbal opt  ', &
       'orb eccentricity','lon perh at ve  ','mov ve lon perh ',                    &
       'radiat calc time','precip factor   ' /)
   character(len=*),parameter :: restunit(nrestvar) = &
     (/'name            ','name            ',                                       &
       'logical         ','logical         ','logical         ',                    &
       'logical         ','degrees         ','degrees         ',                    &
       'logical         ','date [YYYYMMDD] ','logical         ','name            ', &
       'nondim          ','radians         ','radians         ',                    &
       'calday          ','nondim          ' /)
   character(len=*),parameter :: resttype(nrestvar) = &
     (/'char            ','char            ',                                       &
       'logical         ','logical         ','logical         ',                    &
       'logical         ','real8           ','real8           ',                    &
       'logical         ','integer         ','logical         ','char            ', &
       'real8           ','real8           ','real8           ',                    &
       'real8           ','real8           ' /)

   character(len=*),parameter :: sp_str = 'str_undefined'


!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: seq_infodata_Init -- read in CCSM shared namelist
!     Read in input from seq_infodata_inparm namelist, output ccsm derived type for
!     miscillaneous info.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE seq_infodata_Init( infodata, nmlfile, ID)  1,11

! !USES:

   use shr_file_mod,   only : shr_file_getUnit, shr_file_freeUnit
   use shr_string_mod, only : shr_string_toUpper, shr_string_listAppend

   implicit none


   type(seq_infodata_type), intent(INOUT) :: infodata  ! infodata object
   character(len=*),        intent(IN)    :: nmlfile   ! Name-list filename
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),    intent(IN)    :: ID        ! seq_comm ID


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*),    parameter :: subname = '(seq_infodata_Init) '
    integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter :: aqua_perpetual_ymd = 321

    integer :: mpicom             ! MPI communicator
    integer :: ierr               ! I/O error code
    integer :: unitn              ! Namelist unit number to read

    !------ namelist -----
    character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: case_desc          ! Case long description
    character(SHR_KIND_CS) :: case_name          ! Case short name
    character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: model_version      ! Model version
    character(SHR_KIND_CS) :: username           ! Current user
    character(SHR_KIND_CS) :: hostname           ! Current machine
    character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: start_type         ! Startup-type: startup, continue, branch
    character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: timing_dir         ! Dir for timing files
    character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: tchkpt_dir         ! Dir for timing checkpoint files 
    logical                :: atm_adiabatic      ! Atmosphere adiabatic physics mode
    logical                :: atm_ideal_phys     ! Atmosphere idealized physics mode
    logical                :: aqua_planet        ! Aqua-planet mode (surface is all ocean)
    integer(SHR_KIND_IN)   :: aqua_planet_sst    ! analytic sst field
    logical                :: brnch_retain_casename ! If retain casename for branch
    integer(SHR_KIND_IN)   :: info_debug         ! debug flag
    logical                :: bfbflag            ! bit for bit flag
    character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: restart_pfile      ! Restart pointer filename
    character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: restart_file       ! Restart filename
    logical                :: single_column      ! single column mode
    real (SHR_KIND_R8)     :: scmlat             ! single column mode latitude
    real (SHR_KIND_R8)     :: scmlon             ! single column mode longitude
    character(SHR_KIND_CS) :: logFilePostFix     ! postfix for output log files
    character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: outPathRoot        ! root output files
    logical                :: perpetual          ! perpetual mode
    integer(SHR_KIND_IN)   :: perpetual_ymd      ! perpetual ymd
    integer(SHR_KIND_IN)   :: orb_iyear_AD       ! year for orbit
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: orb_obliq          ! Obliquity of orbit
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: orb_eccen          ! Eccentricity of orbit
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: orb_mvelp          ! Location of vernal equinox
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: orb_obliqr         ! Obliquity in radians
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: orb_lambm0         ! lon of per at vernal equ
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: orb_mvelpp         ! mvelp plus pi
    character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: flux_epbal         ! selects E,P,R adjustment technique 
    logical                :: flux_albav         ! T => no diurnal cycle in ocn albedos
    logical                :: samegrid_ao        ! are atm and ocean grids same
    logical                :: samegrid_ro        ! are rof and ocean grids same
    logical                :: samegrid_al        ! are atm and lnd grids same
    logical                :: shr_map_dopole     ! pole corrections in shr_map_mod
    logical                :: npfix              ! pole fix in atm2ocn mapping
    character(SHR_KIND_CS) :: aoflux_grid        ! grid for atm ocn flux calc
    logical                :: ocean_tight_coupling  ! are we doing tight ocean coupling
    logical                :: cpl_cdf64          ! use netcdf 64 bit offset, large file support
    logical                :: do_budgets         ! do heat/water budgets diagnostics
    logical                :: do_histinit        ! write out initial history file
    integer                :: budget_inst        ! instantaneous budget level
    integer                :: budget_daily       ! daily budget level
    integer                :: budget_month       ! monthly budget level
    integer                :: budget_ann         ! annual budget level
    integer                :: budget_ltann       ! long term budget level written at end of year
    integer                :: budget_ltend       ! long term budget level written at end of run
    logical                :: histaux_a2x        ! cpl writes aux hist files: a2x every c2a comm
    logical                :: histaux_a2x3hr     ! cpl writes aux hist files: a2x 3hr states
    logical                :: histaux_a2x3hrp    ! cpl writes aux hist files: a2x 2hr precip
    logical                :: histaux_a2x24hr    ! cpl writes aux hist files: a2x daily all
    logical                :: histaux_l2x        ! cpl writes aux hist files: l2x every c2l comm
    logical                :: histaux_r2x        ! cpl writes aux hist files: r2x every c2o comm
    logical                :: drv_threading      ! is threading control in driver turned on
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: eps_frac           ! fraction error tolerance
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: eps_amask          ! atm mask error tolerance
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: eps_agrid          ! atm grid error tolerance
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: eps_aarea          ! atm area error tolerance
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: eps_omask          ! ocn mask error tolerance
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: eps_ogrid          ! ocn grid error tolerance
    real(SHR_KIND_R8)      :: eps_oarea          ! ocn area error tolerance

    namelist /seq_infodata_inparm/  &
         case_desc, case_name, start_type, tchkpt_dir,     &
         model_version, username, hostname, timing_dir,    &
         atm_adiabatic, atm_ideal_phys, aqua_planet,aqua_planet_sst,       &
         brnch_retain_casename, info_debug, bfbflag,       &
         restart_pfile, restart_file,                      &
         single_column, scmlat,                            &
         scmlon, logFilePostFix, outPathRoot,              &
         perpetual, perpetual_ymd, flux_epbal, flux_albav, &
         orb_iyear_AD, orb_obliq, orb_eccen, orb_mvelp,    &
         samegrid_ao, samegrid_ro, samegrid_al,            &
         shr_map_dopole, npfix, aoflux_grid, do_histinit,  &
         ocean_tight_coupling, do_budgets, drv_threading,  &
         budget_inst, budget_daily, budget_month,          &
         budget_ann, budget_ltann, budget_ltend,           &
         histaux_a2x    ,histaux_a2x3hr,histaux_a2x3hrp,   &
         histaux_a2x24hr,histaux_l2x   ,histaux_r2x,       &
         cpl_cdf64, eps_frac, eps_amask,                   &
         eps_agrid, eps_aarea, eps_omask, eps_ogrid,       &


    call seq_comm_setptrs(ID,mpicom=mpicom)

    ! Set infodata on root pe
    if (seq_comm_iamroot(ID)) then

       ! Set namelist defaults
       case_desc             = ' '
       case_name             = ' '
       model_version         = 'unknown'
       username              = 'unknown'
       hostname              = 'unknown'
       timing_dir            = '.'
       tchkpt_dir            = '.'
       start_type            = ' '
       atm_ideal_phys        = .false.
       atm_adiabatic         = .false.
       aqua_planet           = .false.
       aqua_planet_sst       = 1
       brnch_retain_casename = .false.
       info_debug            = 1
       bfbflag               = .false.
       restart_pfile         = 'rpointer.drv'
       restart_file          = trim(sp_str)
       single_column         = .false.
       scmlat                = -999.
       scmlon                = -999.
       logFilePostFix        = '.log'
       outPathRoot           = './'
       perpetual             = .false.
       perpetual_ymd         = -999
       orb_iyear_AD          = SHR_ORB_UNDEF_INT
       orb_obliq             = SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL
       orb_eccen             = SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL
       orb_mvelp             = SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL
       flux_epbal            = 'off'
       flux_albav            = .false.
       samegrid_ao           = .true.   ! for cam
       samegrid_ro           = .false.
       samegrid_al           = .true.   ! for cam
       shr_map_dopole        = .true.
       npfix                 = .true.
       aoflux_grid           = 'ocn'
       ocean_tight_coupling  = .false.
       cpl_cdf64             = .true.
       do_budgets            = .false.
       do_histinit           = .false.
       budget_inst           = 0
       budget_daily          = 0
       budget_month          = 1
       budget_ann            = 1
       budget_ltann          = 1
       budget_ltend          = 0
       histaux_a2x           = .false.
       histaux_a2x3hr        = .false.
       histaux_a2x3hrp       = .false.
       histaux_a2x24hr       = .false.
       histaux_l2x           = .false.
       histaux_r2x           = .false.
       drv_threading         = .false.
       eps_frac              = 1.0e-02_SHR_KIND_R8
       eps_amask             = 1.0e-13_SHR_KIND_R8
       eps_agrid             = 1.0e-12_SHR_KIND_R8
       eps_aarea             = 9.0e-07_SHR_KIND_R8
       eps_omask             = 1.0e-06_SHR_KIND_R8
       eps_ogrid             = 1.0e-02_SHR_KIND_R8
       eps_oarea             = 1.0e-01_SHR_KIND_R8
       ! Read in namelist
       unitn = shr_file_getUnit()
       write(logunit,"(A)") subname,' read seq_infodata_inparm namelist from: '//trim(nmlfile)
       open( unitn, file=trim(nmlfile), status='old' )
       ierr = 1
       do while( ierr /= 0 )
          if (ierr < 0) then
             call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: namelist read returns an'// &
                                 ' end of file or end of record condition' )
          end if
       end do
       call shr_file_freeUnit( unitn )

       ! Set infodata on root pe
       infodata%case_desc             = case_desc
       infodata%case_name             = case_name
       infodata%model_version         = model_version
       infodata%username              = username
       infodata%hostname              = hostname
       infodata%start_type            = start_type
       infodata%timing_dir            = timing_dir
       infodata%tchkpt_dir            = tchkpt_dir
       infodata%atm_ideal_phys        = atm_ideal_phys
       infodata%atm_adiabatic         = atm_adiabatic
       infodata%aqua_planet           = aqua_planet
       infodata%aqua_planet_sst       = aqua_planet_sst
       infodata%brnch_retain_casename = brnch_retain_casename
       infodata%restart_pfile         = restart_pfile
       infodata%restart_file          = restart_file
       infodata%single_column         = single_column
       infodata%scmlat                = scmlat
       infodata%scmlon                = scmlon
       infodata%logFilePostFix        = logFilePostFix
       infodata%outPathRoot           = outPathRoot
       infodata%perpetual             = perpetual
       infodata%perpetual_ymd         = perpetual_ymd
       infodata%flux_epbal            = flux_epbal
       infodata%flux_albav            = flux_albav
       infodata%samegrid_ao           = samegrid_ao
       infodata%samegrid_ro           = samegrid_ro
       infodata%samegrid_al           = samegrid_al
       infodata%shr_map_dopole        = shr_map_dopole
       infodata%npfix                 = npfix
       infodata%aoflux_grid           = aoflux_grid
       infodata%ocean_tight_coupling  = ocean_tight_coupling
       infodata%cpl_cdf64             = cpl_cdf64
       infodata%do_budgets            = do_budgets
       infodata%do_histinit           = do_histinit
       infodata%budget_inst           = budget_inst
       infodata%budget_daily          = budget_daily
       infodata%budget_month          = budget_month
       infodata%budget_ann            = budget_ann
       infodata%budget_ltann          = budget_ltann
       infodata%budget_ltend          = budget_ltend
       infodata%histaux_a2x           = histaux_a2x    
       infodata%histaux_a2x3hr        = histaux_a2x3hr 
       infodata%histaux_a2x3hrp       = histaux_a2x3hrp
       infodata%histaux_a2x24hr       = histaux_a2x24hr
       infodata%histaux_l2x           = histaux_l2x    
       infodata%histaux_r2x           = histaux_r2x    
       infodata%drv_threading         = drv_threading
       infodata%eps_frac              = eps_frac
       infodata%eps_amask             = eps_amask
       infodata%eps_agrid             = eps_agrid
       infodata%eps_aarea             = eps_aarea
       infodata%eps_omask             = eps_omask
       infodata%eps_ogrid             = eps_ogrid
       infodata%eps_oarea             = eps_oarea

       infodata%info_debug            = info_debug
       infodata%bfbflag               = bfbflag

       infodata%atm_present = .true.
       infodata%lnd_present = .true.
       if (single_column) then
          infodata%rof_present = .false.
          infodata%rof_present = .true.
       end if 
       infodata%ocn_present = .true.
       infodata%ice_present = .true.
       infodata%glc_present = .true.
       infodata%sno_present = .false.
       infodata%atm_prognostic = .false.
       infodata%lnd_prognostic = .false.
       infodata%ocn_prognostic = .false.
       infodata%ocnrof_prognostic = .false.
       infodata%ice_prognostic = .false.
       infodata%glc_prognostic = .false.
       infodata%sno_prognostic = .false.
       infodata%dead_comps = .false.
       infodata%atm_nx = 0
       infodata%atm_ny = 0
       infodata%lnd_nx = 0
       infodata%lnd_ny = 0
       infodata%rof_nx = 0
       infodata%rof_ny = 0
       infodata%ice_nx = 0
       infodata%ice_ny = 0
       infodata%ocn_nx = 0
       infodata%ocn_ny = 0
       infodata%glc_nx = 0
       infodata%glc_ny = 0
       infodata%sno_nx = 0
       infodata%sno_ny = 0

       infodata%nextsw_cday = -1.0_SHR_KIND_R8
       infodata%precip_fact =  1.0_SHR_KIND_R8
       infodata%atm_phase = 1
       infodata%lnd_phase = 1
       infodata%ocn_phase = 1
       infodata%ice_phase = 1
       infodata%glc_phase = 1
       infodata%atm_aero     = .false.
       infodata%glcrun_alarm = .false.
       infodata%glc_g2supdate= .false.

       call shr_orb_params(orb_iyear_AD, orb_eccen, orb_obliq, orb_mvelp, &
                           orb_obliqr, orb_lambm0, orb_mvelpp, .true.)
       infodata%orb_eccen  = orb_eccen
       infodata%orb_obliqr = orb_obliqr
       infodata%orb_lambm0 = orb_lambm0
       infodata%orb_mvelpp = orb_mvelpp

       !--- Derive a few things ---
       infodata%rest_case_name = ' '
       infodata%read_restart = .false.
       if (trim(start_type) == trim(seq_infodata_start_type_cont) .or. &
           trim(start_type) == trim(seq_infodata_start_type_brnch)) then
          infodata%read_restart = .true.
       if (infodata%read_restart) then
          call seq_infodata_Restart('read', infodata)

       if (infodata%aqua_planet) then
          infodata%atm_present = .true.
          infodata%lnd_present = .false.
          infodata%rof_present = .false.
          infodata%ice_present = .false.
          infodata%ocn_present = .true.
          infodata%glc_present = .false.
          infodata%sno_present = .false.
       end if
       if (infodata%atm_adiabatic .or. infodata%atm_ideal_phys) then
          infodata%atm_present = .true.
          infodata%lnd_present = .false.
          infodata%rof_present = .false.
          infodata%ice_present = .false.
          infodata%ocn_present = .false.
          infodata%glc_present = .false.
          infodata%sno_present = .false.
       end if

       if ( infodata%aqua_planet ) then
          infodata%aqua_planet_sst = 1
          infodata%perpetual      = .true.
          infodata%perpetual_ymd  = aqua_perpetual_ymd

       ! --- Error check the input values ------
       call seq_infodata_Check( infodata )

    end if

    call seq_infodata_bcast(infodata,mpicom)

END SUBROUTINE seq_infodata_Init

! !IROUTINE: seq_infodata_GetData -- Get values from infodata object
!     Get values out of the infodata object.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE seq_infodata_GetData( infodata, case_name, case_desc, timing_dir,  & 73
           model_version, username, hostname, rest_case_name, tchkpt_dir,     &
           start_type, restart_pfile, restart_file, perpetual, perpetual_ymd, &
           aqua_planet,aqua_planet_sst, atm_ideal_phys, atm_adiabatic, brnch_retain_casename, &
           single_column, scmlat,scmlon,logFilePostFix, outPathRoot,          &
           atm_present, atm_prognostic, lnd_present, lnd_prognostic,          &
           rof_present, ocn_present, ocn_prognostic, ocnrof_prognostic,       &
           ice_present, ice_prognostic, glc_present, glc_prognostic,          &
           sno_present, sno_prognostic, bfbflag, samegrid_ro,                 &
           samegrid_ao, samegrid_al, info_debug, dead_comps, read_restart,    &
           shr_map_dopole, npfix, aoflux_grid,                                &
           nextsw_cday, precip_fact, flux_epbal, flux_albav, glcrun_alarm,    &
           glc_g2supdate, atm_aero,                                           &
           ocean_tight_coupling, do_budgets, do_histinit, drv_threading,      &
           budget_inst, budget_daily, budget_month,                           &
           budget_ann, budget_ltann, budget_ltend ,                           &
           histaux_a2x    , histaux_a2x3hr, histaux_a2x3hrp ,                 &
           histaux_a2x24hr, histaux_l2x   , histaux_r2x     ,                 &
           cpl_cdf64,                                                         &
           orb_eccen, orb_obliqr, orb_lambm0, orb_mvelpp, glc_phase,          &
           atm_phase, lnd_phase, ocn_phase, ice_phase, atm_nx, atm_ny,        &
           lnd_nx, lnd_ny, rof_nx, rof_ny, ice_nx, ice_ny, ocn_nx, ocn_ny,    &
           glc_nx, glc_ny, sno_nx, sno_ny, eps_frac, eps_amask,               &
           eps_agrid, eps_aarea, eps_omask, eps_ogrid, eps_oarea     )

   implicit none


   type(seq_infodata_type),       intent(IN)  :: infodata      ! Input CCSM structure
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: start_type    ! Start type
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: case_name     ! Short case identification
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: case_desc     ! Long case description
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: model_version ! Model version
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: username      ! Username
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: hostname      ! Hostname
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: rest_case_name ! restart casename
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: timing_dir    ! timing dir name
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: tchkpt_dir    ! timing checkpoint dir name
   logical,             optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_adiabatic ! atm adiabatic mode
   logical,             optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_ideal_phys! atm idealized-physics mode
   logical,             optional, intent(OUT) :: aqua_planet   ! aqua_planet mode
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: aqua_planet_sst! aqua_planet sst_type
   logical,             optional, intent(OUT) :: brnch_retain_casename
   logical,             optional, intent(OUT) :: read_restart  ! read restart flag
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: restart_pfile ! Restart pointer file
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: restart_file  ! Restart file pathname
   logical,             optional, intent(OUT) :: single_column
   real (SHR_KIND_R8),  optional, intent(OUT) :: scmlat
   real (SHR_KIND_R8),  optional, intent(OUT) :: scmlon
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: logFilePostFix! output log file postfix
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(OUT) :: outPathRoot   ! output file root
   logical,             optional, intent(OUT) :: perpetual     ! If this is perpetual
   integer,             optional, intent(OUT) :: perpetual_ymd ! If perpetual, date
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: orb_eccen     ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: orb_obliqr    ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: orb_lambm0    ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz 
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: orb_mvelpp    ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz
   character(len=*)    ,optional, intent(OUT) :: flux_epbal    ! selects E,P,R adjustment technique 
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: flux_albav    ! T => no diurnal cycle in ocn albedos
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: samegrid_ao   ! are atm/ocn grids same
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: samegrid_ro   ! are rof/ocn grids same
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: samegrid_al   ! are atm/lnd grids same
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: shr_map_dopole  ! pole corrections in shr_map_mod
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: npfix         ! pole fix in atm2ocn mapping
   character(len=*)    ,optional, intent(OUT) :: aoflux_grid   ! grid for atm ocn flux calc
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: ocean_tight_coupling  ! tight vs loose ocean coupling
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: cpl_cdf64     ! netcdf large file setting
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: do_budgets    ! heat/water budgets
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: do_histinit   ! initial history file
   integer             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: budget_inst   ! inst budget
   integer             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: budget_daily  ! daily budget
   integer             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: budget_month  ! month budget
   integer             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: budget_ann    ! ann budget
   integer             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: budget_ltann  ! ltann budget
   integer             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: budget_ltend  ! ltend budget
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: histaux_a2x    
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: histaux_a2x3hr
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: histaux_a2x3hrp
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: histaux_a2x24hr
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: histaux_l2x   
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: histaux_r2x    
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: drv_threading ! driver threading control flag
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: eps_frac      ! fraction error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: eps_amask     ! atm mask error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: eps_agrid     ! atm grid error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: eps_aarea     ! atm area error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: eps_omask     ! ocn mask error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: eps_ogrid     ! ocn grid error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: eps_oarea     ! ocn area error tolerance

   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: info_debug
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: bfbflag
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: dead_comps    ! do we have dead models

   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_present    ! provide data
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_prognostic ! need data
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: lnd_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: lnd_prognostic 
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: rof_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: ocn_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: ocn_prognostic 
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: ocnrof_prognostic
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: ice_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: ice_prognostic 
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: glc_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: glc_prognostic 
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: sno_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: sno_prognostic 
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_nx        ! nx,ny 2d grid size global
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_ny        ! nx,ny 2d grid size global
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: lnd_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: lnd_ny
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: rof_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: rof_ny
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: ice_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: ice_ny
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: ocn_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: ocn_ny
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: glc_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: glc_ny
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: sno_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: sno_ny

   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: nextsw_cday   ! calendar of next atm shortwave
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(OUT) :: precip_fact   ! precip factor
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_phase     ! atm phase
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: lnd_phase     ! lnd phase
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: ice_phase     ! ice phase
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: ocn_phase     ! ocn phase
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: glc_phase     ! glc phase
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_aero      ! atmosphere aerosols
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: glcrun_alarm  ! glc run alarm
   logical             ,optional, intent(OUT) :: glc_g2supdate ! update glc2sno fields in lnd model


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(seq_infodata_GetData) '


    if ( present(start_type)     ) start_type     = infodata%start_type
    if ( present(case_name)      ) case_name      = infodata%case_name
    if ( present(case_desc)      ) case_desc      = infodata%case_desc
    if ( present(model_version)  ) model_version  = infodata%model_version
    if ( present(username)       ) username       = infodata%username
    if ( present(hostname)       ) hostname       = infodata%hostname
    if ( present(rest_case_name) ) rest_case_name = infodata%rest_case_name    
    if ( present(timing_dir)     ) timing_dir     = infodata%timing_dir
    if ( present(tchkpt_dir)     ) tchkpt_dir     = infodata%tchkpt_dir
    if ( present(atm_adiabatic)  ) atm_adiabatic  = infodata%atm_adiabatic
    if ( present(atm_ideal_phys) ) atm_ideal_phys = infodata%atm_ideal_phys
    if ( present(aqua_planet)    ) aqua_planet    = infodata%aqua_planet
    if ( present(aqua_planet_sst)) aqua_planet_sst= infodata%aqua_planet_sst
    if ( present(brnch_retain_casename) ) &
         brnch_retain_casename =  infodata%brnch_retain_casename
    if ( present(read_restart)   ) read_restart   = infodata%read_restart
    if ( present(restart_pfile)  ) restart_pfile  = infodata%restart_pfile
    if ( present(restart_file)   ) restart_file   = infodata%restart_file
    if ( present(single_column)  ) single_column  = infodata%single_column
    if ( present(scmlat)         ) scmlat         = infodata%scmlat
    if ( present(scmlon)         ) scmlon         = infodata%scmlon
    if ( present(logFilePostFix) ) logFilePostFix = infodata%logFilePostFix
    if ( present(outPathRoot)    ) outPathRoot    = infodata%outPathRoot
    if ( present(perpetual)      ) perpetual      = infodata%perpetual
    if ( present(perpetual_ymd)  ) perpetual_ymd  = infodata%perpetual_ymd
    if ( present(orb_eccen)      ) orb_eccen      = infodata%orb_eccen    
    if ( present(orb_obliqr)     ) orb_obliqr     = infodata%orb_obliqr   
    if ( present(orb_lambm0)     ) orb_lambm0     = infodata%orb_lambm0   
    if ( present(orb_mvelpp)     ) orb_mvelpp     = infodata%orb_mvelpp
    if ( present(flux_epbal)     ) flux_epbal     = infodata%flux_epbal
    if ( present(flux_albav)     ) flux_albav     = infodata%flux_albav
    if ( present(samegrid_ao)    ) samegrid_ao    = infodata%samegrid_ao
    if ( present(samegrid_ro)    ) samegrid_ro    = infodata%samegrid_ro
    if ( present(samegrid_al)    ) samegrid_al    = infodata%samegrid_al
    if ( present(shr_map_dopole) ) shr_map_dopole = infodata%shr_map_dopole
    if ( present(npfix)          ) npfix          = infodata%npfix
    if ( present(aoflux_grid)    ) aoflux_grid    = infodata%aoflux_grid
    if ( present(ocean_tight_coupling)) ocean_tight_coupling = infodata%ocean_tight_coupling
    if ( present(cpl_cdf64)      ) cpl_cdf64      = infodata%cpl_cdf64
    if ( present(do_budgets)     ) do_budgets     = infodata%do_budgets
    if ( present(do_histinit)    ) do_histinit    = infodata%do_histinit
    if ( present(budget_inst)    ) budget_inst    = infodata%budget_inst
    if ( present(budget_daily)   ) budget_daily   = infodata%budget_daily
    if ( present(budget_month)   ) budget_month   = infodata%budget_month
    if ( present(budget_ann)     ) budget_ann     = infodata%budget_ann
    if ( present(budget_ltann)   ) budget_ltann   = infodata%budget_ltann
    if ( present(budget_ltend)   ) budget_ltend   = infodata%budget_ltend
    if ( present(histaux_a2x)    ) histaux_a2x    = infodata%histaux_a2x
    if ( present(histaux_a2x3hr) ) histaux_a2x3hr = infodata%histaux_a2x3hr
    if ( present(histaux_a2x3hrp)) histaux_a2x3hrp= infodata%histaux_a2x3hrp
    if ( present(histaux_a2x24hr)) histaux_a2x24hr= infodata%histaux_a2x24hr
    if ( present(histaux_l2x)    ) histaux_l2x    = infodata%histaux_l2x
    if ( present(histaux_r2x)    ) histaux_r2x    = infodata%histaux_r2x
    if ( present(drv_threading)  ) drv_threading  = infodata%drv_threading
    if ( present(eps_frac)       ) eps_frac       = infodata%eps_frac
    if ( present(eps_amask)      ) eps_amask      = infodata%eps_amask
    if ( present(eps_agrid)      ) eps_agrid      = infodata%eps_agrid
    if ( present(eps_aarea)      ) eps_aarea      = infodata%eps_aarea
    if ( present(eps_omask)      ) eps_omask      = infodata%eps_omask
    if ( present(eps_ogrid)      ) eps_ogrid      = infodata%eps_ogrid
    if ( present(eps_oarea)      ) eps_oarea      = infodata%eps_oarea

    if ( present(info_debug)     ) info_debug     = infodata%info_debug
    if ( present(bfbflag)        ) bfbflag        = infodata%bfbflag
    if ( present(dead_comps)     ) dead_comps     = infodata%dead_comps

    if ( present(atm_present)    ) atm_present    = infodata%atm_present
    if ( present(atm_prognostic) ) atm_prognostic = infodata%atm_prognostic
    if ( present(lnd_present)    ) lnd_present    = infodata%lnd_present
    if ( present(lnd_prognostic) ) lnd_prognostic = infodata%lnd_prognostic
    if ( present(rof_present)    ) rof_present    = infodata%rof_present
    if ( present(ocn_present)    ) ocn_present    = infodata%ocn_present
    if ( present(ocn_prognostic) ) ocn_prognostic = infodata%ocn_prognostic
    if ( present(ocnrof_prognostic) ) ocnrof_prognostic = infodata%ocnrof_prognostic
    if ( present(ice_present)    ) ice_present    = infodata%ice_present
    if ( present(ice_prognostic) ) ice_prognostic = infodata%ice_prognostic
    if ( present(glc_present)    ) glc_present    = infodata%glc_present
    if ( present(glc_prognostic) ) glc_prognostic = infodata%glc_prognostic
    if ( present(sno_present)    ) sno_present    = infodata%sno_present
    if ( present(sno_prognostic) ) sno_prognostic = infodata%sno_prognostic
    if ( present(atm_nx)         ) atm_nx         = infodata%atm_nx
    if ( present(atm_ny)         ) atm_ny         = infodata%atm_ny
    if ( present(lnd_nx)         ) lnd_nx         = infodata%lnd_nx
    if ( present(lnd_ny)         ) lnd_ny         = infodata%lnd_ny
    if ( present(rof_nx)         ) rof_nx         = infodata%rof_nx
    if ( present(rof_ny)         ) rof_ny         = infodata%rof_ny
    if ( present(ice_nx)         ) ice_nx         = infodata%ice_nx
    if ( present(ice_ny)         ) ice_ny         = infodata%ice_ny
    if ( present(ocn_nx)         ) ocn_nx         = infodata%ocn_nx
    if ( present(ocn_ny)         ) ocn_ny         = infodata%ocn_ny
    if ( present(glc_nx)         ) glc_nx         = infodata%glc_nx
    if ( present(glc_ny)         ) glc_ny         = infodata%glc_ny
    if ( present(sno_nx)         ) sno_nx         = infodata%sno_nx
    if ( present(sno_ny)         ) sno_ny         = infodata%sno_ny
    if ( present(nextsw_cday)    ) nextsw_cday    = infodata%nextsw_cday  
    if ( present(precip_fact)    ) precip_fact    = infodata%precip_fact  
    if ( present(atm_phase)      ) atm_phase      = infodata%atm_phase    
    if ( present(lnd_phase)      ) lnd_phase      = infodata%lnd_phase    
    if ( present(ice_phase)      ) ice_phase      = infodata%ice_phase    
    if ( present(ocn_phase)      ) ocn_phase      = infodata%ocn_phase    
    if ( present(glc_phase)      ) glc_phase      = infodata%glc_phase    
    if ( present(atm_aero)       ) atm_aero       = infodata%atm_aero  
    if ( present(glcrun_alarm)   ) glcrun_alarm   = infodata%glcrun_alarm  
    if ( present(glc_g2supdate)  ) glc_g2supdate  = infodata%glc_g2supdate 

END SUBROUTINE seq_infodata_GetData

! !IROUTINE: seq_infodata_PutData -- Put values from infodata object
!     Put values out of the infodata object.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE seq_infodata_PutData( infodata, case_name, case_desc, timing_dir,  & 28
           model_version, username, hostname, rest_case_name, tchkpt_dir,     &
           start_type, restart_pfile, restart_file, perpetual, perpetual_ymd, &
           aqua_planet,aqua_planet_sst, atm_ideal_phys, atm_adiabatic, brnch_retain_casename, &
           single_column, scmlat,scmlon,logFilePostFix, outPathRoot,          &
           atm_present, atm_prognostic, lnd_present, lnd_prognostic,          &
           rof_present, ocn_present, ocn_prognostic, ocnrof_prognostic,       &
           ice_present, ice_prognostic, glc_present, glc_prognostic,          &
           sno_present, sno_prognostic, bfbflag, samegrid_ro,                 &
           samegrid_ao, samegrid_al, info_debug, dead_comps, read_restart,    &
           shr_map_dopole, npfix, aoflux_grid,                                &
           nextsw_cday, precip_fact, flux_epbal, flux_albav, glcrun_alarm,    &
           glc_g2supdate, atm_aero,                                           &
           ocean_tight_coupling, do_budgets, do_histinit, drv_threading,      &
           budget_inst, budget_daily, budget_month,                           &
           budget_ann, budget_ltann, budget_ltend ,                           &
           histaux_a2x    , histaux_a2x3hr, histaux_a2x3hrp ,                 &
           histaux_a2x24hr, histaux_l2x   , histaux_r2x     ,                 &
           cpl_cdf64,                                                         &
           orb_eccen, orb_obliqr, orb_lambm0, orb_mvelpp, glc_phase,          &
           atm_phase, lnd_phase, ocn_phase, ice_phase, atm_nx, atm_ny,        &
           lnd_nx, lnd_ny, rof_nx, rof_ny, ice_nx, ice_ny, ocn_nx, ocn_ny,    &
           glc_nx, glc_ny, sno_nx, sno_ny, eps_frac, eps_amask,               &
           eps_agrid, eps_aarea, eps_omask, eps_ogrid, eps_oarea     )

   implicit none


   type(seq_infodata_type),    intent(INOUT) :: infodata      ! Input CCSM structure
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: start_type    ! Start type
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: case_name     ! Short case identification
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: case_desc     ! Long case description
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: model_version ! Model version
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: username      ! Username
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: hostname      ! Hostname
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: rest_case_name ! restart casename
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: timing_dir    ! timing dir name
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: tchkpt_dir    ! timing checkpoint dir name
   logical,             optional, intent(IN) :: atm_adiabatic ! atm adiabatic mode
   logical,             optional, intent(IN) :: atm_ideal_phys! atm idealized-physics mode
   logical,             optional, intent(IN) :: aqua_planet   ! aqua_planet mode
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: aqua_planet_sst ! aqua_planet sst type
   logical,             optional, intent(IN) :: brnch_retain_casename
   logical,             optional, intent(IN) :: read_restart  ! read restart flag
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: restart_pfile ! Restart pointer file
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: restart_file  ! Restart file pathname
   logical,             optional, intent(IN) :: single_column
   real (SHR_KIND_R8),  optional, intent(IN) :: scmlat
   real (SHR_KIND_R8),  optional, intent(IN) :: scmlon
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: logFilePostFix! output log file postfix
   character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN) :: outPathRoot   ! output file root
   logical,             optional, intent(IN) :: perpetual     ! If this is perpetual
   integer,             optional, intent(IN) :: perpetual_ymd ! If perpetual, date
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: orb_eccen     ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: orb_obliqr    ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: orb_lambm0    ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz 
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: orb_mvelpp    ! See shr_orb_mod, needed for cosz
   character(len=*)    ,optional, intent(IN) :: flux_epbal    ! selects E,P,R adjustment technique 
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: flux_albav    ! T => no diurnal cycle in ocn albedos
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: samegrid_ao   ! are atm/ocn grids same
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: samegrid_ro   ! are rof/ocn grids same
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: samegrid_al   ! are atm/lnd grids same
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: shr_map_dopole  ! pole corrections in shr_map_mod
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: npfix         ! pole fix in atm2ocn mapping
   character(len=*)    ,optional, intent(IN) :: aoflux_grid   ! grid for atm ocn flux calc
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: ocean_tight_coupling  ! tight vs loose ocean coupling
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: cpl_cdf64     ! netcdf large file setting
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: do_budgets    ! heat/water budgets
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: do_histinit   ! initial history file
   integer             ,optional, intent(IN) :: budget_inst   ! inst budget
   integer             ,optional, intent(IN) :: budget_daily  ! daily budget
   integer             ,optional, intent(IN) :: budget_month  ! month budget
   integer             ,optional, intent(IN) :: budget_ann    ! ann budget
   integer             ,optional, intent(IN) :: budget_ltann  ! ltann budget
   integer             ,optional, intent(IN) :: budget_ltend  ! ltend budget
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: histaux_a2x    
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: histaux_a2x3hr
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: histaux_a2x3hrp
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: histaux_a2x24hr
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: histaux_l2x   
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: histaux_r2x    
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: drv_threading ! driver threading control flag
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: eps_frac      ! fraction error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: eps_amask     ! atm mask error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: eps_agrid     ! atm grid error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: eps_aarea     ! atm area error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: eps_omask     ! ocn mask error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: eps_ogrid     ! ocn grid error tolerance
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: eps_oarea     ! ocn area error tolerance

   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: info_debug
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: bfbflag
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: dead_comps    ! do we have dead models

   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: atm_present    ! provide data
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: atm_prognostic ! need data
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: lnd_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: lnd_prognostic 
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: rof_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: ocn_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: ocn_prognostic 
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: ocnrof_prognostic
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: ice_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: ice_prognostic 
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: glc_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: glc_prognostic 
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: sno_present    
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: sno_prognostic 
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: atm_nx        ! nx,ny 2d grid size global
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: atm_ny        ! nx,ny 2d grid size global
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: lnd_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: lnd_ny
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: rof_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: rof_ny
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: ice_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: ice_ny
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: ocn_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: ocn_ny
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: glc_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: glc_ny
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: sno_nx
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: sno_ny

   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: nextsw_cday   ! calendar of next atm shortwave
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   ,optional, intent(IN) :: precip_fact   ! precip factor
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: atm_phase     ! atm phase
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: lnd_phase     ! lnd phase
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: ice_phase     ! ice phase
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: ocn_phase     ! ocn phase
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(IN) :: glc_phase     ! glc phase
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: atm_aero      ! atm aerosols
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: glcrun_alarm  ! glc run alarm
   logical             ,optional, intent(IN) :: glc_g2supdate ! update glc2sno fields in lnd model


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(seq_infodata_PutData) '


    if ( present(start_type)     ) infodata%start_type     = start_type
    if ( present(case_name)      ) infodata%case_name      = case_name
    if ( present(case_desc)      ) infodata%case_desc      = case_desc
    if ( present(model_version)  ) infodata%model_version  = model_version
    if ( present(username)       ) infodata%username       = username
    if ( present(hostname)       ) infodata%hostname       = hostname
    if ( present(rest_case_name) ) infodata%rest_case_name = rest_case_name    
    if ( present(timing_dir)     ) infodata%timing_dir     = timing_dir
    if ( present(tchkpt_dir)     ) infodata%tchkpt_dir     = tchkpt_dir
    if ( present(atm_adiabatic)  ) infodata%atm_adiabatic  = atm_adiabatic
    if ( present(atm_ideal_phys) ) infodata%atm_ideal_phys = atm_ideal_phys
    if ( present(aqua_planet)    ) infodata%aqua_planet    = aqua_planet
    if ( present(aqua_planet_sst)) infodata%aqua_planet_sst= aqua_planet_sst
    if ( present(brnch_retain_casename)) infodata%brnch_retain_casename = brnch_retain_casename
    if ( present(read_restart)   ) infodata%read_restart   = read_restart
    if ( present(restart_pfile)  ) infodata%restart_pfile  = restart_pfile
    if ( present(restart_file)   ) infodata%restart_file   = restart_file
    if ( present(single_column)  ) infodata%single_column  = single_column
    if ( present(scmlat)         ) infodata%scmlat         = scmlat
    if ( present(scmlon)         ) infodata%scmlon         = scmlon
    if ( present(logFilePostFix) ) infodata%logFilePostFix = logFilePostFix
    if ( present(outPathRoot)    ) infodata%outPathRoot    = outPathRoot
    if ( present(perpetual)      ) infodata%perpetual      = perpetual
    if ( present(perpetual_ymd)  ) infodata%perpetual_ymd  = perpetual_ymd
    if ( present(orb_eccen)      ) infodata%orb_eccen      = orb_eccen    
    if ( present(orb_obliqr)     ) infodata%orb_obliqr     = orb_obliqr   
    if ( present(orb_lambm0)     ) infodata%orb_lambm0     = orb_lambm0   
    if ( present(orb_mvelpp)     ) infodata%orb_mvelpp     = orb_mvelpp
    if ( present(flux_epbal)     ) infodata%flux_epbal     = flux_epbal
    if ( present(flux_albav)     ) infodata%flux_albav     = flux_albav
    if ( present(samegrid_ao)    ) infodata%samegrid_ao    = samegrid_ao
    if ( present(samegrid_ro)    ) infodata%samegrid_ro    = samegrid_ro
    if ( present(samegrid_al)    ) infodata%samegrid_al    = samegrid_al
    if ( present(shr_map_dopole) ) infodata%shr_map_dopole = shr_map_dopole
    if ( present(npfix)          ) infodata%npfix          = npfix
    if ( present(aoflux_grid)    ) infodata%aoflux_grid    = aoflux_grid
    if ( present(ocean_tight_coupling)) infodata%ocean_tight_coupling = ocean_tight_coupling
    if ( present(cpl_cdf64)      ) infodata%cpl_cdf64      = cpl_cdf64
    if ( present(do_budgets)     ) infodata%do_budgets     = do_budgets
    if ( present(do_histinit)    ) infodata%do_histinit    = do_histinit
    if ( present(budget_inst)    ) infodata%budget_inst    = budget_inst
    if ( present(budget_daily)   ) infodata%budget_daily   = budget_daily
    if ( present(budget_month)   ) infodata%budget_month   = budget_month
    if ( present(budget_ann)     ) infodata%budget_ann     = budget_ann
    if ( present(budget_ltann)   ) infodata%budget_ltann   = budget_ltann
    if ( present(budget_ltend)   ) infodata%budget_ltend   = budget_ltend
    if ( present(histaux_a2x)    ) infodata%histaux_a2x    = histaux_a2x
    if ( present(histaux_a2x3hr) ) infodata%histaux_a2x3hr = histaux_a2x3hr
    if ( present(histaux_a2x3hrp)) infodata%histaux_a2x3hrp= histaux_a2x3hrp
    if ( present(histaux_a2x24hr)) infodata%histaux_a2x24hr= histaux_a2x24hr
    if ( present(histaux_l2x)    ) infodata%histaux_l2x    = histaux_l2x
    if ( present(histaux_r2x)    ) infodata%histaux_r2x    = histaux_r2x
    if ( present(drv_threading)  ) infodata%drv_threading  = drv_threading
    if ( present(eps_frac)       ) infodata%eps_frac       = eps_frac
    if ( present(eps_amask)      ) infodata%eps_amask      = eps_amask
    if ( present(eps_agrid)      ) infodata%eps_agrid      = eps_agrid
    if ( present(eps_aarea)      ) infodata%eps_aarea      = eps_aarea
    if ( present(eps_omask)      ) infodata%eps_omask      = eps_omask
    if ( present(eps_ogrid)      ) infodata%eps_ogrid      = eps_ogrid
    if ( present(eps_oarea)      ) infodata%eps_oarea      = eps_oarea

    if ( present(info_debug)     ) infodata%info_debug     = info_debug
    if ( present(bfbflag)        ) infodata%bfbflag        = bfbflag
    if ( present(dead_comps)     ) infodata%dead_comps     = dead_comps

    if ( present(atm_present)    ) infodata%atm_present    = atm_present
    if ( present(atm_prognostic) ) infodata%atm_prognostic = atm_prognostic
    if ( present(lnd_present)    ) infodata%lnd_present    = lnd_present
    if ( present(lnd_prognostic) ) infodata%lnd_prognostic = lnd_prognostic
    if ( present(rof_present)    ) infodata%rof_present    = rof_present
    if ( present(ocn_present)    ) infodata%ocn_present    = ocn_present
    if ( present(ocn_prognostic) ) infodata%ocn_prognostic = ocn_prognostic
    if ( present(ocnrof_prognostic)) infodata%ocnrof_prognostic = ocnrof_prognostic
    if ( present(ice_present)    ) infodata%ice_present    = ice_present
    if ( present(ice_prognostic) ) infodata%ice_prognostic = ice_prognostic
    if ( present(glc_present)    ) infodata%glc_present    = glc_present
    if ( present(glc_prognostic) ) infodata%glc_prognostic = glc_prognostic
    if ( present(sno_present)    ) infodata%sno_present    = sno_present
    if ( present(sno_prognostic) ) infodata%sno_prognostic = sno_prognostic
    if ( present(atm_nx)         ) infodata%atm_nx         = atm_nx
    if ( present(atm_ny)         ) infodata%atm_ny         = atm_ny
    if ( present(lnd_nx)         ) infodata%lnd_nx         = lnd_nx
    if ( present(lnd_ny)         ) infodata%lnd_ny         = lnd_ny
    if ( present(rof_nx)         ) infodata%rof_nx         = rof_nx
    if ( present(rof_ny)         ) infodata%rof_ny         = rof_ny
    if ( present(ice_nx)         ) infodata%ice_nx         = ice_nx
    if ( present(ice_ny)         ) infodata%ice_ny         = ice_ny
    if ( present(ocn_nx)         ) infodata%ocn_nx         = ocn_nx
    if ( present(ocn_ny)         ) infodata%ocn_ny         = ocn_ny
    if ( present(glc_nx)         ) infodata%glc_nx         = glc_nx
    if ( present(glc_ny)         ) infodata%glc_ny         = glc_ny
    if ( present(sno_nx)         ) infodata%sno_nx         = sno_nx
    if ( present(sno_ny)         ) infodata%sno_ny         = sno_ny
    if ( present(nextsw_cday)    ) infodata%nextsw_cday    = nextsw_cday  
    if ( present(precip_fact)    ) infodata%precip_fact    = precip_fact  
    if ( present(atm_phase)      ) infodata%atm_phase      = atm_phase    
    if ( present(lnd_phase)      ) infodata%lnd_phase      = lnd_phase    
    if ( present(ice_phase)      ) infodata%ice_phase      = ice_phase    
    if ( present(ocn_phase)      ) infodata%ocn_phase      = ocn_phase    
    if ( present(glc_phase)      ) infodata%glc_phase      = glc_phase    
    if ( present(atm_aero)       ) infodata%atm_aero       = atm_aero  
    if ( present(glcrun_alarm)   ) infodata%glcrun_alarm   = glcrun_alarm  
    if ( present(glc_g2supdate)  ) infodata%glc_g2supdate  = glc_g2supdate

END SUBROUTINE seq_infodata_PutData

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: seq_infodata_bcast -- Broadcast an infodata from root pe
! Broadcast an infodata across pes
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine seq_infodata_bcast(infodata,mpicom) 1,1

   use shr_mpi_mod, only : shr_mpi_bcast

  implicit none


  type(seq_infodata_type), intent(INOUT) :: infodata    ! assume valid on root pe
  integer(SHR_KIND_IN),    intent(IN)    :: mpicom      ! mpi comm


    !----- local -----

! Notes:

    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%start_type,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%case_desc,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%model_version,         mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%username,              mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%hostname,              mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%case_name,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%timing_dir,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%tchkpt_dir,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_ideal_phys,        mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_adiabatic,         mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%aqua_planet,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%aqua_planet_sst,       mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%brnch_retain_casename, mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%read_restart,          mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%restart_pfile,         mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%restart_file,          mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%single_column,         mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%scmlat,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%scmlon,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%logFilePostFix,        mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%outPathRoot,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%perpetual,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%perpetual_ymd,         mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%orb_eccen,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%orb_obliqr,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%orb_lambm0,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%orb_mvelpp,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%flux_epbal,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%flux_albav,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%samegrid_ao,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%samegrid_ro,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%samegrid_al,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%shr_map_dopole,        mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%npfix,                 mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%aoflux_grid,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocean_tight_coupling,  mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%cpl_cdf64,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%do_budgets,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%do_histinit,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%budget_inst,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%budget_daily,          mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%budget_month,          mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%budget_ann,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%budget_ltann,          mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%budget_ltend,          mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%histaux_a2x           ,mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%histaux_a2x3hr        ,mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%histaux_a2x3hrp       ,mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%histaux_a2x24hr       ,mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%histaux_l2x           ,mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%histaux_r2x           ,mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%drv_threading,         mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%eps_frac,              mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%eps_amask,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%eps_agrid,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%eps_aarea,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%eps_omask,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%eps_ogrid,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%eps_oarea,             mpicom)

    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%info_debug,            mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%bfbflag,               mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%dead_comps,            mpicom)

    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_present,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_prognostic,        mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_present,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_prognostic,        mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%rof_present,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_present,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_prognostic,        mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocnrof_prognostic,     mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_present,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_prognostic,        mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_present,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_prognostic,        mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%sno_present,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%sno_prognostic,        mpicom)

    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_nx,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_ny,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_nx,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_ny,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%rof_nx,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%rof_ny,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_nx,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_ny,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_nx,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_ny,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_nx,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_ny,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%sno_nx,                mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%sno_ny,                mpicom)

    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%nextsw_cday,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%precip_fact,           mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_phase,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_phase,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_phase,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_phase,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_phase,             mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_aero,              mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glcrun_alarm,          mpicom)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_g2supdate,         mpicom)

end subroutine seq_infodata_bcast

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: seq_infodata_Exchange -- Broadcast a subset of infodata between pes
! Broadcast a subset of infodata data between pes to support "exchange" of information
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine seq_infodata_Exchange(infodata,ID,type) 28,5

   use shr_mpi_mod, only : shr_mpi_bcast

  implicit none


  type(seq_infodata_type), intent(INOUT) :: infodata    ! assume valid on root pe
  integer(SHR_KIND_IN),    intent(IN)    :: ID          ! mpi comm
  character(len=*),        intent(IN)    :: type        ! type


  !----- local -----
  integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: mpicom     ! mpicom
  integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: pebcast    ! pe sending
  logical :: atm2cpli,atm2cplr
  logical :: lnd2cpli,lnd2cplr
  logical :: ocn2cpli,ocn2cplr
  logical :: ice2cpli,ice2cplr
  logical :: glc2cpli,glc2cplr
  logical :: cpl2i,cpl2r
  logical :: logset
  logical :: deads   ! local variable to hold info temporarily
  character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(seq_infodata_Exchange) '

! Notes:

  ! assume the comp pe is going to broadcast, change to cplpe below if appropriate
  call seq_comm_setptrs(ID,mpicom=mpicom,cmppe=pebcast)

  logset = .false.

  atm2cpli = .false.
  atm2cplr = .false.
  lnd2cpli = .false.
  lnd2cplr = .false.
  ocn2cpli = .false.
  ocn2cplr = .false.
  ice2cpli = .false.
  ice2cplr = .false.
  glc2cpli = .false.
  glc2cplr = .false.
  cpl2i = .false.
  cpl2r = .false.

  ! --- translate type into logicals ---

  if (trim(type) == 'atm2cpl_init') then
     atm2cpli = .true.
     atm2cplr = .true.
     logset = .true.
  if (trim(type) == 'atm2cpl_run') then
     atm2cplr = .true.
     logset = .true.

  if (trim(type) == 'lnd2cpl_init') then
     lnd2cpli = .true.
     lnd2cplr = .true.
     logset = .true.
  if (trim(type) == 'lnd2cpl_run') then
     lnd2cplr = .true.
     logset = .true.

  if (trim(type) == 'ocn2cpl_init') then
     ocn2cpli = .true.
     ocn2cplr = .true.
     logset = .true.
  if (trim(type) == 'ocn2cpl_run') then
     ocn2cplr = .true.
     logset = .true.

  if (trim(type) == 'ice2cpl_init') then
     ice2cpli = .true.
     ice2cplr = .true.
     logset = .true.
  if (trim(type) == 'ice2cpl_run') then
     ice2cplr = .true.
     logset = .true.

  if (trim(type) == 'glc2cpl_init') then
     glc2cpli = .true.
     glc2cplr = .true.
     logset = .true.
  if (trim(type) == 'glc2cpl_run') then
     glc2cplr = .true.
     logset = .true.

  if (trim(type) == 'cpl2atm_init' .or. &
      trim(type) == 'cpl2lnd_init' .or. &
      trim(type) == 'cpl2ocn_init' .or. &
      trim(type) == 'cpl2glc_init' .or. &
      trim(type) == 'cpl2ice_init') then
     cpl2i = .true.
     cpl2r = .true.
     call seq_comm_setptrs(ID,cplpe=pebcast)
     logset = .true.

  if (trim(type) == 'cpl2atm_run' .or. &
      trim(type) == 'cpl2lnd_run' .or. &
      trim(type) == 'cpl2ocn_run' .or. &
      trim(type) == 'cpl2glc_run' .or. &
      trim(type) == 'cpl2ice_run') then
     cpl2r = .true.
     call seq_comm_setptrs(ID,cplpe=pebcast)
     logset = .true.

  ! --- make sure the type was valid ---

  if (.not. logset) then
     write(logunit,*) trim(subname),' ERROR: type invalid ',trim(type)
     call shr_sys_abort()

  ! --- now execute exchange ---

  if (atm2cpli) then
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_nx,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_ny,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_aero,         mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    ! dead_comps is true if it's ever set to true
    deads = infodata%dead_comps
    call shr_mpi_bcast(deads,                     mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    if (deads .or. infodata%dead_comps) infodata%dead_comps = .true.

  if (lnd2cpli) then
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%rof_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%sno_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%sno_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_nx,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_ny,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%rof_nx,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%rof_ny,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%sno_nx,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%sno_ny,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    ! dead_comps is true if it's ever set to true
    deads = infodata%dead_comps
    call shr_mpi_bcast(deads,                     mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    if (deads .or. infodata%dead_comps) infodata%dead_comps = .true.

  if (ocn2cpli) then
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocnrof_prognostic,mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_nx,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_ny,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    ! dead_comps is true if it's ever set to true
    deads = infodata%dead_comps
    call shr_mpi_bcast(deads,                     mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    if (deads .or. infodata%dead_comps) infodata%dead_comps = .true.

  if (ice2cpli) then
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_nx,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_ny,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    ! dead_comps is true if it's ever set to true
    deads = infodata%dead_comps
    call shr_mpi_bcast(deads,                     mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    if (deads .or. infodata%dead_comps) infodata%dead_comps = .true.

  if (glc2cpli) then
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_nx,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_ny,           mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    ! dead_comps is true if it's ever set to true
    deads = infodata%dead_comps
    call shr_mpi_bcast(deads,                     mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    if (deads .or. infodata%dead_comps) infodata%dead_comps = .true.

  if (cpl2i) then
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%lnd_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%rof_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocn_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ocnrof_prognostic,mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%ice_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%sno_present,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%sno_prognostic,   mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%dead_comps,       mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%atm_aero,         mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)

  if (atm2cplr) then
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%nextsw_cday,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)

  if (ocn2cplr) then
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%precip_fact,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)

  if (cpl2r) then
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%nextsw_cday,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%precip_fact,      mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glcrun_alarm,     mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)
    call shr_mpi_bcast(infodata%glc_g2supdate,    mpicom,pebcast=pebcast)

end subroutine seq_infodata_Exchange

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: seq_infodata_Check  -- Check that input InputInfo derived type is valid
! Check that input infodata object has reasonable values
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine seq_infodata_Check( infodata ) 1,11

! !USES:

  use shr_string_mod,   only: shr_string_listIntersect

  implicit none


    type(seq_infodata_type), intent(INOUT) :: infodata    ! Output CCSM structure


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(seq_infodata_Check) '
    integer :: lastchar                        ! Last character index
    integer :: rc                              ! Return code

! Notes:
    ! --- Case name ------
    lastchar = len(infodata%case_name)
    if ( len_trim(infodata%case_name) == 0) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': variable case_name must be set, aborting')
    end if
    if (infodata%case_name(lastchar:lastchar) /= ' ') then
       write(logunit,"(A,I4,A)")'ERROR: case_name must not exceed ', len(infodata%case_name)-1, &
                 ' characters'
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': variable case_name must be set, aborting')
    end if

    ! --- Special configurations ----- 
    if ( infodata%atm_adiabatic .and. (infodata%atm_ideal_phys .or. &
         infodata%aqua_planet) )then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': only one of atm_adiabatic, ' // &
                           'atm_ideal_phys or aqua_planet can be set' )
    end if

    ! --- Restart pointer file -----
    if ( len_trim(infodata%restart_pfile) == 0 ) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': restart_pfile must be set' )
    end if

    ! --- LogFile ending name ----- 
    if ( len_trim(infodata%logFilePostFix) == 0 ) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': logFilePostFix  must be set to something not blank' )
    end if

    ! --- Output path root directory ----- 
    if ( len_trim(infodata%outPathRoot) == 0 ) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': outPathRoot  must be set' )
    end if
    if ( index(infodata%outPathRoot,"/",back=.true.) /= &
         len_trim(infodata%outPathRoot) ) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': outPathRoot must end with a slash' )
    end if

    ! --- Start-type ------
    if ((trim(infodata%start_type) /= seq_infodata_start_type_start) .and.  &
        (trim(infodata%start_type) /= seq_infodata_start_type_cont ) .and.  &
        (trim(infodata%start_type) /= seq_infodata_start_type_brnch)) then
       call shr_sys_abort(subname//': start_type invalid = '//trim(infodata%start_type))
    end if

    if ((trim(infodata%start_type) == seq_infodata_start_type_cont ) .and.  &
        (trim(infodata%case_name)  /= trim(infodata%rest_case_name))) then
       call shr_sys_abort(subname//': invalid continue restart case name = '//trim(infodata%rest_case_name))

    if (infodata%orb_eccen  == SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL .or. &
        infodata%orb_obliqr == SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL .or. &
        infodata%orb_mvelpp == SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL .or. &
        infodata%orb_lambm0 == SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL) then
       call shr_sys_abort(subname//': orb params incorrect')

END SUBROUTINE seq_infodata_Check

! !IROUTINE: seq_infodata_print -- Print out values to log file
!     Print derivied type out to screen.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE seq_infodata_print( infodata ) 1
   implicit none


   type(seq_infodata_type), intent(IN) :: infodata  ! Output CCSM structure


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(seq_infodata_print) '
    character(len=*), parameter ::  F0A = "(2A,A)"
    character(len=*), parameter ::  F0L = "(2A,L3)"
    character(len=*), parameter ::  F0I = "(2A,I10)"
    character(len=*), parameter ::  F0S = "(2A,I4)"
    character(len=*), parameter ::  F0R = "(2A,g22.14)"

! Notes:

!    if (loglevel > 0) then
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Start type               = ', trim(infodata%start_type)
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Case name                = ', trim(infodata%case_name)
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Case description         = ', trim(infodata%case_desc)
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Model version            = ', trim(infodata%model_version)
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Username                 = ', trim(infodata%username)
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Hostname                 = ', trim(infodata%hostname)
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Timing Dir               = ', trim(infodata%timing_dir)
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Timing Checkpoint Dir    = ', trim(infodata%tchkpt_dir)
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Restart case name        = ', trim(infodata%rest_case_name)

       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'atm_ideal_phys           = ', infodata%atm_ideal_phys
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'atm adiabatic mode       = ', infodata%atm_adiabatic
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'aqua_planet mode         = ', infodata%aqua_planet
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'aqua_planet analytic sst = ', infodata%aqua_planet_sst
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'brnch_retain_casename    = ', infodata%brnch_retain_casename

       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'read_restart flag        = ', infodata%read_restart
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Restart pointer file     = ', trim(infodata%restart_pfile)
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Restart file (full path) = ', trim(infodata%restart_file)

       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'single_column            = ', infodata%single_column
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'scmlat                   = ', infodata%scmlat
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'scmlon                   = ', infodata%scmlon

       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Log output end name      = ', trim(infodata%logFilePostFix)
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'Output path dir          = ', trim(infodata%outPathRoot)

       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'perpetual                = ', infodata%perpetual
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'perpetual_ymd            = ', infodata%perpetual_ymd

       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'orb_eccen                = ', infodata%orb_eccen
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'orb_obliqr               = ', infodata%orb_obliqr
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'orb_lambm0               = ', infodata%orb_lambm0
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'orb_mvelpp               = ', infodata%orb_mvelpp

       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'flux_epbal               = ', trim(infodata%flux_epbal)
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'flux_albav               = ', infodata%flux_albav
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'samegrid_ao              = ', infodata%samegrid_ao
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'samegrid_ro              = ', infodata%samegrid_ro
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'samegrid_al              = ', infodata%samegrid_al
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'shr_map_dopole           = ', infodata%shr_map_dopole
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'npfix                    = ', infodata%npfix
       write(logunit,F0A) subname,'aoflux_grid              = ', trim(infodata%aoflux_grid)
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'ocean_tight_coupling     = ', infodata%ocean_tight_coupling
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'cpl_cdf64                = ', infodata%cpl_cdf64
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'do_budgets               = ', infodata%do_budgets
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'do_histinit              = ', infodata%do_histinit
       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'budget_inst              = ', infodata%budget_inst
       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'budget_daily             = ', infodata%budget_daily 
       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'budget_month             = ', infodata%budget_month
       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'budget_ann               = ', infodata%budget_ann
       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'budget_ltann             = ', infodata%budget_ltann
       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'budget_ltend             = ', infodata%budget_ltend
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'histaux_a2x              = ', infodata%histaux_a2x   
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'histaux_a2x3hr           = ', infodata%histaux_a2x3hr
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'histaux_a2x3hrp          = ', infodata%histaux_a2x3hrp
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'histaux_a2x24hr          = ', infodata%histaux_a2x24hr
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'histaux_l2x              = ', infodata%histaux_l2x   
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'histaux_r2x              = ', infodata%histaux_r2x   
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'drv_threading            = ', infodata%drv_threading

       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'eps_frac                 = ', infodata%eps_frac
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'eps_amask                = ', infodata%eps_amask
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'eps_agrid                = ', infodata%eps_agrid
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'eps_aarea                = ', infodata%eps_aarea
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'eps_omask                = ', infodata%eps_omask
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'eps_ogrid                = ', infodata%eps_ogrid
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'eps_oarea                = ', infodata%eps_oarea

       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'info_debug               = ', infodata%info_debug
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'bfbflag                  = ', infodata%bfbflag
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'dead_comps               = ', infodata%dead_comps

       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'atm_present              = ', infodata%atm_present
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'atm_prognostic           = ', infodata%atm_prognostic
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'lnd_present              = ', infodata%lnd_present
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'lnd_prognostic           = ', infodata%lnd_prognostic
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'rof_present              = ', infodata%rof_present
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'ocn_present              = ', infodata%ocn_present
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'ocn_prognostic           = ', infodata%ocn_prognostic
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'ocnrof_prognostic        = ', infodata%ocnrof_prognostic
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'ice_present              = ', infodata%ice_present
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'ice_prognostic           = ', infodata%ice_prognostic
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'glc_present              = ', infodata%glc_present
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'glc_prognostic           = ', infodata%glc_prognostic
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'sno_present              = ', infodata%sno_present
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'sno_prognostic           = ', infodata%sno_prognostic

       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'atm_nx                   = ', infodata%atm_nx
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'atm_ny                   = ', infodata%atm_ny
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'lnd_nx                   = ', infodata%lnd_nx
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'lnd_ny                   = ', infodata%lnd_ny
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'rof_nx                   = ', infodata%rof_nx
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'rof_ny                   = ', infodata%rof_ny
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'ice_nx                   = ', infodata%ice_nx
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'ice_ny                   = ', infodata%ice_ny
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'ocn_nx                   = ', infodata%ocn_nx
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'ocn_ny                   = ', infodata%ocn_ny
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'glc_nx                   = ', infodata%glc_nx
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'glc_ny                   = ', infodata%glc_ny
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'sno_nx                   = ', infodata%sno_nx
       write(logunit,F0I) subname,'sno_ny                   = ', infodata%sno_ny

       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'nextsw_cday              = ', infodata%nextsw_cday
       write(logunit,F0R) subname,'precip_fact              = ', infodata%precip_fact
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'atm_aero                 = ', infodata%atm_aero

       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'atm_phase                = ', infodata%atm_phase
       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'lnd_phase                = ', infodata%lnd_phase
       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'ocn_phase                = ', infodata%ocn_phase
       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'ice_phase                = ', infodata%ice_phase
       write(logunit,F0S) subname,'glc_phase                = ', infodata%glc_phase

       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'glcrun_alarm             = ', infodata%glcrun_alarm
       write(logunit,F0L) subname,'glc_g2supdate            = ', infodata%glc_g2supdate
!     endif

END SUBROUTINE seq_infodata_print

! !IROUTINE: seq_infodata_Restart -- Read/Write the infodata restart data
! Read/Write infodata information to/from given input netCDF file.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine seq_infodata_Restart( type, infodata, restart_file, mpicom) 2,38
! !USES:

   use shr_ncio_mod,   only : shr_ncio_descripType, shr_ncio_descripInit,     &
                              shr_ncio_descripSetDefault,                     &
                              shr_ncio_open, shr_ncio_close,                  &
                              shr_ncio_descripRead, shr_ncio_descripName,     &
                              shr_ncio_descripPutData, shr_ncio_descripWrite, &
                              shr_ncio_descripGetInteger,                     &
                              shr_ncio_descripGetRealR8,                      &
                              shr_ncio_descripGetString,                      &
                              shr_ncio_descripGetLogical,                     &
   use shr_string_mod, only : shr_string_listGetIndexF
   use shr_file_mod,   only : shr_file_getUnit, shr_file_freeUnit
   use shr_mpi_mod, only : shr_mpi_bcast

   implicit none


   character(len=*),        intent(IN) :: type        ! read or write
   type(seq_infodata_type), intent(INOUT) :: infodata ! infodata
   character(SHR_KIND_CL), optional, intent(IN) :: restart_file! Restart local filename
   integer,                optional, intent(IN) :: mpicom      ! MPI communicator


   !----- local -----
   character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(seq_infodata_Restart) '
   integer :: iam                           ! pe number
   logical :: lmaster                       ! master task
   integer :: n                             ! Index
   integer :: ncId                          ! NetCDF file id
   logical :: exists                        ! If file exists or not
   character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: lrestart_file  ! local restart filename
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: intvar           ! integer variable
   real(SHR_KIND_R8) :: real8var            ! real8 variable
   logical :: logvar                        ! logical variable
   character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: strvar         ! string variable
   logical :: doread                        ! convert type to logical
   integer :: iun                           ! unit number
   integer :: ierr                          ! Return code

   type(shr_ncio_descripType) :: restvar(nrestvar)
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN), parameter :: intFill   = -9876
   real(SHR_KIND_R8)   , parameter :: real8Fill = -9876._SHR_KIND_R8
   character(len=*), parameter :: prefix = "seq_infodata_"

! Notes:

    if (trim(type) == 'read') then
       doread = .true.
    elseif (trim(type) == 'write') then
       doread = .false.
       write(logunit,*) subname,' ERROR: invalid type ',trim(type)
       call shr_sys_abort()

    iam = 0
    if ( present(mpicom) )then
       call mpi_comm_rank(mpicom,iam,ierr)
    lmaster = .false.
    if (iam == 0) lmaster = .true.

    ! Initialize, required for both Read and Write
    call shr_ncio_descripSetDefault( nrestvar, restvar )
    do n = 1, nrestvar
       if (trim(resttype(n)) == 'integer') then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( restvar(n), restname(n), &
               LongName = restlnam(n), units = restunit(n), &
               IntegerData =.true., IntegerFill = IntFill )
       elseif (trim(resttype(n)) == 'real8') then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( restvar(n), restname(n), &
               LongName = restlnam(n), units = restunit(n), &
               RealR8Data =.true., RealR8Fill = real8Fill )
       elseif (trim(resttype(n)) == 'logical') then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( restvar(n), restname(n), &
               LongName = restlnam(n), units = restunit(n), &
               LogicalData =.true. )
       elseif (trim(resttype(n)) == 'char') then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( restvar(n), restname(n), &
               LongName = restlnam(n), units = restunit(n), &
               StringData =.true. )
          write(logunit,*) subname,' ERROR descripInit not implemented for type ',trim(resttype(n))
          call shr_sys_abort()

    ! Write Begin
    if (.not.doread) then
       do n = 1, nrestvar
          selectcase (trim(restname(n)))
                strvar = infodata%case_name
                strvar = infodata%case_desc
                logvar = infodata%atm_adiabatic
                logvar = infodata%atm_ideal_phys
                logvar = infodata%aqua_planet
                intvar = infodata%aqua_planet_sst
                logvar = infodata%single_column
                real8var = infodata%scmlon
                real8var = infodata%scmlat
                logvar = infodata%perpetual
                intvar = infodata%perpetual_ymd
                logvar = infodata%flux_albav
                strvar = infodata%flux_epbal
                 real8var = infodata%orb_eccen
                real8var = infodata%orb_lambm0
                real8var = infodata%orb_mvelpp
                real8var = infodata%nextsw_cday
                real8var = infodata%precip_fact

             case default
                write(logunit,*) subname,' ERROR descripPut not implemented for name ',trim(restname(n))
                call shr_sys_abort()

          if (trim(resttype(n)) == 'integer') then
             call shr_ncio_descripPutData( restvar(n), restname(n), IntegerData=intvar )
          elseif (trim(resttype(n)) == 'real8') then
             call shr_ncio_descripPutData( restvar(n), restname(n), RealR8Data =real8var )
          elseif (trim(resttype(n)) == 'logical') then
             call shr_ncio_descripPutData( restvar(n), restname(n), LogicalData=logvar )
          elseif (trim(resttype(n)) == 'char') then
             call shr_ncio_descripPutData( restvar(n), restname(n), StringData =trim(strvar) )
             write(logunit,*) subname,' ERROR descripPut not implemented for type ',trim(resttype(n))
             call shr_sys_abort()
          end if

       !--- restart_file must be an argument ---

       if (.not. present(restart_file)) then
          write(logunit,"(A)") subname," ERROR: on write, must provide restart_file"
          call shr_sys_abort()

       !--- Write rpointer file ---

       if (lmaster) then
          iun = shr_file_getUnit()
          if (loglevel > 0) write(logunit,"(3A)") subname," write rpointer file ", &
          open(iun, file=infodata%restart_pfile, form='FORMATTED')
          write(iun,'(a)') restart_file
          call shr_file_freeUnit( iun )

       !--- Write restart file ---

       call shr_ncio_open( restart_file, lmaster, FileType=prefix,   &
                           ncId=ncId, exists=exists, writing=.true.,clobber=.true. )
       if ( present(mpicom) )then
          call shr_ncio_descripWrite( ncId, nrestvar, prefix=prefix, mpicom=mpicom,  &
                           mastertask=lmaster, exists=exists, var=restvar )
          call shr_ncio_descripWrite( ncId, nrestvar, prefix=prefix,                 &
                                               exists=exists, var=restvar )
       end if
       call shr_ncio_close( ncId, lmaster, type=prefix, NCFileName=restart_file )

    ! Write End

    ! Read Begin
    if (doread) then

       !--- restart_file from namelist, should not be an argument ---

       if (present(restart_file)) then
          write(logunit,"(A)") subname," ERROR: on read, do not provide restart_file"
          call shr_sys_abort()

       !--- Read rpointer file ---

       if (trim(infodata%restart_file) == trim(sp_str)) then
          if (lmaster) then
             iun = shr_file_getUnit()
             if (loglevel > 0) write(logunit,"(3A)") subname," read rpointer file ", &
             open(iun, file=infodata%restart_pfile, form='FORMATTED', status='old')
             read(iun,'(a)') lrestart_file
             call shr_file_freeUnit( iun )
             write(logunit,"(3A)") subname,' restart file from rpointer= ', &
          if (present(mpicom)) call shr_mpi_bcast(lrestart_file,mpicom)
          infodata%restart_file = lrestart_file

       ! --- Read in restart file -------
       call shr_ncio_open( infodata%restart_file, lmaster, FileType=prefix, &
                           ncId=ncId, exists=exists, writing=.false. )
       if ( present(MPICom) )then
          call shr_ncio_descripRead( ncId, nrestvar, prefix=prefix, mpicom=MPICom,   &
                           mastertask=lmaster, var=restvar )
          call shr_ncio_descripRead( ncId, nrestvar, prefix=prefix,                  &
                                               var=restvar )
       end if
       call shr_ncio_close( ncId, lmaster, type=prefix, NCFileName=infodata%restart_file )

       do n = 1, nrestvar
          ! --- verify that restvar name is consistent with restname       ---
          ! --- this is a little paranoid given the descripInit call above ---
          if (trim(shr_ncio_descripName(restvar(n))) /= trim(restname(n))) then
             write(logunit,*) subname,' ERROR restvar name no match with restname ', &
                trim(shr_ncio_descripName(restvar(n))),' ',trim(restname(n))
             call shr_sys_abort()

          if (trim(resttype(n)) == 'integer') then
             intvar   = shr_ncio_descripGetInteger(restvar(n))
             if (lmaster.and.loglevel > 1) write(logunit) subname,' read ',trim(restname(n)),intvar
          elseif (trim(resttype(n)) == 'real8') then
             real8var = shr_ncio_descripGetRealR8 (restvar(n))
             if (lmaster.and.loglevel > 1) write(logunit) subname,' read ',trim(restname(n)),real8var
          elseif (trim(resttype(n)) == 'logical') then
             logvar   = shr_ncio_descripGetLogical(restvar(n))
             if (lmaster.and.loglevel > 1) write(logunit) subname,' read ',trim(restname(n)),logvar
          elseif (trim(resttype(n)) == 'char') then
             strvar   = shr_ncio_descripGetString (restvar(n))
             if (lmaster.and.loglevel > 1) write(logunit) subname,' read ',trim(restname(n)),trim(strvar)
             write(logunit,*) subname,' ERROR descripGet not implemented for type ',trim(resttype(n))
             call shr_sys_abort()

! many restart parameters are not used to update infodata. for now, 
! we write them to the restart file, and they are just place holders.

          selectcase (trim(restname(n)))
                infodata%rest_case_name = trim(strvar)
!                infodata%case_desc = trim(strvar)
!                infodata%atm_adiabatic = logvar
!                infodata%atm_ideal_phys = logvar
!                infodata%aqua_planet = logvar
!                infodata%aqua_planet_sst = logvar
!                infodata%single_column = logvar
!                infodata%scmlon = real8var
!                infodata%scmlat = real8var
!                infodata%perpetual = logvar
!                infodata%perpetual_ymd = intvar
!                infodata%flux_albav = logvar
!                infodata%flux_epbal = trim(strvar)
!                infodata%orb_eccen =  real8var
!                infodata%orb_lambm0 = real8var
!                infodata%orb_mvelpp = real8var
                infodata%nextsw_cday = real8var
                infodata%precip_fact = real8var

             case default
                write(logunit,*) subname,' ERROR descripGet not implemented for ',trim(restname(n))
                call shr_sys_abort()


end subroutine seq_infodata_Restart       


END MODULE seq_infodata_mod