! !MODULE: gather_scatter
module gather_scatter 11,13
! This module contains routines for gathering data to a single
! processor from a distributed array, scattering data from a
! single processor to a distributed array and changing distribution
! of blocks of data (eg from baroclinic to barotropic and back).
! SVN: $Id: gather_scatter.F90 21356 2010-03-01 22:12:38Z njn01 $
! !USES:
use kinds_mod
use communicate
use constants
use blocks
use distribution
use domain
use domain_size
use exit_mod
implicit none
public :: gather_global, &
scatter_global, &
! overload module functions
interface gather_global 45
module procedure gather_global_dbl
gather_global_real, &
end interface
interface scatter_global 59
module procedure scatter_global_dbl
scatter_global_real, &
scatter_global_int, &
end interface
interface redistribute_blocks 9
module procedure redistribute_blocks_dbl
redistribute_blocks_real, &
end interface
! module variables
! !IROUTINE: gather_global
subroutine gather_global_dbl_orig(ARRAY_G, ARRAY, dst_task, src_dist),3
! This subroutine gathers a distributed array to a global-sized
! array on the processor dst_task.
! same as module
! This is the specific inteface for double precision arrays
! corresponding to the generic interface gather_global. It is shown
! to provide information on the generic interface (the generic
! interface is identical, but chooses a specific inteface based
! on the data type of the input argument).
! !USES:
include 'mpif.h'
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
dst_task ! task to which array should be gathered
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
src_dist ! distribution of blocks in the source array
real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: &
ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab of distributed field
real (r8), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: &
ARRAY_G ! array containing global horizontal field on dst_task
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
i,j,n ,&! dummy loop counters
nsends ,&! number of actual sends
src_block ,&! block locator for send
ierr ! MPI error flag
integer (int_kind), dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
type (block) :: &
this_block ! block info for current block
! if this task is the dst_task, copy local blocks into the global
! array and post receives for non-local blocks.
if (my_task == dst_task) then
do n=1,nblocks_tot
!*** copy local blocks
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
this_block = get_block
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = &
end do
end do
!*** fill land blocks with zeroes
else if (src_dist%proc(n) == 0) then
this_block = get_block
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = c0
end do
end do
end do
!*** receive blocks to fill up the rest
allocate (msg_buffer(nx_block,ny_block))
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) > 0 .and. &
src_dist%proc(n) /= my_task+1) then
this_block = get_block
call MPI_RECV(msg_buffer, size(msg_buffer), &
mpi_dbl, src_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = msg_buffer(i,j)
end do
end do
end do
! otherwise send data to dst_task
allocate(snd_request(nblocks_tot), &
snd_status (MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot))
nsends = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
nsends = nsends + 1
src_block = src_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_ISEND(ARRAY(1,1,src_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_dbl, dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, snd_request(nsends), ierr)
end do
if (nsends > 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(nsends, snd_request, snd_status, ierr)
deallocate(snd_request, snd_status)
end subroutine gather_global_dbl_orig
! !IROUTINE: gather_global
subroutine gather_global_dbl(ARRAY_G, ARRAY, dst_task, src_dist) 2,8
! This subroutine gathers a distributed array to a global-sized
! array on the processor dst_task.
! same as module
! This is the specific inteface for double precision arrays
! corresponding to the generic interface gather_global. It is shown
! to provide information on the generic interface (the generic
! interface is identical, but chooses a specific inteface based
! on the data type of the input argument).
! !USES:
include 'mpif.h'
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
dst_task ! task to which array should be gathered
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
src_dist ! distribution of blocks in the source array
real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: &
ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab of distributed field
real (r8), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: &
ARRAY_G ! array containing global horizontal field on dst_task
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
i,j,n ,&! dummy loop counters
nsends ,&! number of actual sends
src_block ,&! block locator for send
ierr ! MPI error flag
integer (int_kind), dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
type (block) :: &
this_block ! block info for current block
integer (int_kind) :: &
rcv_request ,&! request id
signal ! MPI handshaking variable
signal = 1
! if this task is the dst_task, copy local blocks into the global
! array and post receives for non-local blocks.
if (my_task == dst_task) then
do n=1,nblocks_tot
!*** copy local blocks
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
this_block = get_block
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = &
end do
end do
!*** fill land blocks with zeroes
else if (src_dist%proc(n) == 0) then
this_block = get_block
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = undefined_nf
end do
end do
end do
!*** receive blocks to fill up the rest
allocate (msg_buffer(nx_block,ny_block))
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) > 0 .and. &
src_dist%proc(n) /= my_task+1) then
this_block = get_block
call MPI_IRECV(msg_buffer, size(msg_buffer), &
mpi_dbl, src_dist%proc(n)-1, &
3*mpitag_gs+n, MPI_COMM_OCN, &
rcv_request, ierr)
call MPI_SEND(signal, 1, mpi_integer, &
src_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
call MPI_WAIT(rcv_request, status, ierr)
call MPI_RECV(msg_buffer, size(msg_buffer), &
mpi_dbl, src_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = msg_buffer(i,j)
end do
end do
end do
! otherwise send data to dst_task
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
src_block = src_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_RECV(signal, 1, mpi_integer, &
dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
call MPI_RSEND(ARRAY(1,1,src_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_dbl, dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
call MPI_SEND(ARRAY(1,1,src_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_dbl, dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
end do
end subroutine gather_global_dbl
subroutine gather_global_real(ARRAY_G, ARRAY, dst_task, src_dist),8
! This subroutine gathers a distributed array to a global-sized
! array on the processor dst_task.
include 'mpif.h'
! input variables
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
dst_task ! task to which array should be gathered
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
src_dist ! distribution of blocks in the source array
real (r4), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: &
ARRAY ! array containing distributed field
! output variables
real (r4), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: &
ARRAY_G ! array containing global field on dst_task
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
i,j,n ,&! dummy loop counters
nsends ,&! number of actual sends
src_block ,&! block locator for send
ierr ! MPI error flag
integer (int_kind), dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
real (r4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
type (block) :: &
this_block ! block info for current block
integer (int_kind) :: &
rcv_request ,&! request id
signal ! MPI handshaking variable
signal = 1
! if this task is the dst_task, copy local blocks into the global
! array and post receives for non-local blocks.
if (my_task == dst_task) then
do n=1,nblocks_tot
!*** copy local blocks
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
this_block = get_block
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = &
end do
end do
!*** fill land blocks with zeroes
else if (src_dist%proc(n) == 0) then
this_block = get_block
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = undefined_nf_r4
end do
end do
end do
!*** receive blocks to fill up the rest
allocate (msg_buffer(nx_block,ny_block))
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) > 0 .and. &
src_dist%proc(n) /= my_task+1) then
this_block = get_block
call MPI_IRECV(msg_buffer, size(msg_buffer), &
mpi_real, src_dist%proc(n)-1, &
3*mpitag_gs+n, MPI_COMM_OCN, &
rcv_request, ierr)
call MPI_SEND(signal, 1, mpi_integer, &
src_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
call MPI_WAIT(rcv_request, status, ierr)
call MPI_RECV(msg_buffer, size(msg_buffer), &
mpi_real, src_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = msg_buffer(i,j)
end do
end do
end do
! otherwise send data to dst_task
allocate(snd_request(nblocks_tot), &
snd_status (MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot))
nsends = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
nsends = nsends + 1
src_block = src_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_RECV(signal, 1, mpi_integer, &
dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
call MPI_IRSEND(ARRAY(1,1,src_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_real, dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, snd_request(nsends), ierr)
call MPI_ISEND(ARRAY(1,1,src_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_real, dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, snd_request(nsends), ierr)
end do
if (nsends > 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(nsends, snd_request, snd_status, ierr)
deallocate(snd_request, snd_status)
end subroutine gather_global_real
subroutine gather_global_int(ARRAY_G, ARRAY, dst_task, src_dist),8
! This subroutine gathers a distributed array to a global-sized
! array on the processor dst_task.
include 'mpif.h'
! input variables
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
dst_task ! task to which array should be gathered
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
src_dist ! distribution of blocks in the source array
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: &
ARRAY ! array containing distributed field
! output variables
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: &
ARRAY_G ! array containing global field on dst_task
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
i,j,n ,&! dummy loop counters
nsends ,&! number of actual sends
src_block ,&! block locator for send
ierr ! MPI error flag
integer (int_kind), dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
type (block) :: &
this_block ! block info for current block
integer (int_kind) :: &
rcv_request ,&! request id
signal ! MPI handshaking variable
signal = 1
! if this task is the dst_task, copy local blocks into the global
! array and post receives for non-local blocks.
if (my_task == dst_task) then
do n=1,nblocks_tot
!*** copy local blocks
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
this_block = get_block
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = &
end do
end do
!*** fill land blocks with zeroes
else if (src_dist%proc(n) == 0) then
this_block = get_block
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = undefined_nf_int
end do
end do
end do
!*** receive blocks to fill up the rest
allocate (msg_buffer(nx_block,ny_block))
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) > 0 .and. &
src_dist%proc(n) /= my_task+1) then
this_block = get_block
call MPI_IRECV(msg_buffer, size(msg_buffer), &
mpi_integer, src_dist%proc(n)-1, &
3*mpitag_gs+n, MPI_COMM_OCN, &
rcv_request, ierr)
call MPI_SEND(signal, 1, mpi_integer, &
src_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
call MPI_WAIT(rcv_request, status, ierr)
call MPI_RECV(msg_buffer, size(msg_buffer), &
mpi_integer, src_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie
ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i), &
this_block%j_glob(j)) = msg_buffer(i,j)
end do
end do
end do
! otherwise send data to dst_task
allocate(snd_request(nblocks_tot), &
snd_status (MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot))
nsends = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
nsends = nsends + 1
src_block = src_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_RECV(signal, 1, mpi_integer, &
dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
call MPI_IRSEND(ARRAY(1,1,src_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_integer, dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, snd_request(nsends), ierr)
call MPI_ISEND(ARRAY(1,1,src_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_integer, dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, snd_request(nsends), ierr)
end do
if (nsends > 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(nsends, snd_request, snd_status, ierr)
deallocate(snd_request, snd_status)
end subroutine gather_global_int
! !IROUTINE: scatter_global
subroutine scatter_global_dbl(ARRAY, ARRAY_G, src_task, dst_dist, & 2,8
field_loc, field_type)
! This subroutine scatters a distributed array to a global-sized
! array on the processor src_task. Note that this routine only
! is guaranteed to scatter correct values in the physical domain
! on each block. Ghost cells are not filled correctly for tripole
! boundary conditions due to the complexity of dealing with field
! locations. It is wise to call the boundary update routine after
! each scatter call.
! same as module
! This is the specific interface for double precision arrays
! corresponding to the generic interface scatter_global. It is shown
! to provide information on the generic interface (the generic
! interface is identical, but chooses a specific interface based
! on the data type of the input argument).
! !USES:
include 'mpif.h'
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
src_task ! task from which array should be scattered
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
dst_dist ! distribution of resulting blocks
real (r8), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: &
ARRAY_G ! array containing global field on src_task
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle)
field_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid
! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface)
real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
ARRAY ! array containing distributed field
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
i,j,n,bid, &! dummy loop indices
nrecvs, &! actual number of messages received
isrc, jsrc, &! source addresses
dst_block, &! location of block in dst array
xoffset, yoffset, &! offsets for tripole bounday conditions
isign, &! sign factor for tripole boundary conditions
ierr ! MPI error flag
type (block) :: &
this_block ! block info for current block
integer (int_kind), dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
rcv_request ! request array for receives
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
rcv_status ! status array for receives
real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
msg_buffer ! buffer for sending blocks
! initialize return array to zero and set up tripole quantities
ARRAY = c0
select case (field_loc)
case (field_loc_center) ! cell center location
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 1
case (field_loc_NEcorner) ! cell corner (velocity) location
xoffset = 0
yoffset = 0
case (field_loc_Eface) ! cell center location
xoffset = 0
yoffset = 1
case (field_loc_Nface) ! cell corner (velocity) location
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 0
case (field_loc_noupdate) ! ghost cells never used - use cell center
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 1
end select
select case (field_type)
case (field_type_scalar)
isign = 1
case (field_type_vector)
isign = -1
case (field_type_angle)
isign = -1
case (field_type_noupdate) ! ghost cells never used - use cell center
isign = 1
case default
call exit_POP
(sigAbort, 'Unknown field type in scatter')
end select
! if this task is the src_task, copy blocks of global array into
! message buffer and send to other processors. also copy local blocks
if (my_task == src_task) then
!*** send non-local blocks away
allocate (msg_buffer(nx_block,ny_block))
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) > 0 .and. &
dst_dist%proc(n)-1 /= my_task) then
msg_buffer = c0
this_block = get_block
!*** if this is an interior block, then there is no
!*** padding or update checking required
if (this_block%iblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%iblock < nblocks_x .and. &
this_block%jblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%jblock < nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
do i=1,nx_block
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is an edge block but not a northern edge
!*** we only need to check for closed boundaries and
!*** padding (global index = 0)
else if (this_block%jblock /= nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) /= 0) then
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is a northern edge block, we need to check
!*** for and properly deal with tripole boundaries
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) > 0) then ! normal boundary
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
else if (this_block%j_glob(j) < 0) then ! tripole
jsrc = ny_global + yoffset + &
(this_block%j_glob(j) + ny_global)
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
isrc = nx_global + xoffset - this_block%i_glob(i)
if (isrc < 1) isrc = isrc + nx_global
if (isrc > nx_global) isrc = isrc - nx_global
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(isrc,jsrc)
end do
end do
call MPI_SEND(msg_buffer, nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_dbl, dst_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
end do
!*** copy any local blocks
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
dst_block = dst_dist%local_block(n)
this_block = get_block
!*** if this is an interior block, then there is no
!*** padding or update checking required
if (this_block%iblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%iblock < nblocks_x .and. &
this_block%jblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%jblock < nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
do i=1,nx_block
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is an edge block but not a northern edge
!*** we only need to check for closed boundaries and
!*** padding (global index = 0)
else if (this_block%jblock /= nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) /= 0) then
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is a northern edge block, we need to check
!*** for and properly deal with tripole boundaries
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) > 0) then ! normal boundary
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
else if (this_block%j_glob(j) < 0) then ! tripole
jsrc = ny_global + yoffset + &
(this_block%j_glob(j) + ny_global)
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
isrc = nx_global + xoffset - this_block%i_glob(i)
if (isrc < 1) isrc = isrc + nx_global
if (isrc > nx_global) isrc = isrc - nx_global
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(isrc,jsrc)
end do
end do
end do
! otherwise receive data from src_task
allocate (rcv_request(nblocks_tot), &
rcv_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot))
rcv_request = 0
rcv_status = 0
nrecvs = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
nrecvs = nrecvs + 1
dst_block = dst_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_IRECV(ARRAY(1,1,dst_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_dbl, src_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, rcv_request(nrecvs), ierr)
end do
if (nrecvs > 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(nrecvs, rcv_request, rcv_status, ierr)
deallocate(rcv_request, rcv_status)
end subroutine scatter_global_dbl
subroutine scatter_global_real(ARRAY, ARRAY_G, src_task, dst_dist, &,8
field_loc, field_type)
! This subroutine scatters a distributed array to a global-sized
! array on the processor src_task.
include 'mpif.h'
! input variables
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
src_task ! task from which array should be scattered
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
dst_dist ! distribution of resulting blocks
real (r4), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: &
ARRAY_G ! array containing global field on src_task
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle)
field_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid
! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface)
! output variables
real (r4), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
ARRAY ! array containing distributed field
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
i,j,n,bid, &! dummy loop indices
nrecvs, &! actual number of messages received
isrc, jsrc, &! source addresses
dst_block, &! location of block in dst array
xoffset, yoffset, &! offsets for tripole bounday conditions
isign, &! sign factor for tripole boundary conditions
ierr ! MPI error flag
type (block) :: &
this_block ! block info for current block
integer (int_kind), dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
rcv_request ! request array for receives
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
rcv_status ! status array for receives
real (r4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
msg_buffer ! buffer for sending blocks
! initialize return array to zero and set up tripole quantities
ARRAY = c0
select case (field_loc)
case (field_loc_center) ! cell center location
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 1
case (field_loc_NEcorner) ! cell corner (velocity) location
xoffset = 0
yoffset = 0
case (field_loc_Eface) ! cell center location
xoffset = 0
yoffset = 1
case (field_loc_Nface) ! cell corner (velocity) location
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 0
case (field_loc_noupdate) ! ghost cells never used - use cell center
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 1
end select
select case (field_type)
case (field_type_scalar)
isign = 1
case (field_type_vector)
isign = -1
case (field_type_angle)
isign = -1
case (field_type_noupdate) ! ghost cells never used - use cell center
isign = 1
case default
call exit_POP
(sigAbort, 'Unknown field type in scatter')
end select
! if this task is the src_task, copy blocks of global array into
! message buffer and send to other processors. also copy local blocks
if (my_task == src_task) then
!*** send non-local blocks away
allocate (msg_buffer(nx_block,ny_block))
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) > 0 .and. &
dst_dist%proc(n)-1 /= my_task) then
msg_buffer = c0
this_block = get_block
!*** if this is an interior block, then there is no
!*** padding or update checking required
if (this_block%iblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%iblock < nblocks_x .and. &
this_block%jblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%jblock < nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
do i=1,nx_block
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is an edge block but not a northern edge
!*** we only need to check for closed boundaries and
!*** padding (global index = 0)
else if (this_block%jblock /= nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) /= 0) then
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is a northern edge block, we need to check
!*** for and properly deal with tripole boundaries
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) > 0) then ! normal boundary
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
else if (this_block%j_glob(j) < 0) then ! tripole
jsrc = ny_global + yoffset + &
(this_block%j_glob(j) + ny_global)
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
isrc = nx_global + xoffset - this_block%i_glob(i)
if (isrc < 1) isrc = isrc + nx_global
if (isrc > nx_global) isrc = isrc - nx_global
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(isrc,jsrc)
end do
end do
call MPI_SEND(msg_buffer, nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_real, dst_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
end do
!*** copy any local blocks
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
dst_block = dst_dist%local_block(n)
this_block = get_block
!*** if this is an interior block, then there is no
!*** padding or update checking required
if (this_block%iblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%iblock < nblocks_x .and. &
this_block%jblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%jblock < nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
do i=1,nx_block
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is an edge block but not a northern edge
!*** we only need to check for closed boundaries and
!*** padding (global index = 0)
else if (this_block%jblock /= nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) /= 0) then
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is a northern edge block, we need to check
!*** for and properly deal with tripole boundaries
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) > 0) then ! normal boundary
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
else if (this_block%j_glob(j) < 0) then ! tripole
jsrc = ny_global + yoffset + &
(this_block%j_glob(j) + ny_global)
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
isrc = nx_global + xoffset - this_block%i_glob(i)
if (isrc < 1) isrc = isrc + nx_global
if (isrc > nx_global) isrc = isrc - nx_global
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(isrc,jsrc)
end do
end do
end do
! otherwise receive data from src_task
allocate (rcv_request(nblocks_tot), &
rcv_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot))
rcv_request = 0
rcv_status = 0
nrecvs = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
nrecvs = nrecvs + 1
dst_block = dst_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_IRECV(ARRAY(1,1,dst_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_real, src_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, rcv_request(nrecvs), ierr)
end do
if (nrecvs > 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(nrecvs, rcv_request, rcv_status, ierr)
deallocate(rcv_request, rcv_status)
end subroutine scatter_global_real
subroutine scatter_global_int(ARRAY, ARRAY_G, src_task, dst_dist, &,8
field_loc, field_type)
! This subroutine scatters a distributed array to a global-sized
! array on the processor src_task.
include 'mpif.h'
! input variables
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
src_task ! task from which array should be scattered
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle)
field_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid
! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface)
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
dst_dist ! distribution of resulting blocks
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: &
ARRAY_G ! array containing global field on src_task
! output variables
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
ARRAY ! array containing distributed field
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
i,j,n,bid, &! dummy loop indices
nrecvs, &! actual number of messages received
isrc, jsrc, &! source addresses
dst_block, &! location of block in dst array
xoffset, yoffset, &! offsets for tripole bounday conditions
isign, &! sign factor for tripole boundary conditions
ierr ! MPI error flag
type (block) :: &
this_block ! block info for current block
integer (int_kind), dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
rcv_request ! request array for receives
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
rcv_status ! status array for receives
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
msg_buffer ! buffer for sending blocks
! initialize return array to zero and set up tripole quantities
ARRAY = c0
select case (field_loc)
case (field_loc_center) ! cell center location
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 1
case (field_loc_NEcorner) ! cell corner (velocity) location
xoffset = 0
yoffset = 0
case (field_loc_Eface) ! cell center location
xoffset = 0
yoffset = 1
case (field_loc_Nface) ! cell corner (velocity) location
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 0
case (field_loc_noupdate) ! ghost cells never used - use cell center
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 1
end select
select case (field_type)
case (field_type_scalar)
isign = 1
case (field_type_vector)
isign = -1
case (field_type_angle)
isign = -1
case (field_type_noupdate) ! ghost cells never used - use cell center
isign = 1
case default
call exit_POP
(sigAbort, 'Unknown field type in scatter')
end select
! if this task is the src_task, copy blocks of global array into
! message buffer and send to other processors. also copy local blocks
if (my_task == src_task) then
!*** send non-local blocks away
allocate (msg_buffer(nx_block,ny_block))
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) > 0 .and. &
dst_dist%proc(n)-1 /= my_task) then
msg_buffer = c0
this_block = get_block
!*** if this is an interior block, then there is no
!*** padding or update checking required
if (this_block%iblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%iblock < nblocks_x .and. &
this_block%jblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%jblock < nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
do i=1,nx_block
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is an edge block but not a northern edge
!*** we only need to check for closed boundaries and
!*** padding (global index = 0)
else if (this_block%jblock /= nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) /= 0) then
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is a northern edge block, we need to check
!*** for and properly deal with tripole boundaries
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) > 0) then ! normal boundary
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
else if (this_block%j_glob(j) < 0) then ! tripole
jsrc = ny_global + yoffset + &
(this_block%j_glob(j) + ny_global)
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
isrc = nx_global + xoffset - this_block%i_glob(i)
if (isrc < 1) isrc = isrc + nx_global
if (isrc > nx_global) isrc = isrc - nx_global
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(isrc,jsrc)
end do
end do
call MPI_SEND(msg_buffer, nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_integer, dst_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
end do
!*** copy any local blocks
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
dst_block = dst_dist%local_block(n)
this_block = get_block
!*** if this is an interior block, then there is no
!*** padding or update checking required
if (this_block%iblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%iblock < nblocks_x .and. &
this_block%jblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%jblock < nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
do i=1,nx_block
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is an edge block but not a northern edge
!*** we only need to check for closed boundaries and
!*** padding (global index = 0)
else if (this_block%jblock /= nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) /= 0) then
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is a northern edge block, we need to check
!*** for and properly deal with tripole boundaries
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) > 0) then ! normal boundary
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
else if (this_block%j_glob(j) < 0) then ! tripole
jsrc = ny_global + yoffset + &
(this_block%j_glob(j) + ny_global)
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
isrc = nx_global + xoffset - this_block%i_glob(i)
if (isrc < 1) isrc = isrc + nx_global
if (isrc > nx_global) isrc = isrc - nx_global
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(isrc,jsrc)
end do
end do
end do
! otherwise receive data from src_task
allocate (rcv_request(nblocks_tot), &
rcv_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot))
rcv_request = 0
rcv_status = 0
nrecvs = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
nrecvs = nrecvs + 1
dst_block = dst_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_IRECV(ARRAY(1,1,dst_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_integer, src_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, rcv_request(nrecvs), ierr)
end do
if (nrecvs > 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(nrecvs, rcv_request, rcv_status, ierr)
deallocate(rcv_request, rcv_status)
end subroutine scatter_global_int
subroutine scatter_global_log(ARRAY, ARRAY_G, src_task, dst_dist, &,3
field_loc, field_type)
! This subroutine scatters a distributed array to a global-sized
! array on the processor src_task.
include 'mpif.h'
! input variables
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
src_task ! task from which array should be scattered
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle)
field_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid
! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface)
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
dst_dist ! distribution of resulting blocks
logical (log_kind), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: &
ARRAY_G ! array containing global field on src_task
! output variables
logical (log_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
ARRAY ! array containing distributed field
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
i,j,n,bid, &! dummy loop indices
nrecvs, &! actual number of messages received
isrc, jsrc, &! source addresses
dst_block, &! location of block in dst array
xoffset, yoffset, &! offsets for tripole bounday conditions
isign, &! sign factor for tripole boundary conditions
ierr ! MPI error flag
type (block) :: &
this_block ! block info for current block
integer (int_kind), dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: &
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
rcv_request ! request array for receives
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
rcv_status ! status array for receives
logical (log_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
msg_buffer ! buffer for sending blocks
! initialize return array to .false. and set up tripole quantities
ARRAY = .false.
select case (field_loc)
case (field_loc_center) ! cell center location
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 1
case (field_loc_NEcorner) ! cell corner (velocity) location
xoffset = 0
yoffset = 0
case (field_loc_Eface) ! cell center location
xoffset = 0
yoffset = 1
case (field_loc_Nface) ! cell corner (velocity) location
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 0
case (field_loc_noupdate) ! ghost cells never used - use cell center
xoffset = 1
yoffset = 1
end select
select case (field_type)
case (field_type_scalar)
isign = 1
case (field_type_vector)
isign = -1
case (field_type_angle)
isign = -1
case (field_type_noupdate) ! ghost cells never used - use cell center
isign = 1
case default
call exit_POP
(sigAbort, 'Unknown field type in scatter')
end select
! if this task is the src_task, copy blocks of global array into
! message buffer and send to other processors. also copy local blocks
if (my_task == src_task) then
!*** send non-local blocks away
allocate (msg_buffer(nx_block,ny_block))
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) > 0 .and. &
dst_dist%proc(n)-1 /= my_task) then
msg_buffer = .false.
this_block = get_block
!*** if this is an interior block, then there is no
!*** padding or update checking required
if (this_block%iblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%iblock < nblocks_x .and. &
this_block%jblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%jblock < nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
do i=1,nx_block
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is an edge block but not a northern edge
!*** we only need to check for closed boundaries and
!*** padding (global index = 0)
else if (this_block%jblock /= nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) /= 0) then
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is a northern edge block, we need to check
!*** for and properly deal with tripole boundaries
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) > 0) then ! normal boundary
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
else if (this_block%j_glob(j) < 0) then ! tripole
jsrc = ny_global + yoffset + &
(this_block%j_glob(j) + ny_global)
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
isrc = nx_global + xoffset - this_block%i_glob(i)
if (isrc < 1) isrc = isrc + nx_global
if (isrc > nx_global) isrc = isrc - nx_global
msg_buffer(i,j) = ARRAY_G(isrc,jsrc)
end do
end do
call MPI_SEND(msg_buffer, nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_logical, dst_dist%proc(n)-1, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, status, ierr)
end do
!*** copy any local blocks
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
dst_block = dst_dist%local_block(n)
this_block = get_block
!*** if this is an interior block, then there is no
!*** padding or update checking required
if (this_block%iblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%iblock < nblocks_x .and. &
this_block%jblock > 1 .and. &
this_block%jblock < nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
do i=1,nx_block
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is an edge block but not a northern edge
!*** we only need to check for closed boundaries and
!*** padding (global index = 0)
else if (this_block%jblock /= nblocks_y) then
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) /= 0) then
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
end do
!*** if this is a northern edge block, we need to check
!*** for and properly deal with tripole boundaries
do j=1,ny_block
if (this_block%j_glob(j) > 0) then ! normal boundary
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(this_block%i_glob(i),&
end do
else if (this_block%j_glob(j) < 0) then ! tripole
jsrc = ny_global + yoffset + &
(this_block%j_glob(j) + ny_global)
do i=1,nx_block
if (this_block%i_glob(i) /= 0) then
isrc = nx_global + xoffset - this_block%i_glob(i)
if (isrc < 1) isrc = isrc + nx_global
if (isrc > nx_global) isrc = isrc - nx_global
ARRAY(i,j,dst_block) = ARRAY_G(isrc,jsrc)
end do
end do
end do
! otherwise receive data from src_task
allocate (rcv_request(nblocks_tot), &
rcv_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot))
rcv_request = 0
rcv_status = 0
nrecvs = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
nrecvs = nrecvs + 1
dst_block = dst_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_IRECV(ARRAY(1,1,dst_block), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_logical, src_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, rcv_request(nrecvs), ierr)
end do
if (nrecvs > 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(nrecvs, rcv_request, rcv_status, ierr)
deallocate(rcv_request, rcv_status)
end subroutine scatter_global_log
! !IROUTINE: redistribute_blocks
subroutine redistribute_blocks_dbl(DST_ARRAY, dst_dist, & 1
SRC_ARRAY, src_dist)
! This subroutine converts an array distributed in a one decomposition
! an array distributed in a different decomposition
! same as module
! This is the specific interface for double precision arrays
! corresponding to the generic interface scatter_global. It is shown
! to provide information on the generic interface (the generic
! interface is identical, but chooses a specific interface based
! on the data type of the input argument).
! !USES:
include 'mpif.h'
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
src_dist ,&! info on distribution of blocks for source array
dst_dist ! info on distribution of blocks for dest array
real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: &
SRC_ARRAY ! array containing field in source distribution
real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
DST_ARRAY ! array containing field in dest distribution
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: i,j,n, &
src_task, &! task where the block currently resides
dst_task, &! task where the block needs to end up
src_blck, &! blck where the block currently resides
dst_blck, &! blck where the block needs to end up
num_sends, &! number of messages sent from this task
num_recvs, &! number of messages received by this task
ierr ! MPI error flag
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
rcv_request, &! request array for receives
snd_request ! request array for sends
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
rcv_status, &! status array for receives
snd_status ! status array for sends
! allocate space for asynchronous send/recv arrays
allocate (rcv_request(nblocks_tot), &
snd_request(nblocks_tot), &
rcv_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot), &
snd_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot))
rcv_request = 0
snd_request = 0
rcv_status = 0
snd_status = 0
! first determine whether should be receiving messages and post all
! the receives
num_recvs = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
src_task = src_dist%proc(n) - 1
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1 .and. src_task /= my_task) then
num_recvs = num_recvs + 1
dst_blck = dst_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_IRECV(DST_ARRAY(1,1,dst_blck), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_dbl, src_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, rcv_request(num_recvs), ierr)
end do
! now determine which sends are required and post the sends
num_sends = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
dst_task = dst_dist%proc(n) - 1
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1 .and. dst_task /= my_task) then
num_sends = num_sends + 1
src_blck = src_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_ISEND(SRC_ARRAY(1,1,src_blck), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_dbl, dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, snd_request(num_sends), ierr)
end do
! if blocks are local, simply copy the proper buffers
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1 .and. &
dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
DST_ARRAY(:,:,dst_dist%local_block(n)) = &
end do
! finalize all the messages and clean up
if (num_sends /= 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(num_sends, snd_request, snd_status, ierr)
if (num_recvs /= 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(num_recvs, rcv_request, rcv_status, ierr)
deallocate (rcv_request, snd_request, rcv_status, snd_status)
end subroutine redistribute_blocks_dbl
subroutine redistribute_blocks_real(DST_ARRAY, dst_dist, &
SRC_ARRAY, src_dist)
! This subroutine converts an array distributed in a baroclinic
! data decomposition to an array in a barotropic decomposition
include 'mpif.h'
! input variables
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
src_dist ! info on distribution of blocks for source array
real (r4), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: &
SRC_ARRAY ! array containing field in source distribution
! output variables
type (distrb), intent(inout) :: &
dst_dist ! info on dist of blocks for destination array
real (r4), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
DST_ARRAY ! array containing field in dest distribution
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: i,j,n, &
src_task, &! task where the block currently resides
dst_task, &! task where the block needs to end up
src_blck, &! blck where the block currently resides
dst_blck, &! blck where the block needs to end up
num_sends, &! number of messages sent from this task
num_recvs, &! number of messages received by this task
ierr ! MPI error flag
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
rcv_request, &! request array for receives
snd_request ! request array for sends
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
rcv_status, &! status array for receives
snd_status ! status array for sends
! allocate space for asynchronous send/recv arrays
allocate (rcv_request(nblocks_tot), &
snd_request(nblocks_tot), &
rcv_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot), &
snd_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot))
rcv_request = 0
snd_request = 0
rcv_status = 0
snd_status = 0
! first determine whether should be receiving messages and post all
! the receives
num_recvs = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
src_task = src_dist%proc(n) - 1
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1 .and. src_task /= my_task) then
num_recvs = num_recvs + 1
dst_blck = dst_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_IRECV(DST_ARRAY(1,1,dst_blck), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_real, src_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, rcv_request(num_recvs), ierr)
end do
! now determine which sends are required and post the sends
num_sends = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
dst_task = dst_dist%proc(n) - 1
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1 .and. dst_task /= my_task) then
num_sends = num_sends + 1
src_blck = src_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_ISEND(SRC_ARRAY(1,1,src_blck), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_real, dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, snd_request(num_sends), ierr)
end do
! if blocks are local, simply copy the proper buffers
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1 .and. &
dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
DST_ARRAY(:,:,dst_dist%local_block(n)) = &
end do
! finalize all the messages and clean up
if (num_sends /= 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(num_sends, snd_request, snd_status, ierr)
if (num_recvs /= 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(num_recvs, rcv_request, rcv_status, ierr)
deallocate (rcv_request, snd_request, rcv_status, snd_status)
end subroutine redistribute_blocks_real
subroutine redistribute_blocks_int(DST_ARRAY, dst_dist, &
SRC_ARRAY, src_dist)
! This subroutine converts an array distributed in a baroclinic
! data decomposition to an array in a barotropic decomposition
include 'mpif.h'
! input variables
type (distrb), intent(in) :: &
src_dist ! info on distribution of blocks for source array
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: &
SRC_ARRAY ! array containing field in source distribution
! output variables
type (distrb), intent(inout) :: &
dst_dist ! info on dist of blocks for destination array
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
DST_ARRAY ! array containing field in dest distribution
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: i,j,n, &
src_task, &! task where the block currently resides
dst_task, &! task where the block needs to end up
src_blck, &! blck where the block currently resides
dst_blck, &! blck where the block needs to end up
num_sends, &! number of messages sent from this task
num_recvs, &! number of messages received by this task
ierr ! MPI error flag
integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
rcv_request, &! request array for receives
snd_request ! request array for sends
integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
rcv_status, &! status array for receives
snd_status ! status array for sends
! allocate space for asynchronous send/recv arrays
allocate (rcv_request(nblocks_tot), &
snd_request(nblocks_tot), &
rcv_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot), &
snd_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, nblocks_tot))
rcv_request = 0
snd_request = 0
rcv_status = 0
snd_status = 0
! first determine whether should be receiving messages and post all
! the receives
num_recvs = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
src_task = src_dist%proc(n) - 1
if (dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1 .and. src_task /= my_task) then
num_recvs = num_recvs + 1
dst_blck = dst_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_IRECV(DST_ARRAY(1,1,dst_blck), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_integer, src_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, rcv_request(num_recvs), ierr)
end do
! now determine which sends are required and post the sends
num_sends = 0
do n=1,nblocks_tot
dst_task = dst_dist%proc(n) - 1
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1 .and. dst_task /= my_task) then
num_sends = num_sends + 1
src_blck = src_dist%local_block(n)
call MPI_ISEND(SRC_ARRAY(1,1,src_blck), nx_block*ny_block, &
mpi_integer, dst_task, 3*mpitag_gs+n, &
MPI_COMM_OCN, snd_request(num_sends), ierr)
end do
! if blocks are local, simply copy the proper buffers
do n=1,nblocks_tot
if (src_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1 .and. &
dst_dist%proc(n) == my_task+1) then
DST_ARRAY(:,:,dst_dist%local_block(n)) = &
end do
! finalize all the messages and clean up
if (num_sends /= 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(num_sends, snd_request, snd_status, ierr)
if (num_recvs /= 0) &
call MPI_WAITALL(num_recvs, rcv_request, rcv_status, ierr)
deallocate (rcv_request, snd_request, rcv_status, snd_status)
end subroutine redistribute_blocks_int
end module gather_scatter