module ice 10,13
! !MODULE: ice
! This module currently contains routines for computing ice
! formation and the heat flux associated with ice formation.
! This heat flux is sent to the ice model via the flux coupler.
! In the future, this module could contain the driver for a
! subroutinized ice model.
! SVN:$Id: ice.F90 17759 2009-08-12 20:20:36Z njn01 $
! !USES:
use POP_KindsMod
use POP_IOUnitsMod
use kinds_mod
, only: int_kind, log_kind, char_len, r8
use blocks
, only: nx_block, ny_block, block
use domain_size
use constants
, only: cp_sw, latent_heat_fusion, delim_fmt, blank_fmt, &
sea_ice_salinity, ppt_to_salt, ocn_ref_salinity, c0, p5, hflux_factor,&
grav, eps2, ndelim_fmt
use broadcast
, only: broadcast_scalar
use communicate
, only: my_task, master_task
use io_types
, only: nml_in, nml_filename, stdout
use time_management
, only: freq_opt_never, freq_opt_nyear, freq_opt_nday, &
freq_opt_nhour, freq_opt_nsecond, freq_opt_nstep, init_time_flag, &
max_blocks_clinic, km, nt, avg_ts, back_to_back, dtt, check_time_flag,&
partial_bottom_cells, KMT, DZT, DZ, freq_opt_nmonth, dt, tmix_matsuno,&
tmix_iopt, ice_ts, access_time_flag
use exit_mod
, only: sigAbort, exit_pop, flushm
use prognostic
use passive_tracers
, only: tracer_ref_val
use grid
, only: sfc_layer_varthick, sfc_layer_type
implicit none
public :: init_ice, &
ice_formation, &
tfreez, &
ice_flx_to_coupler, &
logical (log_kind), public :: &
liceform ! flag to turn on/off ice formation
logical (log_kind), public :: &
lactive_ice ! T ==> ocn is coupled to an active ice model
! F ==> ocn is coupled to a dummy ice model
integer (int_kind), public :: &
ice_cpl_flag ! time flag id for coupled timestep
real (r8), public :: &
tlast_ice, &! time since last ice flux computed
time_weight, &
salice ! sea ice salinity in msu
real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public :: &
AQICE, &! sum of accumulated ice heat flux since tlast
QFLUX, &! internal ocn heat flux due to ice formation
QICE ! tot column cooling from ice form (in C*cm)
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), public :: &
FW_FREEZE ! water flux at T points due to frazil ice formation
real (r8), public :: &
cp_over_lhfusion ! cp_sw/latent_heat_fusion
! module variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
ice_flag, &! time flag id for ice formation
kmxice ! lowest level from which to integrate
! ice formation
real (r8) :: &
salref ! ocean ref salinity in msu
subroutine init_ice 1,15
! This routine initializes ice variables. It must be called
! before initializing restarts because this module add the accumulated
! ice heat flux to the restart file.
! same as module
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
nml_error ! namelist i/o error flag
character (char_len) :: &
ice_freq_opt ! option for frequency of computing ice
integer (int_kind) :: &
ice_freq_iopt, &! int option for freq units
ice_freq ! freq for computing ice in above units
namelist /ice_nml/ kmxice, ice_freq_opt, ice_freq, lactive_ice
! read input namelists
cp_over_lhfusion = rho_sw*cp_sw/(latent_heat_fusion*rho_fw)
kmxice = 1
ice_freq_opt = 'never'
ice_freq = 100000
lactive_ice = .false.
if (my_task == master_task) then
open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error)
if (nml_error /= 0) then
nml_error = -1
nml_error = 1
do while (nml_error > 0)
read(nml_in, nml=ice_nml,iostat=nml_error)
end do
if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in)
call broadcast_scalar
(nml_error, master_task)
if (nml_error /= 0) then
call exit_POP
(sigAbort,'ERROR reading ice_nml')
if (my_task == master_task) then
write(stdout,*) 'Ice:'
write(stdout,*) ' ice_nml namelist settings:'
!*** define salice and salref in msu
salice = sea_ice_salinity*ppt_to_salt
salref = ocn_ref_salinity*ppt_to_salt
liceform = .true.
select case (ice_freq_opt)
case ('never')
write(stdout,'(a22)') 'Ice formation disabled'
liceform = .false.
ice_freq_iopt = freq_opt_never
case ('coupled')
write(stdout,'(a44)') &
'Ice formation computed on coupler time steps'
ice_freq_iopt = freq_opt_never ! check coupler flag instead
case ('nyear')
write(stdout,'(a29,i4,a9)') 'Ice formation computed every ', &
ice_freq,' years. '
ice_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nyear
case ('nmonth')
write(stdout,'(a29,i4,a9)') 'Ice formation computed every ', &
ice_freq,' months. '
ice_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nmonth
case ('nday')
write(stdout,'(a29,i4,a9)') 'Ice formation computed every ', &
ice_freq,' days. '
ice_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nday
case ('nhour')
write(stdout,'(a29,i4,a9)') 'Ice formation computed every ', &
ice_freq,' hours. '
ice_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nhour
case ('nsecond')
write(stdout,'(a29,i4,a9)') 'Ice formation computed every ', &
ice_freq,' seconds.'
ice_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nsecond
case ('nstep')
write(stdout,'(a29,i4,a9)') 'Ice formation computed every ', &
ice_freq,' steps. '
ice_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nstep
case default
ice_freq_iopt = -1000
end select
if (liceform) then
write(stdout,'(a20,1pe10.3)') 'Ice salinity(ppt) = ', &
write(stdout,'(a30,i3,a13)') 'Ice formation computed in top ', &
kmxice, ' levels only.'
call POP_IOUnitsFlush
(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush
call broadcast_scalar
(ice_freq_iopt, master_task)
call broadcast_scalar
(lactive_ice, master_task)
if (ice_freq_iopt == -1000) then
call exit_POP
(sigAbort,'unknown restart frequency option')
call broadcast_scalar
(liceform, master_task)
! if ice turned on, broadcast remaining vars and allocate memory
if (liceform) then
call broadcast_scalar
(ice_freq, master_task)
call broadcast_scalar
(kmxice, master_task)
call broadcast_scalar
(salice, master_task)
call broadcast_scalar
(salref, master_task)
!*** set up ice time flag and get coupled_ts id for local use
call init_time_flag
('ice',ice_flag, default=.false., &
owner = 'init_ice', &
freq_opt = ice_freq_iopt, &
freq = ice_freq)
call access_time_flag
('coupled_ts', ice_cpl_flag)
!*** must keep track of time since last ice flux computed
tlast_ice = c0
!*** allocate and initialize ice flux arrays
allocate( QICE(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), &
AQICE(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), &
QICE = c0
AQICE = c0
QFLUX = c0
call flushm
end subroutine init_ice
subroutine increment_tlast_ice 1
! This subroutine increments tlast_ice in a nonthreaded region.
! same as module
! increment time since last evaluation
if (avg_ts .or. back_to_back) then
time_weight = p5
time_weight = c1
tlast_ice = tlast_ice + dtt*time_weight
end subroutine increment_tlast_ice
subroutine ice_formation(TNEW, SHF_IN, iblock,this_block,lfw_as_salt_flx) 1,6
! This subroutine computes ocean heat flux to the sea-ice. it forms
! the necessary ice in the ocean and adjusts the potential
! temperature and salinity fields accordingly. the logic of this
! subroutine is based on William Large''s 1-d model and is based
! on a version from the NCOM model written by Gokhan Danabasoglu.
! same as module
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,nt), intent(inout) :: &
TNEW ! tracers at new time level
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: &
SHF_IN ! surface heat flux
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
iblock ! block information for current block
type (block), intent(in) :: &
this_block ! block information for current block
logical (log_kind), intent(in) :: &
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
k, &! vertical level index
bid, &! local block index
n ! tracer index
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
POTICE, & ! potential amt of ice formation
WORK1, & ! work array
TFRZ ! freezing temp of water
real (r8) :: &
ref_val ! tracer reference value
! presently, the check_time_flag does not produce the same results
! as ice_ts. for now, ice_ts will be set in time_management and
! used here
!=====if (check_time_flag(ice_flag) .or.
!====& check_time_flag(ice_cpl_flag)) then
if ( ice_ts ) then
bid = this_block%local_id
! initialize flux to zero
QICE(:,:,bid) = c0
! compute frazil ice formation for sub-surface layers. if ice
! forms in lower layers but layers above are warm - the heat is
! used to melt the ice. the ice formation occurs at salinity, Si.
! this volume is replaced with an equal volume at the salinity of
! the layer above. the total ice heat flux is accumulated.
! WARNING: unless a monotone advection scheme is in place,
! advective errors could lead to temps that are far below freezing
! in some locations and this scheme will form lots of ice.
! ice formation should be limited to the top layer (kmxice=1)
! if the advection scheme is not monotone.
do k=kmxice,2,-1
!*** potice is the potential amount of ice formation
!*** (potice>0) or melting (potice<0) in layer k
call tfreez
if (partial_bottom_cells) then
where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) &
POTICE = (TFRZ - TNEW(:,:,k,1))*DZT(:,:,k,bid)
where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) &
POTICE = (TFRZ - TNEW(:,:,k,1))*dz(k)
!*** if potice < 0, use the heat to melt any ice
!*** from lower layers
!*** if potice > 0, keep on freezing (QICE < 0)
POTICE = max(POTICE,QICE(:,:,bid))
!*** adjust tracer values based on freeze/melt
if (partial_bottom_cells) then
TNEW(:,:,k,1) = TNEW(:,:,k,1) + POTICE/DZT(:,:,k,bid)
TNEW(:,:,k,1) = TNEW(:,:,k,1) + POTICE/dz(k)
if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. .not. lfw_as_salt_flx) then
if (partial_bottom_cells) then
TNEW(:,:,k,2) = ( TNEW(:,:,k,2) &
* (DZT(:,:,k,bid) + cp_over_lhfusion * QICE(:,:,bid)) &
+ cp_over_lhfusion * (TNEW(:,:,k-1,2) &
* (POTICE - QICE(:,:,bid)) - salice * POTICE) )/DZT(:,:,k,bid)
TNEW(:,:,k,2) = ( TNEW(:,:,k,2) &
* (dz(k) + cp_over_lhfusion * QICE(:,:,bid)) &
+ cp_over_lhfusion * (TNEW(:,:,k-1,2) &
* (POTICE - QICE(:,:,bid)) - salice * POTICE) )/dz(k)
do n=2,nt
ref_val = salref - salice
if (n > 2) &
ref_val = ref_val * (tracer_ref_val
(n) / salref)
if (ref_val /= c0) then
if (partial_bottom_cells) then
TNEW(:,:,k,n) = TNEW(:,:,k,n) &
+ ref_val*POTICE*cp_over_lhfusion/DZT(:,:,k,bid)
TNEW(:,:,k,n) = TNEW(:,:,k,n) &
+ ref_val*POTICE*cp_over_lhfusion/dz(k)
end do
!*** accumulate freezing potential
QICE(:,:,bid) = QICE(:,:,bid) - POTICE
enddo ! k loop
! now repeat the above algorithm for the surface layer. when fresh
! water flux formulation is used, the surface layer does not get
! any salt from other layers. instead, its volume changes.
k = 1
call tfreez
if (partial_bottom_cells) then
WORK1 = DZT(:,:,k,bid)
WORK1 = dz(k)
if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) &
WORK1 = WORK1 + PSURF(:,:,newtime,bid)/grav + eps2
where ( k <= KMT(:,:,bid) )
POTICE = (TFRZ - TNEW(:,:,k,1))*WORK1
POTICE = max(POTICE, QICE(:,:,bid))
TNEW(:,:,k,1) = TNEW(:,:,k,1) + POTICE/WORK1
if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. .not. lfw_as_salt_flx) then
TNEW(:,:,k,2) = &
(TNEW(:,:,k,2)*(WORK1 + cp_over_lhfusion*QICE(:,:,bid)) - &
salice*QICE(:,:,bid)*cp_over_lhfusion )/WORK1
do n=2,nt
ref_val = salref - salice
if (n > 2) ref_val = ref_val * (tracer_ref_val
(n) / salref)
if (ref_val /= c0) &
TNEW(:,:,k,n) = TNEW(:,:,k,n) &
+ ref_val * POTICE * cp_over_lhfusion / WORK1
end do
QICE(:,:,bid) = QICE(:,:,bid) - POTICE
! let any residual heat in the upper layer melt previously formed ice
AQICE(:,:,bid) = AQICE(:,:,bid) + time_weight*QICE(:,:,bid)
! recalculate freezing potential based on adjusted T.
! only interested in melt potential now (POTICE < 0) - use this
! melt to offset any accumulated freezing (AQICE < 0) and
! adjust T and S to reflect this melting. when freshwater flux
! formulation, compute the associated freshwater flux instead of
! adjusting S.
call tfreez
where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid))
POTICE = (TFRZ - TNEW(:,:,k,1)) * WORK1
POTICE = max(POTICE, AQICE(:,:,bid))
TNEW(:,:,k,1) = TNEW(:,:,k,1) + POTICE/WORK1
if ( sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. .not. lfw_as_salt_flx ) then
FW_FREEZE(:,:,bid) = time_weight * min(POTICE(:,:),QICE(:,:,bid)) &
* cp_over_lhfusion / dt(k)
do n=2,nt
ref_val = salref - salice
if (n > 2) ref_val = ref_val * (tracer_ref_val
if (ref_val /= c0) &
TNEW(:,:,k,n) = TNEW(:,:,k,n) &
+ ref_val*POTICE*cp_over_lhfusion/WORK1
end do
AQICE(:,:,bid) = AQICE(:,:,bid) - time_weight*POTICE
endif ! time to do ice
end subroutine ice_formation
subroutine ice_flx_to_coupler(TCUR,bid) 1,1
! This subroutine sets up the ice formation / melting potential
! heat fluxes to be sent to the coupler. ice formation heat flux
! is accumulated for time averaging.
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,nt), intent(in) :: &
TCUR ! tracers at new time level
integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
bid ! local block index
! local variables
integer (int_kind) :: &
k ! vertical level index
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
WORK1, WORK2 ! work arrays
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
TFRZ ! freezing temp of water
! compute the first layer thickness
k = 1
call tfreez
if (partial_bottom_cells) then
WORK1 = DZT(:,:,k,bid)
WORK1 = dz(k)
if ( sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick ) &
WORK1 = WORK1 + PSURF(:,:,curtime,bid)/grav + eps2
! first compute the melt potential
WORK2 = c0
where ( k <= KMT(:,:,bid) )
WORK2 = (TFRZ - TCUR(:,:,k,1)) * WORK1
! adjust ice formation amount when mixing step is tavg
if ( tmix_iopt /= tmix_matsuno ) then
AQICE(:,:,bid) = p5 * AQICE(:,:,bid)
! merge the ice formation and melt potential fluxes and compute
where ( AQICE(:,:,bid) < c0 )
QICE(:,:,bid) = -AQICE(:,:,bid)
QICE(:,:,bid) = WORK2
if (tlast_ice == c0) then
QFLUX(:,:,bid) = c0
QFLUX(:,:,bid) = QICE(:,:,bid)/tlast_ice/hflux_factor
end subroutine ice_flx_to_coupler
subroutine tfreez(TFRZ,SALT) 6
! This function computes the freezing point of salt water.
! same as module
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: &
SALT ! salinity in model units (g/g)
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: &
TFRZ ! freezing temperature of water in deg C
! use only the first salinity term in the expansion
!TFRZ = -0.0544_r8*SALT*salt_to_ppt
TFRZ = -1.8_r8
end subroutine tfreez
subroutine tmelt (TMLT,SALT) 2,1
! This subroutine sets the melting point temperature of ice.
! For now, TMLT is a separate routine than TFRZ.
! same as module
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: &
SALT ! salinity in model units (g/g)
real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
TMLT ! melting temperature in deg C
if ( lactive_ice ) then
TMLT = c0
call tfreez
end subroutine tmelt
end module ice