!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module grid 64,16 !BOP ! !MODULE: grid ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains grid info and routines for setting up the ! POP grid quantities. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: grid.F90 17212 2009-07-20 23:01:42Z njn01 $ ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_ErrorMod use POP_FieldMod use POP_GridHorzMod use POP_HaloMod use communicate use blocks use distribution use domain_size use domain use constants use io use broadcast use gather_scatter use global_reductions use exit_mod use registry implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: init_grid1, & init_grid2, & tgrid_to_ugrid, & ugrid_to_tgrid, & fill_points, & read_topography ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: real (POP_r8), public :: & area_u, area_t ,&! total ocean area of U,T cells volume_u, volume_t ,&! total ocean volume of U,T cells volume_t_marg ,&! volume of marginal seas (T cells) area_t_marg ,&! area of marginal seas (T cells) uarea_equator ! area of equatorial cell real (POP_r8), dimension(km), public :: & area_t_k ,&! total ocean area (T cells) at each dpth volume_t_k ,&! total ocean volume (T cells) at each dpth volume_t_marg_k ! tot marginal seas vol (T cells) at each dpth integer (POP_i4), public :: & sfc_layer_type, &! choice for type of surface layer kmt_kmin, &! minimum allowed non-zero KMT value n_topo_smooth ! number of topo smoothing passes integer (POP_i4), parameter, public :: & sfc_layer_varthick = 1, &! variable thickness surface layer sfc_layer_rigid = 2, &! rigid lid surface layer sfc_layer_oldfree = 3 ! old free surface form logical (POP_logical), public :: & partial_bottom_cells ! flag for partial bottom cells real (POP_r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public :: & BATH_G ! Observed ocean bathymetry mapped to global T grid ! for use in computing KMT internally integer (POP_i4), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public :: & KMT_G ! k index of deepest grid cell on global T grid ! for use in performing work distribution !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! grid information for all local blocks ! the local blocks are by default in baroclinic distribution ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** dimension(1:km) real (POP_r8), dimension(km), public :: & dz ,&! thickness of layer k c2dz ,&! 2*dz dzr, dz2r ,&! reciprocals of dz, c2dz zt ,&! vert dist from sfc to midpoint of layer zw ! vert dist from sfc to bottom of layer !*** dimension(0:km) real (POP_r8), dimension(0:km), public :: & dzw, dzwr ! midpoint of k to midpoint of k+1 ! and its reciprocal !*** geometric 2d arrays real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), public :: & DXU, DYU ,&! {x,y} spacing centered at U points DXT, DYT ,&! {x,y} spacing centered at T points DXUR, DYUR ,&! reciprocals of DXU, DYU DXTR, DYTR ,&! reciprocals of DXT, DYT HTN, HTE ,&! cell widths on {N,E} sides of T cell HUS, HUW ,&! cell widths on {S,W} sides of U cell ULAT, ULON ,&! {latitude,longitude} of U points TLAT, TLON ,&! {latitude,longitude} of U points ANGLE, ANGLET ,&! angle grid makes with latitude line FCOR, FCORT ,&! coriolis parameter at U,T points UAREA, TAREA ,&! area of U,T cells UAREA_R, TAREA_R ,&! reciprocal of area of U,T cells HT, HU, HUR ! ocean depth at T,U points !*** 3d depth fields for partial bottom cells real (POP_r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, public :: & DZU, DZT ! thickness of U,T cell for pbc !*** 2d landmasks integer (POP_i4), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), & public :: & KMT ,&! k index of deepest grid cell on T grid KMU ,&! k index of deepest grid cell on U grid KMTOLD ! KMT field before smoothing logical (POP_logical), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), & public :: & CALCT ,&! flag=true if point is an ocean point CALCU ! at the surface real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), public :: & RCALCT ,&! real equiv of CALCT,U to use as more RCALCU ! efficient multiplicative mask integer (POP_i4), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), & public :: & KMTN,KMTS,KMTE,KMTW ,&! KMT field at neighbor points KMUN,KMUS,KMUE,KMUW ! KMU field at neighbor points integer (POP_i4), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), & public :: & KMTEE,KMTNN ! KMT field 2 cells away for upwind stencil ! allocated and computed in advection module integer (POP_i4), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public :: & REGION_MASK ! mask defining regions, marginal seas !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define types used with region masks and marginal seas balancing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4), parameter, public :: & max_regions = 15, & ! max no. ocean regions max_ms = 7 ! max no. marginal seas integer (POP_i4), public :: & num_regions, & num_ms type, public :: ms_bal real (POP_r8) :: lat ! transport latitude real (POP_r8) :: lon ! transport longitude real (POP_r8) :: area ! total distribution area real (POP_r8) :: transport ! total excess/deficit (E+P+M+R) integer (POP_i4) :: mask_index ! index of m-s balancing mask end type ms_bal type, public :: regions ! region-mask info integer (POP_i4) :: number character (char_len) :: name logical (POP_logical) :: marginal_sea real (POP_r8 ) :: area real (POP_r8 ) :: volume type (ms_bal) :: ms_bal end type regions type (regions),dimension(max_regions), public :: region_info integer (POP_i4),public :: & nocean_u, nocean_t, &! num of ocean U,T points nsurface_u, nsurface_t ! num of ocean U,T points at surface !#################### temporary kludge for overflows #################### character (char_len), public :: & topography_filename ! copy of input topography filename !######################################################################## !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! module private data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** geometric scalars integer (POP_i4) :: & jeq ! j index of equatorial cell logical (POP_logical) :: & flat_bottom, &! flag for flat-bottom topography lremove_points ! flag for removing isolated points real (POP_r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & ULAT_G, ULON_G ! {latitude,longitude} of U points ! in global-sized array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! area-weighted averaging coefficients ! AT{0,S,W,SW} = {central,s,w,sw} coefficients for area-weighted ! averaging of four U points surrounding a T point ! AU{0,N,E,NE} = {central,n,e,ne} coefficients for area-weighted ! averaging of four T points surrounding a U point ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (POP_r8), dimension (nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & AT0,ATS,ATW,ATSW,AU0,AUN,AUE,AUNE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! variables which are shared between init_grid1,init_grid2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & horiz_grid_opt, &! horizontal grid option vert_grid_opt, &! vertical grid option sfc_layer_opt, &! choice for surface layer type topography_opt, &! topography (KMT) option horiz_grid_file, &! input file for reading horiz grid info vert_grid_file, &! input file for reading horiz grid info topography_file, &! input file for reading horiz grid info bathymetry_file, &! input file for reading horiz grid info region_mask_file, &! input file for region mask region_info_file, &! input file with region identification bottom_cell_file, &! input file for thickness of pbc topography_outfile ! output file for writing horiz grid info !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_grid1 ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_grid1 2,47 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Initializes only grid quantities necessary for completing ! decomposition setup (ULAT, ULON, KMT). ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- namelist /grid_nml/horiz_grid_opt, vert_grid_opt, topography_opt, & horiz_grid_file, vert_grid_file, topography_file,& topography_outfile,bathymetry_file, & n_topo_smooth, flat_bottom, lremove_points, & region_mask_file, region_info_file,sfc_layer_opt,& partial_bottom_cells, bottom_cell_file, kmt_kmin integer (POP_i4) :: & nml_error ! namelist i/o error flag !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read input namelist for grid setup options ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- horiz_grid_opt = 'internal' vert_grid_opt = 'internal' sfc_layer_opt = 'varthick' topography_opt = 'internal' horiz_grid_file = 'unknown_horiz_grid_file' vert_grid_file = 'unknown_vert_grid_file' topography_file = 'unknown_topography_file' topography_outfile = 'unknown_topography_outfile' bathymetry_file = 'unknown_bathymetry_file' region_mask_file = 'unknown_region_mask' region_info_file = 'unknown_region_info' n_topo_smooth = 0 flat_bottom = .false. lremove_points = .false. partial_bottom_cells = .false. bottom_cell_file = 'unknown_bottom_cell_file' kmt_kmin = 3 if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=grid_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading grid_nml') endif if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' Grid:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' grid_nml namelist settings:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout, grid_nml) endif call broadcast_scalar(horiz_grid_opt, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(vert_grid_opt , master_task) call broadcast_scalar(sfc_layer_opt , master_task) call broadcast_scalar(topography_opt, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(n_topo_smooth, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(flat_bottom, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(lremove_points, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(region_mask_file, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(region_info_file, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(partial_bottom_cells, master_task) if (partial_bottom_cells) then call broadcast_scalar(bottom_cell_file, master_task) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! get global ULAT,ULON ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (horiz_grid_opt) case ('internal') call horiz_grid_internal(.true.) case ('file') call broadcast_scalar(horiz_grid_file, master_task) call read_horiz_grid(horiz_grid_file,.true.) case default call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR: unknown horizontal grid option') end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set up topography by getting global KMT field (used for ! creating a load balanced block distribution). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (topography_opt) case ('internal') call topography_internal(.true.) flat_bottom = .true. case ('bathymetry') call broadcast_scalar(kmt_kmin, master_task) if (kmt_kmin < 3) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR: kmt_kmin >= 3 recommended') endif call broadcast_scalar(topography_outfile, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(bathymetry_file, master_task) call topography_bathymetry(bathymetry_file,vert_grid_file,.true.) case ('file') call broadcast_scalar(topography_file, master_task) call read_topography(topography_file,.true.) !#################### temporary kludge for overflows #################### topography_filename = topography_file !######################################################################## call register_string('topography_opt_file') case default call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR: unknown topography option') end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC call flushm (stdout) end subroutine init_grid1 !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_grid2 ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_grid2(errorCode) 2,66 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Initializes all grid quantities ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & reclength,ioerr,nu,i,j,k,n,iblock, &! dummy loop index variables range_count ! counter for angle out of range real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & WORK ! local temp space real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & DZBC ! thickness of bottom T cell for pbc character (*), parameter :: &! output formats vgrid_fmt1 = "(3x,' k ',3x,'Thickness (cm)',3x,' Depth (cm) ')", & vgrid_fmt2 = "(3x,'---',3x,'--------------',3x,'------------')", & vgrid_fmt3 = "(3x,i3,4x,1pe12.5,4x,1pe12.5)" , & topo_fmt1 = "(' # surface (T,U) points',2x,i10,2x,i10)" , & topo_fmt2 = "(' # ocean (T,U) points',2x,i10,2x,i10)" , & topo_fmt3 = "(' T-area, U-area (km^2)',2(2x,1pe23.15))" , & topo_fmt4 = "(' T-volume, U-volume (km^3)',2(2x,1pe23.15))" type (block) :: & this_block ! block info for current block real (POP_r8) :: & angle_0, angle_w, &! temporaries for computing angle at T points angle_s, angle_sw !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! output grid setup options to log file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,delim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a13)') ' Grid options' write(stdout,blank_fmt) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set up horizontal grid ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (horiz_grid_opt) case ('internal') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a36)') ' Creating horizontal grid internally' endif call horiz_grid_internal(.false.) case ('file') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) ' Reading horizontal grid from file:', & trim(horiz_grid_file) endif call broadcast_scalar(horiz_grid_file, master_task) call read_horiz_grid(horiz_grid_file,.false.) case default call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR: unknown horizontal grid option') end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if boundaries are closed, extend physical domain values into ghost ! cells ! compute other derived quantities like areas and reciprocals ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock,i,j,this_block) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) if (this_block%i_glob(1) == 0) then ! closed western bndy do j=1,ny_block do i=1,this_block%ib-1 DXU(i,j,iblock) = DXU(this_block%ib,j,iblock) DYU(i,j,iblock) = DYU(this_block%ib,j,iblock) DXT(i,j,iblock) = DXT(this_block%ib,j,iblock) DYT(i,j,iblock) = DYT(this_block%ib,j,iblock) end do end do endif if (this_block%i_glob(this_block%ie+1) == 0) then ! closed east bndy do j=1,ny_block do i=this_block%ie+1,nx_block DXU(i,j,iblock) = DXU(this_block%ie,j,iblock) DYU(i,j,iblock) = DYU(this_block%ie,j,iblock) DXT(i,j,iblock) = DXT(this_block%ie,j,iblock) DYT(i,j,iblock) = DYT(this_block%ie,j,iblock) end do end do endif if (this_block%j_glob(1) == 0) then ! closed southern bndy do j=1,this_block%jb-1 do i=1,nx_block DXU(i,j,iblock) = DXU(i,this_block%jb,iblock) DYU(i,j,iblock) = DYU(i,this_block%jb,iblock) DXT(i,j,iblock) = DXT(i,this_block%jb,iblock) DYT(i,j,iblock) = DYT(i,this_block%jb,iblock) end do end do endif if (this_block%j_glob(this_block%je+1) == 0) then ! closed north bndy do j=this_block%je+1,ny_block do i=1,nx_block DXU(i,j,iblock) = DXU(i,this_block%je,iblock) DYU(i,j,iblock) = DYU(i,this_block%je,iblock) DXT(i,j,iblock) = DXT(i,this_block%je,iblock) DYT(i,j,iblock) = DYT(i,this_block%je,iblock) end do end do endif DXUR(:,:,iblock) = c1/DXU(:,:,iblock) DYUR(:,:,iblock) = c1/DYU(:,:,iblock) UAREA(:,:,iblock) = DXU(:,:,iblock)*DYU(:,:,iblock) UAREA_R(:,:,iblock) = c1/UAREA(:,:,iblock) DXTR(:,:,iblock) = c1/DXT(:,:,iblock) DYTR(:,:,iblock) = c1/DYT(:,:,iblock) TAREA(:,:,iblock) = DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock) TAREA_R(:,:,iblock) = c1/TAREA(:,:,iblock) end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate stencil coefficients for area-averaging ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call cf_area_avg ! coefficients for area-weighted averages !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate lat/lon of T points and calculate ANGLET from ANGLE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call calc_tpoints(errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_grid2: error in calc_tpoints') return endif !*** !*** first, ensure that -pi <= ANGLE <= pi !*** range_count = global_count ((ANGLE < - pi .or. ANGLE > pi), & distrb_clinic, field_loc_NEcorner) if (range_count > 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'ERROR: ANGLE is outside its expected range') !*** !*** compute ANGLE on T-grid !*** ANGLET = c0 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (n,i,j,angle_0,angle_w,angle_s,angle_sw, & !$OMP this_block) do n=1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(n),n) do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie angle_0 = ANGLE(i, j ,n) angle_w = ANGLE(i-1,j ,n) angle_s = ANGLE(i, j-1,n) angle_sw = ANGLE(i-1,j-1,n) if ( angle_0 < c0 ) then if ( abs(angle_w -angle_0) > pi ) & angle_w = angle_w - pi2 if ( abs(angle_s -angle_0) > pi ) & angle_s = angle_s - pi2 if ( abs(angle_sw-angle_0) > pi ) & angle_sw = angle_sw - pi2 endif ANGLET(i,j,n) = angle_0 *AT0 (i,j,n) + & angle_w *ATW (i,j,n) + & angle_s *ATS (i,j,n) + & angle_sw*ATSW(i,j,n) enddo !*** !*** set ANGLET to zero for all of (global) j=1 row !*** (bottom row of ANGLET is not used, but is written to file) !*** if (this_block%j_glob(j) == 1) ANGLET(:,j,n) = c0 enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call POP_HaloUpdate(ANGLET, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindAngle, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_grid2: error updating angleT halo') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set up vertical grid ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,blank_fmt) select case (trim(sfc_layer_opt)) case ('varthick') ! variable thickness sfc layer if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a39)') & ' Using variable thickness surface layer' sfc_layer_type = sfc_layer_varthick case ('rigid') ! rigid lid if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a30)') & ' Using rigid lid approximation' sfc_layer_type = sfc_layer_rigid case ('oldfree') ! old free surface implementation if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a40)') & ' Using original free surface formulation' sfc_layer_type = sfc_layer_oldfree case default call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR: unknown surface layer option') end select select case (vert_grid_opt) case ('internal') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a34)') ' Creating vertical grid internally' endif call vert_grid_internal case ('file') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) ' Reading vertical grid from file:', & trim(vert_grid_file) endif call broadcast_scalar(vert_grid_file, master_task) call read_vert_grid(vert_grid_file) case default call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR: unknown vertical grid option') end select !*** !*** calculate other vertical grid quantities !*** dzw(0) = p5*dz(1) dzw(km) = p5*dz(km) dzwr(0) = c1/dzw(0) zw(1) = dz(1) zt(1) = dzw(0) do k = 1,km-1 dzw(k) = p5*(dz(k) + dz(k+1)) zw(k+1) = zw(k) + dz(k+1) zt(k+1) = zt(k) + dzw(k) enddo do k = 1,km c2dz(k) = c2*dz(k) dzr(k) = c1/dz(k) dz2r(k) = c1/c2dz(k) dzwr(k) = c1/dzw(k) enddo if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a15)') ' Vertical grid:' write(stdout,vgrid_fmt1) write(stdout,vgrid_fmt2) do k=1,km write(stdout,vgrid_fmt3) k,dz(k),zt(k) end do write(stdout,blank_fmt) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set up topography ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (topography_opt) case ('internal') if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a33)') & ' Generating topography internally' call topography_internal(.false.) flat_bottom = .true. case ('bathymetry') if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a33)') & ' Generating topography from bathymetry data' call topography_bathymetry(bathymetry_file,vert_grid_file,.false.) case ('file') !#################### temporary kludge for overflows #################### ! move this code into init_overflows2, in case KMT needs modification ! if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a30,a)') & ! ' Reading topography from file:', trim(topography_file) ! call broadcast_scalar(topography_file, master_task) ! call read_topography(topography_file,.false.) !######################################################################## case default call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR: unknown topography option') end select !*** !*** smooth topography !*** if (n_topo_smooth > 0) then if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a21)') & ' Smoothing topography' call smooth_topography(n_topo_smooth, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_grid2: error in smooth_topography') return endif endif !*** !*** remove isolated lakes and disconnected points from grid !*** if (lremove_points) then if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a58)') & ' Removing isolated points from grid' call remove_isolated_points(errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_grid2: error in remove_isolated_points') return endif endif !*** !*** flat bottom !*** if (flat_bottom) then if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a33)') & ' Enforcing flat-bottom topography' where (KMT /= 0) KMT = km endif !*** !*** write out topo file if needed !*** if (topography_opt == 'bathymetry') then if (my_task == master_task .and. .not. allocated(KMT_G) ) & allocate(KMT_G(nx_global,ny_global)) call gather_global(KMT_G, KMT, master_task, distrb_clinic) if (my_task == master_task) INQUIRE(iolength=reclength) KMT_G call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then open(nu, file=topography_outfile,status='unknown',form='unformatted', & access='direct', recl=reclength, iostat=ioerr) endif call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error opening topography_outfile') if (my_task == master_task) then write(nu, rec=1, iostat=ioerr) KMT_G close(nu) endif call release_unit(nu) call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error writing topography_outfile') if (my_task == master_task) deallocate(KMT_G) endif !*** !*** set up partial bottom cells !*** if (partial_bottom_cells) then if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a30)') ' Partial bottom cells enabled' write(stdout,'(a27,a)') ' Reading bottom cell file: ', & trim(bottom_cell_file) endif call read_bottom_cell(DZBC,bottom_cell_file) ! tqian allocate (DZT(nx_block,ny_block,0:km+1,max_blocks_clinic), & DZU(nx_block,ny_block,0:km+1,max_blocks_clinic)) DZT = c0 DZU = c0 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(n,k,i,j) do n=1,nblocks_clinic do k=1,km do j=1,ny_block do i=1,nx_block if (KMT(i,j,n) == k) then DZT(i,j,k,n) = DZBC(i,j,n) else DZT(i,j,k,n) = dz(k) end if end do end do !*** DZU = min of surrounding DZTs do j=1,ny_block-1 do i=1,nx_block-1 DZU(i,j,k,n) = min(DZT(i ,j ,k,n), & DZT(i+1,j ,k,n), & DZT(i ,j+1,k,n), & DZT(i+1,j+1,k,n)) end do end do end do end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call POP_HaloUpdate(DZU, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocNECorner,& POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_grid2: error updating dzu halo') return endif else if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a30)') & ' Partial bottom cells disabled' endif !*** !*** calculate number of levels at U points (KMU field) !*** KMU = minimum of surrounding KMTs !*** do n=1,nblocks_clinic do j=1,ny_block-1 do i=1,nx_block-1 KMU(i,j,n) = min(KMT(i,j ,n),KMT(i+1,j ,n), & KMT(i,j+1,n),KMT(i+1,j+1,n)) end do end do end do call POP_HaloUpdate(KMU, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocNECorner,& POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0_POP_i4) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_grid2: error updating kmu halo') return endif !*** !*** calculate depth field at T,U points !*** if (partial_bottom_cells) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(n,k,i,j) do n=1,nblocks_clinic HT (:,:,n) = c0 HU (:,:,n) = c0 HUR(:,:,n) = c0 do k=1,km do j=1,ny_block do i=1,nx_block if (k == KMT(i,j,n)) HT(i,j,n) = zw(k-1) + DZT(i,j,k,n) if (k == KMU(i,j,n)) then HU(i,j,n) = zw(k-1) + DZU(i,j,k,n) HUR(i,j,n) = c1/HU(i,j,n) else if (k > KMU(i,j,n)) then DZU(i,j,k,n) = dz(k) !*** to prevent divide by zero endif enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(n,k,i,j) do n=1,nblocks_clinic HT (:,:,n) = c0 HU (:,:,n) = c0 HUR(:,:,n) = c0 do k=1,km do j=1,ny_block do i=1,nx_block if (k == KMT(i,j,n)) HT(i,j,n) = zw(k) if (k == KMU(i,j,n)) then HU (i,j,n) = zw(k) HUR(i,j,n) = c1/zw(k) endif enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! landmasks ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call landmasks !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate area, volume, # surface points, # ocean points ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- area_t = global_sum(TAREA, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center, RCALCT) area_u = global_sum(UAREA, distrb_clinic, field_loc_NEcorner, RCALCU) WORK = TAREA*HT volume_t = global_sum(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center, RCALCT) WORK = UAREA*HU volume_u = global_sum(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc_NEcorner, RCALCU) area_t_k(1) = area_t volume_t_k(1) = global_sum(TAREA*dz(1), distrb_clinic, & field_loc_center, RCALCT) do k=2,km WORK = merge(TAREA, c0, k <= KMT) area_t_k(k) = global_sum(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) WORK = merge(TAREA*dz(k), c0, k <= KMT) volume_t_k(k) = global_sum(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) end do nsurface_t = global_count(RCALCT, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) nsurface_u = global_count(RCALCU, distrb_clinic, field_loc_NEcorner) nocean_t = global_sum(KMT, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) nocean_u = global_sum(KMU, distrb_clinic, field_loc_NEcorner) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,topo_fmt1) nsurface_t, nsurface_u write(stdout,topo_fmt2) nocean_t, nocean_u write(stdout,topo_fmt3) area_t*1.0e-10_POP_r8, & area_u*1.0e-10_POP_r8 write(stdout,topo_fmt4) volume_t*1.0e-15_POP_r8, & volume_u*1.0e-15_POP_r8 write(stdout,blank_fmt) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set region-masks and calculate active-ocean and marginal-seas ! areas and volumes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (trim(region_mask_file) /= 'unknown_region_mask') then if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a36,a)') & 'Region masks initialized from file: ',trim(region_mask_file) call area_masks(region_mask_file,region_info_file) else if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a24)') & ' No region masks defined' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute min area of equatorial cell for use in variable_hmix ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- WORK = abs(ULAT) uarea_equator = global_minval(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc_NEcorner, CALCU) where (WORK == uarea_equator) WORK = UAREA elsewhere WORK = 1.e+20_POP_r8 end where uarea_equator = global_minval(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc_NEcorner, CALCU) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute coriolis parameter 2*omega*sin(true_latitude) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- FCOR = c2*omega*sin(ULAT) ! at u-points FCORT = c2*omega*sin(TLAT) ! at t-points !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC call flushm (stdout) end subroutine init_grid2 !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: horiz_grid_internal ! !INTERFACE: subroutine horiz_grid_internal(latlon_only) 2,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Creates a lat/lon grid with equal spacing in each direction ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: logical (POP_logical), intent(in) :: & latlon_only ! flag requesting only ULAT, ULON !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & i,j,ig,jg,jm1,n ! dummy counters real (POP_r8) :: & dlat, dlon, &! lat/lon spacing for idealized grid lathalf, &! lat at T points xdeg ! temporary longitude variable type (block) :: & this_block ! block info for this block !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate lat/lon coords of U points ! long range (-180,180) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dlon = 360.0_POP_r8/real(nx_global) dlat = 180.0_POP_r8/real(ny_global) if (latlon_only) then allocate (ULAT_G(nx_global, ny_global), & ULON_G(nx_global, ny_global)) do i=1,nx_global xdeg = i*dlon if (xdeg > 180.0_POP_r8) xdeg = xdeg - 360.0_POP_r8 ULON_G(i,:) = xdeg/radian enddo do j = 1,ny_global ULAT_G(:,j) = (-90.0_POP_r8 + j*dlat)/radian enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate grid spacings and other quantities ! compute here to avoid bad ghost cell values due to dropped land ! blocks ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else ! not latlon_only !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(n,this_block,i,j,ig,jg,jm1,lathalf) do n=1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(n),n) do j=1,ny_block jg = this_block%j_glob(j) jm1 = jg - 1 if (jm1 < 1) jm1 = ny_global do i=1,nx_block !*** !*** calculate grid lengths !*** HTN(i,j,n) = dlon*radius/radian ! convert to cm HTE(i,j,n) = dlat*radius/radian ! convert to cm HUS(i,j,n) = dlon*radius/radian ! convert to cm HUW(i,j,n) = dlat*radius/radian ! convert to cm DYT(i,j,n) = dlat*radius/radian ! convert to cm DYU(i,j,n) = dlat*radius/radian ! convert to cm ANGLE(i,j,n) = c0 ig = this_block%i_glob(i) if (ig > 0 .and. jg > 0) then ULON(i,j,n) = ULON_G(ig,jg) ULAT(i,j,n) = ULAT_G(ig,jg) HTN (i,j,n) = HTN(i,j,n)*cos(ULAT(i,j,n)) DXU (i,j,n) = HTN(i,j,n) lathalf = (-90.0_POP_r8 + (jg-p5)*dlat)/radian HUS (i,j,n) = HUS(i,j,n)*cos(lathalf) DXT (i,j,n) = dlon*radius/radian* & p5*(cos(ULAT_G(ig,jg )) + & cos(ULAT_G(ig,jm1))) else ULON(i,j,n) = c0 ULAT(i,j,n) = c0 HTN (i,j,n) = c1 ! to prevent divide by zero HUS (i,j,n) = c1 ! to prevent divide by zero DXU (i,j,n) = c1 ! fixed up later endif end do enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO deallocate(ULAT_G,ULON_G) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine horiz_grid_internal !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_horiz_grid ! !INTERFACE: subroutine read_horiz_grid(horiz_grid_file, latlon_only) 2,27 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Reads horizontal grid information from input grid file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & horiz_grid_file ! filename of file containing grid data logical (POP_logical), intent(in) :: & latlon_only ! flag requesting only ULAT, ULON !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & i,j,iblock ,&! loop counters ip1, im1, jp1, jm1,&! shift indexes nu ,&! i/o unit number ioerr ,&! i/o error flag reclength ! record length type (block) :: & this_block !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if only lat,lon are requested, read only these ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (latlon_only) then allocate (ULAT_G(nx_global,ny_global), & ULON_G(nx_global,ny_global)) INQUIRE(iolength=reclength) ULAT_G call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then open(nu,file=trim(horiz_grid_file),status='old', & form='unformatted', access='direct', recl=reclength, & iostat=ioerr) endif call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error opening horiz_grid_file') if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu,rec=1,iostat=ioerr) ULAT_G read(nu,rec=2,iostat=ioerr) ULON_G close(nu) endif call release_unit(nu) call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading horiz_grid_file') call broadcast_array(ULAT_G, master_task) call broadcast_array(ULON_G, master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! otherwise, read everything else ! compute some derived fields here to preserve information that is ! lost once land blocks are dropped ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else if (.not. allocated(ULAT_G)) then allocate (ULAT_G(nx_global,ny_global), & ULON_G(nx_global,ny_global)) endif INQUIRE(iolength=reclength) ULAT_G call get_unit(nu) ioerr = 0 if (my_task == master_task) then open(nu,file=trim(horiz_grid_file),status='old', & form='unformatted', access='direct', recl=reclength, & iostat=ioerr) endif call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error opening horiz_grid_file') if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu,rec=1,iostat=ioerr) ULAT_G read(nu,rec=2,iostat=ioerr) ULON_G endif call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading horiz_grid_file') call scatter_global(ULAT, ULAT_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_NEcorner, field_type_scalar) call scatter_global(ULON, ULON_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_NEcorner, field_type_scalar) if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu,rec=3,iostat=ioerr) ULAT_G ! holds HTN endif call scatter_global(HTN, ULAT_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_Nface, field_type_scalar) do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global ip1 = i+1 if (i == nx_global) ip1 = 1 ! assume cyclic. non-cyclic ! will be handled during scatter !DXU ULON_G(i,j) = p5*(ULAT_G(i,j) + ULAT_G(ip1,j)) end do end do call scatter_global(DXU, ULON_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_NEcorner, field_type_scalar) do j=1,ny_global jm1 = j-1 if (j == 1) jm1 = ny_global ! assume cyclic. non-cyclic ! will be handled during scatter do i=1,nx_global !DXT = p5(HTN(i,j)+HTN(i,j-1)) ULON_G(i,j) = p5*(ULAT_G(i,j) + ULAT_G(i,jm1)) end do end do call scatter_global(DXT, ULON_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_center, field_type_scalar) if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu,rec=4,iostat=ioerr) ULAT_G ! holds HTE endif call scatter_global(HTE, ULAT_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_Eface, field_type_scalar) do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global im1 = i-1 if (i == 1) im1 = nx_global ! assume cyclic. non-cyclic ! will be handled during scatter !DYT ULON_G(i,j) = p5*(ULAT_G(i,j) + ULAT_G(im1,j)) end do end do call scatter_global(DYT, ULON_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_center, field_type_scalar) do j=1,ny_global jp1 = j+1 if (j == ny_global) jp1 = 1 ! assume cyclic. non-cyclic ! will be handled during scatter do i=1,nx_global !DYU = p5(HTE(i,j)+HTN(i,j+1)) ULON_G(i,j) = p5*(ULAT_G(i,j) + ULAT_G(i,jp1)) end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Add tripole-grid correction (KL and GD) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ltripole_grid) then j=ny_global do i=1,nx_global ULON_G(i,j) = ULAT_G(i,j) end do endif call scatter_global(DYU, ULON_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_NEcorner, field_type_scalar) if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu,rec=5,iostat=ioerr) ULAT_G read(nu,rec=6,iostat=ioerr) ULON_G endif call scatter_global(HUS, ULAT_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_Eface, field_type_scalar) call scatter_global(HUW, ULON_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_Nface, field_type_scalar) if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu,rec=7,iostat=ioerr) ULAT_G close(nu) endif call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading horiz_grid_file') call scatter_global(ANGLE, ULAT_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_NEcorner, field_type_angle) call release_unit(nu) deallocate(ULAT_G,ULON_G) where (HTN <= c0) HTN = c1 where (HTE <= c0) HTE = c1 where (HUS <= c0) HUS = c1 where (HUW <= c0) HUW = c1 where (DXU <= c0) DXU = c1 where (DYU <= c0) DYU = c1 where (DXT <= c0) DXT = c1 where (DYT <= c0) DYT = c1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_horiz_grid !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: vert_grid_internal ! !INTERFACE: subroutine vert_grid_internal 1,6 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Creates vertical grid layer thicknesses based on km ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! parameters for depth function choice ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (POP_r8), parameter :: & zmax = 5500.0_POP_r8, &! max depth in meters dz_sfc = 25.0_POP_r8, &! thickness of sfc layer (meters) dz_deep = 400.0_POP_r8 ! thick of deep ocn layers (meters) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (POP_r8) :: & depth, &! depth based on integrated thicknesses zlength, &! adjustable parameter for thickness d0, d1, &! depths used by midpoint search zl0, zl1, &! parameter used by midpoint search dzl ! zl1-zl0 integer (POP_i4) :: k ! dummy vertical index !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize bisection search to find best value of zlength ! parameter such that integrated depth = zmax ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- zl0 = eps zl1 = zmax dzl = zl1 - zl0 call compute_dz(d0,zl0,dz_sfc,dz_deep) call compute_dz(d1,zl1,dz_sfc,dz_deep) if ((d0-zmax)*(d1-zmax) > c0) then if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,*) d0,d1,zmax call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'vert_grid: zero point not in initial interval') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! do bisection search ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do while ( (dzl/zmax) > eps) !*** !*** compute profile at midpoint !*** zlength = zl0 + p5*dzl call compute_dz(depth,zlength,dz_sfc,dz_deep) !*** !*** find interval to use for continuing search !*** if ((d0-zmax)*(depth-zmax) < c0) then d1 = depth zl1 = zlength else if ((d1-zmax)*(depth-zmax) < c0) then d0 = depth zl0 = zlength else if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,*) d0,d1,depth,zmax call exit_POP(sigAbort,'vert_grid: zero point not in interval') endif dzl = zl1 - zl0 end do dz = dz*cmperm ! convert to cm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! presumably, we have converged, but check to make sure ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (abs(depth-zmax)/zmax > 0.01_POP_r8) then if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) 'Integrated depth = ',depth,' zmax = ',zmax endif call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Unable to compute vertical grid internally') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine vert_grid_internal !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: compute_dz ! !INTERFACE: subroutine compute_dz(depth,zlength,dz_sfc,dz_deep) 3 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Computes a thickness profile and total depth given the ! parameters for the thickness function ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: real (POP_r8), intent(in) :: & zlength, &! gaussian parameter for thickness func dz_sfc, &! thickness of surface layer dz_deep ! thickness of deep ocean layers ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (POP_r8), intent(out) :: & depth ! depth based on integrated thicknesses !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: k !----------------------------------------------------------------------- depth = c0 do k=1,km dz(k) = dz_deep - (dz_deep - dz_sfc)*exp(-(depth/zlength)**2) depth = depth + dz(k) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine compute_dz !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_vert_grid ! !INTERFACE: subroutine read_vert_grid(vert_grid_file) 2,7 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Reads in layer thicknesses from grid input file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (char_len), intent(in) :: & vert_grid_file !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & k, &! vertical level index nu, &! i/o unit number ioerr ! i/o error flag !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read vertical layer thickness from file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then open(nu,file=vert_grid_file,status='old',form='formatted', & iostat=ioerr) endif call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error opening vert_grid_file') if (my_task == master_task) then if (ioerr == 0) then ! successful open grid_read: do k = 1,km read(nu,*,iostat=ioerr) dz(k) if (ioerr /= 0) exit grid_read end do grid_read close(nu) endif endif call release_unit(nu) call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading vert_grid_file') call broadcast_array(dz, master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_vert_grid !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: topography_bathymetry ! !INTERFACE: subroutine topography_bathymetry(bathymetry_file,vert_grid_file,kmt_global) 2,11 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Generates KMT field based on an input file containing ! observed bathymetry data mapped to the POP horizontal tracer grid. ! ! modified by S. Yeager Sep 2007 ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (char_len), intent(in) :: & bathymetry_file, & ! input file containing bathymetry field vert_grid_file ! input file containing vertical grid logical(POP_logical), intent(in) :: & kmt_global ! flag for generating only global KMT field !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & i,j,ig,jg,k,n,bid,im1,ip1,jm1,jp1,npass,ntot, & ! dummy counters reclength,ioerr,nu logical (POP_logical) :: & land,lande,landw,landn,lands real (POP_r8) :: & latd, lond ! lat/lon in degrees type (block) :: & this_block ! block info for current block !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute global KMT field (for use in setting up domain) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (kmt_global) then call read_vert_grid(vert_grid_file) dzw(0) = p5*dz(1) dzw(km) = p5*dz(km) dzwr(0) = c1/dzw(0) zw(1) = dz(1) zt(1) = dzw(0) do k = 1,km-1 dzw(k) = p5*(dz(k) + dz(k+1)) zw(k+1) = zw(k) + dz(k+1) zt(k+1) = zt(k) + dzw(k) enddo allocate(BATH_G(nx_global,ny_global)) if (.not. allocated(KMT_G)) allocate(KMT_G(nx_global,ny_global)) INQUIRE(iolength=reclength) BATH_G call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then open(nu, file=bathymetry_file,status='old',form='unformatted', & access='direct', recl=reclength, iostat=ioerr) endif call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error opening bathymetry_file') if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu, rec=1, iostat=ioerr) BATH_G close(nu) endif call release_unit(nu) call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading bathymetry_file') call broadcast_array(BATH_G, master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! convert bathymetry input to global kmt array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- where (BATH_G == c0) KMT_G = 0 where (BATH_G > c0 .and. BATH_G < zt(1)) KMT_G = kmt_kmin do k = 1,km-1 where (BATH_G >= zt(k) .and. BATH_G < zt(k+1)) KMT_G = max(k,kmt_kmin) enddo where (BATH_G >= zt(km)) KMT_G = km do i = 1,nx_global if ((KMT_G(i,1) /= 0).or.(KMT_G(i,ny_global) /= 0)) then if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) 'i, KMT_G(i,1),KMT_G(i,ny_global) = ', & i, KMT_G(i,1),KMT_G(i,ny_global) endif call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'KMT non-zero at meridional boundary') endif enddo deallocate(BATH_G) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! otherwise, scatter global into local KMT field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else if (.not. allocated(KMT_G)) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'KMT_G not allocated prior to scatter_global call') call scatter_global(KMT, KMT_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_center, field_type_scalar) deallocate(KMT_G) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine topography_bathymetry !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: topography_internal ! !INTERFACE: subroutine topography_internal(kmt_global) 2,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Generates simple KMT field with idealized land masses ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: logical(POP_logical), intent(in) :: & kmt_global ! flag for generating only global KMT field !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & i,j,ig,jg,k,n,bid ! dummy counters real (POP_r8) :: & latd, lond ! lat/lon in degrees type (block) :: & this_block ! block info for current block !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute global KMT field (for use in setting up domain) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (kmt_global) then allocate(KMT_G(nx_global,ny_global)) do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global latd = ULAT_G(i,j)*radian lond = ULON_G(i,j)*radian if (lond < c0) lond = lond + 360.0_POP_r8 KMT_G(i,j) = km ! flat bottom if ((latd > -35.0_POP_r8) .and. & (lond > 210.0_POP_r8) .and. & (lond < 250.0_POP_r8)) KMT_G(i,j) = 0 if ((latd > 25.0_POP_r8) .and. & (lond > 210.0_POP_r8) .and. & (lond < 330.0_POP_r8)) KMT_G(i,j) = 0 if ((latd > 60.0_POP_r8) .and. & (lond > 210.0_POP_r8) .and. & (lond < 150.0_POP_r8)) KMT_G(i,j) = 0 if ((latd > -60.0_POP_r8) .and. & (lond > 110.0_POP_r8) .and. & (lond < 150.0_POP_r8)) KMT_G(i,j) = 0 if (abs(latd) > 75.0_POP_r8) KMT_G(i,j) = 0 end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! otherwise, set up local KMT field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else do n=1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(n),n) do j=1,ny_block jg = this_block%j_glob(j) if (jg > 0) then do i=1,nx_block ig = this_block%i_glob(i) if (ig /= 0) then KMT(i,j,n) = KMT_G(ig,jg) else KMT(i,j,n) = 0 endif end do else KMT(:,j,n) = 0 endif end do end do deallocate(KMT_G) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine topography_internal !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_topography ! !INTERFACE: subroutine read_topography(topography_file,kmt_global) 2,8 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Reads in KMT field from file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (char_len), intent(in) :: & topography_file ! input file containing KMT field logical(POP_logical), intent(in) :: & kmt_global ! flag for generating only global KMT field !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & nu ,&! i/o unit number ioerr ,&! i/o error flag reclength ! record length !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read global KMT field (for use in setting up domain) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (kmt_global) then allocate(KMT_G(nx_global,ny_global)) INQUIRE(iolength=reclength) KMT_G call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then open(nu, file=topography_file,status='old',form='unformatted', & access='direct', recl=reclength, iostat=ioerr) endif call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error opening topography_file') if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu, rec=1, iostat=ioerr) KMT_G close(nu) endif call release_unit(nu) call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading topography_file') call broadcast_array(KMT_G, master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! otherwise read KMT field from file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else call scatter_global(KMT, KMT_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_center, field_type_scalar) deallocate(KMT_G) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_topography !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_bottom_cell ! !INTERFACE: subroutine read_bottom_cell(DZBC,bottom_cell_file) 1,7 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Reads bottom cell information from input bottom cell file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & bottom_cell_file ! filename of file containing cell thickness ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), & intent(inout) :: & DZBC ! thickness of bottom cell in each column !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (POP_r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & DZBC_G ! global bottom layer thickness (cm) integer (POP_i4) :: & nu, &! i/o unit number reclength, &! record length ioerr ! i/o error flag !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! open a file and read thickness field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then allocate(DZBC_G(nx_global,ny_global)) INQUIRE(iolength=reclength) DZBC_G open(nu, file=bottom_cell_file,status='old',form='unformatted', & access='direct', recl=reclength, iostat=ioerr) endif call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error opening bottom_cell_file') if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu, rec=1, iostat=ioerr) DZBC_G close(nu) endif call release_unit(nu) call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading bottom_cell_file') call scatter_global(DZBC, DZBC_G, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc_center, field_type_scalar) if (my_task == master_task) deallocate(DZBC_G) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_bottom_cell !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: remove_isolated_points ! !INTERFACE: subroutine remove_isolated_points(errorCode) 1,3 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Removes isolated points from grid (KMT field) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & i,j,k,n, &! dummy loop indices npoints_removed, &! global number of points removed at k npoints_removed_local, &! number of points removed per task npoints_removed_total ! global number of points removed, all k integer(POP_i4),dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) ::& ICOUNT ! record of points removed logical (POP_logical) :: & land,lande,landw,landn,lands character (*), parameter :: & rmpts_fmt = "(' points removed from grid:',2x,i10)" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! removes isolated points at all levels. ! (points sandwiched between land on lateral boundaries: ! land to N and S, or, land to E and W) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success npoints_removed_total = 0 do k=km,1,-1 1000 npoints_removed_local = 0 do n=1,nblocks_clinic do j=2,ny_block-1 do i=2,nx_block-1 land = k.gt.KMT(i,j,n) lande = k.gt.KMT(i+1,j,n) landw = k.gt.KMT(i-1,j,n) landn = k.gt.KMT(i,j+1,n) lands = k.gt.KMT(i,j-1,n) if ( .not.land .and. ((lande .and. landw) .or. & (landn .and. lands)) ) then KMT(i,j,n) = KMT(i,j,n) - 1 if ( KMT(i,j,n) .lt. kmt_kmin) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR in remove_isolated_points') endif npoints_removed_local = npoints_removed_local + 1 endif end do end do end do call POP_HaloUpdate(KMT, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0_POP_i4) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'remove_isolated_points: error updating kmt halo') return endif npoints_removed = global_sum(npoints_removed_local, distrb_clinic) npoints_removed_total = npoints_removed_total + npoints_removed if (npoints_removed .ne. 0) then go to 1000 endif end do if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,rmpts_fmt) npoints_removed_total endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine remove_isolated_points !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: remove_points ! !INTERFACE: subroutine remove_points(errorCode),2 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Removes isolated points from grid (KMT field) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & i,j,n, &! dummy loop indices npoints_removed ! number of points removed integer(POP_i4),dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) ::& ICOUNT ! record of points removed character (*), parameter :: & rmpts_fmt = "(' points removed from grid:',2x,i10)" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate number of levels at U points ! (KMU field before modifying KMT field) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,nblocks_clinic do j=1,ny_block-1 do i=1,nx_block-1 KMU(i,j,n) = min(KMT(i,j ,n),KMT(i+1,j ,n), & KMT(i,j+1,n),KMT(i+1,j+1,n)) end do end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! remove disconnected points from grid. ! if all KMUs surrounding a T point are zero, set KMT = 0. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,nblocks_clinic do j=2,ny_block do i=2,nx_block if ((KMU(i,j ,n) + KMU(i-1,j ,n) + & KMU(i,j-1,n) + KMU(i-1,j-1,n)) == 0) then ICOUNT(i,j,n) = 1 KMT (i,j,n) = 0 else ICOUNT(i,j,n) = 0 endif end do end do end do call POP_HaloUpdate(KMT, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0_POP_i4) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'remove_points: error updating kmt halo') return endif npoints_removed = global_count(ICOUNT, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,rmpts_fmt) npoints_removed endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine remove_points !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: smooth_topography ! !INTERFACE: subroutine smooth_topography(n_topo_smooth, errorCode) 1,2 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine smooths topography to create new KMT, depth fields ! The depth field HT is constructed from the KMT field and ! depth profile dz, HT is smoothed by by application of a ! 9-point averaging stencil: ! \begin{verbatim} ! 1 -- 2 -- 1 ! | | | ! 2 -- 4 -- 2 ! | | | ! 1 -- 2 -- 1 ! \end{verbatim} ! Land points are not included in the smoothing, and the ! stencil is modified to include only ocean points in the ! averaging. Once the depth field has been smoothed, ! a new KMT field is constructed from it. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & n_topo_smooth ! number of smoothing passes integer (POP_i4) :: & i,j,k,m,n ! dummy loop indices integer(POP_i4),dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) ::& NB, &! num points contributing to 9pt avg IWORK ! local work space real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & HTNEW, &! smoothed depth field at T points WORK ! local work space !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success KMTOLD = KMT do m=1,n_topo_smooth !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! old depth field in T columns ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- HT = c0 do k = 1,km where (k == KMT) HT = zw(k) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! smooth topography ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- where (KMT > 0) NB = 1 HTNEW = HT elsewhere NB = 0 HTNEW = c0 endwhere do n=1,nblocks_clinic do j=2,ny_block-1 do i=2,nx_block-1 WORK(i,j,n) = c4*HTNEW(i,j,n) + & c2*HTNEW(i+1,j,n) + c2*HTNEW(i-1,j,n) + & c2*HTNEW(i,j+1,n) + HTNEW(i+1,j+1,n) + HTNEW(i-1,j+1,n) + & c2*HTNEW(i,j-1,n) + HTNEW(i+1,j-1,n) + HTNEW(i-1,j-1,n) IWORK(i,j,n) = c4*NB(i,j,n) + & c2*NB(i+1,j,n) + c2*NB(i-1,j,n) + & c2*NB(i,j+1,n) + NB(i+1,j+1,n) + NB(i-1,j+1,n) + & c2*NB(i,j-1,n) + NB(i+1,j-1,n) + NB(i-1,j-1,n) end do end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! new depth field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- where ((KMT /= 0) .and. (IWORK /= 0)) HTNEW = WORK/float(IWORK) elsewhere HTNEW = c0 endwhere !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! new KMT field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = 1,km-1 where (HTNEW > zt(k) .and. HTNEW <= zt(k+1)) KMT = k enddo where (HTNEW > zt(k)) KMT = km call POP_HaloUpdate(KMT, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0_POP_i4) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'smooth_topography: error updating kmt halo') return endif enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine smooth_topography !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: landmasks ! !INTERFACE: subroutine landmasks 1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates additional masks for land points at each depth level. ! These include real masks for applying multiplicative masks ! instead of logical masks and also KMT arrays for neighbor points. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! masks for surface ocean T or U points ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- where (KMT >= 1) CALCT = .true. RCALCT = c1 elsewhere CALCT = .false. RCALCT = c0 endwhere where (KMU >= 1) CALCU = .true. RCALCU = c1 elsewhere CALCU = .false. RCALCU = c0 endwhere !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! depth level fields (KMT,KMU) to north,south,east,west ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- KMTN = eoshift(KMT,dim=2,shift=+1) KMTS = eoshift(KMT,dim=2,shift=-1) KMTE = eoshift(KMT,dim=1,shift=+1) KMTW = eoshift(KMT,dim=1,shift=-1) KMUN = eoshift(KMU,dim=2,shift=+1) KMUS = eoshift(KMU,dim=2,shift=-1) KMUE = eoshift(KMU,dim=1,shift=+1) KMUW = eoshift(KMU,dim=1,shift=-1) KMTEE = eoshift(KMT,dim=1,shift=2) KMTNN = eoshift(KMT,dim=2,shift=2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine landmasks !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: area_masks ! !INTERFACE: subroutine area_masks(mask_filename,info_filename) 1,19 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This subroutine reads in file with regional area mask and ! marginal seas defined ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character(*), intent(in) :: & mask_filename ,&! name of file containing region masks info_filename ! name of file containing region names !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & k, n, &! loop counters nu, &! i/o unit number reclength, &! record length of file ioerr, &! i/o error flag region ! region counter real (POP_r8) :: & tmp_vol, &! temporary volume sea_area, &! total volume of a particular sea sea_vol ! total volume of a particular sea real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & WORK ! temporary space integer (POP_i4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & REGION_G ! global-sized region mask !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read in regional area masks, including marginal seas. then ! calculate related variables. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(REGION_MASK(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic)) call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then allocate(REGION_G(nx_global,ny_global)) inquire (iolength=reclength) REGION_G open(nu, file=mask_filename,status='old',form='unformatted', & access='direct', recl=reclength, iostat=ioerr) endif call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error opening region mask file') if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu, rec=1, iostat=ioerr) REGION_G close(nu) endif call release_unit(nu) call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading region mask file') call scatter_global(REGION_MASK, REGION_G, master_task,distrb_clinic, & field_loc_center, field_type_scalar) if (my_task == master_task) deallocate(REGION_G) num_regions = global_maxval(abs(REGION_MASK), & distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! open and read file which contains region names and marginal- ! seas balancing information ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if(info_filename == 'unknown_region_info') then call exit_POP (sigAbort,'ERROR: unknown region_info_filename') endif region_info(:)%name = 'unknown_region_name' region_info(:)%area = c0 region_info(:)%volume = c0 call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then open(nu,file=info_filename,form='formatted', & status='unknown', iostat=ioerr) do n = 1,num_regions read (nu,*) region_info(n)%number , & region_info(n)%name , & region_info(n)%ms_bal%lat , & region_info(n)%ms_bal%lon , & region_info(n)%ms_bal%area enddo close(nu) endif call release_unit(nu) call broadcast_scalar(ioerr, master_task) if (ioerr /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading region name file') do n = 1,num_regions call broadcast_scalar(region_info(n)%name ,master_task) call broadcast_scalar(region_info(n)%number ,master_task) call broadcast_scalar(region_info(n)%ms_bal%lat ,master_task) call broadcast_scalar(region_info(n)%ms_bal%lon ,master_task) call broadcast_scalar(region_info(n)%ms_bal%area,master_task) enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine if region is a marginal sea ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- num_ms = 0 do n = 1,num_regions if (region_info(n)%number < 0 ) then num_ms = num_ms + 1 region_info(n)%marginal_sea = .true. else region_info(n)%marginal_sea = .false. endif enddo if (num_ms > max_ms) then if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*)'area_masks: maximum number of marginal seas exceeded' endif call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'ERROR: must increase max_ms in module grid.F') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! a negative value of REGION_MASK designates a marginal sea. if ! a region is a marginal sea, calculate the area and volume ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- area_t_marg = c0 volume_t_marg = c0 volume_t_marg_k = c0 do region = 1, num_regions WORK = merge(TAREA, c0, 1 <= KMT .and. REGION_MASK == -region) sea_area = global_sum(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) area_t_marg = area_t_marg + sea_area sea_vol = c0 do k = 1, km WORK = merge(TAREA*dz(k), c0, & k <= KMT .and. REGION_MASK == -region) tmp_vol = global_sum(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) sea_vol = sea_vol + tmp_vol volume_t_marg_k(k) = volume_t_marg_k(k) + tmp_vol enddo volume_t_marg = volume_t_marg + sea_vol if(sea_area /= c0) then if (.not. region_info(region)%marginal_sea) then call exit_POP (sigAbort,'ERROR: marginal-sea mismatch') endif region_info(region)%area = sea_area region_info(region)%volume = sea_vol endif if (my_task == master_task .and. sea_area /= c0) then write(stdout,"('Region #',i2,' is a marginal sea')") region write(stdout, & "(' area (km^2) = ',e12.5, ' volume (km^3) = ',e12.5)") & sea_area*1.0e-10_POP_r8, sea_vol*1.0e-15_POP_r8 endif enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! document regional information ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,1003) do n = 1,num_regions if (region_info(n)%marginal_sea) then write(stdout,1004) region_info(n)%number , & trim(region_info(n)%name) , & region_info(n)%area *1.0e-10_POP_r8 , & region_info(n)%volume*1.0e-15_POP_r8 else write(stdout,1004) region_info(n)%number, trim(region_info(n)%name) endif enddo write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,1005) do n = 1,num_regions if (region_info(n)%marginal_sea) then write(stdout,1006) region_info(n)%number , & trim(region_info(n)%name) , & region_info(n)%ms_bal%lat , & region_info(n)%ms_bal%lon , & region_info(n)%ms_bal%area endif enddo endif if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) endif do n = 1,num_regions if (region_info(n)%marginal_sea) then region_info(n)%area =region_info(n)%area *1.0e-4_POP_r8 region_info(n)%volume=region_info(n)%volume*1.0e-6_POP_r8 endif enddo 1003 format ( 30x, '+', 23('-'),'+' , & /,30x, '|', 2x, 'Marginal Seas Only |' , & /,2x,'Region', 8x, 'Region ', 7x, '|', 2x,'Area' , & 8x,'Volume |' , & /,2x,'Number', 8x, 'Name',10x, '| (km^2)', 7x, '(km^3)' , & 3x, '|' , & /, 2x,6('-'), 1x,19('-'),2x,11('-'),2x , & 11('-') ) 1004 format (2x, i4, a22, 2(1pe13.5) ) 1005 format (/,3x, ' Marginal Sea (E+P+M+R) Balancing Information' , & /,2x,'Region', 8x, 'Region ', 8x, 'Bal.' , & 4x,'Bal.', 4x, 'Search' , & /,2x,'Number', 8x, 'Name',11x, 'Lat' , 5x, 'Lon' , & 5x, 'Area' , & /,47x, '(cm^2)' , & /, 2x,6('-'), 1x,19('-'),2x, 6('-'),2x , & 6('-'), 2x, 11('-') ) 1006 format (1x, i4, a20, 3x,2(0pf8.2), 1pe13.5 ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine area_masks !*********************************************************************** subroutine cf_area_avg 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate the coefficients of the 4-point stencils for ! area-weighted averaging at T and U points ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate {central,s,w,sw} coefficients for area-averaging ! to T points. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! AT0 = UAREA ! call s_shift(ATS,UAREA) ! call w_shift(ATW,UAREA) ! call s_shift(ATSW,ATW) ! AT0 = AT0 *p25*TAREA_R ! ATS = ATS *p25*TAREA_R ! ATW = ATW *p25*TAREA_R ! ATSW = ATSW*p25*TAREA_R AT0 = p25 ATS = p25 ATW = p25 ATSW = p25 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate {central,n,e,ne} coefficients for area-averaging ! to U points. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- AU0 = TAREA AUN = eoshift(TAREA,dim=2,shift=+1) AUE = eoshift(TAREA,dim=1,shift=+1) AUNE = eoshift(AUE ,dim=2,shift=+1) AU0 = AU0 *p25*UAREA_R AUN = AUN *p25*UAREA_R AUE = AUE *p25*UAREA_R AUNE = AUNE*p25*UAREA_R !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine cf_area_avg !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: calc_tpoints ! !INTERFACE: subroutine calc_tpoints(errorCode) 1,5 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates lat/lon coordinates of T points from U points ! using a simple average of four neighbors in Cartesian 3d space. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: i,j,n real (POP_r8) :: & xc,yc,zc,xs,ys,zs,xw,yw,zw, &! Cartesian coordinates for xsw,ysw,zsw,tx,ty,tz,da ! nbr points type (block) :: & this_block ! block info for this block !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! TLAT, TLON are southwest 4-point averages of ULAT,ULON ! for general grids, must drop into 3-d Cartesian space to prevent ! problems near the pole ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(n,i,j,this_block,xsw,ysw,zsw,xw,yw,zw,xs,ys,zs,xc,yc,zc, & !$OMP tx,ty,tz,da) do n=1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(n),n) do j=2,ny_block do i=2,nx_block !*** !*** set up averaging weights !*** !wt0 = AT0 (i,j,n) !wts = ATS (i,j,n) !wtw = ATW (i,j,n) !wtsw = ATSW(i,j,n) !*** !*** convert neighbor U-cell coordinates to 3-d Cartesian coordinates !*** to prevent problems with averaging near the pole !*** zsw = cos(ULAT(i-1,j-1,n)) xsw = cos(ULON(i-1,j-1,n))*zsw ysw = sin(ULON(i-1,j-1,n))*zsw zsw = sin(ULAT(i-1,j-1,n)) zs = cos(ULAT(i ,j-1,n)) xs = cos(ULON(i ,j-1,n))*zs ys = sin(ULON(i ,j-1,n))*zs zs = sin(ULAT(i ,j-1,n)) zw = cos(ULAT(i-1,j ,n)) xw = cos(ULON(i-1,j ,n))*zw yw = sin(ULON(i-1,j ,n))*zw zw = sin(ULAT(i-1,j ,n)) zc = cos(ULAT(i ,j ,n)) xc = cos(ULON(i ,j ,n))*zc yc = sin(ULON(i ,j ,n))*zc zc = sin(ULAT(i ,j ,n)) !*** !*** straight 4-point average to T-cell Cartesian coords !*** tx = p25*(xc + xs + xw + xsw) ty = p25*(yc + ys + yw + ysw) tz = p25*(zc + zs + zw + zsw) !*** !*** convert to lat/lon in radians !*** da = sqrt(tx**2 + ty**2 + tz**2) TLAT(i,j,n) = asin(tz/da) if (tx /= c0 .or. ty /= c0) then TLON(i,j,n) = atan2(ty,tx) else TLON(i,j,n) = c0 endif end do end do !*** !*** for bottom row of domain where sw 4pt average is not valid, !*** extrapolate from interior !*** NOTE: THIS ASSUMES A CLOSED SOUTH BOUNDARY - WILL NOT !*** WORK CORRECTLY FOR CYCLIC OPTION !*** if (this_block%j_glob(this_block%jb) == 1) then do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie TLON(i,this_block%jb,n) = TLON(i,this_block%jb+1,n) TLAT(i,this_block%jb,n) = c2*TLAT(i,this_block%jb+1,n) - & TLAT(i,this_block%jb+2,n) end do endif where (TLON(:,:,n) > pi2) TLON(:,:,n) = TLON(:,:,n) - pi2 where (TLON(:,:,n) < c0 ) TLON(:,:,n) = TLON(:,:,n) + pi2 end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Update boundaries ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_HaloUpdate(TLAT, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'calc_tpoints: error updating tlat halo') return endif call POP_HaloUpdate(TLON, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'calc_tpoints: error updating tlon halo') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine calc_tpoints !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: fill_points ! !INTERFACE: subroutine fill_points(k,F,errorCode) 7,3 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! if the depth-level field KMT has been smoothed, fill in ! values of a 2-d field at new ocean points that have appeared ! due to the smoothing using averaged values from nearby points. ! !* given the smoothed KMT field and the original unsmoothed field ! KMTOLD, values at new points of the field F (defined at level k) ! are filled in with averaged values of F defined at nearby points. ! the averaging is done using a 9-point averaging stencil like ! the one used in 'smooth_topography': ! ! 9-point averaging stencil: ! ! 1 -- 2 -- 1 ! | | | ! 2 -- 4 -- 2 ! | | | ! 1 -- 2 -- 1 ! ! the stencil is modified to include only old ocean points in the ! averaging. ! !* since only those new points which have neighboring old points ! will be filled in, this procedure must be applied several times ! until all points are filled in. ! !* if an area weighted average is desired, multiply the field F ! by the cell area before calling the routine, then divide by ! the cell area after the field is returned. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & k ! depth level at which field is defined ! (k = 1 for sfc or vert-avg fields) ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), & intent(inout) :: & F ! input as field well-defined at old ocean points ! output as field with new points filled in ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & i,j,n, &! dummy indices npass, &! num of passes thru grid filling points nfill_points ! num of points left to be filled logical(POP_logical),dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) ::& MASKOLD, &! true at old ocean points MASKNEW ! true at new points not in old ocn field integer(POP_i4),dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) ::& NB, &! num points contributing to 9pt avg IWORK ! local work space real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & FNEW, &! smoothed F field after npass passes WORK ! local work space !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize land mask and pass counter ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- MASKOLD = (k <= KMTOLD) npass = 0 nfill_points = 100 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! pass through grid until all points are filled ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do while (nfill_points /= 0) npass = npass + 1 if (npass > nx_global) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'error (fill_points): too many passes') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! find new ocean points not in old ocean field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- MASKNEW = (k <= KMT) .and. (.not. MASKOLD) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! find smoothed field: fill all points in this field with ! the (9-point) average of the surrounding neighboring points, ! including in the average only old ocean points. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- where (MASKOLD) WORK = F IWORK = 1 elsewhere IWORK = 0 WORK = c0 endwhere do n=1,nblocks_clinic do j=2,ny_block-1 do i=2,nx_block-1 FNEW(i,j,n) = c4*WORK(i,j,n) + & c2*WORK(i+1,j,n) + c2*WORK(i-1,j,n) + & c2*WORK(i,j+1,n) + WORK(i+1,j+1,n) + WORK(i-1,j+1,n) + & c2*WORK(i,j-1,n) + WORK(i+1,j-1,n) + WORK(i-1,j-1,n) NB(i,j,n) = 4*IWORK(i,j,n) + & 2*IWORK(i+1,j,n) + 2*IWORK(i-1,j,n) + & 2*IWORK(i,j+1,n) + IWORK(i+1,j+1,n) + IWORK(i-1,j+1,n) + & 2*IWORK(i,j-1,n) + IWORK(i+1,j-1,n) + IWORK(i-1,j-1,n) end do end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! fill in F at new ocean points with the smoothed field, ! only fill in points which have neighboring old ocean points. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- where (MASKNEW .and. (NB /= 0)) F = FNEW/float(NB) MASKOLD = .true. ! update for next pass endwhere call POP_HaloUpdate(F, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'fill_points: error updating F halo') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! return for another pass if more points remain to be filled. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nfill_points = global_count((MASKNEW .and. (IWORK == 0)), & distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine fill_points !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: ugrid_to_tgrid ! !INTERFACE: subroutine ugrid_to_tgrid(ARRAY_TGRID, ARRAY_UGRID, iblock) 20 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Interpolates values at U points on a B grid to T points. ! Note that ghost cells are not updated. ! Also note that the input array is assumed to be in the baroclinic ! distribution (where the stencil weights are defined). ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & iblock ! index for block in baroclinic distrb real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & ARRAY_UGRID ! field on U points ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: & ARRAY_TGRID ! field on T points !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & i,j ! dummy indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! southwest 4pt average ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=2,ny_block do i=2,nx_block ARRAY_TGRID(i,j) = AT0 (i,j,iblock)*ARRAY_UGRID(i ,j ) + & ATS (i,j,iblock)*ARRAY_UGRID(i ,j-1) + & ATW (i,j,iblock)*ARRAY_UGRID(i-1,j ) + & ATSW(i,j,iblock)*ARRAY_UGRID(i-1,j-1) end do end do ARRAY_TGRID(:,1) = c0 ARRAY_TGRID(1,:) = c0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine ugrid_to_tgrid !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tgrid_to_ugrid ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tgrid_to_ugrid(ARRAY_UGRID, ARRAY_TGRID, iblock) 6 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Interpolates values at T points on a B grid to U points. ! Note that ghost cells are not updated. ! Also note that the input array is assumed to be in the baroclinic ! distribution (where the stencil weights are defined). ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & iblock ! index for block in baroclinic distrb real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & ARRAY_TGRID ! field on T points ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: & ARRAY_UGRID ! field on U points !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & i,j ! dummy indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! northeast 4pt average ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=1,ny_block-1 do i=1,nx_block-1 ARRAY_UGRID(i,j) = AU0 (i,j,iblock)*ARRAY_TGRID(i ,j ) + & AUN (i,j,iblock)*ARRAY_TGRID(i ,j+1) + & AUE (i,j,iblock)*ARRAY_TGRID(i+1,j ) + & AUNE(i,j,iblock)*ARRAY_TGRID(i+1,j+1) end do end do ARRAY_UGRID(:,ny_block) = c0 ARRAY_UGRID(nx_block,:) = c0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tgrid_to_ugrid !*********************************************************************** end module grid !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||