!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module io_netcdf 2,14 !BOP ! !MODULE: io_netcdf ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module provides a generic input/output interface ! for writing arrays in netCDF format using pio. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: io_netcdf.F90 23432 2010-05-28 23:16:29Z njn01 $ ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_IOUnitsMod use POP_ErrorMod use kinds_mod use domain_size use domain use constants use communicate use broadcast use gather_scatter use exit_mod use io_types use io_tools use io_pio use pio use shr_sys_mod implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: open_read_netcdf, & open_netcdf, & close_netcdf, & sync_netcdf, & define_field_netcdf, & read_field_netcdf, & write_field_netcdf, & define_nstd_netcdf, & write_nstd_netcdf, & write_time_bounds !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! module variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: open_read_netcdf ! !INTERFACE: subroutine open_read_netcdf(data_file) 1,14 ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: data_file ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine opens a netcdf data file and extracts global file ! attributes. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & path ! filename to read character (80) :: & work_line, &! temporary to use for parsing file lines att_name ! temporary to use for attribute names type (File_desc_t) :: & File integer (i4) :: & iostat, &! status flag nsize, &! size parameter returned by inquire function n, &! loop index itype, &! netCDF data type att_ival, &! netCDF data type num_atts, &! number of global attributes xtype logical (log_kind) :: & att_lval ! temp space for logical attribute real (r4) :: & att_rval ! temp space for real attribute real (r8) :: & att_dval ! temp space for double attribute logical (log_kind) :: & attrib_error ! error flag for reading attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set the readonly flag in the data file descriptor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- data_file%readonly = .true. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! open the netCDF file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- File%fh=-1 path = trim(data_file%full_name) call io_pio_init(mode='read', filename=path, File=File, & clobber=.true., cdf64=luse_nf_64bit_offset) data_file%File(1) = File !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine number of global file attributes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- iostat = pio_inquire(File, nAttributes = num_atts) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now read each attribute and set attribute values ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,num_atts !*** !*** get attribute name !*** att_name = char_blank iostat = pio_inq_attname(File, PIO_GLOBAL, n, att_name) !*** !*** check to see if name matches any of the standard file !*** attributes !*** select case(trim(att_name)) case('title') data_file%title = char_blank iostat = pio_inq_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, name='title', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat == pio_noerr) then if (nsize <= len(data_file%title)) then iostat = pio_get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'title', & data_file%title(1:nsize)) else if (my_task == master_task) then call document('open_read_netcdf', 'nsize', nsize) call document('open_read_netcdf', 'len(data_file%title)', & len(data_file%title)) write(stdout,*) 'string too short; not enough room to read title from ' /& &/ trim(path) endif endif endif case('history') data_file%history = char_blank iostat = pio_inq_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, name='history', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat == pio_noerr) then if (nsize <= len(data_file%history)) then iostat = pio_get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'history', & data_file%history(1:nsize)) else if (my_task == master_task) then call document('open_read_netcdf', 'nsize', nsize) call document('open_read_netcdf', 'len(data_file%history)', & len(data_file%history)) write(stdout,*) 'string too short; not enough room to read history attribute from ' /& &/ trim(path) endif endif endif case('conventions') data_file%conventions = char_blank iostat = pio_inq_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, name= 'conventions', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat == pio_noerr) then if (nsize <= len(data_file%conventions)) then iostat = pio_get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'conventions', & data_file%conventions(1:nsize)) else if (my_task == master_task) then call document('open_read_netcdf', 'nsize', nsize) call document('open_read_netcdf', 'len(data_file%conventions)', & len(data_file%conventions)) write(stdout,*) 'string too short; not enough room to read conventions from ' /& &/ trim(path) endif endif endif case default !*** !*** if does not match any of the standard file attributes !*** add the attribute to the datafile !*** iostat = pio_inq_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, trim(att_name), & xtype=itype, len = nsize) select case (itype) case (PIO_CHAR) work_line = char_blank if (nsize <= len(work_line)) then iostat = pio_get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, trim(att_name), & work_line(1:nsize)) else if (my_task == master_task) then call document('open_read_netcdf', 'nsize', nsize) call document('open_read_netcdf', 'len(work_line)', & len(work_line)) write(stdout,*) 'string too short; not enough room to read ' /& &/ trim(att_name) /& &/ ' from ' /& &/ trim(path) endif endif call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), trim(work_line)) case (PIO_INT) iostat = pio_get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, trim(att_name), & att_ival) if (att_name(1:4) == 'LOG_') then !*** attribute logical work_line = att_name work_line(1:4) = ' ' att_name = adjustl(work_line) if (att_ival == 1) then att_lval = .true. else att_lval = .false. endif call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), att_lval) else call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), att_ival) endif case (PIO_REAL) iostat = pio_get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, trim(att_name), & att_rval) call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), att_rval) case (PIO_DOUBLE) iostat = pio_get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, trim(att_name), & att_dval) call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), att_dval) end select end select end do ! num_atts !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine open_read_netcdf !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: open_netcdf ! !INTERFACE: subroutine open_netcdf(data_file) 1,2 ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: data_file ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine opens a data file for writing and ! writes global file attributes. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & path ! temp to use for filename character (255) :: & work_line ! temp to use for character manipulation type (File_desc_t) :: & File integer (i4) :: & iostat, &! status flag for netCDF function calls itmp, &! integer temp for equivalent logical attribute n, &! loop index ncvals, &! counter for number of character attributes nlvals, &! counter for number of logical attributes nivals, &! counter for number of integer attributes nrvals, &! counter for number of real attributes ndvals ! counter for number of double attributes logical (log_kind) :: & attrib_error ! error flag for reading attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! open the netCDF file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- File%fh=-1 path = trim(data_file%full_name) call io_pio_init(mode='write', filename=path, File=File, & clobber=.true., cdf64=luse_nf_64bit_offset) data_file%File(1) = File data_file%ldefine = .true. ! file in netCDF define mode !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define global file attributes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- attrib_error = .false. !*** standard attributes iostat = pio_put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'title', & trim(data_file%title)) iostat = pio_put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'history', & trim(data_file%history)) iostat = pio_put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'conventions', & trim(data_file%conventions)) !*** additional attributes if (associated(data_file%add_attrib_cval)) then ncvals = size(data_file%add_attrib_cval) else ncvals = 0 endif if (associated(data_file%add_attrib_lval)) then nlvals = size(data_file%add_attrib_lval) else nlvals = 0 endif if (associated(data_file%add_attrib_ival)) then nivals = size(data_file%add_attrib_ival) else nivals = 0 endif if (associated(data_file%add_attrib_rval)) then nrvals = size(data_file%add_attrib_rval) else nrvals = 0 endif if (associated(data_file%add_attrib_dval)) then ndvals = size(data_file%add_attrib_dval) else ndvals = 0 endif do n=1,ncvals work_line = data_file%add_attrib_cname(n) iostat = pio_put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, trim(work_line), & trim(data_file%add_attrib_cval(n))) end do do n=1,nlvals work_line = 'LOG_'/& &/data_file%add_attrib_lname(n) if (data_file%add_attrib_lval(n)) then itmp = 1 else itmp = 0 endif iostat = pio_put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, trim(work_line), & itmp) end do do n=1,nivals work_line = data_file%add_attrib_iname(n) iostat = pio_put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, trim(work_line), & data_file%add_attrib_ival(n)) end do do n=1,nrvals work_line = data_file%add_attrib_rname(n) iostat = pio_put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, trim(work_line), & data_file%add_attrib_rval(n)) end do do n=1,ndvals work_line = data_file%add_attrib_dname(n) iostat = pio_put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, trim(work_line), & data_file%add_attrib_dval(n)) end do if (attrib_error) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error writing file attributes') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine open_netcdf !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: close_netcdf ! !INTERFACE: subroutine close_netcdf(data_file) 1 ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: data_file ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine closes an open netcdf data file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! close a data file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call pio_closefile(data_file%File(1)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine close_netcdf !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: sync_netcdf ! !INTERFACE: subroutine sync_netcdf(data_file) 1 ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: data_file ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine uses pio_syncfile to flush an open netcdf data file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! close a data file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call pio_syncfile(data_file%File(1)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine sync_netcdf !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: define_field_netcdf ! !INTERFACE: subroutine define_field_netcdf(data_file, io_field) 1,33 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine defines an io field for a netCDF file. ! When reading a file, the define routine will attempt to fill an ! io field structure with meta-data information from the netCDF file. ! When writing a file, it calls the appropriate netCDF routines ! to define all the field attributes and assign a field id. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: & data_file ! data file in which field contained type (io_field_desc), intent (inout) :: & io_field ! field descriptor for this field !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (80) :: & work_line, &! workspace for manipulating input string comp_line, &! comparison string att_name ! attribute name integer (i4) :: & iostat, &! status flag for netCDF calls varid, &! variable id for field ndims, &! number of dimensions dimid, &! dimension id n, &! loop index ncount, &! num additional attributes nsize, &! length of character strings itype, &! netCDF data type num_atts, &! number of variable attributes att_ival, &! temp for integer attribute ncvals, &! counter for number of character attributes nlvals, &! counter for number of logical attributes nivals, &! counter for number of integer attributes nrvals, &! counter for number of real attributes ndvals ! counter for number of double attributes logical (log_kind) :: & att_lval ! temp for logical attribute real (r4) :: & att_rval ! temp for real attribute real (r8) :: & att_dval ! temp for double attribute logical (log_kind) :: & define_error ! error flag type (File_desc_t) :: File integer (i4) :: xtype define_error = .false. File = data_file%File(1) data_file%ldefine = .true. ! file in netCDF define mode !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for input files, get the variable id and determine number of field ! attributes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_BCAST_ERROR) if (data_file%readonly) then ! Note that currently a lot of pio inquire functions need a ! netcdf varid and not a pio vardesc. Currently pio_inq_varnatts ! can only be accessed through a pio vardesc. iostat = pio_inq_varid(File, io_field%short_name, io_field%id) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) & call exit_POP(sigAbort,'Error in getting varid for netCDF field') iostat = pio_inq_varid(File, io_field%short_name, io_field%varDesc) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) & call exit_POP(sigAbort,'Error in getting varDesc for netCDF field') iostat = pio_inq_varnatts(File, io_field%varDesc, nAtts=num_atts) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) & call exit_POP(sigAbort,'Error getting attrib count for netCDF field') !*** !*** for each attribute, define standard attributes or add !*** attribute to io_field !*** do n=1,num_atts !*** !*** get attribute name !*** att_name = char_blank iostat = pio_inq_attname(File, io_field%id, n, att_name) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) & call exit_POP(sigAbort,'Error getting netCDF field attribute name') !*** !*** check to see if name matches any of the standard field !*** attributes !*** select case(trim(att_name)) case('long_name') io_field%long_name = char_blank iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=io_field%id, name='long_name', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat == pio_noerr) then if (nsize <= len(io_field%long_name)) then iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, 'long_name', & io_field%long_name(1:nsize)) else if (my_task == master_task) then call document('define_field_netcdf', 'nsize', nsize) call document('define_field_netcdf', 'len(io_field%long_name)', & len(io_field%long_name)) write(stdout,*) 'string too short; not enough room to read long_name of ' /& &/ trim(io_field%short_name) /& &/ ' from ' /& &/ trim(data_file%full_name) end if endif endif if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading long_name from netCDF file') endif case('units') io_field%units = char_blank iostat = pio_inq_att(File, io_field%id, 'units', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat == pio_noerr) then if (nsize <= len(io_field%units)) then iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, 'units', & io_field%units(1:nsize)) else if (my_task == master_task) then call document('define_field_netcdf', 'nsize', nsize) call document('define_field_netcdf', 'len(io_field%units)', & len(io_field%units)) write(stdout,*) 'string too short; not enough room to read units of ' /& &/ trim(io_field%short_name) /& &/ ' from ' /& &/ trim(data_file%full_name) end if endif endif case('coordinates') io_field%coordinates = char_blank iostat = pio_inq_att(File, io_field%id, 'coordinates', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat == pio_noerr) then if (nsize <= len(io_field%coordinates)) then iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, 'coordinates', & io_field%coordinates(1:nsize)) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading coordinates from netCDF file') endif else if (my_task == master_task) then call document('define_field_netcdf', 'nsize', nsize) call document('define_field_netcdf', 'len(io_field%coordinates)', & len(io_field%coordinates)) write(stdout,*) 'string too short; not enough room to read coordinates of ' /& &/ trim(io_field%short_name) /& &/ ' from ' /& &/ trim(data_file%full_name) endif endif endif case('grid_loc') io_field%grid_loc = ' ' iostat = pio_inq_att(File, io_field%id, 'grid_loc', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat == pio_noerr) then if (nsize <= len(io_field%grid_loc)) then iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, 'grid_loc', & io_field%grid_loc(1:nsize)) else call document('define_field_netcdf', 'nsize', nsize) call document('define_field_netcdf', 'len(io_field%grid_loc)', & len(io_field%grid_loc)) write(stdout,*) 'string too short; not enough room to read grid_loc of ' /& &/ trim(io_field%short_name) /& &/ ' from ' /& &/ trim(data_file%full_name) endif endif if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading grid_loc from netCDF file') endif case('missing_value') iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, 'missing_value', & io_field%missing_value) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading missing_value from netCDF file') endif case('missing_value_i') iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, & 'missing_value_i', & io_field%missing_value_i) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading missing_value_i from netCDF file') endif case('valid_range') iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, & 'valid_range', & io_field%valid_range) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading valid_range from netCDF file') endif case default !*** !*** if does not match any of the standard file attributes !*** add the attribute to the datafile !*** iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=io_field%id, name=trim(att_name), & xtype = itype, len = nsize) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading netCDF file attribute') endif select case (itype) case (PIO_CHAR) work_line = char_blank if (nsize <= len(work_line)) then iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, trim(att_name), & work_line(1:nsize)) else if (my_task == master_task) then call document('define_field_netcdf', 'nsize', nsize) call document('define_field_netcdf', 'len(work_line)', & len(work_line)) write(stdout,*) 'string too short; not enough room to read ' /& &/ trim(att_name) /& &/ ' of ' /& &/ trim(io_field%short_name) /& &/ ' from ' /& &/ trim(data_file%full_name) endif endif if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading netCDF file attribute') endif call add_attrib_io_field(io_field, trim(att_name), & trim(work_line)) case (PIO_INT) !*** both integer and logical attributes iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, & trim(att_name), att_ival) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading netCDF file attribute') endif if (att_name(1:4) == 'LOG_') then !*** attribute logical work_line = att_name work_line(1:4) = ' ' att_name = adjustl(work_line) if (att_ival == 1) then att_lval = .true. else att_lval = .false. endif call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), & att_lval) else call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), & att_ival) endif case (PIO_REAL) iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, & trim(att_name), att_rval) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading netCDF file attribute') endif call add_attrib_io_field(io_field, trim(att_name), & att_rval) case (PIO_DOUBLE) iostat = pio_get_att(File, io_field%id, & trim(att_name), att_dval) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error reading netCDF file attribute') endif call add_attrib_io_field(io_field, trim(att_name), & att_dval) end select end select end do ! num_atts !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for output files, need to define everything ! make sure file is in define mode ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else ! output file if (.not. data_file%ldefine) & call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'attempt to define field but not in define mode') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define the dimensions ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ndims = io_field%nfield_dims do n = 1,ndims dimid = 0 !*** check to see whether already defined iostat = pio_inq_dimid(file, & name=trim(io_field%field_dim(n)%name),& dimid=dimid) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! dimension not yet defined iostat = pio_def_dim (File, & name=trim(io_field%field_dim(n)%name), & len=io_field%field_dim(n)%length, & dimid=io_field%field_dim(n)%id) else io_field%field_dim(n)%id = dimid end if end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now define the field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** check to see whether field of this name already defined. iostat = pio_inq_varid(File, trim(io_field%short_name), varid) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! variable was not yet defined if (associated (io_field%field_r_1d).or. & associated (io_field%field_r_2d).or. & associated (io_field%field_r_3d)) then iostat = pio_def_var (File, & name=trim(io_field%short_name), & type=PIO_REAL, & dimids=(/ (io_field%field_dim(n)%id, n=1,ndims) /),& varDesc=io_field%varDesc) else if ( io_field%nfield_dims == c0) then ! do not supply optional dimids for scalars iostat = pio_def_var (File, & name=trim(io_field%short_name), & type=PIO_DOUBLE, & varDesc=io_field%varDesc) else if (associated (io_field%field_d_1d).or. & associated (io_field%field_d_2d).or. & associated (io_field%field_d_3d)) then iostat = pio_def_var (File, & name=trim(io_field%short_name), & type=PIO_DOUBLE, & dimids=(/ (io_field%field_dim(n)%id, n=1,ndims) /),& varDesc=io_field%varDesc) else if (associated (io_field%field_i_1d).or. & associated (io_field%field_i_2d).or. & associated (io_field%field_i_3d)) then iostat = pio_def_var (File, & name=trim(io_field%short_name), & type=PIO_INT, & dimids=(/ (io_field%field_dim(n)%id, n=1,ndims) /),& varDesc=io_field%varDesc) else define_error = .true. end if if (iostat /= pio_noerr) define_error = .true. end if ! Now get a valid netcdf varid for the variable and fill in ! the io_field%id setting iostat = pio_inq_varid(File, trim(io_field%short_name), varid) io_field%id = varid if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. iostat = pio_inq_varid(File, trim(io_field%short_name), io_field%vardesc) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) define_error = .true. if (define_error) then write(stdout,*) '(define_field_netcdf) ', trim(io_field%short_name) call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Error defining netCDF field') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Now define the field attributes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** long_name if (io_field%long_name /= char_blank) then iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=varid, name='long_name', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name='long_name', & value=trim(io_field%long_name)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if endif !*** units if (io_field%units /= char_blank) then iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=varid, name='units', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name='units', & value=trim(io_field%units)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if endif !*** coordinates if (io_field%coordinates /= char_blank) then iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=varid, name='coordinates', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name='coordinates', & value=trim(io_field%coordinates)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if endif !*** grid_loc if (io_field%grid_loc /= ' ') then iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=varid, name='grid_loc', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name='grid_loc', & value=io_field%grid_loc) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if endif !*** missing_value if (io_field%missing_value /= undefined) then iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=varid, name='missing_value', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name='missing_value', & value=io_field%missing_value) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if endif !*** missing_value_i if (io_field%missing_value_i == undefined_nf_int) then iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=varid, name='missing_value', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name='missing_value', & value=io_field%missing_value_i) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if endif !*** valid_range(1:2) if (any(io_field%valid_range /= undefined)) then iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=varid, name='valid_range', & xtype=xtype, len=nsize) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not yet defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name='valid_range', & value=io_field%valid_range(:)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if endif !*** additional attributes if defined ncvals = 0 nlvals = 0 nivals = 0 nrvals = 0 ndvals = 0 if (associated(io_field%add_attrib_cval)) & ncvals = size(io_field%add_attrib_cval) if (associated(io_field%add_attrib_lval)) & nlvals = size(io_field%add_attrib_lval) if (associated(io_field%add_attrib_ival)) & nivals = size(io_field%add_attrib_ival) if (associated(io_field%add_attrib_rval)) & nrvals = size(io_field%add_attrib_rval) if (associated(io_field%add_attrib_dval)) & ndvals = size(io_field%add_attrib_dval) do n=1,ncvals iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name=trim(io_field%add_attrib_cname(n)), & value=trim(io_field%add_attrib_cval(n))) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end do do n=1,nlvals work_line = 'LOG_'/& &/trim(io_field%add_attrib_lname(n)) iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name=trim(work_line), & value=io_field%add_attrib_ival(n)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end do do n=1,nivals iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name=trim(io_field%add_attrib_iname(n)), & value=io_field%add_attrib_ival(n)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end do do n=1,nrvals iostat = pio_put_att(file, varid=varid, & name=trim(io_field%add_attrib_rname(n)), & value=io_field%add_attrib_rval(n)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end do do n=1,ndvals iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=varid, & name=trim(io_field%add_attrib_dname(n)), & value=io_field%add_attrib_dval(n)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end do if (define_error) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error adding attributes to field') endif ! input/output file call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_INTERNAL_ERROR) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine define_field_netcdf !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_field_netcdf ! !INTERFACE: subroutine write_field_netcdf(data_file, io_field) 1,12 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine writes a field to a netCDF data file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: & data_file ! file to which field will be written type (io_field_desc), intent (inout) :: & io_field ! field to write to file !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & iostat, &! netCDF status flag ndims, &! dimension index k,n ! loop counters logical (log_kind) :: & write_error ! error flag type (File_desc_t) :: File integer (i4), dimension(1) :: & start,count ! dimension quantities for netCDF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! exit define mode if necessary ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write_error = .false. File = data_file%File(1) if (data_file%ldefine) then iostat = pio_enddef(File) data_file%ldefine = .false. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! make sure field has been defined ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (io_field%id == 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'Attempt to write undefined field in netCDF write') end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write data based on type ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (trim(io_field%short_name) == 'time') then ndims = io_field%nfield_dims start(1) = io_field%field_dim(ndims)%start count(1) = 1 iostat = pio_put_var(File, varid=io_field%id, start=start(:), count=count(:), & ival=io_field%field_d_1d) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then call document('write_field_netcdf', 'short_name', io_field%short_name) call exit_POP(sigAbort,'Error writing field time to netCDF file') end if RETURN end if ! Set the unlimited dimension pointer for the variable if (io_field%set_iodesc) then if (associated(io_field%field_r_3d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_REAL, ndim3=io_field%field_dim(3)%length, & kdim3=size(io_field%field_r_3d,3), iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_3d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_DOUBLE, ndim3=io_field%field_dim(3)%length, & kdim3=size(io_field%field_d_3d,3), iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_3d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_INT, ndim3=io_field%field_dim(3)%length, & kdim3=size(io_field%field_i_3d,3), iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_2d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_REAL, ndim3=0, kdim3=0, iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_2d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_DOUBLE, ndim3=0, kdim3=0, iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_2d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_INT, ndim3=0, kdim3=0, iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) end if io_field%set_iodesc = .false. end if if (io_field%set_ioFrame) then ndims = io_field%nfield_dims call pio_setframe(io_field%vardesc, int(io_field%field_dim(ndims)%start,kind=PIO_OFFSET)) end if if (associated(io_field%field_r_3d)) then call pio_write_darray(File, io_field%vardesc, io_field%iodesc, & io_field%field_r_3d, iostat) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_2d)) then call pio_write_darray(File, io_field%vardesc, io_field%iodesc, & io_field%field_r_2d, iostat) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_1d)) then ! 1d vectors are not distributed to blocks iostat = pio_put_var(File, io_field%vardesc, io_field%field_r_1d) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_3d)) then call pio_write_darray(File, io_field%vardesc, io_field%iodesc, & io_field%field_d_3d, iostat) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_2d)) then call pio_write_darray(File, io_field%vardesc, io_field%iodesc, & io_field%field_d_2d, iostat) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_1d)) then ! 1d vectors are not distributed to blocks; no need for gather_global iostat = pio_put_var(File, io_field%vardesc, io_field%field_d_1d) else if (io_field%nfield_dims == c0) then ! scalars are not distributed to blocks; no need for gather_global ! for now, all scalars are r8 and are not pointers or targets iostat = pio_put_var(File, io_field%vardesc, io_field%field_d_0d) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_3d)) then call pio_write_darray(File, io_field%vardesc, io_field%iodesc, & io_field%field_i_3d, iostat) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_2d)) then call pio_write_darray(File, io_field%vardesc, io_field%iodesc, & io_field%field_i_2d, iostat) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_1d)) then ! 1d vectors are not distributed to blocks; no need for gather_global iostat = pio_put_var(File, io_field%vardesc, io_field%field_i_1d) else call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'No field associated for writing to netCDF') end if if (iostat /= pio_noerr) then write_error = .true. endif if (write_error) then call document('write_field_netcdf', 'short_name', io_field%short_name) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'Error writing field to netCDF file') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_field_netcdf !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_field_netcdf ! !INTERFACE: subroutine read_field_netcdf(data_file, io_field) 1,23 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine reads a field from a netcdf input file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !USES use POP_FieldMod use POP_GridHorzMod use Pop_HaloMod ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: & data_file ! file from which to read field type (io_field_desc), intent (inout) :: & io_field ! field to be read !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & iostat, &! netCDF status flag k,n ! loop counters type (File_desc_t) :: File character(len=8) :: fieldtype, fieldloc integer (POP_i4) :: errorCode ! returned error code logical (log_kind) :: lhalo_update !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! make sure field has been defined ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- File = data_file%File(1) iostat = pio_inq_varid(File, trim(io_field%short_name), io_field%varDesc) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if no boundary update type defined, assume center location scalar ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (io_field%field_loc == field_loc_unknown) then io_field%field_loc = field_loc_center io_field%field_type = field_type_scalar endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read data based on type ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (io_field%set_iodesc) then if (associated(io_field%field_r_3d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_REAL, ndim3=io_field%field_dim(3)%length, & kdim3=io_field%field_dim(3)%length, iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_3d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_DOUBLE, ndim3=io_field%field_dim(3)%length, & kdim3=io_field%field_dim(3)%length, iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_3d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_INT, ndim3=io_field%field_dim(3)%length, & kdim3=io_field%field_dim(3)%length, iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_2d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_REAL, ndim3=0, kdim3=0, iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_2d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_DOUBLE, ndim3=0, kdim3=0, iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_2d)) then call io_pio_initdecomp(PIO_INT, ndim3=0, kdim3=0, iodesc=io_field%ioDesc) end if io_field%set_iodesc = .false. end if ! Set values for halo updates if needed if (io_field%field_loc == field_loc_center) then fieldLoc = POP_gridHorzLocCenter else if (io_field%field_loc == field_loc_NEcorner) then fieldLoc = POP_gridHorzLocNECorner else if (io_field%field_loc == field_loc_Nface) then fieldLoc = POP_gridHorzLocNface else if (io_field%field_loc == field_loc_Eface) then fieldLoc = POP_gridHorzLocEface end if if (io_field%field_type == field_type_vector) then fieldType = POP_fieldKindVector else if (io_field%field_type == field_type_scalar) then fieldType = POP_fieldKindScalar else if (io_field%field_type == field_type_angle) then fieldType = POP_fieldKindAngle else if (io_field%field_type == field_type_noupdate) then fieldType = POP_fieldKindNoUpdate else call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'read_field_netcdf field_type is not supported') end if ! Currently halo update is not supported for tripole grid if (ltripole_grid) then if (io_field%field_type == field_type_noupdate .or. & io_field%field_loc == field_loc_noupdate) then lhalo_update = .false. else lhalo_update = .true. end if else if (io_field%field_loc == field_loc_noupdate .or. & io_field%field_loc == field_loc_unknown) then lhalo_update = .false. else lhalo_update = .true. end if end if if (associated(io_field%field_r_3d)) then call pio_read_darray(File, io_field%varDesc, io_field%iodesc, & io_field%field_r_3d(:,:,:,:), iostat) if (lhalo_update) then call POP_HaloUpdate(array=io_field%field_r_3d(:,:,:,:), & halo=POP_haloClinic, & fieldLoc=FieldLoc, & fieldKind=FieldType, errorCode=errorCode, & fillValue=0.0_POP_r4) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'read_field_netcdf: error updating halo for field_r_3d') endif end if else if (associated(io_field%field_r_2d)) then call pio_read_darray(File, io_field%varDesc, io_field%iodesc, & io_field%field_r_2d, iostat) if (lhalo_update) then call POP_HaloUpdate(array=io_field%field_r_2d(:,:,:), & halo=POP_haloClinic, & fieldLoc=FieldLoc, & fieldKind=FieldType, errorCode=errorCode, & fillValue=0.0_POP_r4) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'read_field_netcdf: error updating halo for field_r_2d') endif end if else if (associated(io_field%field_r_1d)) then ! 1d vectors are not distributed to blocks; therefore, no scatter_global needed iostat = pio_get_var (data_file%File(1),io_field%varDesc,& io_field%field_r_1d) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_1d)) then ! scalars are not distributed to blocks; therefore, no scatter_global needed iostat = pio_get_var (data_file%File(1),io_field%varDesc, & io_field%field_r_0d) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_3d)) then call pio_read_darray(File, io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, & io_field%field_d_3d, iostat) if (lhalo_update) then call POP_HaloUpdate(array=io_field%field_d_3d(:,:,:,:), & halo=POP_haloClinic, & fieldLoc=FieldLoc, & fieldKind=FieldType, errorCode=errorCode, & fillValue=0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'read_field_netcdf: error updating halo for field_d_3d') endif end if else if (associated(io_field%field_d_2d)) then call pio_read_darray(File, io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, & io_field%field_d_2d, iostat) if (lhalo_update) then call POP_HaloUpdate(array=io_field%field_d_2d(:,:,:), & halo=POP_haloClinic, & fieldLoc=FieldLoc, & fieldKind=FieldType, errorCode=errorCode, & fillValue=0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'read_field_netcdf: error updating halo for field_d_2d') endif end if else if (associated(io_field%field_d_1d)) then ! 1d vectors are not distributed to blocks; therefore, no scatter_global needed iostat = pio_get_var (data_file%File(1),io_field%varDesc, & io_field%field_d_1d) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_1d)) then ! scalars are not distributed to blocks; therefore, no scatter_global needed iostat = pio_get_var (data_file%File(1), io_field%varDesc, & io_field%field_d_0d) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_3d)) then call pio_read_darray(File, io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, & io_field%field_i_3d, iostat) if (lhalo_update) then call POP_HaloUpdate(array=io_field%field_i_3d(:,:,:,:), & halo=POP_haloClinic, & fieldLoc=FieldLoc, & fieldKind=FieldType, errorCode=errorCode, & fillValue=0_POP_i4) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'read_field_netcdf: error updating halo for field_i_3d') endif end if else if (associated(io_field%field_i_2d)) then call pio_read_darray(File, io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, & io_field%field_i_2d, iostat) if (lhalo_update) then call POP_HaloUpdate(array=io_field%field_i_2d(:,:,:), & halo=POP_haloClinic, & fieldLoc=FieldLoc, & fieldKind=FieldType, errorCode=errorCode, & fillValue=0_POP_i4) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'read_field_netcdf: error updating halo for field_i_2d') endif end if else if (associated(io_field%field_i_1d)) then ! 1d vectors are not distributed to blocks; therefore, no scatter_global needed iostat = pio_get_var (data_file%File(1),io_field%varDesc, & io_field%field_i_1d) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_1d)) then ! scalars are not distributed to blocks; therefore, no scatter_global needed iostat = pio_get_var (data_file%File(1), io_field%varDesc, & io_field%field_i_0d) else call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'No field associated for reading from netCDF') end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_field_netcdf !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: define_nstd_netcdf ! !INTERFACE: subroutine define_nstd_netcdf(data_file,ndims,io_dims,field_id, & 1,7 short_name,long_name,units,coordinates, & fill_value,missing_value,nftype) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine defines the nonstandard CCSM time-averaged diagnostic fields ! on nonstandard grids: MOC, N_HEAT, and N_SALT ! This routine is totally CCSM-specific ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (in) :: & data_file ! data file in which field contained real (rtavg), intent (in) :: & fill_value, & missing_value integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ndims ! number of dimensions for nonstandard field character (*), intent (in) :: & short_name, & long_name, & units, & coordinates, & nftype ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (io_dim), dimension(:), intent (inout) :: & io_dims integer (i4), intent (inout) :: & field_id ! variable id optional :: coordinates,fill_value,missing_value,nftype !EOP !BOP !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & iostat, &! status flag for netCDF calls n, &! loop index dimid, &! dimension id xtype, & len type (File_desc_t) :: & File logical (log_kind) :: & define_error ! error flag ! Note this is a local variable since it is only used to satisfy ! pio_def_var interface needs. Only pio_put_var is used for ! non-standard variablesand all output is from the master processor. ! So vardesc is never directly. type(var_desc_t) :: & vardesc define_error = .false. File = data_file%File(1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! make sure file has been opened and is in define mode ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call check_definemode (data_file, 'define_nstd_netcdf') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define the dimensions ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_BCAST_ERROR) do n = 1,ndims dimid = 0 !*** check to see whether dimension is already defined iostat = PIO_INQ_DIMID(File, name=trim(io_dims(n)%name),& dimid=dimid) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! dimension not yet defined iostat = PIO_DEF_DIM (File, name=trim(io_dims(n)%name), & len=io_dims(n)%length, dimid=io_dims(n)%id) else io_dims(n)%id = dimid end if end do call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_INTERNAL_ERROR) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define the field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (present(nftype)) then select case (trim(nftype)) case ('float','FLOAT') xtype = PIO_REAL case ('double','DOUBLE') xtype = PIO_DOUBLE case ('integer','INTEGER') xtype = PIO_INT case ('char','CHAR','character', 'CHARACTER') xtype = PIO_CHAR case default call exit_POP(sigAbort,'unknown nftype') end select else xtype = PIO_REAL endif !*** check to see whether field of this name already defined. call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_BCAST_ERROR) iostat = PIO_INQ_VARID(File, trim(short_name), field_id) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! variable was not yet defined ! Note currently must use vardesc to define var iostat = PIO_DEF_VAR (File,name=trim(short_name), type=xtype,& dimids=(/ (io_dims(n)%id, n=1,ndims) /),& vardesc=vardesc) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) define_error = .true. iostat = PIO_INQ_VARID(File, trim(short_name), field_id) if (iostat /= pio_noerr) define_error = .true. end if if (define_error) then write(stdout,*) '(define_var) Error for field = ', trim(short_name) call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Error defining nonstandard CCSM netCDF field') endif call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_INTERNAL_ERROR) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Now define the field attributes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_BCAST_ERROR) !*** long_name iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=field_id, name='long_name', & xtype=xtype, len=len) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=field_id, & name='long_name', & value=trim(long_name)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if !*** units iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=field_id, name='units', & xtype=xtype, len=len) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=field_id, & name='units', & value=trim(units)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if !*** coordinates if (present(coordinates)) then iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=field_id, name='coordinates', & xtype=xtype, len=len) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=field_id, & name='coordinates', & value=trim(coordinates)) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if endif !*** missing_value if (present(missing_value)) then iostat = pio_inq_att(File, varid=field_id, name='missing_value', & xtype=xtype, len=len) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) then ! attrib probably not defined iostat = pio_put_att(File, varid=field_id, & name='missing_value', & value=missing_value) if (iostat /= PIO_NOERR) define_error = .true. end if endif if (define_error) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & '(define_nstd_netcdf) Error adding attributes to field') call pio_seterrorhandling(File, PIO_INTERNAL_ERROR) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine define_nstd_netcdf !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_time_bounds ! !INTERFACE: subroutine write_time_bounds (data_file, time_bound_id, & 1 time_bound_dims, time_bound_data) ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (i4), intent (in) :: time_bound_id type (io_dim), dimension(:), intent (in) :: time_bound_dims real (r8), dimension(2,1),intent (in) :: time_bound_data ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: & data_file ! file to which field will be written !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4), dimension(2) :: & start,length,count ! dimension quantities for netCDF integer :: & iostat, &! netCDF status flag n ! index integer :: ncid, nout(5) logical (log_kind) :: & write_error ! error flag type (File_desc_t) :: File !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! exit define mode if necessary ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write_error = .false. File = data_file%File(1) if (data_file%ldefine) then iostat = pio_enddef(File) data_file%ldefine = .false. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! make sure field has been defined ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (time_bound_id == 0) write_error = .true. if (write_error) then write(stdout,*) '(write_time_bounds) ERROR: undefined field -- time_bound' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) call exit_POP(sigAbort,' Attempt to write undefined time_bound in netCDF write') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! allocate dimension start,stop quantities ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,2 start (n) = time_bound_dims(n)%start length(n) = time_bound_dims(n)%stop - start(n) + 1 end do iostat = pio_put_var(File, varid=time_bound_id, start=start(:), count=length(:), & ival=time_bound_data) end subroutine write_time_bounds !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_nstd_netcdf ! !INTERFACE: subroutine write_nstd_netcdf(data_file,field_id,num_writes, & 4,2 ndims, io_dims, & nftype, & implied_time_dim, & indata_1d_r8, & indata_2d_r8, & indata_2d_r4, & indata_3d_r4 , & indata_4d_r4, & indata_1d_ch, & indata_2d_ch ) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This is a specialized, CCSM-speicific routine to write any desired ! output field that cannot presently be defined through construct_io_field ! to the CCSM version of the netCDF time-averaged history output files ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent (in) :: & nftype integer (i4), intent (in) :: & field_id ! netCDF id for the nonstandard variables integer (int_kind), intent (in) :: & num_writes, & ndims type (io_dim), dimension(:), intent (in) :: & io_dims real (r8), dimension(:,:),intent (in) :: & indata_2d_r8 real (r8), dimension(:), intent (in) :: & indata_1d_r8 real (r4), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent (in) :: & indata_4d_r4 real (r4), dimension(:,:,:), intent (in) :: & indata_3d_r4 real (r4), dimension(:,:), intent (in) :: & indata_2d_r4 character (*), dimension(:,:), intent (in) :: & indata_2d_ch character (*), dimension(:), intent (in) :: & indata_1d_ch ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: & data_file ! file to which field will be written logical (log_kind), intent(inout) :: & implied_time_dim optional :: & implied_time_dim, & indata_1d_r8, & indata_2d_r8, & indata_2d_r4, & indata_3d_r4, & indata_4d_r4, & indata_1d_ch, & indata_2d_ch !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer , dimension(2) :: & start,count ! dimension quantities for netCDF integer :: & iostat, &! netCDF status flag n,m ! indices type (File_desc_t) :: & File integer :: nout(5) logical (log_kind) :: & write_error, &! error flag supported real (r4), allocatable, dimension (:,:,:,:,:) :: & outdata_5d_r4 real (r4), allocatable, dimension (:,:,:,:) :: & outdata_4d_r4 real (r4), allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: & outdata_3d_r4 real (r4), allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: & outdata_2d_r4 real (r8), allocatable, dimension (:) :: & outdata_1d_r8 real (r8), allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: & outdata_2d_r8 character(char_len), allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: & outdata_2d_ch character(1), dimension(char_len) :: & tmpString ! temp for manipulating output string integer :: start4(4), count4(4) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! exit define mode if necessary ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write_error = .false. if (data_file%ldefine) then iostat = pio_enddef(data_file%File(1)) data_file%ldefine = .false. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! make sure field has been defined ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (field_id == 0) write_error = .true. if (write_error) & call exit_POP(sigAbort, & '(write_nstd_netcdf) Attempt to write undefined field in netCDF write') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NOTE: this version does not yet support multiple writes to the same ! netCDF file, but neither does basic pop2... !----------------------------------------------------------------------- supported = .true. File = data_file%File(1) select case (trim(nftype)) case('double','DOUBLE') select case (implied_time_dim) case (.true.) select case (ndims) case(2) if (my_task == master_task) then nout(1) = size(indata_1d_r8,DIM=1) allocate (outdata_2d_r8(nout(1),1)) outdata_2d_r8(:,1) = indata_1d_r8(:) else allocate (outdata_2d_r8(1,1)) endif iostat = pio_put_var (File, field_id, outdata_2d_r8 ) deallocate (outdata_2d_r8) case default supported = .false. end select ! ndims case (.false.) select case (ndims) case(1) iostat = pio_put_var (FILE, field_id, indata_1d_r8 ) case(2) iostat = pio_put_var (File, field_id, indata_2d_r8 ) case default supported = .false. End select ! ndims end select ! implied_time_dim case('float','FLOAT') select case (implied_time_dim) case (.true.) select case (ndims) case(1) supported = .false. case(2) supported = .false. case(3) if (my_task == master_task) then nout(1) = size(indata_2d_r4,DIM=1) nout(2) = size(indata_2d_r4,DIM=2) allocate (outdata_3d_r4(nout(1),nout(2),1)) outdata_3d_r4(:,:,1) = indata_2d_r4(:,:) else allocate (outdata_3d_r4(1,1,1)) endif iostat = pio_put_var (File, field_id, outdata_3d_r4 ) deallocate (outdata_3d_r4) case(4) if (my_task == master_task) then nout(1) = size(indata_3d_r4,DIM=1) nout(2) = size(indata_3d_r4,DIM=2) nout(3) = size(indata_3d_r4,DIM=3) allocate (outdata_4d_r4(nout(1),nout(2),nout(3),1)) outdata_4d_r4(:,:,:,1) = indata_3d_r4(:,:,:) else allocate (outdata_4d_r4(1,1,1,1)) endif iostat = pio_put_var (File, field_id, outdata_4d_r4) deallocate (outdata_4d_r4) case(5) if (my_task == master_task) then nout(1) = size(indata_4d_r4,DIM=1) nout(2) = size(indata_4d_r4,DIM=2) nout(3) = size(indata_4d_r4,DIM=3) nout(4) = size(indata_4d_r4,DIM=4) allocate (outdata_5d_r4(nout(1),nout(2),nout(3),nout(4),1)) outdata_5d_r4(:,:,:,:,1) = indata_4d_r4(:,:,:,:) else allocate (outdata_5d_r4(1,1,1,1,1)) endif iostat = pio_put_var (File, field_id, outdata_5d_r4 ) deallocate (outdata_5d_r4) case default supported = .false. end select ! ndims case (.false.) select case (ndims) case(1) supported = .false. case(2) iostat = pio_put_var (File, field_id, indata_2d_r4 ) case(3) iostat = pio_put_var (File, field_id, indata_3d_r4 ) case(4) iostat = pio_put_var (File, field_id, indata_4d_r4 ) case default supported = .false. end select ! ndims end select ! implied_time_dim case('char','character','CHAR','CHARACTER') select case (implied_time_dim) case (.true.) select case (ndims) case default supported = .false. end select ! ndims case (.false.) select case (ndims) case(2) do n=1,io_dims(2)%length start(1) = 1 start(2) = n count(1) = len_trim(indata_1d_ch(n)) count(2) = 1 do m = 1,count(1) tmpString(m:m) = indata_1d_ch(n)(m:m) end do iostat = pio_put_var (File, field_id, & ival=tmpString(1:count(1)), start=start, count=count) enddo case default supported = .false. end select ! ndims end select ! implied_time_dim case default end select ! nftype !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check for errors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. supported) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & '(write_nstd_netcdf) option not supported') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_nstd_netcdf !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: check_definemode ! !INTERFACE: subroutine check_definemode (data_file, name) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This utility routine checks if the data file is in define mode ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (in) :: & data_file character(*),intent (in):: name !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: & iostat ! netCDF status flag logical (log_kind) :: & write_error ! error flag character (char_len) :: string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! make sure file is in define mode ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. data_file%ldefine) & call exit_POP(sigAbort, & '('//trim(name)//') attempt to define field but not in define mode') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine check_definemode !*********************************************************************** end module io_netcdf !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||