
 module operators 5,5

! !MODULE: operators
!  This module contains routines for various common
!  mathematical operators, including gradient, divergence, curl,
!  and a vertical velocity calculation.  Note that these routines
!  do {\em not} update ghost cells so results contain invalid
!  entries in some ghost cells.
!  SVN:$Id: operators.F90 808 2006-04-28 17:06:38Z njn01 $

! !USES:

   use kinds_mod
   use blocks
   use domain_size
   use domain
   use constants
   use grid

   implicit none

   public :: div,   &
             grad,  &
             zcurl, &



! !IROUTINE: div

 subroutine div(k,DIV_OUT,UX,UY,this_block) 2

!  This routine returns the divergence at T points (times the cell
!  area) of a vector field defined at U points.  The divergence
!  operator is defined as:
!  \begin{equation}
!  \nabla\cdot{\bf\rm u} = {1\over{\Delta_y}} \delta_x (\Delta_y u_x) +
!                          {1\over{\Delta_x}} \delta_y (\Delta_x u_y)
!  \end{equation}
!  same as module


   integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: k   ! vertical level

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & 
      UX,UY              ! vector field defined at U-points

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: & 
      DIV_OUT            ! divergence at T-points times cell area

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      i,j,               &! dummy counters
      bid                 ! local block id

!  compute divergence using a 4 point stencil

   bid = this_block%local_id

   DIV_OUT = c0

   do j=2,ny_block
   do i=2,nx_block
      if (k <= KMT(i,j,bid)) then
         DIV_OUT(i,j) = p5*(UX(i  ,j  )*DYU(i  ,j  ,bid) +  & 
                            UX(i  ,j-1)*DYU(i  ,j-1,bid) -  &
                            UX(i-1,j  )*DYU(i-1,j  ,bid) -  &
                            UX(i-1,j-1)*DYU(i-1,j-1,bid) +  &
                            UY(i  ,j  )*DXU(i  ,j  ,bid) +  &
                            UY(i-1,j  )*DXU(i-1,j  ,bid) -  &
                            UY(i  ,j-1)*DXU(i  ,j-1,bid) -  &
   end do
   end do


 end subroutine div

! !IROUTINE: grad

 subroutine grad(k, GRADX, GRADY, F, this_block) 3

!  This routine computes the gradient in i,j directions at U points
!  based on field defined at T-points.
!  \begin{eqnarray}
!     \nabla_x(F) &=& \delta_x F \\
!     \nabla_y(F) &=& \delta_y F
!  \end{eqnarray}
!  same as module


   integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: k  ! vertical level

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & 
      F                  ! field defined at T points

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: & 
      GRADX,GRADY        ! gradient in (i,j) direction at U points

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      i,j,               &! dummy counters
      bid                 ! local block id

!  compute gradient with a 4 point stencil
   bid = this_block%local_id

   GRADX = c0
   GRADY = c0

   do j=1,ny_block-1
   do i=1,nx_block-1
      if (k <= KMU(i,j,bid)) then
         GRADX(i,j) = DXUR(i,j,bid)*p5*(F(i+1,j+1) - F(i  ,j) - & 
                                        F(i  ,j+1) + F(i+1,j))
         GRADY(i,j) = DYUR(i,j,bid)*p5*(F(i+1,j+1) - F(i  ,j) + &
                                        F(i  ,j+1) - F(i+1,j))
   end do
   end do


 end subroutine grad

! !IROUTINE: zcurl

 subroutine zcurl(k,CURL,UX,UY,this_block) 2

!  This function returns the z-component of the curl of a vector
!  field defined at U points. 
!  \begin{equation}
!     \hat{\bf\rm z}\cdot\nabla\times{\bf\rm u} =
!     {1\over{\Delta_y}} \delta_x(\Delta_y u_y) -
!     {1\over{\Delta_x}} \delta_y(\Delta_x u_x)
!  \end{equation}
!  The result is actually multiplied by cell area and returned at 
!  T points. 
!  same as module


   integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: k  ! vertical level

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & 
      UX,UY              ! vector field defined at U-points

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: & 
      CURL              ! z.curl(Ux,Uy) at T-points times cell area

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      i,j,               &! dummy counters
      bid                 ! local block index

!  compute curl using stencil similar to divergence 4 point stencil

   bid = this_block%local_id

   CURL = c0

   do j=2,ny_block
   do i=2,nx_block
      if (k <= KMT(i,j,bid)) then
         CURL(i,j) = p5*(UY(i  ,j  )*DYU(i  ,j  ,bid) +  & 
                         UY(i  ,j-1)*DYU(i  ,j-1,bid) -  &
                         UY(i-1,j  )*DYU(i-1,j  ,bid) -  &
                         UY(i-1,j-1)*DYU(i-1,j-1,bid) -  &
                         UX(i  ,j  )*DXU(i  ,j  ,bid) -  &
                         UX(i-1,j  )*DXU(i-1,j  ,bid) +  &
                         UX(i  ,j-1)*DXU(i  ,j-1,bid) +  &
   end do
   end do


 end subroutine zcurl

! !IROUTINE: wcalc

 subroutine wcalc(WWW,UUU,VVV,this_block) 3

!  This function calculates vertical velocity $w$ at tops of T-cells
!  from horizontal velocity field (at U points) by integrating the
!  continuity equation.
!  same as module


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(in) :: &
      UUU, VVV       ! horizontal velocity at all vertical levels

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(out) :: & 
      WWW            ! vertical velocity at T points for all levels

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      i,j,               &! dummy counters
      k,                 &! vert level index
      bid                 ! local block id

   real (r8) ::         &
      fvn,fvs,fue,fuw,  &! advective fluxes across sides of box
      wtkb               ! vertical velocity at bottom of box

!  calculate velocity by integrating continuity equation at
!  each horizontal grid point

   bid = this_block%local_id

   WWW = c0

!  partial bottom cell case

   if (partial_bottom_cells) then

!     integrate from bottom up for every horizontal grid point

      do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
      do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie

         wtkb = c0  ! vertical velocity zero at bottom of bottom cell

         do k=KMT(i,j,bid),1,-1

            !*** advection fluxes

            fue = p5*(UUU(i  ,j  ,k)*DYU(i  ,j    ,bid)*     &
                                     DZU(i  ,j  ,k,bid) +    &
                      UUU(i  ,j-1,k)*DYU(i  ,j-1  ,bid)*     &
                                     DZU(i  ,j-1,k,bid))
            fuw = p5*(UUU(i-1,j  ,k)*DYU(i-1,j    ,bid)*     &
                                     DZU(i-1,j  ,k,bid) +    &
                      UUU(i-1,j-1,k)*DYU(i-1,j-1  ,bid)*     &
            fvn = p5*(VVV(i  ,j  ,k)*DXU(i  ,j    ,bid)*     &
                                     DZU(i  ,j  ,k,bid) +    &
                      VVV(i-1,j  ,k)*DXU(i-1,j    ,bid)*     &
                                     DZU(i-1,j  ,k,bid))
            fvs = p5*(VVV(i  ,j-1,k)*DXU(i  ,j-1  ,bid)*     &
                                     DZU(i  ,j-1,k,bid) +    &
                      VVV(i-1,j-1,k)*DXU(i-1,j-1  ,bid)*     &

            !*** vertical velocity at top of box from continuity eq.

            WWW(i,j,k) = wtkb - & 
                    (fvn - fvs + fue - fuw)*TAREA_R(i,j,bid)

            wtkb = WWW(i,j,k) ! top value becomes bottom for next pass


      end do ! horizontal loops
      end do

!  no partial bottom cells

   else ! no partial bottom cells

!     integrate from bottom up for every horizontal grid point

      do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je
      do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie

         wtkb = c0  ! vertical velocity zero at bottom of bottom cell

         do k=KMT(i,j,bid),1,-1

            !*** advection fluxes

            fue = p5*(UUU(i  ,j  ,k)*DYU(i  ,j  ,bid) + &
                      UUU(i  ,j-1,k)*DYU(i  ,j-1,bid))
            fuw = p5*(UUU(i-1,j  ,k)*DYU(i-1,j  ,bid) + &
            fvn = p5*(VVV(i  ,j  ,k)*DXU(i  ,j  ,bid) + &
                      VVV(i-1,j  ,k)*DXU(i-1,j  ,bid))
            fvs = p5*(VVV(i  ,j-1,k)*DXU(i  ,j-1,bid) + &
            !*** vertical velocity at top of box from continuity eq.

            WWW(i,j,k) = wtkb - dz(k)* &
                         (fvn - fvs + fue - fuw)*TAREA_R(i,j,bid)

            wtkb = WWW(i,j,k) ! top value becomes bottom for next pass

         end do ! vertical loop

      end do ! horizontal loops
      end do

   endif ! partial bottom cells


 end subroutine wcalc


 end module operators
