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Reference: CIME Model Grid Documentation | Grid Resolutions: CESM2 Compset Definitions

Defaults and Description

Default Component Grids

Component Compset Value
atm SATM null
lnd SLND null
ocnice SOCN null
rof SROF null
rof DWAV rx1
rof RTM r05
rof MOSART r05
rof DROF rx1
glc SGLC null
glc CISM1 gland5UM
glc CISM2 gland4
wav SWAV null
wav DWAV ww3a
wav WW3 ww3a

Grid Naming Convention

The notation for the grid longname is
a% => atm, l% => lnd, oi% => ocn/ice, r% => river, m% => mask, g% => glc, w% => wav

Supported out of the box grid configurations are given via alias specification in the file config_grids.xml. Each grid alias can also be associated with the following optional attributes

compset       (Regular expression for compset matches that are required for this grid)
not_compset   (Regular expression for compset matches that are not permitted this grid)

Using the alias and the optional compset and not_compset attributes a grid longname is created. Note that the mask is for information only - and is not an attribute of the grid. By default, if the mask is not specified below, it will be set to the ocnice grid And if there is no ocnice grid, such as for single column, the mask is null since it does not mean anything.

Grids Table

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