CESM Models: The NCAR/CSM Pacific Basin Ocean Model: Experiment Database

Experiment Database

A suite of uncoupled runs from spring thru fall of 1997:

  • p001.01 -- a baseline run using the unaltered pac-3.c code (FSU monthly pseudo-stress, Brady heat flux formula).
  • p001.02 -- same as p001.01 except a few KPP mixing scheme parameters are altered slightly.
  • p001.03 -- same as p001.02 except with 7-levels and no KPP mixing scheme.
  • p001.04 -- same as p001.02 except using NCEP wind stress climatology (1985-1988) .
  • p001.05 -- same as p001.04 except using new heat flux formula using NCEP & ISCCP climatology (1985-1988).
  • p001.06 -- same as p001.05 except forcing doesn't use observed air temperature.
  • p001.07 -- same as p001.05 except forcing uses observed SST.
  • p001.08 -- same as p001.05 except with 7-levels and no KPP mixing scheme.
  • p001.09 -- same as p001.05 except net solar factor is 0.8
  • p001.10 -- same as p001.05 except no KPP mixing scheme.

1997 - 1999:

  • pac3.c code create Apr 1997 (same as pac-3.c, under CVS)
  • pac3.d code was released Aug 1998, is compatible with CSM1.2 (Jul 1998), and has some kpp modifications
  • pac3.e code was released Aug 1999, which has a KPP bug fix (wrt background diffusion)

Uncoupled runs run in the fall of 1999 to answer questions about the reproducability of results from 1997...

  • p001.11 -- same as p001.01 except uses pac3.e code using NCEP & ISCCP climatology (1985-1988). (doesn't look like p001.05)
  • p001.12 -- same as p001.01 except uses pac3.d code using NCEP & ISCCP climatology (1985-1988). (doesn't look like p001.05)

This page is maintained by kauff@ucar.edu.

CESM Project

The Community Earth System Model (CESM) is a fully-coupled, global climate model that provides state-of-the-art computer simulations of the Earth's past, present, and future climate states.

CESM is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Administration of the CESM is maintained by the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory (CGD) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).