2021 CESM Polar Climate Working Group Meeting

2021 CESM Polar Climate Working Group Meeting

Meeting Details

Event Dates: 02/10/21
Location: NCAR, Mesa Lab, Boulder, CO

The Polar Climate Working Group is a consortium of scientists who are interested in modeling and understanding the climate in the Arctic and the Antarctic, and how polar climate processes interact with and influence climate at lower latitudes. Our members come from universities and laboratories, and our interests span all elements of polar climate, from the ocean depths to the top of the atmosphere. In addition to conducting scientific modeling experiments, we are charged with developing and maintaining the state-of-the-art sea ice model component (CICE) used in CESM.

* Meeting agenda, participant list, and presentations will be posted here at a later date.

Meeting Agenda

View the agenda in PDF format here

Meeting Contact

For questions about the meeting, contact Elizabeth Faircloth [ fair@ucar.edu ]

Meeting Presentations

Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Presentation Title Presenter
Using multiple large ensembles to elucidate the discrepancy between the 1979-2019 modeled and observed Antarctic sea-ice trends Rei Chemke
Coupled impacts of sea ice thermodynamics due to Antarctic coastal ice production Alice DuVivier
The influence of sea ice mean state on climate change and variability in the Community Earth System Model version 2 Jennifer Kay
Subgrid-Scale Sea Ice Leads in CESM Hannah Director
Atmospheric Observations from MOSAiC Matthew Shupe
Sea ice observations from MOSAiC David Clemens-Sewall and Madison Smith
Observations of the surface and atmosphere from remotely-piloted aircraft during MOSAiC Gijs de Boer
Influence of Arctic sea-ice loss on the Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance Raymond Sellevold
Nudging observed winds in the Arctic to quantify associated sea ice loss in the past decades Qinghua Ding
The recent emergence of Arctic Amplification Mark England
Summertime low clouds mediate the impact of the large-scale circulation on Arctic sea ice Yiyi Huang
Impact of CMIP6 biomass burning emissions on Arctic sea ice loss Patricia DeRepentigny
Explaining and constraining the spread in projections of Arctic sea ice Dave Bonan
Realism of simulated internal variability in Arctic sea ice Chris Wyburn-Powell
Interactions among Arctic cyclones, atmospheric rivers, and sea ice in a warming climate Steve Vavrus